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Bucket Lists? Have one? Care to share it? Lets limit it to 10


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1.Learn to fly

2.Win a argument against Mrs cecil.

3.Visit Czechoslovakia.

4.Visit Graceland.

5.Become a Astronaut or visit space.

6.Take Kim Basinger out for dinner.

7. Power up a Mobile Suit Gundam.

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I think we would all like the chance to sit down with Led Zeppelin but realize, its not happening. I am surprised you are afraid to fly. But you did fly to Vegas didn't you? Well I sure hope you quit the cigarettes. I have to lose the same amount of weight as you. Mine is all in the gut. Other than that I am not over weight. I am still working on my list since I made this thread, I am obligated to post one. I will all in good time. I think we need to add the Canucks to Ally's list also

Yes, flew to Vegas for our son's wedding but it's a short flight from here and I had to grin and bear it and it was not fun.Mind you, It's amazing how many cocktails a person can down in 2 hrs :lol: . I have no idea how I developed this phobia as we did a lot of air travel back in the day. It's definitely something I've brought on myself. Think I might go see a shrink and get them to hynotize me.

I've put on weight since I've been off work with the back. Just not enough excersise. Smoking, well...that's just because I'm an idiot :blush:

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Ally, I have a fear of flying too. I have had to grin and bear it while gripping the arm rest with white knuckles. The take off and landing are the worse for me. If I understood the dynamics of flight maybe it wouldn't seem so scarry. Once up in the air I'm ok. My last time out to Florida to see my Mom was great as they bumped me up to first class and could have as much wine as I wanted. It made the landing less stressful. After the third though I had to quit cuz I still had to figure out navigating through Orlando airport to catch the shuttle

Edited by ledzepfvr
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here's my bucket list

1. meet my idol, ace frehley and get a hug from him

2. play a stinky, smelly prank on my cousin

3. build a time machine so i can go back to 1975/1976 when KISS was really starting to gain some steam

4. witness my beloved chicago bears win a superbowl

5. go to the blue chip casino in michagan city, indiana

6. do a rainbow bright nail polish job (for exmaple paint one nail red, paint one orange, paint one yellow and so on)

7. have an all night movie marathon

8. learn how to do the saturday night fever line dance

9. paint my nails a litlle more often

10. be a disc jokey just for a day playing some of my favorite music, rock, country, and disco

Edited by redhairedqueen22
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Ally, I have a fear of flying too. I have had to grin and bear it while gripping the arm rest with white knuckles. The take off and landing are the worse for me. If I understood the dynamics of flight maybe it wouldn't seem so scarry. Once up in the air I'm ok. My last time out to Florida to see my Mom was great as they bumped me up to first class and could have as much wine as I wanted. It made the landing less stressful. After the third though I had to quit cuz I still had to figure out navigating through Orlando airport to catch the shuttle

LOL ! I was lucky to have Mrs Ally doing the navigating for me :lol: . Good thing too because I think I would have ended up on a taxi tour of Las Vegas on the way to the hotel :bagoverhead:

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Yes, flew to Vegas for our son's wedding but it's a short flight from here and I had to grin and bear it and it was not fun.Mind you, It's amazing how many cocktails a person can down in 2 hrs :lol: . I have no idea how I developed this phobia as we did a lot of air travel back in the day. It's definitely something I've brought on myself. Think I might go see a shrink and get them to hynotize me.

I've put on weight since I've been off work with the back. Just not enough excersise. Smoking, well...that's just because I'm an idiot :blush:

I do hypnosis; it can work. If it doesn't work, try Xanax (less fattening than cocktails ;) )

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I do hypnosis; it can work. If it doesn't work, try Xanax (less fattening than cocktails ;) )

A friend of mines wife has talked about trying hypnosis because her work depends on her being able to. She suggested that the two of us give it a try. We shall see

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here's my bucket list

1. meet my idol, ace frehley and get a hug from him

2. play a stinky, smelly prank on my cousin

3. build a time machine so i can go back to 1975/1976 when KISS was really starting to gain some steam

4. witness my beloved chicago bears win a superbowl

5. go to the blue chip casino in michagan city, indiana

6. do a rainbow bright nail polish job (for exmaple paint one nail red, paint one orange, paint one yellow and so on)

7. have an all night movie marathon

8. learn how to do the saturday night fever line dance

9. paint my nails a litlle more often

10. be a disc jokey just for a day playing some of my favorite music, rock, country, and disco

Now wait a minute, the Bears have won the Super Bowl. 1985 and have won many NFL titles.

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Yes, flew to Vegas for our son's wedding but it's a short flight from here and I had to grin and bear it and it was not fun.Mind you, It's amazing how many cocktails a person can down in 2 hrs :lol: . I have no idea how I developed this phobia as we did a lot of air travel back in the day. It's definitely something I've brought on myself. Think I might go see a shrink and get them to hynotize me.

I've put on weight since I've been off work with the back. Just not enough excersise. Smoking, well...that's just because I'm an idiot :blush:

Dman Ally, you are still smoking cigarettes? What are they? $15 a pack up there now? And a ticket to a short life. Get off them man. ASAP. The on flight movie is Twilight Zone. The one with Lithgow seeing the troll on the wiing of the plane. LOL.

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1.Learn to fly

2.Win a argument against Mrs cecil.

3.Visit Czechoslovakia.

4.Visit Graceland.

5.Become a Astronaut or visit space.

6.Take Kim Basinger out for dinner.

7. Power up a Mobile Suit Gundam.

It will be quite hard, if not impossible to visit Czechoslovakia, since that country doesn't exist anymore since 1993.

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I am going to try and do this just winging it.

Go to the following places:

Hawaii (4) (Not sure if its worth the money when I can go to Florida many times for way less money)

California (9) A Must, but torn as to San Fran/San Jose area where I have a friend or So Cal where the weather is far better. Del Mar a must see for a day. Its the Saratoga of the West Coast. Was Bing Crosby's track

Vancouver (7) If I can get across LOL

Vegas (10)

Cape Town South Africa (2)

London and Paris (6)

What I wish to see


The Bills win the Super Bowl (6)

The Orioles win another Series (9)

See a cure for Cancer (4)

Have my back problems improve (4)

Meet Jimmy Page (1) not impossible but highly unlikely

Kiss Maria Sharapova (0)

meet Al Pacino, or Clint Eastwood or Robert De Niro (1)

may edit later

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^ That's a great list! I was curious to see yours, after you started the thread.

Now wait a minute, the Bears have won the Super Bowl. 1985 and have won many NFL titles.

If had a fantasy bucket list, I would travel back in time to see the '85 Bears. Sweetness, The Fridge, The Super Bowl Shuffle (:lol:)... I was definitely born a few years too late.

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Summa mine:

1) Walk on the Brooklyn Bridge

2) Visit Mulberry St.

3) Fish in Belize

4) Punch Joe Biden in the mouth

5) Fire a 9 gun battleship salvo at the Berkeley campus


^ That's a great list! I was curious to see yours, after you started the thread.

If had a fantasy bucket list, I would travel back in time to see the '85 Bears. Sweetness, The Fridge, The Super Bowl Shuffle ( :lol:)... I was definitely born a few years too late.

I remember it very well. I had to work the day of the NFC title game vs my second favorite team, the Los Angelos Rams. The Bears beat a very good Rams team 24-0 as I waited until leaving work to watch it all taped on my VCR.

The Super Bowl was a blowout as we all knew it would be. Those Patriots were a good team but no match for the Bears defense. Richard Dent was one animal. The Patriots wore the old Red uniforms as the present day uniforms did not yet exist. Steve Grogan was the QB. Jim McMahon, the Bears QB was quite a character. Never got much respect in the years to follow. I think that team would have destroyed many of the recent champions. Ditka would have a falling out in the years to follow. A power struggle with Buddy and a national tv aduience watching him declare "we wont win another game". LOL

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Not in any particular order:

1) Play golf on every continent

2) The ability to speak a language other than English

3) Actually drive a car ( that is never going to happen)

4) Wander around India as a Sadhu

5) Watch an Ashes test match in Australia (Cricket)

6) Re wind to the 70's and have a mini disc recorder to record the gigs I'd seen

7) Eat an Avacado

8) Have a villa in Portugal

9) Meet my parents again

10) Find an alternative to Turkey at Christmas

An extra with Reswati in mind. Find a way to eradicate the Midge.

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I remember it very well. I had to work the day of the NFC title game vs my second favorite team, the Los Angelos Rams. The Bears beat a very good Rams team 24-0 as I waited until leaving work to watch it all taped on my VCR.

The Super Bowl was a blowout as we all knew it would be. Those Patriots were a good team but no match for the Bears defense. Richard Dent was one animal. The Patriots wore the old Red uniforms as the present day uniforms did not yet exist. Steve Grogan was the QB. Jim McMahon, the Bears QB was quite a character. Never got much respect in the years to follow. I think that team would have destroyed many of the recent champions. Ditka would have a falling out in the years to follow. A power struggle with Buddy and a national tv aduience watching him declare "we wont win another game". LOL

Very cool, thanks for sharing! Oh, Ditka... love him or hate him, he's a Chicago institution. :lol:

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I'm not going to list all ten, and I don't really refer to it as a 'Bucket List' myself, but I'll list the most and least likely items on my list.

Die - 10.

Win the Wimbledon Men's Championship - 0.

Edited by Strider
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A lot of my bucket list I've accomplished (saw African migration, met Princess Di, swam in Antarctica, visited the mountain gorilllas, been to Mardi Gras, Oktoberfest and Carnival, played in a rock band and saw Zepeplin at the O2. I didn't think I could come up with ten.....but I did:

1. Climb Mount Everest

2. See the Pyramids, Machu Pinchu and Angor Watt.

3. Figure out how to play Judas Priest's "Exciter" note for note.

4. Go to Vegas for a weekend and live like a rock star - spare no expense!

5. Take a photo of a Javan rhinoceros in the wild.

6. Do the "Led Zeppelin sites" tour in England, Wales and N. Ireland.

7. Attempt to eat the Big Texan 72 ounce staek in an hour.

8. Celebrate New Years in Edinburgh.

9. Finish writing a novel - and get it published.

10. Retire at age 54.

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