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Another Record Store Bites The Dust!


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Levee, what store is that? Next time I'm in Cincy/Covington I totally want to go! Also, do you ever go to Shake It Records in Northside? It's one of my favorite places in the world...

It's Phils Records and it's out in Erlanger Trip.

I've been to Shake it records once, they're real big on promoting local bands.

I love the front of their building! :D

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I still can't believe Tower Records on The Sunset Strip is gone, but it is.

Yeah, it was a great store. When I first moved to California, I used to visit that Tower often. They had the best selection. Then they opened another store closer to my area of town.

Now that Tower Records is a chi-chi furniture store. I don't know what, if any, thing they've done to the property on Sunset Blvd.

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:(That's sad......with all the head shops gone & record stores on the brink of extinction, it makes me wonder where teenagers go for fun nowadays.

Internet message boards perhaps... :mellow:

Amoeba in LA is the bees knees, even if it is filled with trendy emo mutherfucks. The internet really killed mom and pops who specialized in...um....'imports' I think. I stopped going to the ones around here when Napster -->ftp -->torrents made finding even the hardest boots easy. That and they were stuck with a shitload of cassettes. Vinyl may be retro and cool, but cassettes have no real future and these stores and whole walls of em.

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Richard Branson announced his decision to quit the "Virgin Megastore" chain some time ago, as he believes that the internet in one way or another will totally take over from this method of buying music. The guy was an absolute pioneer of music stores and is a fantastic businessman with great vision, so I expect him to be right ( I think we all do). Virgin stores in the UK have been taken over by another chain. So far there isn't a great deal of difference.

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I live in the suburbs of Chicago, and while there are still some decent record stores in the city, none will be able to replace my favorite, Record Breakers, which "moved" to the city in 2006 but has yet to reopen. It's supposed to expand (rare for indie record stores) and add on music venues. I hope it finally happens, but I'm not optimistic.

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I still try to buy what I can from local stores because I much prefer to browse at stores rather than on the internet. So I spend about half of my monthly budget on stores in my general area (the ones with competitive prices, I mean.)

Like Manderly and some others, I have a great deal of memories due to record stores. I have met a ton of interesting people who have turned me on to a great many bands and performers.

OTOH, the internet is a superb resource for OOP stuff and that stray single that you want without buying the whole album. (Just got Baker Street by Foo Fighters yesterday) B)

Actually, I think now is the perfect time to be collecting music, with so many options and ways to get music. When I was a kid if the local Strawberries (anyone remember them?) didn't have it, I just had to do without.

Academy in NYC and PREX in Princeton are two of the greatest used shops I've ever seen and I ma lucky to live near them. However, lately I have been trying to buy new when I can, especially for artists who are still alive. I realize that it doesn't put much dough in the artists pocket, but it's better than nothing and it keeps the new CD market going (I hope.)

Last point - if they continue to master things as loud as Mothership, it will be easier to see CDs go away.

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Richard Branson announced his decision to quit the "Virgin Megastore" chain some time ago, as he believes that the internet in one way or another will totally take over from this method of buying music. The guy was an absolute pioneer of music stores and is a fantastic businessman with great vision, so I expect him to be right ( I think we all do). Virgin stores in the UK have been taken over by another chain. So far there isn't a great deal of difference.

Yeah it's called Zavvi now. It's a shame that record stores may disappear but I must admit I do by the majority of my CD's online as it's often cheaper and I can usually find what I want especially if it's some older more obscure album. I don't download though, I still like to have a hard copy with a nice album cover and everything. It's nice to browse the music shops as well and see if there are any good deals so it will be sad if online shopping is the only option available.

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Last point - if they continue to master things as loud as Mothership, it will be easier to see CDs go away.

That's not just a problem with CDs themselves but with digital downloads of the album as well since they both come from the same source. Has anyone heard the vinyl (I thought there was a vinyl edition as well)?

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That's not just a problem with CDs themselves but with digital downloads of the album as well since they both come from the same source. Has anyone heard the vinyl (I thought there was a vinyl edition as well)?

Cant wait til they invent something that you never have to replace. CD's get scratched. How many times will I have to replace my Led Zepp albums for instance. It gets expensive. Wish I would have kept all my cases and not used those holders. Mine are in my car because that is where I do most of my listening. Only place I can get away with blasting the stuff I like without pissing off someone. So we have gone from album to 8 tract to cassette to cd. Whats next I wonder????

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Cant wait til they invent something that you never have to replace. CD's get scratched. How many times will I have to replace my Led Zepp albums for instance. It gets expensive. Wish I would have kept all my cases and not used those holders. Mine are in my car because that is where I do most of my listening. Only place I can get away with blasting the stuff I like without pissing off someone. So we have gone from album to 8 tract to cassette to cd. Whats next I wonder????

The digital download. What's next after that is anyone's guess.

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Debating whether to go buy a good system, reciever and speakers or just join the masses and go with an I-Pod?

I faced a similiar dilemma in recent years in regards to my car stereo and opted for satellite radio instead. Going the iPod route would mean countless hours of ripping my CDs to my computer, something I'm not exactly looking forward to but know I will have to do someday. With me, I imagine it will be like when CDs replaced vinyl, CDs will have to become virtually nonexistant before I make the transition to digital only.

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I faced a similiar dilemma in recent years in regards to my car stereo and opted for satellite radio instead. Going the iPod route would mean countless hours of ripping my CDs to my computer, something I'm not exactly looking forward to but know I will have to do someday. With me, I imagine it will be like when CDs replaced vinyl, CDs will have to become virtually nonexistant before I make the transition to digital only.

So many of my cds are now not in perfect condition any longer that I am only buying the "must have" ones as replacements. For me that would be Led Zeppelin IV andn II and PG and How the West was Won which I just bought AGAIN. I think Ill go replace Dark Side of the Moon and Blizzard of OZ next. Both sat on and broke. Music can really be expensive. Not to mention Im in the market to buy a guitar that I really love.

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I shopped FYE up until I started back at Uni - there's an independant chain "Graywhale CD Exchange" with a branch right off of campus that I use now. You can get so much greta stuff for dirt cheap used, and they havce the kind of records that big box stores never carry - the kind I'm looking for more and more these days.

I'll still use FYE for DVD buys until my card there expires late this year.

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I shopped FYE up until I started back at Uni - there's an independant chain "Graywhale CD Exchange" with a branch right off of campus that I use now. You can get so much greta stuff for dirt cheap used, and they havce the kind of records that big box stores never carry - the kind I'm looking for more and more these days.

I'll still use FYE for DVD buys until my card there expires late this year.

Yeah we have one here in the East too (FYE). I think they are a bit expensive but who isnt. They have that service where you can go on their computer and burn your own combo cd-pretty nice service.

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Yeah we have one here in the East too (FYE). I think they are a bit expensive but who isnt.

The big box stores and occasionally the indies, especially when they have new releases on sale. Sometimes their prices are even better than the big boxes. I have browsed at FYE on several occasions and periodically found something used or in the bargain bin but I've never picked up a new purchase there. They are far too pricey.

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The big box stores and occasionally the indies, especially when they have new releases on sale. Sometimes their prices are even better than the big boxes. I have browsed at FYE on several occasions and periodically found something used or in the bargain bin but I've never picked up a new purchase there. They are far too pricey.

I agree. One big market store that does have good deals is WalMart. IF you can find what you are looking for. Just before Xmas they were selling Led Zeppelin IV and Dark side Of the Moon for $7.99 each. Of course these have been around for 30 plus yrs but still a good deal for two of the all time classics. We have a store here called the House of Guitars in Rochester that has good deals and nobody can beat them for their musical instruments here. Guitar Center is here too but they are such a rip offf. My wife got me a line of credit there to get a guitar but the bastards wont budge on their prices. Im going to the "House" when I get a few extra bucks and am ready to buy. Bought two Les Pauls there in the past. I want a Taylor acoustic/electic. I know its going to cost me at least $1300

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I agree. One big market store that does have good deals is WalMart. IF you can find what you are looking for. Just before Xmas they were selling Led Zeppelin IV and Dark side Of the Moon for $7.99 each. Of course these have been around for 30 plus yrs but still a good deal for two of the all time classics.

I ain't buying shit from Wal-Mart, especially music, even at those prices. Wal-Mart has a censorship policy in place where you can buy a censored CD yet they don't have to give the consumer any indication that it's been censored via the packaging. Fuck a bunch of Wal-Mart. I'd rather pay a few more dollars and know I'm getting the product the artist intended me to hear, not the censored version.

Target (who, to the best of my knowledge doesn't have a censorship policy) had The Song Remains the Same on sale for $10.99, hard to beat when most everyone else had it on sale for no less than $20.

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I ain't buying shit from Wal-Mart, especially music, even at those prices. Wal-Mart has a censorship policy in place where you can buy a censored CD yet they don't have to give the consumer any indication that it's been censored via the packaging. Fuck a bunch of Wal-Mart. I'd rather pay a few more dollars and know I'm getting the product the artist intended me to hear, not the censored version.

Target (who, to the best of my knowledge doesn't have a censorship policy) had The Song Remains the Same on sale for $10.99, hard to beat when most everyone else had it on sale for no less than $20.

Didnt know about the censored stuff. I think I got my DVD of TSRTS from Circuit City

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Wal Mart have a long and storied history of selling censored albums. I think I first heard of it around the time of Nirvana's In Utero.

I highly doubt that Led Zepp IV would be sensored. Maybe Dark Side of the Moon-that part in Money where to my disbelief a radio station cut out the do goody good bullshit part. Deleted the bullshit part. I mean, comon, with the shit they are showing teenagers on TV now they are cutting this? What a fucking joke. Nothing but boobs and ass and sex talk on every channel now.

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