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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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What a win for the Bills!!! Cant wait to rub a certain local radio host's nose in it. A new day is dawned in the East. The Pats are 0-1. Miami at Buffalo for our home opener may renew an old rivalry! A great day. I picked up a good buck. I had the Bills with Atlanta and Tennessee and Miami on various parlays. Made a killing

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Hey Rick,

Need I ask how it's going? :lol:

Congratulations. :thumbsup: Great way to start to a new season/week for yaz.

Its very very good. Now we get Miami in the home opener. We win a game nobody in Hell believed we could win except me because I always think we will win. It huge. Its a confidence builder and this team will get better..

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Lesson learned on switching my Panthers pick to the Bucs. Aye carumba...

Yeah I took them too. But I was perfect on the games I bet on. Buffalo, Miami, Atlanta (a thriller), Tennessee. I am going to feast on KC

Stinking Jets won. They wont win many

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Well, Week 1 is almost a wrap & I would say that the offenses around the NFL definitely are ahead of the defense. Roger Goodell and the rest of the league officials must love that....

I am happy to see Minnesota go back to playing out in the cold like the old days. If that is truly the case? Miami at the Bills is a pick on the early Vegas line but the Bills are a slight favorite on the money line. Miami will be walking into a snake pit. My daughter, (youngest), her boyfriend is a Miami fan. And my son in law is an Eagles fan even though his parents are huge Bill's fans. At least my daughter's stay loyal to Buffalo. That radio host has already answered my email. Telling him he will be eating possum. Got his ass going already

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Fuck Ray Rice. Any man who hits a woman or child ain't a man. Period. No excuse.

And no excuse for the NFL and Ravens claiming they never saw the video until today. Bullshit. Law enforcement had it...which meant it was available to the League.

I usually abhor TMZ but in this case they did good. They exposed the head-in-the-sand approach of the NFL when it comes to domestic violence.

Fuck Ray Rice. Asshole. Hope his face is used as punching bag in prison.

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Fuck Ray Rice. Any man who hits a woman or child ain't a man. Period. No excuse.

And no excuse for the NFL and Ravens claiming they never saw the video until today. Bullshit. Law enforcement had it...which meant it was available to the League.

I usually abhor TMZ but in this case they did good. They exposed the head-in-the-sand approach of the NFL when it comes to domestic violence.

Fuck Ray Rice. Asshole. Hope his face is used as punching bag in prison.

Bet she marries him.

Edited for:

Whose head in what sand???? Are we not to question her at all? It's 2014!!!! And there's more goddamn money being thrown at victims in the country than you can shake a stick at. Im tired of all of it, including the women who out up with it. I've just learned she married him AFTER this incident.

'Nuff said.

Edited by planted
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She already did! :blink:

Bet they divorce.....soon! Gravy train is ending and the video will get all she can - go girl, while you can!

Disgusting, the whole thing! How about the SF player who beat up his pregnant gf last weekend only to play this past weekend! :slapface:

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She already did! :blink:

Bet they divorce.....soon! Gravy train is ending and the video will get all she can - go girl, while you can!

Disgusting, the whole thing! How about the SF player who beat up his pregnant gf last weekend only to play this past weekend! :slapface:

Is that true, Walter? (She married him) I don't follow sports, but I knew the story because its on every network this evening.

Go girl while you can....that's awesome. "Now, I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger"...

They deserve each other IMHO. Sorry ladies, but it's 2014.. Time to jump off the victim parade and take some responsibility.

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Walter Jr. and I have Megatron in 2 leagues, so we're happy! As bad as the Dallas game was, at least the defense wasn't the reason. I don't even want to go there right now!

Kris, you bet your ever lovin' Petty bootie she married him! I'm sure he got it done to make the penalty as small as possible. You know, to make it look like it is Camelot in the Rice household. I'm with you, it's 2014 - wake the "F" up! I grew up in that kind of household, it's no good - for anyone!

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Bet she marries him.

Edited for:

Whose head in what sand???? Are we not to question her at all? It's 2014!!!! And there's more goddamn money being thrown at victims in the country than you can shake a stick at. Im tired of all of it, including the women who out up with it. I've just learned she married him AFTER this incident.

'Nuff said.

planted, my "head-in-the-sand" remark was directed towards the Baltimore Ravens and the NFL. For too long, the NFL has looked the other way on domestic violence incidents, preferring to sweep them under the rug. If you recall, when this incident first came to light, Ray Rice was suspended for only 2 games. That's less punishment than what a player gets for smoking pot or using steroids.

As Walter has noted, just this past weekend a San Francisco player was allowed to play after being charged with assaulting his pregnant wife.

I'm sure the team and NFL was hoping the video would never come to light. Now that it has, people are understandably outraged and the NFL is in CYA mode. They are claiming they didn't see the video until today. Which, if you know something about the long reach of the NFL and its cozy relationship with law enforcement, sounds like a cop-out. The idea that TMZ would get the video before the NFL is absurd.

I'm not going to blame the victim. I may question her judgement in marrying the jerk, but that doesn't mean I'm going to say she deserved to be punched in the face...twice!

Meanwhile, this Chargers-Cardinals game is a good cure fir insomnia. Snooze-ville.

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A lion and a Tiger win on an absolutely beautiful evening. Couldn't have asked for more, including the 7pm start time....that works for me !

Poor Eli Manning. A veteran with two Super Bowl victories under his belt and they've reduced him to worrying about his footwork of all things. How about you just leave him alone and get him some help !

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A lion and a Tiger win on an absolutely beautiful evening. Couldn't have asked for more, including the 7pm start time....that works for me !

Poor Eli Manning. A veteran with two Super Bowl victories under his belt and they've reduced him to worrying about his footwork of all things. How about you just leave him alone and get him some help !

This may be the best team the Lions have put on the field in my lifetime. I like that their defense is coming along. I am picking them at Carolina. I would love to see them win that division.

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I wouldn't get carried away with the Lions victory last night, beating the pathetic G-Men. If they go on the road & beat the Panthers this Sunday, I will start singing a different tune about Detroit--but I still like Green Bay in that division....

Edited by paul carruthers
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There always seems to be an "if" in the Cowboys games. Once again, Romo making bad decisions with the football. Play calling suspect as well. When Murray is getting 5.5 yards per carry, why set up for a pass inside the 5? Pathetic! Walking away it seems like things aren't too bad, but it's the same stuff over again.

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Fuck Ray Rice. Any man who hits a woman or child ain't a man. Period. No excuse.

And no excuse for the NFL and Ravens claiming they never saw the video until today. Bullshit. Law enforcement had it...which meant it was available to the League.

I usually abhor TMZ but in this case they did good. They exposed the head-in-the-sand approach of the NFL when it comes to domestic violence.

Fuck Ray Rice. Asshole. Hope his face is used as punching bag in prison.

Unless its my ex wife. Open season

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