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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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Someone mentioned the latest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame results. Missy Elliot and Sheryl Crow get in but not Iron Maiden, Joy Division, or Warren Zevon. Hell, if you're going to put in a rap act A Tribe Called Quest deserves it far more than Missy Elliot.

And Tom Jones is still not in...but they're going to put in Sheryl Crow, queen of the bland soccer mom pop?

It is as it always is...Jann Wenner/RnRHoF = 💩

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Just now, Strider said:

Someone mentioned the latest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame results. Missy Elliot and Sheryl Crow get in but not Iron Maiden, Joy Division, or Warren Zevon. Hell, if you're going to put in a rap act A Tribe Called Quest deserves it far more than Missy Elliot.

And Tom Jones is still not in...but they're going to put in Sheryl Crow, queen of the bland soccer mom pop?

It is as it always is...Jann Wenner/RnRHoF = 💩

Yep. It's a privately owned tourist trap with all the gravitas of a styrofoam Big Mac container. 

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I was talking to a couple from Manchester today and they are fed up with the Monarchy and think it will be gone in ten years or so. So this question is only for the British subjects on the forum. Are you pro-monarchy or anti-monarchy? Do you see the royals going on for a long time or do you think it will end in your lifetime?

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How often does you "favourite" Zep song change? Currently No quarter has my full attention and has done so for a month or two, but it always changes. I'm wondering how often others adjust their favourites.

NQ live (TSRTS) lasted years as #1 when I was a kid.

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2 hours ago, Strider said:

I was talking to a couple from Manchester today and they are fed up with the Monarchy and think it will be gone in ten years or so. So this question is only for the British subjects on the forum. Are you pro-monarchy or anti-monarchy? Do you see the royals going on for a long time or do you think it will end in your lifetime?


It makes me sick to see these people live lives of privilege beyond belief. 

All because they were born.


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25 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

How often does you "favourite" Zep song change? Currently No quarter has my full attention and has done so for a month or two, but it always changes. I'm wondering how often others adjust their favourites.

NQ live (TSRTS) lasted years as #1 when I was a kid.

The one that is playing is usually my favourite.... well, to a point, there's a handful that I can't listen to.....

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3 hours ago, rm2551 said:

How often does you "favourite" Zep song change? Currently No quarter has my full attention and has done so for a month or two, but it always changes. I'm wondering how often others adjust their favourites.

NQ live (TSRTS) lasted years as #1 when I was a kid.


NQ has always been my favorite live song & usually my live Top 5 stays about the same. I rotate what concerts I may be heavy on. Right now--as far as live NQ--I'm heavy on Badgeholders, the 2nd night from Dallas 1975, and May 18 Earl's Court...

Edited by paul carruthers
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8 hours ago, rm2551 said:

How often does you "favourite" Zep song change? Currently No quarter has my full attention and has done so for a month or two, but it always changes. I'm wondering how often others adjust their favourites.

NQ live (TSRTS) lasted years as #1 when I was a kid.

I love too many Led Zeppelin songs to have one "favourite". It's like when people ask me what is my #1 favourite movie. It depends on the mood I am in.

Generally speaking, I have roughly 20 LZ songs that all take turns being my favourite.

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live in scotland . pro monarchy . wouldnt have their lives if you paid me . constant scrutiny . it would be hell . betty and the duke were wonderful . have warmed to chuck in sense I think he is going to stick to his job ie do absolutely nothing other than his royal chores . generate millions in tourism . and with the exception of the pussy whupped ginger dupe they all love coming to scotland and spending time at balmoral . william and kate will ascend the throne in due course and suspect that will be a major boost to the popularity of the crown . so my best guess is the monarchy will be around for quite a while yet . 

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8 hours ago, john morrison said:

live in scotland . pro monarchy . wouldnt have their lives if you paid me . constant scrutiny . it would be hell . betty and the duke were wonderful . have warmed to chuck in sense I think he is going to stick to his job ie do absolutely nothing other than his royal chores . generate millions in tourism . and with the exception of the pussy whupped ginger dupe they all love coming to scotland and spending time at balmoral . william and kate will ascend the throne in due course and suspect that will be a major boost to the popularity of the crown . so my best guess is the monarchy will be around for quite a while yet . 

I appreciate your response. Given the popularity I feel from Americans (mainly women) towards Will and Kate, I think you are right about the monarchy and English tourism getting a huge boost when Will ascends to the throne. I mean, nobody goes to England to see the prime minister.

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17 hours ago, slave to zep said:


It makes me sick to see these people live lives of privilege beyond belief. 

All because they were born.


Hey Jules! So, Australia is still part of the Commonwealth, right? Or have you separated from the UK?

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On 5/3/2023 at 12:04 AM, redrum said:

I really appreciate the comments. Thank you. ☺️ My left arm is slowly getting better and I only recently got back to trying to record. Not as much pain now, but still taking a half dose of oxycodone. I also still have some numbness in my ring and pinky finger, but that too seems to be going away. I'm working on my cover of 'Expecting To Fly' by Neil Young. It's been a fave since the 60's. It's a sad breakup song. Don't think I have the greatest voice, but I'll give it a shot. Also adding some mandolin to it and a quick bit of castanets. Here's a cover I found on You Tube. 


That is awesome Red. I am looking forward to hearing it. Please let me know what you put that out there man. I find it to be an inspiration. Keep at it my brother. 

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On 5/2/2023 at 9:22 PM, hummingbird69 said:

You wouldn't know informed from a man. You support people who believe men can become women and don't say you don't because you support this admin and they say men can become women ergo you believe it too. If you didn't you'd be out there telling everybody who did that they were wrong the very same way you tell me I'm wrong. Like a two faced jackass.

You have no credibility what so ever here or anywhere else. You couldn't win the argument if you tried.


Four years of trump

I made more money, saved more money and had money to spare. 

No new wars

Low gas prices

NO inflation

No border crisis

Russia didn't make a move

China rebuffed

isis demolished

trump stopped the taliban from attacking and women began standing up for their rights as humans but as soon as biden was elected and went in and stopped all the policies trump put in place they took right back over and have stopped women from having any rights AGAIN. So if you really believe yourself to be a righteous person you should feel very good about supporting those who put the taliban back in charge of Afghanistan.


2 years under biden

first day in office put 11,000 people out of work by shutting down the keystone pipeline and setting this country up for high inflation by by making gas prices rise by half and only going to get higher.

Im not making as much money, I'm not saving much money and I don't have extra to spend on the kids. Under trump I had all that.

My tax dollars, your tax dollars are being sent overseas by the billions in support of a war that should never have started in the first place.

You should feel real good about voting these people in.

hundreds of thousands of of illegal aliens just waiting to cross the border every month from all over the world but who cares who they are or where they are from as long as they don't move next to your house right? What about the thousands of men women and children have been abused, raped murdered or trafficked??  More drugs and fentanyl than ever.  No smartass answer for that I bet.

13 soldiers dead due his and the militaries incompetence at the hamid karzai airport

general milley killed an innocent man and 7 children in a revenge drone strike on a car they wrongly thought was driven by the terrorist who set up the bombing at the hamid karzai airport. Imagine your reaction if trump had done that. I mean, I am 100% sure you were totally horrified that he took out irans top general weren't you.

You can't admit that you and every other idiot who voted for the left just because you didn't like trump have ruined this country.

All this transgender bullshit, purposely allowing full grown men dressed like rejects from the ugliest clown parade ever to shake their shit right in the faces of little children. MEN becoming Women as a fact and destroying the dreams or real women in sports. CRT and woke ideology making all things racist including being skinny. Oh, you haven't seen that one yet have you.  The green initiative. If you think wind turbines, solar panel farms and electric vehicles are green then you don't know what the color even looks like.

YOU support that not me.

Joe biden says  "out nations children are all our children" except for the kid hunter had with that stripper. He won't even acknowledge her.

Crime is rampant everywhere now because all the liberals put in place are giving the criminals more rights than the victims. That's the world you voted for and support. Have the balls to say so.

Everything I just posted is true you cannot deny it.  

You support dirt bags of the highest order so don't go telling me I'm spewing shit because you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you right in the face like I just did.

Hey Hummingbird. I am calling a truce. You have your opinions, and I have mine. We both have no idea who each other are from some posts that we throw out there for whatever reason we throw them out. I respect your thoughts and opinions regardless if I agree with them or not. You are passionate about what you believe and think. I am good with that. I could spew a bunch of shit/statistics and throw in some articles. In the end it really doesn’t matter man. You have some very serious convictions. I do as well. We probably have more in common that you would think. As much as I would like to go back and forth with you on who is right or wrong. I am good with just trying to learn from others and not be someone who thinks that they are always right. 

I hope you and yours are good, I am not in the mood to verbally spar anymore. I would rather discuss the band that we are here for. I say that today, and I may read a post that you have thrown out there tomorrow and want to go on the offensive. But truly, unless we start trying to listen to one another, what the fuck does it matter. We can go to our tribal corners and not hear a word anyone is saying. That just doesn’t really interest me anymore. So, I respect your thoughts and feelings on your political beliefs. I really don’t care if you do for myself or others. Just as long as we are enjoying the forum and the band we love, we have that in common at the very least. 

Have a good night. Honestly, I didn’t read what you said to me because I know that I encouraged and wanted a reply. But at this point, I just want us all to be safe, healthy, and to move forward in a positive way.  Hope to hear from you soon man. Have a good night.

Also, as a side note, whether I support this admin or not does not mean that I believe that men can have babies. That’s  like saying because you support Trump you think it is okay to grab women by the pussy. I could give several examples. You can support an ideology, or support a set of principles, but that doesn’t mean you support everything about the individual, or the party. I did read that part. Just wanted to answer that portion. Having said that, you and I both have real life problems that no party or political figure/figures are ever going to solve. They are not supposed to. That’s up to you and I. 

Edited by Plant77
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On 5/3/2023 at 7:52 PM, hummingbird69 said:

try and refute what I said, Everything I said is true. You have no evidence to support your assertion that it isn't.  All you have if "no it's not"  try and make me believe I dont know what I'm talking about by showing me how I'm wrong. I watched all this shit happen. I see it every day. Are you really going to tell me that the border is secure? Are you going to tell me that thousands of people haven't died been raped or abused along the way to come here illegally ? Are you telling me there is no crisis there? Are you telling me there is no huge increase in drugs and fentanyl coming into the country? or that the country wasn't energy independent under trump?. gas was a $1:38 where I lived the day biden took office now it's $3:60 a gallon where I live. 

Are you really going to tell me that he didn't kill the keystone pipeline and put plenty people out of work as soon as he could?

Are you really going to tell me that afghanistan didn't happen the way I saw it happen?  Are you telling me they didn't kill and innocent man and 7 kids in a revenge drone strike?

I guess biden doesn't have a grandchild by hunter that was already proven by DNA in court. Tell me how I'm wrong there?  I quoted biden about the children being the nations children and he ignores that child at the exact same time.

Give me a break. I could list a bunch more so try and actually produce valid links to the contrary. go ahead post them I know you cant. They don't exist.



Gas was a 1.38 when we are all on lock down and no one was driving. But, again, you are absolutely 💯 all in or against the enemy as you see them. Again, I am good with how you want to proceed in life. I purchased a business during the height of Covid, and we are absolutely crushing it. God willing we will continue to do so. As far as refuting it. I don’t know that you would listen or read anything other than your thoughts and beliefs. I absolutely would rather not rev each other up anymore. We both end up looking like assholes. I do that enough in my home life and on this forum. Again, I am calling a truce with you Hummingbird. If you don’t give a shit, I’m okay with that also. 

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