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Huge that the Cubs get to open with Lester and Arrieta.  HUGE!!!!  Mets have to wait til game three to put DeGrom on the mound. Unless the manager is just plain crazy.  

How about them Cubbies?  And I mean HUGE!!!!

Edited by kingzoso
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2-0 in favor of the good guys Rick. :P Now that the Mets have made it by the Cubs 2 biggest guns in their rotation, it makes me wonder what the Cubs have left. I won't say "sweep", because things could turn around in Wrigley, but I'm feeling good....




Edited by paul carruthers
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New York Met Daniel Murphy was the MVP of the Mets-Dodgers series and he is looking like the MVP for the Mets against the Cubs, too.

So for Marvelous Marv Throneberry's sake, why are the Mets saying Daniel Murphy doesn't figure in their plans? :blink:



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^ As the Met's young pitching staff began reaching it's potential, there have long been questions about whether their infield 2B / SS situation was adequate to back a great group of pitchers. I believe Murphy was also known as a streaky power hitter. He sure is on a streak, now - while many of his teammates, particularly Wright, are not.

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I am having a ton of trouble with this new quote format.  Preferred the old one.  Anyway, to use the words of the famous Yankee who passed away last week, "it ain't over til its over".  Ever heard that before Paul?  The Cubs have not played a home game, a travesty as they had a far better  record and played St  Louis umpteen times.   now you know how hard it is to sweep a team in the regular season. Its very tough to beat a team 4 st in post season and this I picked Toronto tonight with success, barring a late miracle.  Just because that long haired freak show is pitching tomorrow means nothing.  This is far from over.  I do not hate the Mets like the two AL teams.  But I do hate Granderson.  Damm, just watched Manning run for a first.  I have Eagles for a sweep.  I expect the Cubs to win tomorrow.  If they do not, this season to them is going to be a huge success regardless as they were picked to take a step in the right direction but not to make the post season and beat the Cardinals.  The bigger upset on paper is the Mets over the Dodgers.  The Dodgers should have won and mattingly should be fired.  I do not know what heppened with Greinke?  Did he quit the team or somethingt?  If anyone knows do post.


Ps  my post is above  Why I do not know.  anyway, if your Mets were not playing the Cubs you would agree that the best thing for this sport woudl be a Cubs series win.  The second best thing would be for the season to have ended a month ago.  This is just stupid that they are playing this late and in the cold. Nobody wants to have to balance watching football, hockey and baseball and next week the NBA starts for Gods sake.  Dumb.  Change the rules and end the season in Sept

2-0 in favor of the good guys Rick. :P Now that the Mets have made it by the Cubs 2 biggest guns in their rotation, it makes me wonder what the Cubs have left. I won't say "sweep", because things could turn around in Wrigley, but I'm feeling good....




Well I must use the words of a famous old Yankee that just passed away last week.  "It aint over til its over".  And they have not played a game yet in Chicago.  A travesty in my opinion as they had a far better record than you guys and had to play the Cardinals like 18 times I think.  The Cubs are far from finished. You think your hippy boy is a cinch. Well Arrietta can lose so can DeGrom.  It will be a zoo in Wrigley.  And the good guys are the Cubs. You know who my favorite team is, but nothing would be better for the game than a Cubs winning the series and I think if they were playing anyone else you would admit I am right. I do not like the Mets one bit.  Mainly because i hate Granderson.  I hate both of the AL teams even more.  I did pick Toronto to win tonight.  Its hard to beat a team 3 in a row in the regular seaosn and 

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Well Murphy's law is alive and well.  But maybe it will go bye bye?  

I hope that the New York Mets completely dominant and destroy the Chicago Cubs later today in front of all the drunk and screaming Cubs fans at Wrigley Field.  It would be a pleasure to watch all the drunk and screaming fans be and fall silent ever time the Mets get a base hit or score runs.  The Cubs are mainly young and cocky players who need to learn a hard lesson that just because they made it so far, that they are not infallible or invincible. 

I will say one thing in the Cubs favor, they made it this far compared to the Baltimore Orioles who were the laughing stock of the American League East with a paltry record of 61 wins and 61 losses.  Not even a winning season did the orioles have this year. 

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I hope that the New York Mets completely dominant and destroy the Chicago Cubs later today in front of all the drunk and screaming Cubs fans at Wrigley Field.  It would be a pleasure to watch all the drunk and screaming fans be and fall silent ever time the Mets get a base hit or score runs.  The Cubs are mainly young and cocky players who need to learn a hard lesson that just because they made it so far, that they are not infallible or invincible. 

I will say one thing in the Cubs favor, they made it this far compared to the Baltimore Orioles who were the laughing stock of the American League East with a paltry record of 61 wins and 61 losses.  Not even a winning season did the orioles have this year. 

Sour grapes I am not even going to read the above rubbish.  Its never over til its over.  Ask the Yankees

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How about them New York Mets.  Their great pitching has put them on the brink of a World Series appearance since (I don't know when - I know I could easily look it up but I don't feel like it right now).  That means that the Mets great pitching has put the Chicago Cubs on the brink of elimination.  Good for the Cubs.  I dislike their "cockiness".  I hope that the Mets win later tonight in Chicago in front of the Chicago fans.  I want to personally see the looks on the Cubs players and their fans as New York celebrates on the field at Wrigley.

I will say the same with the Royals.  I hope they win later this afternoon in Toronto. 

Edited to add:  I know that Paul and a few others are with Me about the Mets winning later tonight in Chicago.  I know that the Cubs defeated the Cardinals and I am already over that but I will say that I think that the Saint Louis Cardinals would have given the New York Mets a lot more competition and better Baseball then the Chicago Cubs have. 

Edited by kingzoso
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How about them New York Mets.  Their great pitching has put them on the brink of a World Series appearance since (I don't know when - I know I could easily look it up but I don't feel like it right now).  That means that the Mets great pitching has put the Chicago Cubs on the brink of elimination.  Good for the Cubs.  I dislike their "cockiness".  I hope that the Mets win later tonight in Chicago in front of the Chicago fans.  I want to personally see the looks on the Cubs players and their fans as New York celebrates on the field at Wrigley.

I will say the same with the Royals.  I hope they win later this afternoon in Toronto. 

Edited to add:  I know that Paul and a few others are with Me about the Mets winning later tonight in Chicago.  I know that the Cubs defeated the Cardinals and I am already over that but I will say that I think that the Saint Louis Cardinals would have given the New York Mets a lot more competition and better Baseball then the Chicago Cubs have. 

Things that are sure, death, taxes and a morning post by some fool in St Louis.  This is a successful and a very great year for the Cubs organization no matter how things turned out.  Their plan with Madden was to build a winner, and not in one year.  They are far ahead of schedule. So they will walk away from this with their heads raised high, though no doubt disappointed since they made it so far.  But I would never count a team out in baseball until its over like Yogi said.  His words are true.  Admit it or not. I remember some Yankee fans that kept mouthing off the Red Sox have no chance and all of that. But a few guys like Ortiz and Damon did not give in to the bullshit and they came back and won the ALCS with a 4 game streak vs the Yankees.  It is due to happen in the NL.  What better tie than in the NLCS like the Red Sox did. I do not think the Mets are as good as the Dodgers or Cubs.  This would be right up there with the 69 Mets.  Mattingly will likely pay the price for the Dodgers.  Greinke can walk.  Let him.  I would have to pick KC to demolish the Mets in a NY minute if that is what it comes to.  

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Well, this Mets/Cubs series is playing out like I expected--I didn't think we would sweep & I have still have my doubts that a 4 game broom job will happen, but as I said before, I'll take the Mets rotation and the offense against anyone in baseball. 

And that includes the Royals, who are really surprising me. I forget at the moment whether or not I picked the Royals to win the ALCS, but the mudhole they have stomped over the Jays so far did shock me a bit--I expected Toronto to put up a better fight than what they have shown...


Edited by paul carruthers
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Well, this Mets/Cubs series is playing out like I expected--I didn't think we would sweep & I have still have my doubts that a 4 game broom job will happen, but as I said before, I'll take the Mets rotation and the offense against anyone in baseball. 

And that includes the Royals, who are really surprising me. I forget at the moment whether or not I picked the Royals to win the ALCS, but the mudhole they have stomped over the Jays so far did shock me a bit--I expected Toronto to put up a better fight than what they have shown...


You know Paul I have always liked you and consider you a friend.  But to say this played out as expected is a statement full of arrogance and ridicule.  There is no damn way you saw this coming after what the Cubs did to St Louis.  And I will be shocked if they do not come out and win tonight   

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You know Paul I have always liked you and consider you a friend.  But to say this played out as expected is a statement full of arrogance and ridicule.  There is no damn way you saw this coming after what the Cubs did to St Louis.  And I will be shocked if they do not come out and win tonight   

Au contraire, Mr. Yukon Buffalo.

The Mets had just destroyed the Dodgers with outstanding pitching and also had the home field advantage. Murphy had already hit home runs off of Greinke and Kershaw, so he wasn't going to be afraid of the Cubbies. 

After you get past Arietta, nobody on the Cubs pitching staff scares anybody. The Mets pitching staff has more depth than the Cubs. The Mets have three clutch guys they can throw out there...deGrom, Syndegaard, and the Dark Knight.

And the Mets don't have the weight of Murphy the Goat and 108 years of futility on their backs.

The Mefs beating the Cubs is not a surprise or an upset. A sweep, though, is mildly surprising. I thought the Cubs could at least eek out a win or two.

Both of these LCS are anticlimactic.

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A sweep would be certainly welcome for me tonight.  Mets are looking good and is the pitching that is doing it as good pitching almost always beats good hitting!  That's what the Mets have done to the Cubs so far.  It would be nice to give the Mets pitching a bit of a rest as well, if they win tonight!

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Au contraire, Mr. Yukon Buffalo.

The Mets had just destroyed the Dodgers with outstanding pitching and also had the home field advantage. Murphy had already hit home runs off of Greinke and Kershaw, so he wasn't going to be afraid of the Cubbies. 

After you get past Arietta, nobody on the Cubs pitching staff scares anybody. The Mets pitching staff has more depth than the Cubs. The Mets have three clutch guys they can throw out there...deGrom, Syndegaard, and the Dark Knight.

And the Mets don't have the weight of Murphy the Goat and 108 years of futility on their backs.

The Mefs beating the Cubs is not a surprise or an upset. A sweep, though, is mildly surprising. I thought the Cubs could at least eek out a win or two.

Both of these LCS are anticlimactic.

3-2 is not destroyed where I come from.  You California starry eyed dreamers are sun baked.

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