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Did Plant ever write a song for / about Bonzo ?


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My point is Knebby is privy to those details and I would take her word for it concerning

Pictures at Eleven or any of Robert's other solo efforts.

As for Hiburn, he had it out for Zeppelin from day one. Even when they were The Kings

of the LA concert scene, he brought his axe to the concert and used it in his reviews.

No problem Steve. It was satire on my end. Had nothing to do with what we were talking about.

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It is your choice to ignore, it wasn't meant to accuse it was meant to be absurd. So you did get the point. I never said Robert does not write lyrics on a personal level. Infact my original point was, he changed the words in Carouselambra to show his feelings at the present. It's my opinion he did this, not that I am stating fact. Even if I knew it was, this is not the place to air it. Absolutely nothing personal. If I came off in a personal manner, please except my apology. Actually, I love being able to converse with someone like yourself who's great wealth of knowledge I can learn from. And I have. I respect you and your opinion, Knebby. Doesn't mean we will always agree. Thank you for the offer. Happy New Year, Blessings to you, and your family, and I look forward to discussing other subjects to share our thoughts on, in the future.


Cheers for a lovely lovely post - quite makes my New Year preparations - and I recognise and appreciate your points. :drunk: Here's to a good night and a fabulous year.

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Oh, I don't see that at all. Clearly, it's more like Jimmy joined Robert's line-up. Even the locations used in the Unledded film are arguably more meaningful to Robert than Jimmy.

It was Jimmy who called upon Robert, who held all the cards.

Yup. In 1998, when they toured as a four piece plus Phil Andrews, it's more like they were doing Jimmy's thing, more the original Zep type lineup. And at that point Robert lost interest, for a decade at least.

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Yup. In 1998, when they toured as a four piece plus Phil Andrews, it's more like they were doing Jimmy's thing, more the original Zep type lineup. And at that point Robert lost interest, for a decade at least.

In 98 they drew strongly on WIC material live. And it was clear you could hear Jimmys influence.

The songs (like Heart In Your Hand,WIC, ect) took on a new power then the studio versions. They came alive.

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L.A. Times columnist Robert Hilburn was always among Zeppelin's biggest critics in America and I'm reminded of a scathing review he wrote for Pictures at Eleven. He dismissed it as whiny, narcisstic and self-indulgent. A classic example of someone completely failing to get or even remotely understand an album because they had no awareness or interest in the events within the life of the artist.

Don't know or care about Robert Hilburn per se, but, it is perfectly legitimate to judge art or music without prior, or any, knowledge of the artist's personal life. In fact I would argue it's not art at all if you have to know about the person to appreciate the work -that's friendship. The best work speaks to the universal even if it starts in the personal.

"My duty as an artist is to overcome and alleviate the sterility of despair." - David Hockney.

Donning flame proof PJs to say this - sometimes Plant is, in fact, whiny, narcissistic and self-indulgent (it wasn't the critics who first referred to him as a Golden God, was it?) It could be argued that "Raising Sand" is perhaps his first full foray into not being any of those things (though I know full well this is not the forum to argue that...)

I hasten to add, he has done other work that is devastating, beautiful, and powerful. Also, much that is fun, silly and sexy.

Anyway, I may become interested in the person after I am touched by the art, but it's completely possible to be touched by art without knowing or particularly wanting to know the first thing about the artist.

"Noone looks up at the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel and says 'what an asshole that Michealangelo was' " - person whose name I don't know.

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Don't know or care about Robert Hilburn per se, but, it is perfectly legitimate to judge art or music without prior, or any, knowledge of the artist's personal life. In fact I would argue it's not art at all if you have to know about the person to appreciate the work -that's friendship. The best work speaks to the universal even if it starts in the personal.

"My duty as an artist is to overcome and alleviate the sterility of despair." - David Hockney.

Donning flame proof PJs to say this - sometimes Plant is, in fact, whiny, narcissistic and self-indulgent (it wasn't the critics who first referred to him as a Golden God, was it?) It could be argued that "Raising Sand" is perhaps his first full foray into not being any of those things (though I know full well this is not the forum to argue that...)

I hasten to add, he has done other work that is devastating, beautiful, and powerful. Also, much that is fun, silly and sexy.

Anyway, I may become interested in the person after I am touched by the art, but it's completely possible to be touched by art without knowing or particularly wanting to know the first thing about the artist.

"Noone looks up at the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel and says 'what an asshole that Michealangelo was' " - person whose name I don't know.

SunChild, You can sit in my lap, anytime. :D

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Don't know or care about Robert Hilburn per se, but, it is perfectly legitimate to judge art or music without prior, or any, knowledge of the artist's personal life. In fact I would argue it's not art at all if you have to know about the person to appreciate the work -that's friendship. The best work speaks to the universal even if it starts in the personal.

"My duty as an artist is to overcome and alleviate the sterility of despair." - David Hockney.

Donning flame proof PJs to say this - sometimes Plant is, in fact, whiny, narcissistic and self-indulgent (it wasn't the critics who first referred to him as a Golden God, was it?)

Actually it was. That's where he got the piss-take name from. Cheers mate. :beer:

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Actually it was. That's where he got the piss-take name from. Cheers mate. :beer:

:beer: Happy New Year...

OK, never knew that - are you up for sharing the details? I always thought he was standing on the balcony at the Riot House opining about himself. Funny how we get these notions.

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He DID say it as described - but he was REPEATING what had been said about him. As I said before.

Thanks for clearing that up. So, he was humbly bemused and "taking the piss" out of some hyperbolic, anonymous reporter or other human person from somewhere, who wrote, or said, at some place or other, some time or other, either seriously or snarkily, that Robert was a Golden God; and people have had the wrong idea about him ever since, probably because of the wide armed, chest thrust forward stance in the photo that tends to accompany the story, which regrettably belies his true winsomeness.

Got it. :D (No wonder they hated the damn press.)

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Thanks for clearing that up. So, he was humbly bemused and "taking the piss" out of some hyperbolic, anonymous reporter or other human person from somewhere, who wrote, or said, at some place or other, some time or other, either seriously or snarkily, that Robert was a Golden God; and people have had the wrong idea about him ever since, probably because of the wide armed, chest thrust forward stance in the photo that tends to accompany the story, which regrettably belies his true winsomeness.

Got it. :D (No wonder they hated the damn press.)

He has a sense of humour. Even about himself.

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FWIW, I always felt there was a general element of sadness strewn across Robert's 'Pictures At Eleven.' In particular, Moonlight In Samosa - one of my favorite Plant solo songs BTW - was quite melancholy (although not necessarily about Bonzo).

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I have no proof what so ever, but these lyrics always made me think Robert was singing about John, maybe they are random lyrics about those Robert has lost, or maybe just lyrics to a song with no back story at all...anyway....

And I open my eyes

As the sun leaves the western sky

Precious memory dies

Once again you are here at my side

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

And I'm back on the hill

Yes, you're gone but you're with me still

Now I'm way down the line

Yes, you're gone but you're still on my mind

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

I've been walkin' with strangers and talkin' all out of my mind

Now the dogs in the manger, elusive and so hard to find

Conversations with angels, I seek the dimensional key

I been wheelin' and dealin' whatever will bring you to me

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

I've been walkin' with strangers and talkin' all out of my mind

Now the dogs in the manger, elusive and so hard to find

Conversations with angels, I seek the dimensional key

I been wheelin' and dealin' whatever will bring you to me

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FWIW, I always felt there was a general element of sadness strewn across Robert's 'Pictures At Eleven.' In particular, Moonlight In Samosa - one of my favorite Plant solo songs BTW - was quite melancholy (although not necessarily about Bonzo).

I love that song too.I have an old Lisa Robinson interview with Robert when that album was released

and he stated that Moonlight In Somosa was one of the few true love songs that he ever wrote.and put it in the same vein as The Rain Song and All My Love.

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I have no proof what so ever, but these lyrics always made me think Robert was singing about John, maybe they are random lyrics about those Robert has lost, or maybe just lyrics to a song with no back story at all...anyway....

And I open my eyes

As the sun leaves the western sky

Precious memory dies

Once again you are here at my side

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

And I'm back on the hill

Yes, you're gone but you're with me still

Now I'm way down the line

Yes, you're gone but you're still on my mind

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

I've been walkin' with strangers and talkin' all out of my mind

Now the dogs in the manger, elusive and so hard to find

Conversations with angels, I seek the dimensional key

I been wheelin' and dealin' whatever will bring you to me

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

Blow wind blow

Through my heart let the four winds blow

I've been walkin' with strangers and talkin' all out of my mind

Now the dogs in the manger, elusive and so hard to find

Conversations with angels, I seek the dimensional key

I been wheelin' and dealin' whatever will bring you to me

That's my take on this song too, Bilbo. It's got such a strong drum in it, too.

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