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2013 Baseball Thread...

paul carruthers

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Did the Orioles decide to start their all-star break early? Damn, I was hoping the O's would sweep Texas...or at least take 2 of 3.

I did not expect to sweep them. They are good. But last night we got a bullshit call. With nobody out, Machado up, Markakis steals second and is in easily. The home plate ump decides to call interference on Machado and calls them both out! Buck came out screaming to no avail. It was big. We had some momentum starting and they just tood it away. Chen tonight. Finally. We can survive a short slide. Toronto cannot survive this. They lost in Cleveland again, and they come in next. I expect the O's to hammer them before the break. Long long way to go Strider. And the Dodgers have a shot all of a sudden. If Chen is on we will win tonight. But its his first game in some time. I hope he is on. I am going to lay down regardless. Pound.

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Should Puig be in the All-Star game? :Thinking:

That appears to be the eternal question? I can see both sides of the argument; the kid has only been in the big leagues for 5 minutes & although he has eye popping stats, what has he really done to be put in the Mid-summer classic over other veterans who are fighting for that last all-star spot? But on the other hand, if it's the fan's game, why wouldn't you want arguably the most exciting player in the game on the team?

I guess the bottom line might be, will Puig help the National League win if he is voted to the game? smiley-confused002.gif After all, the All-Star game is supposed to matter because the winner gets home field in the Series, one of the dumbest things Bud Selig has ever done, but that's an issue for another time.

And it looks more & more like the road for Matt Harvey to start the game is being paved. Btw Rick, I'm just as surprised as you are about those Giants. I won't make the mistake of declaring them "dead", but it's not looking good as far as a repeat of the World Series.

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You keep bringing it up, Paul, when is it the right time to discuss Pud's decision to make the All-Star game the deciding factor for home field advantage in the WS? For the record, I also believe it's one of the worst decisions ever made in MLB. Why not take the cumulative records of the AL & NL in preseason to decide it? :blink: That's basically why he did it - to make a game which has no bearing on the season, actually have major implications on the championship.

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Jeter is being called-up from AAA today to rejoin the team. Good for the clubhouse. :yesnod:

I can't believe the Yanks are anywhere near playoff contention with all the injuries and age.

I cant believe the schedule maker. Tampa now gets Houston at home before the break. So count on them being in second going in. After that, they have to play someone decent. They are beating the bad teams like they are supposed to. While we have to bang heads with Texas and other good teams. It will catch up to them eventually. But right now they have it easy

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^^ Well, if it's any consolation, the Red Sox have to bang heads with the A's. The O's take on the Blue Jays next, no easy task even though the Jays are in the cellar.

Walter, you're right on, Bud just wants to make what is for all intents & purposes an exhibition game have meaning & get people to tune in. Don't know if it's actually worked judging by the ratings the last few years, but if Harvey starts the game I may tune in for those 2 innings to see how the kid does.

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Will Jeter being back in the lineup be a boost for the Yanks? I got to think they might ease him back into the lineup as a DH today, and their next series is against the Twins, who are the Yankees personal bitch, so it definitely won't hurt to have the Captain back.

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C'mon Paul you know you'll watch the all-star game - you're such a baseball junkie! :)

When I was a kid I used to so look forward to that game! Of course back then the NL won like every year and I hated that! Remember Dave Parker's throw from right field in Montreal anybody? Pete Rose running over Ray Fosse and ruining his career? Those were great all-star games and performances. That's what the game lacks anymore - and making it determine home-field for the WS when over 80% of the players involved won't even play in that series, is completely ridiculous!

Derek Jeter is so clutch, just his presence will aid that clubhouse. In an era where so many have done so much to defame the game of baseball, it's good to have a player like him still around.

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C'mon Paul you know you'll watch the all-star game - you're such a baseball junkie! :)

When I was a kid I used to so look forward to that game! Of course back then the NL won like every year and I hated that! Remember Dave Parker's throw from right field in Montreal anybody? Pete Rose running over Ray Fosse and ruining his career? Those were great all-star games and performances. That's what the game lacks anymore - and making it determine home-field for the WS when over 80% of the players involved won't even play in that series, is completely ridiculous!

Derek Jeter is so clutch, just his presence will aid that clubhouse. In an era where so many have done so much to defame the game of baseball, it's good to have a player like him still around.

I remember Rose running over Fosse like it was yesterday. And Reggie Jackson while still with Oakland hitting the tape shot in Detroit. Hey, JJ got the save tonight. Texas fallls again!!! Now we get the Jays. A certain step down from Texas. And no Dickey. We have our rotation back. I will be happy when Tampa gets some real teams on their schedule. Instead of Minny and next up Houston. I hope Houston wins a couple. Wouldnt that be a shock. Back to the All Star game, I like the fact they play for home field. The National league is so bad now they need some kind of help it seems. I know they won the series. Look at SF now. They stink. The Dodgers are on fire. I say the Dodgers and Puig are on a mission. Seattle sucks my left one. Blew a huge lead. I am in line to make a killing if the Padres win. Arizona and Dodgers would help too, but i hammered the Orioles flat too. I also have a three teamer. White Sox, Orioles and Padres. Ballsy to bet on the White Sox over Detroit wouldnt you agree Paul? I just figured none of their big boys were pitching. 34 for Chris DAvis. I still love my Wieters jersey. Hardy is next for sure. I love this team.

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The All-Star game's a dud now, thanks to Bud. In fact, Bud's Dud is what it should be referred to from now on.

Pete Rose over Ray Fosse in the 1970 All-Star game is one of my favourite baseball moments. Same with Reggie's blast in Detroit and Fernando Valenzuela striking out 5 consecutive batters in 1986.

I cannot remember anything from the last 10-15 All-Star games.

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Wow, Chris Davis hits another homer, the man is unbelievable. Going into the All-Star break, who among us had the Red Sox as the best team in the American League? And the best team in baseball, period, the Cardinals. You can't kill those birds...

Now lets not jump to conclusions. I wish we played in that NL central. Hey, your Mets are hot. Just maybe they can stay hot and get into the race. I took them tonight. I made a killing last night. Potential long shot play today. Minny over the Yanks. Their only time facing Kuroda they shelled him and beat him. Teams I really like today, Baltimore, Arizona, Dodgers, Oakland. I know Price and Tampa should have little trouble with Houston. But any time a team wins 9 in a row they are due for a loss

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^^ You do know that the Twins are the Yankees bitch, right? The Yanks could probably put a Triple-A lineup out there & beat Minnesota.

Mets play at the Pirates tonight & Harvey's scheduled start on Saturday will be skipped, presumably to save him for the All-Star game. Red Sox at the A's, should be a slugfest.

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^^ You do know that the Twins are the Yankees bitch, right? The Yanks could probably put a Triple-A lineup out there & beat Minnesota.

Mets play at the Pirates tonight & Harvey's scheduled start on Saturday will be skipped, presumably to save him for the All-Star game. Red Sox at the A's, should be a slugfest.

Houston has a no hitter going into the 6th vs Tampa. Man would I love to see this hold up. 2-0/ O's up on Jays 5-3. Number 35 for Davis

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How about that Tim Lincecum!! (When did he cut his hair??)

Good thing he has the All Star break to recover from throwing 145 pitches. And, I got to hear Jon Miller call it. Yay!!!

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