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Jimmy's Hair


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Thanks for the info. Now I can lable the pic more accuarately.

Anyone have a recent pic of Patrick Page III?

I have one, but I can't post it because I pissed some people off last time I did. If you would like to see, send me a PM. You just have to promise that it won't get posted on here.

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sorry, i meant the dark haired girl in the forth photo, is that lori maddox? what happened with jimmy and her?

No, she's not Lori. I don't know who she is but she looks like Julie Felix. Dunno :blink:

I have one, but I can't post it because I pissed some people off last time I did. If you would like to see, send me a PM. You just have to promise that it won't get posted on here.

Can you PM me? I'd like to see it. And I won't post it on here.

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To whom it may love the short clean haircut ...

too neat for him, but hey, the young lad was still far from the wild time of his glory days :drunk:





Yeah, l do love him in his Yardy days too.. young and innocent :rolleyes:

but the wild and rock look a few years later, well a total different story... :thumbsup:

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Did find a quote attributed to JP on his cocaine and heroin use:

"I don't regret it at all because when I needed to be really focused, I was really focused. That's it. Both Presence and In Through the Out Door were only recorded in three weeks: that's really going some. You've got to be on top of it. ”

He may have been able to play in the studio fine, especially on Presence. But ITTOD isn't really that guitar driven like previous albums. A sign of his dwindling involvement in the band because of substance abuse?

He can't say it didn't effect his playing because it did, listen to the '77 tour and its even more apparent in the '80 over Europe tour.

Still not that I'm complaining, '77 is my favourite Zeppelin tour, such a good set list and the versions of No Quarter from '77 are awesome.

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He may have been able to play in the studio fine, especially on Presence. But ITTOD isn't really that guitar driven like previous albums. A sign of his dwindling involvement in the band because of substance abuse?

He can't say it didn't effect his playing because it did, listen to the '77 tour and its even more apparent in the '80 over Europe tour.

Still not that I'm complaining, '77 is my favourite Zeppelin tour, such a good set list and the versions of No Quarter from '77 are awesome.

That's an interesting subject, Tom Kid. :thumbsup: It would be nice to have a thread on this..

When I read his quote I was very disappointed. Would never ever expect from him to take such a position.

Nothing wrong to admit that he was a junkie. Everybody knew it. Can't hide from that.

And I agree with you. His playing really suffered during those years.

I find interesting to compare his story with another story from the rock circus. Different era, different generation. What it was cool in the '70s, it is not now. But pls do not hate me for comparing the GREATEST with these guys.

I've just finished reading two great books: The Dirt - byMotley Crue and The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx.

These reads are a completely honest report about the band's and especially Nikki's drug addiction. By writing this, Sixx admitted that his heavy drug use was fueled by the rage and loneliness he had experienced since he was a small kid. His father left him and his mother when he was little.He had to live with relatives and grandparents moving from place to place without a stable home. And so on..I won't tell you the whole story..I guess many people can relate to his unhappy childhood. And not everybody got hooked on drugs for this reason.. anyway,

What I liked about him is the fact that he's one of the very few rock stars admitting his mistakes and weaknesses showing he's just a normal human being like us. Well, with more money, houses, and cars! :D

He says that being in a rock band gives them an excuse to use drugs as part of a normal routine in their frantic and exciting lifestyle. It's part of the game. Their ego affirms that, but deep inside using drugs is merely to show they are "cool". It instead hides complex issues such insecurities, lack of confidence, fears, loneliness, and the list goes on.

Ok, some of you might say he released the book to get the attention from the media and increase his popularity.That might be partly true. I won't even tell you that the money from the book goes to a charity fund. People would then say that it's still good publicity. True or false, I found his coming out on the drug issue a good example. Again, we are talking about the same issue but two different eras.

Jimmy is doing great things with the ABC trust for the Brazilian kids too. That is a good thing. Still, I have always wondered why he's never opened up about that sad time of his life, changing subject in the interviews or/and quoting no regret at all. I respect the fact that maybe he does not want to share this personal side of himself. Guess that he's always wanted his audience/fans to be interested in his music, not the sad and unhealthy issues of his life. I would never ever anyway expect Jimmy writing his memoirs and confessions of a junkie, would you? So, back to square one.

Makes me think that he's been so lucky to be still alive! Sixx was addicted to heroin 1-2 years only. Jimmy almost 6 years (if I am not wrong). That is a lot of time. :(

This might not be the right place, but for anyone interested in Nikki Sixx's story, here's the link:


Sorry for my long post.

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