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Conspiracy Theories...


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Osiris was dismembered by his brother Set, his body parts scattered along the Nile. Isis re-assembled the body except for his phallus, for that she fashioned earth into a phallus, attached it to Horus, and they copulated to make Horus. Big difference between the Jesus story which is actually much more Greco-Roman mythological & Persian (see Mithraism & Zoroastrianism) in origin. Virgin birth was de-facto for most Greco-Roman and Persian demigod birth narratives.

Now, to a bigger question: What is with Wiki-Leaks? I thought they were non-partisan? If so, why all the Hillary info and nothing, zero regarding Trump? I find it very hard to believe Wiki-Leaks cannot disclose his long form tax records or other dirt on the man. The fact is I have no issue with them disclosing any amount of dirt on Hillary, it is the American publics right to know. However, we also have the right to full disclosure regarding Trump, Johnson, and Stein.

Me smells a rat at Wiki-Leaks.

Regarding 9/11, I believe it was less inside job and more simple negligence & insurance fraud. The towers, according to the design and engineering plans, were built to withstand a direct impact from a 707 which would do much more damage than a 767. I believe the designs were compromised and the building owner knew it. Those towers were likely NOT up to code and like most contractors in NY and everywhere else, they cut corners, used sub-par materials, and charged for the good stuff. In the end the whole complex had to come down (building 7) to avoid those pesky inquiries into sub-standard and illegal building. Now I could be wrong on this and maybe it was a big government conspiracy however, as mentioned above, unlikely.

Now those damn Buildibergers, yep, they run the whole show but anyone with half a brain knows the corporations run the majority of the globe, that is just common sense. We have had, in effect, a one-world government since 1953 after Stalin died, and China was brought into the fold with Nixon.

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10 hours ago, IpMan said:

Osiris was dismembered by his brother Set, his body parts scattered along the Nile. Isis re-assembled the body except for his phallus, for that she fashioned earth into a phallus, attached it to Horus, and they copulated to make Horus. Big difference between the Jesus story which is actually much more Greco-Roman mythological & Persian (see Mithraism & Zoroastrianism) in origin. Virgin birth was de-facto for most Greco-Roman and Persian demigod birth narratives.

Now, to a bigger question: What is with Wiki-Leaks? I thought they were non-partisan? If so, why all the Hillary info and nothing, zero regarding Trump? I find it very hard to believe Wiki-Leaks cannot disclose his long form tax records or other dirt on the man. The fact is I have no issue with them disclosing any amount of dirt on Hillary, it is the American publics right to know. However, we also have the right to full disclosure regarding Trump, Johnson, and Stein.

Me smells a rat at Wiki-Leaks.

Regarding 9/11, I believe it was less inside job and more simple negligence & insurance fraud. The towers, according to the design and engineering plans, were built to withstand a direct impact from a 707 which would do much more damage than a 767. I believe the designs were compromised and the building owner knew it. Those towers were likely NOT up to code and like most contractors in NY and everywhere else, they cut corners, used sub-par materials, and charged for the good stuff. In the end the whole complex had to come down (building 7) to avoid those pesky inquiries into sub-standard and illegal building. Now I could be wrong on this and maybe it was a big government conspiracy however, as mentioned above, unlikely.

Now those damn Buildibergers, yep, they run the whole show but anyone with half a brain knows the corporations run the majority of the globe, that is just common sense. We have had, in effect, a one-world government since 1953 after Stalin died, and China was brought into the fold with Nixon.

Well I guess you have treaded on think ice and are in uncharted waters but I hope nothing comes of this.  The second part of your post on 911, did you see the TV series 'Missing Evidence"?  They certainly have convinced me beyond any doubt of the identity of Jack The Ripper, one Charles Cross Lechemere.  But that is not why I am posting.  I am wondering if you saw the one where they believe bombs were planed in the towers to explode after the planes hit?

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12 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

Well I guess you have treaded on think ice and are in uncharted waters but I hope nothing comes of this.  The second part of your post on 911, did you see the TV series 'Missing Evidence"?  They certainly have convinced me beyond any doubt of the identity of Jack The Ripper, one Charles Cross Lechemere.  But that is not why I am posting.  I am wondering if you saw the one where they believe bombs were planed in the towers to explode after the planes hit?

Yes, I heard that one as well, (the bombs) anything is possible.

Charles Cross, the man who discovered the dead body of Mary Nichols. I doubt he was the killer, the coroner, inquest jury, and police believed his story and he was never named a suspect. I have studied the Ripper case extensively as it is a very fascinating crime, however I am of the opinion two people perpetrated the crimes, not one and that they worked in concert. The last murder attributed to the Ripper, Mary Kelly, was beyond escalation and the only murder committed indoors. Her body was completely destroyed, some serious Hellraiser shit right there and if it turned out to be the damn Cenobites that off'ed her after she found a strange puzzle box it would not surprise me. I have never seen a crime scene picture which showed such uncontrollable and intense rage against anything. Compared to Mary Kelly, the Black Dahlia got off easy. Not quite convinced Kelly was a Ripper victim due to the insane brutality but who knows. So many suspects in the Ripper case but one thing is for sure, whoever did those bloody deeds had to be able to blend in and not draw suspicion in White Chapel. That only narrows the suspect list down to a few hundred or so. 

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22 hours ago, IpMan said:

Now, to a bigger question: What is with Wiki-Leaks? I thought they were non-partisan? If so, why all the Hillary info and nothing, zero regarding Trump? I find it very hard to believe Wiki-Leaks cannot disclose his long form tax records or other dirt on the man. The fact is I have no issue with them disclosing any amount of dirt on Hillary, it is the American publics right to know. However, we also have the right to full disclosure regarding Trump, Johnson, and Stein.

Me smells a rat at Wiki-Leaks.

Regarding 9/11, I believe it was less inside job and more simple negligence & insurance fraud. The towers, according to the design and engineering plans, were built to withstand a direct impact from a 707 which would do much more damage than a 767. I believe the designs were compromised and the building owner knew it. Those towers were likely NOT up to code and like most contractors in NY and everywhere else, they cut corners, used sub-par materials, and charged for the good stuff. In the end the whole complex had to come down (building 7) to avoid those pesky inquiries into sub-standard and illegal building. Now I could be wrong on this and maybe it was a big government conspiracy however, as mentioned above, unlikely.

Now those damn Buildibergers, yep, they run the whole show but anyone with half a brain knows the corporations run the majority of the globe, that is just common sense. We have had, in effect, a one-world government since 1953 after Stalin died, and China was brought into the fold with Nixon.

IpMan! How's it going? We're not allowed to discuss politics, here. A shame really. I liked disagreeing with you on everything. :lol:

However, this is the conspiracy thread. Thank you, Kingzoso, where we are free to discuss conspiracy theories. You, Sir, are a good man. As for Sam, you've got a long memory. If I show my appreciation for some, I thank them privately, with humility.

IpMan, you smell a rat. Yes. These leaks are coming from here. They're coming from patriots here in our governemnt, DNC staffers, the people from the FBI, people in the Pentagon.

22 hours ago, IpMan said:

Now, to a bigger question: What is with Wiki-Leaks? I thought they were non-partisan? If so, why all the Hillary info and nothing, zero regarding Trump? I find it very hard to believe Wiki-Leaks cannot disclose his long form tax records or other dirt on the man. The fact is I have no issue with them disclosing any amount of dirt on Hillary, it is the American publics right to know. However, we also have the right to full disclosure regarding Trump, Johnson, and Stein.

Wiki-leaks are 100% accurate, which is more than I can say for our media. You'd have to ask Assange. However, keeping with the thread, here are some conspiracy theories. Why is wiki-leaks going after Cankles and the DNC?

It's undeniable that an RNC email leak would very likely show similar instances of collusion to put out their favored candidate, as is the case with the DNC working against Bernie Sanders. But here's the thing..

It will show attempted collusion against the Don. So the RNC ticket would in fact be the main beneficiary from any RNC leak; as it is with the DNC leak.

The RNC failed to pass their RINO puppet. They failed to a wild card. The DNC got their (establishment) puppet. Call it a consolation prize, right? :lol:

#1 Assange is going after someone who threw out the notion of "droning" him, and oh, who could that be?

#2 Assange is going after the corporate media that lies to you. WATCH--CNN-Host-Falsely-Says-It_s-ILLEGA 


#3. Assange has had his internet cut off. So much for free speech in the Free world, right?

#4 Now, MY PERSONAL conspiracy theory question:

Why is the media not telling America that we are on Defcon 3? http://defconwarningsystem.com/

This is the DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 8 P.M., Thursday, October 13th, 2016. Condition code is Yellow. DEFCON 3

It hasn't gone down either. And in Military families, DEFCON 3, means DEFCON 2, as to not to alarm the public into a frenzy.

5 Normal peacetime readiness; General "baseline" level during times of peace
4 Increased intelligence-gathering and security measures Sporadically throughout Cold War, War on Terror
3 Armed forces readiness increased above normal levels; Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes

Post-9/11 Attacks (2001), Yom Kippur War (1973), Operation Paul Bunyan (1976), Post-Four Power Talks (1960)

(2016) Oct 13 - Syria Crisis

2 High readiness; armed forces ready to deploy in six hours Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
1 Maximum readiness; all forces ready for combat; nuclear war imminent or likely None

Best to and yours, IpMan.

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23 hours ago, IpMan said:

However, we also have the right to full disclosure regarding Trump, Johnson, and Stein.


I like Dr. Jill Stein. Psychology, sociology, and anthropology. I like her a lot. I respect anyone that wishes to help others in the Health Care Field. If she was hacked, you'd have signatures with a peace sign. This would be someone that has my respect.

If you hacked Johnson, you'd have a signature that has "GaJo", and he would think it was an anagram for Allepo.

Edited by apantherfrommd
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6 hours ago, IpMan said:

Yes, I heard that one as well, (the bombs) anything is possible.

Charles Cross, the man who discovered the dead body of Mary Nichols. I doubt he was the killer, the coroner, inquest jury, and police believed his story and he was never named a suspect. I have studied the Ripper case extensively as it is a very fascinating crime, however I am of the opinion two people perpetrated the crimes, not one and that they worked in concert. The last murder attributed to the Ripper, Mary Kelly, was beyond escalation and the only murder committed indoors. Her body was completely destroyed, some serious Hellraiser shit right there and if it turned out to be the damn Cenobites that off'ed her after she found a strange puzzle box it would not surprise me. I have never seen a crime scene picture which showed such uncontrollable and intense rage against anything. Compared to Mary Kelly, the Black Dahlia got off easy. Not quite convinced Kelly was a Ripper victim due to the insane brutality but who knows. So many suspects in the Ripper case but one thing is for sure, whoever did those bloody deeds had to be able to blend in and not draw suspicion in White Chapel. That only narrows the suspect list down to a few hundred or so. 

Cross can be placed at every scene.  You are going to take him on his word?  Come on?   Really?  You cant be that blind.  He had reason to be on the streets at those hours,  I believe beyond any doubt he is the guy.  And lets be clear, his name is actually Lechmere.  He is the bird.  No doubt

Edited by LedZeppfan1977
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On 10/14/2016 at 1:31 AM, slave to zep said:

Thete have been many leaks these last few weeks. If they're all legit and nothing happens, then you must believe in the illuminati theory. Your average person could not get away with this kind of stuff.....

It's mind-boggling.

$12 million from Morocco in pay-to-play.

Money to Clinton Foundation from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, both of which are then acknowledged as secretly funding ISIL.

Acknowledging millions of fraudulent voters added by the Obama campaign from the 2008 election.

Some if that is pretty much treason.

I'm beginning to think the next coined phrase will be "too big to prosecute/charge with a crime".

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Notice what Chris Cuomo says when the feed drops -

"Oh no, alright let's see if we can get Congressman Collins back - obviously we lost the satellite feed, that sucks."

His entire response seems a little too dramatic, too forced. Because the truth is, it wasn't obvious they lost the feed, more like apparent. Obvious kinda jumps to a conclusion that he couldn't have been so sure of had it been truly unexpected.



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here is conspiracy theory for you:  what is the likelyhood that if somebody knew of a criminal act that could earn them a big payout in money if they came forward against a perpetrator who was insanely rich and you could probably get millions in a civil lawsuit from, why would that person not come forward and say something years ago if it really happened?  

this is just a theory and has nothing to do with anyone in real life, just curious how logic is supposed to work in a case like this?

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On 10/23/2016 at 5:57 PM, kipper said:

here is conspiracy theory for you:  what is the likelyhood that if somebody knew of a criminal act that could earn them a big payout in money if they came forward against a perpetrator who was insanely rich and you could probably get millions in a civil lawsuit from, why would that person not come forward and say something years ago if it really happened?  

this is just a theory and has nothing to do with anyone in real life, just curious how logic is supposed to work in a case like this?

Not sure what situation you're referencing, but a perpetrator who was insanely rich who had committed a crime probably would be the type to be willing to do whatever might be necessary to prevent said person from exposing him.

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On 10/21/2016 at 3:29 PM, Stryder1978 said:

I'm voting for write-in candidate LYANNA MORMONT for President!

You political animal you!!!!:lol:  You is a walkin on a thinna ice boy!!!I  Should the powers that be see this, you are gonna get hit by an asteroid.  :lol: Cudo's for having the gonads to post this!

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On 10/17/2016 at 2:08 AM, IpMan said:

Now, to a bigger question: What is with Wiki-Leaks? I thought they were non-partisan? If so, why all the Hillary info and nothing, zero regarding Trump? I find it very hard to believe Wiki-Leaks cannot disclose his long form tax records or other dirt on the man. The fact is I have no issue with them disclosing any amount of dirt on Hillary, it is the American publics right to know. However, we also have the right to full disclosure regarding Trump, Johnson, and Stein.

Me smells a rat at Wiki-Leaks.

Remember, back in the day Wikileaks released a lot of stuff that was quite damaging to Bush and the Repubs, so it's hard to say they're some kind of partisan group.
If I understand it correctly, Wikileaks gets it's information from whistleblowers, hackers, etc., as it becomes available and is verified (on their end).
I don't think it exists as some On-Demand resource for dirt.
Just so happens the current administration is the one pulling the strings and doing dirt, and now they've been caught.

And the dirt on Trump seems to be readily available, although Wikileaks (again) has revealed how long the HRC campaign was aware of the Grab 'em by the pussy video before it was actually released, completely destroying the recently discovered narrative it was released under.

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On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 2:29 PM, Stryder1978 said:

I'm voting for write-in candidate LYANNA MORMONT for President!

I just now read your post, however there are two things wrong with it.

1.  Lyanna Mormont is too young.  I believe you have to be at least 45 years old to run as a candidate for the Presidency.

2.  She in not a natural citizen of the United States of America (she is from Bear Island in Westeros).

I like the way you think though because she is a bad ass little chick and speaks very bluntly.


Edited to add:  I will add this for good measure:



Edited by kingzoso
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1.  Lyanna Mormont is too young.  I believe you have to be at least 45 years old to run as a candidate for the Presidency.

One must be at least 35 years of age and a natural born citizen of the US to be President. Teddy Roosevelt was our youngest President when he assumed office at the age of 42. Kennedy was the youngest elected President at 43.

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40 minutes ago, TypeO said:

Remember, back in the day Wikileaks released a lot of stuff that was quite damaging to Bush and the Repubs, so it's hard to say they're some kind of partisan group.
If I understand it correctly, Wikileaks gets it's information from whistleblowers, hackers, etc., as it becomes available and is verified (on their end).
I don't think it exists as some On-Demand resource for dirt.
Just so happens the current administration is the one pulling the strings and doing dirt, and now they've been caught.

And the dirt on Trump seems to be readily available, although Wikileaks (again) has revealed how long the HRC campaign was aware of the Grab 'em by the pussy video before it was actually released, completely destroying the recently discovered narrative it was released under.

So far I have seen nothing WikiLeaks has released regarding Clinton which has not been par for the course in politics since the dawn of government. Government would cease to operate without quid pro quo. Not saying it is right, it sure is not, unfortunately neither you nor I can change human nature and no one at that level does anything just because it is the right thing to do.

Without getting too far into the weeds I just want to say the whole system is both corrupt and broken, the two party system is a sham and is really a one party system. We need to have a minimum of four parties, term limits, pay reduction for congress, repeal of citizens united, a set election cycle of no more than six months (publicly funded), and end to jerrymandering, and serious penalties for corruption if proven. Last but not least a return to the socratic method of debate in both congress and while running for office. No more distractions, no more negative ads, just the facts, what will you do and what are your policy positions. 

I know the likelihood of such things happening are slim to none unless our alien creators (the Annanuki of course) come back to set things right but hey, a dreamer has got his dreams right?

Which brings me to another possible conspiracy...aliens. Do you believe they exist and if so are they inter-dimensional or more likely from another world? Or how about time traveller versions of us from the distant future? One conspiracy I do believe is that we have and have had a secret space program since the end of WWII. I find it hard to believe as all other technologies are advancing by leaps and bounds space travel has not advanced at all, none, zero. To think that 100 year old tech is still our only avenue to the stars is pretty hard to believe. I would think gravitational drives would have been invented no later than the 1960's due to advances in electromagnetic engineering yet chemical rockets is the best we can do? Balderdash !!!

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1 hour ago, IpMan said:

1.  Lyanna Mormont is too young.  I believe you have to be at least 45 years old to run as a candidate for the Presidency.

One must be at least 35 years of age and a natural born citizen of the US to be President. Teddy Roosevelt was our youngest President when he assumed office at the age of 42. Kennedy was the youngest elected President at 43.

Very nice and I do stand corrected. 

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8 hours ago, kingzoso said:

I just now read your post, however there are two things wrong with it.

1.  Lyanna Mormont is too young.  I believe you have to be at least 45 years old to run as a candidate for the Presidency.

2.  She in not a natural citizen of the United States of America (she is from Bear Island in Westeros).

I like the way you think though because she is a bad ass little chick and speaks very bluntly.


Edited to add:  I will add this for good measure:



Heh...good points!  You also actually have to be a REAL person!  Doesn't matter to me..,.she's still getting my vote!

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10 hours ago, IpMan said:

So far I have seen nothing WikiLeaks has released regarding Clinton which has not been par for the course in politics since the dawn of government. Government would cease to operate without quid pro quo. Not saying it is right, it sure is not, unfortunately neither you nor I can change human nature and no one at that level does anything just because it is the right thing to do.

Without getting too far into the weeds I just want to say the whole system is both corrupt and broken, the two party system is a sham and is really a one party system. We need to have a minimum of four parties, term limits, pay reduction for congress, repeal of citizens united, a set election cycle of no more than six months (publicly funded), and end to jerrymandering, and serious penalties for corruption if proven. Last but not least a return to the socratic method of debate in both congress and while running for office. No more distractions, no more negative ads, just the facts, what will you do and what are your policy positions. 

I know the likelihood of such things happening are slim to none unless our alien creators (the Annanuki of course) come back to set things right but hey, a dreamer has got his dreams right?

Which brings me to another possible conspiracy...aliens. Do you believe they exist and if so are they inter-dimensional or more likely from another world? Or how about time traveller versions of us from the distant future? One conspiracy I do believe is that we have and have had a secret space program since the end of WWII. I find it hard to believe as all other technologies are advancing by leaps and bounds space travel has not advanced at all, none, zero. To think that 100 year old tech is still our only avenue to the stars is pretty hard to believe. I would think gravitational drives would have been invented no later than the 1960's due to advances in electromagnetic engineering yet chemical rockets is the best we can do? Balderdash !!!

I agree with the majority of your thoughts regarding how it oughtta be, and the so-called two-party system.

Regarding Clinton, I'm not willing to write it off because that's how it's been, because before there wasn't concrete evidence, just everyone recognized that's how things were done.

I mean, we're at a true tipping point, and it doesn't matter whether Hillary or Trump is elected, the war is going to increase, the spending is going to skyrocket, race relations will continue to deteriorate, and so on.

There's another market crash coming, probably around 20,000. Our lives are going to become more miserable and it's depressing as fuck.

We need to pull an Iceland and take our country back from these pricks.

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9 minutes ago, TypeO said:

I agree with the majority of your thoughts regarding how it oughtta be, and the so-called two-party system.

Regarding Clinton, I'm not willing to write it off because that's how it's been, because before there wasn't concrete evidence, just everyone recognized that's how things were done.

I mean, we're at a true tipping point, and it doesn't matter whether Hillary or Trump is elected, the war is going to increase, the spending is going to skyrocket, race relations will continue to deteriorate, and so on.

There's another market crash coming, probably around 20,000. Our lives are going to become more miserable and it's depressing as fuck.

We need to pull an Iceland and take our country back from these pricks.

Well, that's all fine and good but what about the aliens man? The ALIENS!!! Oh Jesus I don't want a butt probe.

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On 1/26/2016 at 6:07 PM, zepscoda said:

Anyone watching the new X Files?

I dig it. Same vibe as the original show. It's no Fargo , I don't see any golden globes nominations, but its good fun... Lots of Alex Jones influence going on.

Eww. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.


On 10/26/2016 at 0:15 PM, IpMan said:

Well, that's all fine and good but what about the aliens man? The ALIENS!!! Oh Jesus I don't want a butt probe.


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2 hours ago, Sathington Willoughby said:

Eww. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.



I listen to him now and then...can certainly be interesting at times. Haven't listened since all this election BS heated up. Trying to stay clear of all that...not exactly a easy thing to do.

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omg! the hits just keep on coming for the evil email lady.  Such a crooked old witch and now thousands more emails found.  Is this just a conspiracy theory or did somebody do something really illegal?

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