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"Jimmy Page needs to have a good rest"


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Robert's dry sense of humor is once again the root of the problem.

"Ask the Capricorn's" was said to a beautiful reporter he was flirting with.. A typical "clever" Robert Plant one liner....

To be honest, I'm surprised Jimmy reacted without SEEING THE INTERVIEW.. Because it was obvious Robert was joking..

I just read and heard an interview a day or 2 ago that Jimmy is upset with Robert for making fun of John Paul Jones' guide vocal on La La.. Jimmy Page never jokes about Zeppelin... period.. Every other sentence out of Robert is a one liner...

The thing I remember from years ago that opened my eyes to this was their totally different takes on Dread Zeppelin.

Robert loved them .. Jimmy was deeply offended.. for Elvis as much as Zeppelin...
Jimmy has been working his ass off promoting these releases...He's earned a good rest..
Robert should have let it go and shut his trap for once..
I'm glad JPJ has been silent..
Edited by the chase
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Well, the saga continues...what amazes me is that the media outlets are stirring this up (that is bad enough), but now "fans" get a chance to rag on Robert AGAIN! I would like to know if any of you know them so personally that you know all of the background. I don't and I have been following them for decades! This kind of shit breaks my heart and begins to make me lose respect.

I know Jimmy is preserving the legacy in his way. But so is Robert and so is Jonesy. They get out and play and it keeps the Zeppelin name alive IMHO. So I would say they have also done so. Then Jason doing the JBLZE was/is also fantastic.

I have grown extremely tired of this crap. Jimmy is the best guitarist ever IMHO and it is not Roberts fault that he is not out performing live. The man is beyond talented and I am sure if he did decided to tour (any tour, acoustic, whatever) that he would have legions of fans including myself doing everything in our/my power to see him on a stage again touring.

JPJ- always the class act and still is to this day IMHO. But again since he is the quiet one not much attention is paid and this man individually IMHO is musically more talented than Jimmy or Robert. There I said it! I really do not give a rats ass anymore what anyone thinks. I love them all and they will always be my music heroes...unless they start ripping each other. That is not the band that I fell in love with.

Edited by Deborah J
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As always, Deborah says it best. And with the most class and dignity.

ebk, I truly from my heart appreciate this^^ Like I said it breaks my heart because the band that I fell in love with was a unit. If it means leaving this forum to keep that memory then I just may have to do so and just listen to the music..after all that is what is really is all about. :friends:

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ebk, I truly from my heart appreciate this^^ Like I said it breaks my heart because the band that I fell in love with was a unit. If it means leaving this forum to keep that memory then I just may have to do so and just listen to the music..after all that is what is really is all about. :friends:

Now we don't want that to happen as you're so valuable here! :toast:

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Well, the saga continues...what amazes me is that the media outlets are stirring this up (that is bad enough), but now "fans" get a chance to rag on Robert AGAIN! I would like to know if any of you know them so personally that you know all of the background. I don't and I have been following them for decades! This kind of shit breaks my heart and begins to make me lose respect.

I know Jimmy is preserving the legacy in his way. But so is Robert and so is Jonesy. They get out and play and it keeps the Zeppelin name alive IMHO. So I would say they have also done so. Then Jason doing the JBLZE was/is also fantastic.

I have grown extremely tired of this crap. Jimmy is the best guitarist ever IMHO and it is not Roberts fault that he is not out performing live. The man is beyond talented and I am sure if he did decided to tour (any tour, acoustic, whatever) that he would have legions of fans including myself doing everything in our/my power to see him on a stage again touring.

JPJ- always the class act and still is to this day IMHO. But again since he is the quiet one not much attention is paid and this man individually IMHO is musically more talented than Jimmy or Robert. There I said it! I really do not give a rats ass anymore what anyone thinks. I love them all and they will always be my music heroes...unless they start ripping each other. That is not the band that I fell in love with.

I agree, and it's a shame to hear any type of negativity between them. One of the reasons I love LZ is because of the incredible chemistry they had when they played together. This chemistry is often spoken of, and it is what made them much greater together than any of them individually. You can hear/feel it in their music, and you can see it when they are on stage. It is the magic. I love that Jimmy talks about them all being on the same level as musicians, and he gives high praise to each member...those are the comments I like to hear. All the talk of touring appears to be wearing on them, and negative comments will only serve to erode that magical chemistry that I want to remember. I hope that Jimmy will not offer a counter comment.

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ebk, I truly from my heart appreciate this^^ Like I said it breaks my heart because the band that I fell in love with was a unit. If it means leaving this forum to keep that memory then I just may have to do so and just listen to the music..after all that is what is really is all about. :friends:

Don't let the jerks in the media or the gibberers and self appointed "experts" on here who have this perverted sense of entitlement and lack of maturity get you down.

They read interviews and believe it as gospel then jump on every word and take things out of context and except for a very minor few have any real contact with the band.

Yet they act as if they are next door neighbours and "know" exactly what JP, JPJ and RP are thinking.

You have more class in your little finger than they'll ever achieve in their lifetime.

Enjoy Led Zeppelin's music, they can't take that away from you even though some of them seem to think they could do it better.

If you did leave (and I hope you don't), there would be others who would go with you because the forum would be the poorer for you not being part of this community.

To paraphrase another of my musical influences, Neil Young, Long May You Run!

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I agree, and it's a shame to hear any type of negativity between them. One of the reasons I love LZ is because of the incredible chemistry they had when they played together. This chemistry is often spoken of, and it is what made them much greater together than any of them individually. You can hear/feel it in their music, and you can see it when they are on stage. It is the magic. I love that Jimmy talks about them all being on the same level as musicians, and he gives high praise to each member...those are the comments I like to hear. All the talk of touring appears to be wearing on them, and negative comments will only serve to erode that magical chemistry that I want to remember. I hope that Jimmy will not offer a counter comment.

Great post, thank you Ddladner :yourock:

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Don't let the jerks in the media or the gibberers and self appointed "experts" on here who have this perverted sense of entitlement and lack of maturity get you down.

They read interviews and believe it as gospel then jump on every word and take things out of context and except for a very minor few have any real contact with the band.

Yet they act as if they are next door neighbours and "know" exactly what JP, JPJ and RP are thinking.

You have more class in your little finger than they'll ever achieve in their lifetime.

Enjoy Led Zeppelin's music, they can't take that away from you even though some of them seem to think they could do it better.

If you did leave (and I hope you don't), there would be others who would go with you because the forum would be the poorer for you not being part of this community.

To paraphrase another of my musical influences, Neil Young, Long May You Run!

Well done Reggie! :thumbsup:

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Deborah, I agree with SuperDave and Reggie. You're valued here and we'd hate to lose you.

I did try to send you a PM, but it says you're not accepting them. Didn't want you to leave and not know how much you'd be missed.

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Don't let the jerks in the media or the gibberers and self appointed "experts" on here who have this perverted sense of entitlement and lack of maturity get you down.

They read interviews and believe it as gospel then jump on every word and take things out of context and except for a very minor few have any real contact with the band.

Yet they act as if they are next door neighbours and "know" exactly what JP, JPJ and RP are thinking.

You have more class in your little finger than they'll ever achieve in their lifetime.

Enjoy Led Zeppelin's music, they can't take that away from you even though some of them seem to think they could do it better.

If you did leave (and I hope you don't), there would be others who would go with you because the forum would be the poorer for you not being part of this community.

To paraphrase another of my musical influences, Neil Young, Long May You Run!

Reggie, Iove ya to. I really needed these last few comments. I just went and pulled out my original albums, the ones I bought back when they came out so I could take myself back to a time that was magical. Think I'll put on that album by Neil Young and remember that there are really some great people here :friends:

Edited by Deborah J
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Deborah, I agree with SuperDave and Reggie. You're valued here and we'd hate to lose you.

I did try to send you a PM, but it says you're not accepting them. Didn't want you to leave and not know how much you'd be missed.

sending you a PM my dear friend:-)

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Honestly, I think we are blowing the feud out of proportion. As Robert said, they are brothers and I am sure things will be fine. They aren't the best of friends but they have great respect for one another and I am sure they would have no problem getting together once and a while still. Friends can still be pissed off at one another, and Jimmy has a right to be ticked off.

Ah well, I can go on and on about Robert. This was the best "year of Zeppelin" for me yet so I don't feel like arguing the topic anymore!

Rock on

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What is it that makes some of you think you are clued in to what Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham think, feel, are motivated by, want, should do, and owe you as fans? There is an undercurrent here which believes that if a Led Zeppelin reunion tour doesn't happen, these guys will have failed somehow, will die unfulfilled, and you as fans will be shortchanged. Really. The bucket list concept is sad and pathetic and it's crazy to think these guys need one now all of a sudden. They may not be done creating and entertaining, just accept they'll be doing it on their own terms, not necessarily yours. Accept that already. Consider also that maybe it isn't Jason Bonham's sole purpose here on earth to live in his father's shadow, to live vicariously through his father's past life to create an experience for selfish, thoughtless and demanding "fans". There may be a chance that's a possibility.

Ever seen the SNL skit where Shatner tells the trekkies to get a life? It may hit a little too close to home for some of the people here.

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What is it that makes some of you think you are clued in to what Page/Plant/Jones/Bonham think, feel, are motivated by, want, should do, and owe you as fans? There is an undercurrent here which believes that if a Led Zeppelin reunion tour doesn't happen, these guys will have failed somehow, will die unfulfilled, and you as fans will be shortchanged. Really. The bucket list concept is sad and pathetic and it's crazy to think these guys need one now all of a sudden. They may not be done creating and entertaining, just accept they'll be doing it on their own terms, not necessarily yours. Accept that already. Consider also that maybe it isn't Jason Bonham's sole purpose here on earth to live in his father's shadow, to live vicariously through his father's past life to create an experience for selfish, thoughtless and demanding "fans". There may be a chance that's a possibility.

Ever seen the SNL skit where Shatner tells the trekkies to get a life? It may hit a little too close to home for some of the people here.

Better tell that to Jimmy:

"I was told last year that Robert Plant said he is doing nothing in 2014, and what do the other two guys think? Well he knows what the other guys think. Everyone would love to play more concerts for the band. He’s just playing games, and I’m fed up with it, to be honest with you.”

And perhaps a little emotional control is warranted here, in a fan forum, where people express their opinions. I don't agree with much of what was said here, especially the emotion stricken stuff, but in terms of "getting a life", it might be worth noting that this is a forum that would not exist without people's varying opinions. It's nothing that warrants a melt down. Save that for the real world please.

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This is what Jonesy's running from - a game of ping-pong-journalism where they actually "talk" to each other via interviews. It's sad but since I am no Page or Plant... It's their thing.

On one hand, though, Page has come through his silence with three epic boxes of sweet, sweet Zep legacy; while Plant cancelled all Spanish SSShifters dates for "some reason".

I guess Plant just needed to sleep and have a good rest...

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"Better tell that to Jimmy:"

I don't need to tell Jimmy anything. That's the point. Get it? I don't think Jimmy Page needs you or anybody else to interpret his words, thoughts or actions for the unwashed masses. Relaying his information is one thing. Inferring it's meaning is another. If you need to define my post as a meltdown to prove your quasi-authority here, whatever. This is a place for opinions, huh. Just not ones you like?

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This thread took all sorts of twists and turns.....very insulting to both Robert and Jimmy in parts. I wish there were an emoticon for the look that is stuck on my face.....

"Jimmy needs to have a good rest." What does that even mean????? :unsure: None of this makes sense. I don't think Robert or Jimmy would be making these types of comments if the media and the fans could just leave the reunion issue alone, because all this really seems to be is some kind of shift of blame game.

But who can blame either one of them for wanting what they want. You gotta love and respect Robert for staying true to himself and sticking to his guns. I think it's disgraceful how some fans seem to be just waiting around for the opportunity to s*** on Robert. Obviously he loves/enjoys Led Zeppelin's music because he still singing the tunes! But he doesn't have the want to perform them with Jimmy, John Paul or Jason. Can anyone give us the real reasons rather than speculation as to why this is? Someone said in another thread that Robert and Jimmy's relationship isn't strained. Really, how true is that? Regardless, Robert says they're brothers. So for goodness sake's I think they should act like the brothers they are, pick up the phone and try to work out whatever issues they may have with one another privately away from the press.

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I suggest it's a dig at Jimmy's exhausting promotional duties.

Oh, I see.

It doesn't make much sense to me for Robert to be saying that. It doesn't appear to be Jimmy pressing for a reunion. He has been saying since at least back at the release of Celebration Day that a reunion isn't likely to happen. All he has seemed to be doing is answering the press' questions about a reunion that the fans want to believe will happen.

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