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Judging on looks, Eva comes out on top. 

Sienna Miller isn't a beauty IMO,  but she is cute.

Paris Hilton is a bad joke.....a funhouse mirror on legs.

Personality would be the question with the first two, Paris has already let the world know that her soul is not the reason you would go near her.

I think Paris is very hot. She is not perfect. I love blondes but her body is not my ideal. I prefer women with bigger boobs but i think she is still very pretty.

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I think Paris is very hot. She is not perfect. I love blondes but her body is not my ideal. I prefer women with bigger boobs but i think she is still very pretty.

Really? IMO Paris looks like an inbred blueblood who's tried to mask her faults with plastic surgery.

The faults would probably have made her more interesting, it would'nt be the personality that's for sure. B)

That's why I'm not up in arms when you start going off about looking only for a hottie.

It sounds worse than it is....as I stated above, you're just looking for an attractive woman, because what you consider to be hot in most cases I find unimpressive.

It's the rest of your views on women that rankle me.

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Really? IMO Paris looks like an inbred blueblood who's tried to mask her faults with plastic surgery.

The faults would probably have made her more interesting, it would'nt be the personality that's for sure. B)

That's why I'm not up in arms when you start going off about looking only for a hottie.

It sounds worse than it is....as I stated above, you're just looking for an attractive woman, because what you consider to be hot in most cases I find unimpressive.

It's the rest of your views on women that rankle me.

Seriously dude, have i really said anything bad about women? I have just pointed out what i don't like about a lot of women. (being into drama, being clingy and needy, having the romance novel mindset). Does any man really want those things in a woman? I can't be the only one here.

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this is what my favorite online blogger had to say about Paris Hilton today...

You probably weren't wondering, but if for some reason you were, Nicky Hilton spent Christmas day on Maui. Which bugs me to no end. I know people say she's prettier than Paris but asking if Paris Hilton could get any uglier is like asking if a turkey could get any uglier. So Nicky Hilton and a turkey are in a tie for the coveted title of, "Prettier Than Paris Hilton". Last years winner was Every Other Woman On The Planet Earth. Good luck Nicky!

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this is what my favorite online blogger had to say about Paris Hilton today...

You probably weren't wondering, but if for some reason you were, Nicky Hilton spent Christmas day on Maui. Which bugs me to no end. I know people say she's prettier than Paris but asking if Paris Hilton could get any uglier is like asking if a turkey could get any uglier. So Nicky Hilton and a turkey are in a tie for the coveted title of, "Prettier Than Paris Hilton". Last years winner was Every Other Woman On The Planet Earth. Good luck Nicky!

I don't understand how Paris can be considered ugly by people. If people don't like her as a person that's fine. But she is pretty.

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Paris Hilton is a gargoyle. She has no tits, no ass, huge feet, a beak for a nose and a wonky eye. Not to mention, she's covered in weeping STD sores. Oh yeah, she's such a looker. How can you find walking venereal diseases "pretty"?

Haven't you knocked me for being shallow about looks? And here you are ripping her ass up? :huh:

Anyways, I am not an ass man, i agree about the tits, i have never looked at her feet. i don't know what you mean about a wonky eye and i have seen a lot worse noses on women.

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Just because I think she's an ugly troll covered in herpes sores, doesn't mean I use looks as a measuring stick for choosing a date.

And she is an ugly troll covered in herpes sores. And I've seen her sex tape, she can't fuck to save her life.

Uh huh :blink: , It's the same thing.If a guy was the male equivalent in looks as her would you hook up with him? face it, looks come into it with most people when choosing who to date.

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Wonky eye, meaning lazy eye. She has a lazy left eye...oh, and she has a beak nose too.



Okay. Are you sure it's not just a couple bad shots of her? I have never noticed a lazy eye before. If it's true she does a good job of covering it up. But her nose looks perfectly normal.

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Depends on his personality. If he's not a super good-looking guy, but really sweet, I would go out with him. Personality/intelligence are far more important to me. Looks fade. If he had an ugly personality, what he looked like is of no importance. Ugly on the inside, means ugly on the outside.

And I only "hook up" with guys I'm in a committed relationship with. So if we're at that stage in the game, it's safe to say that I'm past caring about what you look like, and I find more important things worth noting.

BTW, I fail to see what any of this has to do with me thinking Paris Hilton is an ugly troll covered in STD sores. I'm never going to meet her, fuck her, talk to her or interact with her in any way. I'd be too scared of catching something.

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Depends on his personality. If he's not a super good-looking guy, but really sweet, I would go out with him. Personality/intelligence are far more important to me. Looks fade. If he had an ugly personality, what he looked like is of no importance. Ugly on the inside, means ugly on the outside.

And I only "hook up" with guys I'm in a committed relationship with. So if we're at that stage in the game, it's safe to say that I'm past caring about what you look like, and I find more important things worth noting.

BTW, I fail to see what any of this has to do with me thinking Paris Hilton is an ugly troll covered in STD sores. I'm never going to meet her, fuck her, talk to her or interact with her in any way. I'd be too scared of catching something.

it does have something to do with it because you are calling her ugly. And yet you have said looks don't matter to you.

What i meant by "hook up" is date regularly. not screw.

I wouldn't hook up with a girl with an ugly personality (mean, possessive, clingy,etc .That's ugly to me) either no matter what she looked like. So i am no different.

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it does have something to do with it because you are calling her ugly. And yet you have said looks don't matter to you.

The problem with Paris is that her personality kind of seeps through. That's something which bleached hair, coloured contacts or plastic surgeries cannot hide. Of course, she's not 'ugly', but she is no beauty queen either...although she thinks otherwise. No matter how she tried to perfect her looks (which seems to be the only thing she cares about and in which she's usually unsuccessful because it usually makes her look even more affected), her arrogant little smile and blunt expression is what makes her so unattractive in the eyes of many people. She's completely mediocre and unimportant, yet she behaved as if the whole world belonged to her. That's quite irritating.

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Okay. Are you sure it's not just a couple bad shots of her? I have never noticed a lazy eye before. If it's true she does a good job of covering it up. But her nose looks perfectly normal.

Probably not that good.....


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Paris Hilton is a gargoyle. She has no tits, no ass, huge feet, a beak for a nose and a wonky eye. Not to mention, she's covered in weeping STD sores. Oh yeah, she's such a looker. How can you find walking venereal diseases "pretty"?


Wow. That seems pretty harsh.. and mean-spirited.

Making fun of someone's physical appearance seems rather hypocritical of you 'Liz,..

considering you self-righteously gave Del a ton of grief for making fun of fat people.

You think Paris chose the shape of her ass, tits, and nose; the size of her feet; or to have a

lazy eye? If she got a nose job and implants, I s'pose you'd chastise her for that too, huh?

Does calling Paris Hilton an ass-less, tit-less, beak-nosed, wonky-eyed,

walking venereal disease gargoyle make you feel better about yourself?


The next time you feel an impulse to accuse someone of being shallow and

superficial, you might stop to consider your own tendencies toward such, eh?


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