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Things that scared you as a kid


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I'll kick start by saying 3 tv shows/films that still haunt me to this day:

1) The intro to the original Hulk tv series...I hated the music, the thunderstorm and that scary gamma machine that Dr Banner was strapped into...


...No thanks...

2) The bit where Marc Singer rips the face off some bloke in the tv series V during a fight, revealing he's a yellow eyed reptile.

3) The bit in Superman 3, where this woman gets sucked into a machine and turns her into a cyborg, with very bad hair


Feel free to share your childhood nightmares

I'm outta here... :run:

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You know, I really only had two: I was really afraid of "The Bomb," positive some asshole was gonna start WWIII and my family would be the unfortunate ones to survive the initial blasts only to live on for a few weeks ala Road Warrior.

Second fear was tornados'. I grew up in a suburb of Chicago called Bolingbrook, 35 mi due SW of Chicago and known as tornado alley. I survived two of the worse tornados in the history of the Chicago area, one even hit the building I was in. The second one, and the worse one in Chicago history, was coming straight for the building I was in, jumped about a mile before it would have hit us and came back down on an elementary school three miles away. To this day I have the occasional nightmare of being wasted by a tornado.

Oh, and being naked in public...I really hate that dream.

Edited by IpMan
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Also, growing up in Northern Ireland during the troubles wasn't much fun...I hated this advert, especially the bit at 0.33. It frightened the wits out of me.

Warning, it is graphic.


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Also, growing up in Northern Ireland during the troubles wasn't much fun...I hated this advert, especially the bit at 0.33. It frightened the wits out of me.

Warning, it is graphic.


Graphic, where. Oh you mean Perry wotshisface who plays Billy Mitchell in Eastenders.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dogs, particularly big ones.

The tornado scene in The Wizard of Oz film.

The big inflated figures they use in parades and advertising. I saw one laying on the ground after a parade when I was around five. I was convinced it was a dead giant.

Snakes (come to think of it I'm still scared of them)

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Growing up, almost all the kids in our neighborhood played and fought in a wooded area that was divided into 2 plots. Us younger kids were always warned by the older ones that we should never go into the one side's woods - because a "Farmer Brown" owned them, and would come after us with his shotgun and knife. We thought this was a tall tale, to keep us away from what the bigger kids wanted for themselves. One day, when we wandered in close enough to see the farmer's house, he did indeed come after us - armed with a shotgun and bigass knife! We hid in some dense thickets, and he circled around, cursing and yelling threats. And he looked like someone from a chainsaw movie. He probably was putting on an act, but it sure as shit worked!

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Any talk about the possibility of a nuclear war used to scare me as a kid.

Then they made us watch 'Threads' at school!


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