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Pet Peeves


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I guess the forum is a competition for some of us. What does the winner get, anyway?

Personally I don't pay attention to my post count on this or any other board I belong to. Yet, I've had both that and my join date used as ammunition against me when I've dared comment on the proliferation of duplicate threads and similar subjects. On some boards there's even "chit-chat" type threads created solely for those that want to increase their post counts. People get their kicks in many different ways. Engaging in a competition to increase my post count has never been one of them.

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I guess the forum is a competition for some of us. What does the winner get, anyway?

An outdoor sized sculpture of the "object" on the Presence album. It would look too damn cool in my backyard, but alas, I'm lagging in the post count.

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I guess the forum is a competition for some of us. What does the winner get, anyway?

Post count is important for some I suppose, but it doesn't matter one iota to me. I never look at mine or anyone else's. I read what I am interested in and I post when I feel like responding to something.

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For me, post counts are like the odometer on your car. Watching the numbers roll over into the next isn't particularly interesting or important, it's just fun to watch the numbers change.

For me, I post when I feel I have something to say. Sometimes it's in a game thread, sometimes it's a thread that is about current events or a topical thread about a musician/band. And much like that odometer, I like watching the numbers change. It means nothing and is completely non-offensive, but I like it.

But that's me.

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Ok, here's a weird one that's probably going to make me sound like an a-hole, but...have you ever had a message board turn into a prayer service? This forum I'm talking about is dedicated to a specific interest, like this one is, but for a while now there hasn't been much talk about that subject because everybody is instead creating "Please pray for [so-and-so]" threads non-frigging-stop! I've never seen anything like it!

Now, I don't mind people asking us to pray for their family, that's cool, and I want to help out with that. But I DON'T need to know about the horrible, gruesome accident your neighbor's cousin's father-in-law or whoever had - I'm really sorry it happened, but ya know, YOU barely know them, so what good is it going to do to have US worrying about it? Just...too much information, sorry.

And then there's a new thread today that says, "Thoughts and prayers for our military & their families." This person didn't have anybody specific in mind - she just thought she'd remind us that the military exists, like we forgot or something. Honestly, these are all nice sentiments, but why don't you keep them in mind when you go to CHURCH - that's what it's there for!!! Can we talk about the thing we originally came here for again? Please? Because if not, I think I'm just going to start hanging out at a hospital instead, and I'm going to stop random people in the hallways and say, "I'm praying for YOU, man!" :slapface: Weirdest message board phenomenon ever...

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^I think excessive prayer is just weird. I see, yes, praying for friends and family of people you care about; I understand praying for yourself or people YOU love, but sometimes, we really don't need to pray to God to ensure that our trip to the mailbox is a safe one.

Yes, I've seen that. It drives me a bit crazy.

I pray to thank God, and I pray to ask him for help. That's it.

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I think it's part of the human condition to want to provide comfort and support to those who need it, and part of that is starting those kinds of threads where people can say "hey, this is going in my life right now and I could really use your prayers/positive vibes/mojo/etc" or "So-and-so told me that such-and-such is going on right now so if we could just send some prayers and thoughts their way....".

I do agree that it can be cloying sometimes, because things like that have a tendency to get pushed overboard if not properly maintained. Suddenly people are sending prayer requests out for a family member having a hangnail removed and you sit there wondering why they need God to intervene for a hangnail. Some people are really, really, really religious and pray for every little thing and that's their choice. However it doesn't need to be everyone else's concern, either.

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Online predators

YUP! That's not what I came in here to say, but YUP!

We have them in the news every single day it seems. Some pervert stalking little kids. I don't care who you are, if you're over 18, and you're talking dirty to someone who is under 18, you're dirty and deserve to go to jail.

The ONLY exception to this is if you're like 19 and your girlfriend's like 17. That's reasonable.


I wanted to go and ride my bike to the grocery store today. I had a few small things on my list for dinner. I got my backpack out, etc., and I went to go find my bike lock.


I found my boyfriend's bike lock. Then I couldn't find his key.


I had to drive to the store, because even after I called him at work to ask him where said bike lock was, (and said key to other bike lock), he didn't know. He rearragned the garage a while ago, and I never know where he puts anything when he does that.

So much for my bike ride, eh? :(

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