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Hey um, how's those 'Fox Fear News' election fraud claims working out for you?  Oh, you missed those texts.  That's probably because you're only watching 'Fox Fear News'.  Now feel free to use any other subject you can (weather balloons, the border, dementia, the pandemic response, the National anthem, book banning, Hunter, sex transitions & homophobia), to deflect from your misplaced blind loyalty.  I'd dig up 30 some posts from the last two years, but you know.... 

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1 hour ago, Bong-Man said:

Hey um, how's those 'Fox Fear News' election fraud claims working out for you?  Oh, you missed those texts.  That's probably because you're only watching 'Fox Fear News'.  Now feel free to use any other subject you can (weather balloons, the border, dementia, the pandemic response, the National anthem, book banning, Hunter, sex transitions & homophobia), to deflect from your misplaced blind loyalty.  I'd dig up 30 some posts from the last two years, but you know.... 

  If the left can get big tech, social media, the news and 50 former intel officers and 5 heads of cia to back up the lefts claim that the laptop was russian disinformation then they can steal an election. It's all bought and paid for by the left.

  If the election was so legit why were the dems so eager to keep anyone from asking questions about the bullshit we all saw on video like poll watchers being forced out or not even allowed into the buildings at all to do their jobs. How about the people putting paper over the windows in the counting room so no one could see what they were doing? How about poll watchers being kept so far back they couldn't possibly make heads or tails of what the counters were doing?  How about the people pulling boxes out from under the tables after removing everyone else from the room and then tabulating votes without being watched?  their are plenty of reasonable questions that need to be answered with something other than you're crazy or you're an election denier.   The lefts reach is vast especially when you have the FBI in your pocket and who knows what they did to keep others from asking or supporting those questions.

If you are happy with the way your vote has turned out then so be it but don't tell me it's raining when I know the gov has been pissing down my back.

Edited by hummingbird69
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I can't resist sometimes, or the subject seems so outlandish that I have to question if people with actual common sense believe the spin any side of the media puts out....

Worse than the illuminati & whether Tupac is still alive; here comes the fiction created by Agent Orange himself‐-Joe Biden stole the election from me and I'm gonna pout & make mean faces and say dumb shit until most Americans buy into it and/or it helps my recent bid for reelection...

If that mofo pulls a Grover Cleveland, then I'm definitely getting hammered with the finest moonshine a street corner can provide....

Edited by paul carruthers
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reading this somewhat disinterestedly from other side of the ditch . scotland to be more precise . seems to me , we the hoi peloi , are all in the same boat . you currently have biden who on account of his age alone should have been barred from running your country . no need to list his gaffs ( or those of his son ) . the chap before whilst introducing one or two policies that I thought were pretty good , overall screwed it up . his final days put me in mind of modern day macbeth . in my humble opinion . over hear we had that buffoon johnson followed by a maniac woman called truss . two complete disasters . meanwhile in my little part of the world ( pop 5 m ) we had sturgeon . she made all of the foregoing look like intellectual superstars . under her watch the economy , health service and education have all gone tits up . I mean totally tits up . anyway she resigned last week ( an aside one of the reasons for her resignation was that she was unable to tell the difference between a biological man and a female ) . get this . her likely successor is a 32 year old who has no work experience is a member of an extreme religious group ( the wee frees ) ..... you get my drift . on balance I think you chaps and girls over there have got it good .

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On 2/13/2023 at 5:57 PM, hummingbird69 said:

When I was in eighth grade the cool kids came around with a list of songs for the prom to chose and be ok'd by the staff. We were all told to pick Baba O Riley for the last song and we weren't supposed to say anything about it being called Teenage Wasteland.

Oh the cool kids, they were so damned stupid to think that none of the teachers had ever heard of The Who or that song.

Seems the song would have fit the Altamont concert more than Woodstock. 

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On 2/17/2023 at 11:48 AM, hummingbird69 said:

Don Lemon has always been a tool but now he has really shown his intelligence too.

Yesterday he insulted every woman over 50 around the world by saying that when a woman hits that age she's gone past her prime.

In his apology He used the word irrelevant to describe his comment.

 He doesn't even know the meaning of the word irrelevant as it applies to his apology.

By using the word irrelevant he's saying his comment was meaningless. If his comment was meaningless he wouldn't have had to apologize for it.

Don, It's irreverent

  1. showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously.

Don Lemon is being forced to undergo some sort of sensitivity training because of his idiotic remarks about women over 50 being past their prime.

The women at CNN wanted him fired and for all the other people who have been fired for having "wrong" opinions he should be. Beyond that, who gives a fuck what he thinks???  everybody is entitled to their opinions no matter how inane they may be.

The problem here isn't his opinion it's cancel culture period.  I wonder if he sees the irony here as he was all in on cancel culture as away to purge undesirables.

He should be fired, not for what he said but because he's a no talent, self righteous, egotistical media hack.

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Biden proving what a horrible president he is.

Pretty much ignoring the train derailment and yapping about a country who is not a true ally while giving them billions to protect democracy. If he had any balls he would get the rest of the world together and demand that russia stop their aggression.

It's time for the world to come together and put an end to war once and for all by stating that any country engaging in war will be cut off from the rest of the world and will not be allowed to do business or take part in any commerce until they comply. I know some will say that's impossible. There could be countries who do not agree with this stance. TOO BAD. If they don't want to play nice then they won't play at all and trying to attack the whole world wouldn't be in their best interests at all. Standing their ground will do more to stop war than capitulation. 

Instead of trying to look tough biden should be trying to find a way to end the war instead of making it worse. Our tax dollars are needed here and now not across the world where we get nothing for them.

For all you trump haters who though he was gonna bring us to WWIII I hope you're all satisfied with your vote!


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3 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Don Lemon is being forced to undergo some sort of sensitivity training because of his idiotic remarks about women over 50 being past their prime.

The women at CNN wanted him fired and for all the other people who have been fired for having "wrong" opinions he should be. Beyond that, who gives a fuck what he thinks???  everybody is entitled to their opinions no matter how inane they may be.

The problem here isn't his opinion it's cancel culture period.  I wonder if he sees the irony here as he was all in on cancel culture as away to purge undesirables.

He should be fired, not for what he said but because he's a no talent, self righteous, egotistical media hack.

never he is  gay, the right color and a liberal, so he checks all the boxes sort of like that basketball player who was  released by Russia while keeping in a long time pow in jail, and as an added bonus she hates the united states, not sure who Lemon hates besides republicans, the view and other hack shows somehow missed his views on  women and their prime debacle, no surprise

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On 2/20/2023 at 8:33 AM, hummingbird69 said:

  If the left can get big tech, social media, the news and 50 former intel officers and 5 heads of cia to back up the lefts claim that the laptop was russian disinformation then they can steal an election. It's all bought and paid for by the left.

  If the election was so legit why were the dems so eager to keep anyone from asking questions about the bullshit we all saw on video like poll watchers being forced out or not even allowed into the buildings at all to do their jobs. How about the people putting paper over the windows in the counting room so no one could see what they were doing? How about poll watchers being kept so far back they couldn't possibly make heads or tails of what the counters were doing?  How about the people pulling boxes out from under the tables after removing everyone else from the room and then tabulating votes without being watched?  their are plenty of reasonable questions that need to be answered with something other than you're crazy or you're an election denier.   The lefts reach is vast especially when you have the FBI in your pocket and who knows what they did to keep others from asking or supporting those questions.

If you are happy with the way your vote has turned out then so be it but don't tell me it's raining when I know the gov has been pissing down my back.

There are no reasonable questions regarding elections and specifically the 2020 presidential election. You really need to dive into it. It was all an absolute bullshit lie because the Pumpkin couldn’t stand to have been beaten. It is all out in the open. Super easy to read that all of his buddies at Faux News absolutely new it. His entire staff, he admitted it. There are several sources. But you go on believing the grift. He is and was a fat piece of shit worst president in the history of our country. I could care less about what side he is on. Red or Blue. But to be the person/people/hillbillies that still think that there was something wrong with our elections is absurd and laughable. 

Having said that, I have enjoyed some of your thoughts on other topics. You really need to give up defending that disgusting, disgraceful human being. He and his entire family are a joke and that he ever became President is a black eye on our history. On top of it, he is a mental midget! Either way, I hope that he wins the nomination for their party. If you want to run on letting the crazies have a platform, well then we can just continue to vote them out.


Good day Sir. 

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On 2/20/2023 at 7:04 AM, Bong-Man said:

Hey um, how's those 'Fox Fear News' election fraud claims working out for you?  Oh, you missed those texts.  That's probably because you're only watching 'Fox Fear News'.  Now feel free to use any other subject you can (weather balloons, the border, dementia, the pandemic response, the National anthem, book banning, Hunter, sex transitions & homophobia), to deflect from your misplaced blind loyalty.  I'd dig up 30 some posts from the last two years, but you know.... 

great post! 

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22 minutes ago, Strider said:

I see bukkakes in her future.

It has been a while since I have heard that word. Excellent! What a great word and choice of application of it. 

Not kissing ass, but your thoughts, replies, and knowledge of the band and history with them are some of my favorite on this site. I really hope you finish some of your tour threads. They are amazing. 

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On 2/20/2023 at 8:58 AM, paul carruthers said:

I can't resist sometimes, or the subject seems so outlandish that I have to question if people with actual common sense believe the spin any side of the media puts out....

Worse than the illuminati & whether Tupac is still alive; here comes the fiction created by Agent Orange himself‐-Joe Biden stole the election from me and I'm gonna pout & make mean faces and say dumb shit until most Americans buy into it and/or it helps my recent bid for reelection...

If that mofo pulls a Grover Cleveland, then I'm definitely getting hammered with the finest moonshine a street corner can provide....

Very well said Sir. Also, I have wanted to mention, your love of STP, Prince, and a few others, as well as your love of the greatest band in the history of music is in the same boat as all of my favorite musicians and bands. I dig the music you post about in the other bands threads. Plus, being a wrestling fan who grew up on Hogan and JYD, and Jake the snake, etc, etc. we have very similar likes. Awesome shit you throw out there. Keep it up. Thanks for all the posts. 

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