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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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I've been around too long to actually expect this, but wouldn't it be great if somehow the old thinking of "one party is evil & the other side has all the right ideas" could be done away with. If somehow, a vast majority of the pinheads in Congress from both sides could work together & try to do some actual good.


Again, I won't hold out for that, it just seems like a somewhat rosy idea....

Edited by paul carruthers
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1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

I've been around too long to actually expect this, but wouldn't it be great if somehow the old thinking of "one party is evil & the other side has all the right ideas" could be done away with. If somehow, a vast majority of the pinheads in Congress from both sides could work together & try to do some actual good.


Again, I won't hold out for that, it just seems like a somewhat rosy idea....

If I were president, On day one, I would sign an executive order stating that any bill that comes before the presidents desk must be bipartisan in nature and so goes for any other legislature created by congress or the senate. I wouldn't sign a damn thing unless it was bipartisan. Both parties should be forced to to work together to come up with legislation that is satisfactory to both sides no matter what the issue. Neither side should be allowed to go it alone. if it were law they would have to focus more on policy than any pork, earmarks or special interest groups. The days of government using their position to make sweetheart deals and other wasteful spending would be over. I would also like to see a law made regarding campaigning. No baseless accusations or outright lies can be used for add purposes. all campaign adds must focus on your own policies or character and or the factual failures of the opponents policies. No hyperbole, mischaracterization or outright lies allowed. It's a nice pipedream.

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15 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

I've been around too long to actually expect this, but wouldn't it be great if somehow the old thinking of "one party is evil & the other side has all the right ideas" could be done away with. If somehow, a vast majority of the pinheads in Congress from both sides could work together & try to do some actual good.


Again, I won't hold out for that, it just seems like a somewhat rosy idea....

That is why I stopped watching the news, especially cable news, be it MSNBC, CNN, or Fox. It is not in their interest to have everyone cooperating and getting along. They need to keep stoking fear for ratings.


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16 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

If I were president, On day one, I would sign an executive order stating that any bill that comes before the presidents desk must be bipartisan in nature and so goes for any other legislature created by congress or the senate. I wouldn't sign a damn thing unless it was bipartisan. Both parties should be forced to to work together to come up with legislation that is satisfactory to both sides no matter what the issue. Neither side should be allowed to go it alone. if it were law they would have to focus more on policy than any pork, earmarks or special interest groups. The days of government using their position to make sweetheart deals and other wasteful spending would be over. I would also like to see a law made regarding campaigning. No baseless accusations or outright lies can be used for add purposes. all campaign adds must focus on your own policies or character and or the factual failures of the opponents policies. No hyperbole, mischaracterization or outright lies allowed. It's a nice pipedream.



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2 hours ago, Strider said:

That is why I stopped watching the news, especially cable news, be it MSNBC, CNN, or Fox. It is not in their interest to have everyone cooperating and getting along. They need to keep stoking fear for ratings.


Same here. I hate the fucking news and even shut it off on my truck radio that interrupts the program every 1/2 hour now. 

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