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Hot pics of Jimmy


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Yeah, by the end of the tour he was rarely bathing, his face was spotty, the perm had come out of his hair. The guy who ran their laser show said his poppy suit reeked. Whereas Robert would have his jeans neatly pressed every morning, Jimmy's outfit was just hung in a corner growing new life forms.

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Thank You!! :yay:


Thank you for this one, Lucia!! :D

Thank you for that insight, Ev. I didn't know any of that to that extent. Oh, poor Jimmy. I hate thinking of him being so misreable and not taking care of himself! I'm so releived he seems to be now.





Edited by aen27
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Yeah, by the end of the tour he was rarely bathing, his face was spotty, the perm had come out of his hair. The guy who ran their laser show said his poppy suit reeked. Whereas Robert would have his jeans neatly pressed every morning, Jimmy's outfit was just hung in a corner growing new life forms.

Thank you for this one, Lucia!! :D

Thank you for that insight, Ev. I didn't know any of that to that extent. Oh, poor Jimmy. I hate thinking of him being so misreable and not taking care of himself! I'm so releived he seems to be now.

I didn't know that either, and yes poor Jimmy, I wish that somehow he was talked out of it, or if he could see how much it was damaging him, poor baby. :(

And yes I do know that it's more complicated than just stopping.

The hand always creeps me out in this one. I don't suppose anyone knows who's it is?






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Ok then.Magenta,this is for you:

Grandchildren:Tell us more!Tell us more!

Grandma:Well...I was once on Led Zep concert...


Grandma:Jimmy was on stage...Perfect in every way..

Oh no,grandma,what did you DO?!

Grandma *small heart attack*

Grandchildren: GRANDMA!!!!!

Grandma: I'm okay...I just remembered when I threw my panties to him.

And they lived happily ever after,listening to Led Zeppelin,admiring Jimmy...


:lol: Hope you didn't trip over your panties... ;)

Oh, Lena, you crack me up...

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