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Pet Peeves


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I'm waiting for Sam to just get fed up with all of the fighting and completely shut down this general forum. Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't been done already.

I'm still hitting myself for taking the "spats bait," and yeah... I've gotten into fights here. But I never try to, and I've never started anything. Though ignorance and intolerance just piss me off, so I always have to say something to that because if we want world peace, tolerance is where you start. But that's not the point.

Does anyone here at all realize that we are all here on common ground? Led Zeppelin... hello... Has everyone forgotten that this is first and foremost a Led Zeppelin site/forum and we are all brought here by our mutual love for the greatest band in rock history? Or am I mistaken and are half the people here not fans of the mighty Zep at all... they're just here to start fight? Can't we at least strive to be friendly with everyone, no matter how we feel about their political/religious/life views?

Or am I about to be ignored by everyone because the constant in-fighting is just so much more fun?

I guarantee you Page, Plant, Jones, and Jason Bonham are quite embarassed by this forum. "This is our fan-base? This is our internet representation?" Who wants to bet that all this in-fighting is the reason Led Zeppelin won't reunite (or, at least, Plant is against it)? I mean... really... who wants to play a show in front of a bunch of people who are going to spend the whole evening in fist-fights because of differing political/religious/life views?

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I hope Sam DOESN'T shut this board down because of a small group of lunatics. That would piss me off to no end. You're basically admitting that they won.

That isn't my point at all. That "small group of lunatics" gets everyone else on here pissed, turning all of us (myself included) into lunatics. It'd be one thing if the rest of us left them alone, but the fact that we take the bait makes us just as guilty. Maybe if we adopted a new policy of ignoring them, they'll go away, and things might turn friendly.

Perhaps this would be a good time to suggest "Brain Damage" by Pink Floyd as the theme song for this general forum...

The lunatic is in my head

The lunatic is in my head

You raise the blade

You make the change

You rearrange me 'til I'm sane

You lock the door

And throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me

(BTW... that is not a reflection on you specifically, Electrophile, but everyone here)

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My Pet Peeve is that those 2 losers will undoubtedly be back, and cause more trouble. I wish there was a way to keep them permanently banned.

There's always a way around a ban. Even if their IPs were banned, they'd just find new IPs... post on public computers... they can get new email addresses... I don't think it's possible to ensure a banned member will not come back.

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There's always a way around a ban. Even if their IPs were banned, they'd just find new IPs... post on public computers... they can get new email addresses... I don't think it's possible to ensure a banned member will not come back.

Hi 'Nathan'

Danny here, nice to meet you, who are you talking about please?, as I thought it might be me for some reason, duno why.

If it ain't me, then good, most of us on here only want some info, to talk or to have a laugh not to become intolerable. If I'm like that please tell me, or any other for that matter, you will see the real idiots that way. Nobody wants this forum shut down so thanks for bringing this thread up.

Well done Guys, Danny

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Hi 'Nathan'

Danny here, nice to meet you, who are you talking about please?, as I thought it might be me for some reason, duno why.

If it ain't me, then good, most of us on here only want some info, to talk or to have a laugh not to become intolerable. If I'm like that please tell me, or any other for that matter, you will see the real idiots that way. Nobody wants this forum shut down so thanks for bringing this thread up.

Well done Guys, Danny

Hey Danny. Nathan is my real name, so no need for the quotes. Just sayin... :)

I'm referring mainly to Joel and Rick. Not sure why you'd wonder if I was referring to you. Are you a banned member returned?

I haven't seen any posts by you but by this post alone I'd say you aren't intolerable. If you're here for Zep, then that's what's important. We are all here for Led Zeppelin and that should be the most important thing about this site... instead, as I'm sure you've seen, we've made petty fights the most important thing about this site...

Wait a sec... are you a member of Planet Zeppelin?

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My Pet Peeve is that those 2 losers will undoubtedly be back, and cause more trouble. I wish there was a way to keep them permanently banned.

I have the same thought but sadly, they keep coming back. It's incredibly disturbing and scary to witness how they carry on (last night being an example if you saw it). I don't know what they're trying to gain by acting like utter assholes.

Nathan - I hear what you're saying and I wish things weren't so hostile as well. It's one thing to have differences of opinion and dispute and discuss them. But that isn't what happens - it becomes aggressive, nasty and a personal attack on whoever said something which is just sad.

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I'm waiting for Sam to just get fed up with all of the fighting and completely shut down this general forum. Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't been done already.

I'm still hitting myself for taking the "spats bait," and yeah... I've gotten into fights here. But I never try to, and I've never started anything. Though ignorance and intolerance just piss me off, so I always have to say something to that because if we want world peace, tolerance is where you start. But that's not the point.

Does anyone here at all realize that we are all here on common ground? Led Zeppelin... hello... Has everyone forgotten that this is first and foremost a Led Zeppelin site/forum and we are all brought here by our mutual love for the greatest band in rock history? Or am I mistaken and are half the people here not fans of the mighty Zep at all... they're just here to start fight? Can't we at least strive to be friendly with everyone, no matter how we feel about their political/religious/life views?

Or am I about to be ignored by everyone because the constant in-fighting is just so much more fun?

I guarantee you Page, Plant, Jones, and Jason Bonham are quite embarassed by this forum. "This is our fan-base? This is our internet representation?" Who wants to bet that all this in-fighting is the reason Led Zeppelin won't reunite (or, at least, Plant is against it)? I mean... really... who wants to play a show in front of a bunch of people who are going to spend the whole evening in fist-fights because of differing political/religious/life views?

Please don't put me in the same group with any mean people. I am a good guy and easy to get along with.

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Hey Danny. Nathan is my real name, so no need for the quotes. Just sayin... :)

I'm referring mainly to Joel and Rick. Not sure why you'd wonder if I was referring to you. Are you a banned member returned?

Hi Nathan,

No not banned, but you/I can get carried away sometimes and I am sure I have pissed some people off in the past, so sorry to them for that. I didn't know that it had got people so worried.

I think if Jimmy, Robert or JohnPaul read all of us on this forum they will know just how much love is out there for them and I think they would also have hours of fun reading all our scribbles. So I don't think it would influence a reformation or tour, and to tell the truth that's for them to sort out not us.

I still don't know who Joel and Rick are, I haven't seen them or do they have other names as well, and I agree with you that the best thing to do is ignore them, they might go away if you do.

Regards, Danny

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Please don't put me in the same group with any mean people. I am a good guy and easy to get along with.

You are not mean. You are definitely a good guy. I would even say, as a guy, you would not be that hard to get along with, as long as the topic of women never comes up in conversation. :P:D

But, if you want me to be honest with you- and I mean absolutely no offense when I say this- you are incredibly frustrating. Did you ever consider that maybe the issues you're having with women are your fault? For example... you say the "start as friends" thing never worked for you... maybe it's because a girl is not going to be attracted to a guy who treats her as "one of the guys." When I started as friends with my last GF, I did not treat her as one of the guys... and we ended up dating for two years and, even though she's been going to Oxford for the past couple years, we still talk to each other daily.

Now, I'm not going to say any more because this, honestly, is for your thread, not the pet peeves thread, and I really don't want to get dragged into all that again.

You're a good guy, spats, but your outlook is severely twisted. It's as simple as that. You just need to realize it.

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Hi Nathan,

No not banned, but you/I can get carried away sometimes and I am sure I have pissed some people off in the past, so sorry to them for that. I didn't know that it had got people so worried.

I think if Jimmy, Robert or JohnPaul read all of us on this forum they will know just how much love is out there for them and I think they would also have hours of fun reading all our scribbles. So I don't think it would influence a reformation or tour, and to tell the truth that's for them to sort out not us.

I still don't know who Joel and Rick are, I haven't seen them or do they have other names as well, and I agree with you that the best thing to do is ignore them, they might go away if you do.

Regards, Danny

Nah. You seem okay. :D:P

Are you a member of Planet Zeppelin? I ask because I've swear I've seen you over there.

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This happened once before.

I was part of this forum back in 2001, two of my bestest, best friends (reverting back to a 5 year old, there) were met through it, and it was great. There was such a good feel about it and then this massive revolt came across it and people just got nasty.

A lot of the good people went and it wasn't fun after that. I hope it's not gonna happen again, though I fear it's beginning to.

I don't think Spats is a bad guy, I just think he's a little misguided about some aspects of his life. I would never ever say some of the things that some people have said to him. Not only is it rude, but it's bullying. Virtual, granted, but still a form. And no bullying is acceptable.

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Nah. You seem okay. :D:P

Are you a member of Planet Zeppelin? I ask because I've swear I've seen you over there.

Sorry no, I haven't even seen the site, maybe I'll have a look, but my loyalty will always be to this site. Or until I'm banned. LOL

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This happened once before.

I was part of this forum back in 2001, two of my bestest, best friends (reverting back to a 5 year old, there) were met through it, and it was great. There was such a good feel about it and then this massive revolt came across it and people just got nasty.

A lot of the good people went and it wasn't fun after that. I hope it's not gonna happen again, though I fear it's beginning to.

I don't think Spats is a bad guy, I just think he's a little misguided about some aspects of his life. I would never ever say some of the things that some people have said to him. Not only is it rude, but it's bullying. Virtual, granted, but still a form. And no bullying is acceptable.

I don't think Spats is a bad guy, either. I think his outlook on women and dating is severely twisted, but he is definitely not a bad guy.

And I know what you mean... the fun people all leaving... It probably will happen again if it hasn't started already.

Sorry no, I haven't even seen the site, maybe I'll have a look, but my loyalty will always be to this site. Or until I'm banned. LOL

You should check it out. There's a reason my loyalty is to Planet Zeppelin first, the extremely friendly and tolerant atmosphere not withstanding...

This thread,too!?


What? The nasty feel of this forum is a major pet peeve of mine, and this, after all, is the Pet Peeve thread...

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This thread,too!?


What? The nasty feel of this forum is a major pet peeve of mine, and this, after all, is the Pet Peeve thread...

The possibility of another Spats thread. :rolleyes:

I agree about the nastiness;and one of my pet peeves (if I cared enough) is threads being deleted so often.When they spiral out of control,why not just lock them,so they can still be at least read?

Sort of like keeping things on the public record;and not so much behind-the-scenes bullshit.

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The only thing I can say about the nastiness, is that we never used to have this problem in the past. Anyone who has been here for a while can tell you that. With the Ahmet tribute, all hell broke loose, and things have never really been the same. Now, instead of being incredibly elated that the band actually did a show, people are all pissed off because they believe Zep owes them a world tour. Things are definately not right in Zeppelinville. But how do we fix it?

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The only thing I can say about the nastiness, is that we never used to have this problem in the past. Anyone who has been here for a while can tell you that. With the Ahmet tribute, all hell broke loose, and things have never really been the same. Now, instead of being incredibly elated that the band actually did a show, people are all pissed off because they believe Zep owes them a world tour. Things are definately not right in Zeppelinville. But how do we fix it?

Ask the boys to tour and if they do all will return to normal.

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That isn't my point at all. That "small group of lunatics" gets everyone else on here pissed, turning all of us (myself included) into lunatics. It'd be one thing if the rest of us left them alone, but the fact that we take the bait makes us just as guilty. Maybe if we adopted a new policy of ignoring them, they'll go away, and things might turn friendly.

Perhaps this would be a good time to suggest "Brain Damage" by Pink Floyd as the theme song for this general forum...

The lunatic is in my head

The lunatic is in my head

You raise the blade

You make the change

You rearrange me 'til I'm sane

You lock the door

And throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me

(BTW... that is not a reflection on you specifically, Electrophile, but everyone here)

Nathan, I totally agree with you. The only way to minimize the affects of the attacks is to ignore them. They are clearly designed to piss everyone off. And we, want to stand up for ourselves and our friends, however, every time we do that it gives them something to respond to. I would suggest that if it happens again....just don't respond! Act like they are not there and carry on with business...soon boredom will set in and they will stop posting nasty shit.

Now, if they could just join in a conversation without all the name calling and accusations it would really be great but from what I saw last night they kind of enjoy being 'outlaws' There seems to be bitterness and I truly feel badly for them that they feel their only retribution is to go on the attack, knowing in the end they will be banned again. What if...they were just allowed to participate in a normal manner? Does anyone think that would keep them from going on the offensive?

Just wondering...I like fun but brutality is not fun.

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I noticed that the 'Post your ticket stub" thread is missing.



Has everyone forgotten that this is first and foremost a Led Zeppelin site/forum and we are all brought here by our mutual love for the greatest band in rock history?

This is the Led Zeppelin Official Forum.

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This is the Led Zeppelin Official Forum.

That doesn't mean a thing, eternal light. Look around this general forum. It's either nasty or sarcastic. I think many members here have forgotten that we're here for Led Zeppelin, not politics or religion.

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Thanks Eternal Light. I feel better. Now, I know what happened, the last posts were erased sending it back in time to the end of July. :D

You're welcome, Maven2Blue :D

That doesn't mean a thing, eternal light.

It means that this is the band's official forum.

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