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Help! Where's the game? I've got the tv on NBC and it's now 5:30pm PST...the game should've started by now.

What gives?

It's on the NHL Network. NBC apparently doesn't think it's important enough to bump their midweek reruns/"reality" shows. Ugh.....

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Godammit! This is when I wished I lived in Canada. Goddamn you, NBC!






Edited by silvermedalist
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Dude, I'm in a hospital bed with so many needles being poked into me that I feel like a junkie. Only channels I get are local CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox 11, 5, 9, 11, 13 and KCET 28.

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Dude, I'm in a hospital bed with so many needles being poked into me that I feel like a junkie. Only channels I get are local CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox 11, 5, 9, 11, 13 and KCET 28.

Sorry to hear that. I did not know you were still in. You did not answer when I asked the other night. Anyway, they just mentioned "Battleship Kelly" on the game. My late step father bought a 442 auto from him in the 70's.

If you wanted Vancouver like me, just keep hittin the morphine button. Its 4-0 Boston and Vancouver just went on the power play. You want a play by play? Ha.

Edited by silvermedalist
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This is a travesty. The officials should be fucking taken out and beaten. Thomas is a piece of shit. They elbow Sedin and the asshole on Versus, Milbury who is a brainless asshole says its clean? He is a fucking dope. Why is he on television poisoning the game we love? Get his ass out of here. Fuck him and the refs and Boston. Dirty team. I hope that Vignault sends Torres right after Thomas. In the words of lindy Ruff "run em"./ Do it. Game over. Send a message. Run the bitch.

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Vignault is a cock roach for leaving Luongo in. Fucking dumb ass move Vancouver outshot them too. He should have not left him out there to be embarresed. Its dumb. If Ruff did this to Miller, there would be hell to pay.

And that arrogant prick Thomas, who is dirty, just earned himself a beer shower on his next trip to Buffalo when I am in the building. You think I wont do it? Think again. I hope he likes his beer cheap.

Edited by silvermedalist
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Vignault is a cock roach for leaving Luongo in. Fucking dumb ass move Vancouver outshot them too. He should have not left him out there to be embarresed. Its dumb. If Ruff did this to Miller, there would be hell to pay.

And that arrogant prick Thomas, who is dirty, just earned himself a beer shower on his next trip to Buffalo when I am in the building. You think I wont do it? Think again. I hope he likes his beer cheap.

Luongo was asked but he wanted to stay in.

We sure had our asses handed to us tonight ! Rome will no doubt be suspended for at least two games for the hit on Horton. Hope the big guy's doing alright. Didn't really think the Thomas hit on Henrik was dirty . He lost sight of the puck and took the man . That's hockey ! I'll be looking for a more spirited performance from the Canucks on Wed. ;)

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Hi all,

I am quickly losing respect for Vancouver dry.gif


It was always going to be a long, tough, hard hitting series KB. There's no doubt about it, the hit on Horton was a bad one but Everley's slash on Bieksa's leg in game 2 was as bad as anything I've seen in the playoffs this year and it wasn't even called. Sorry, but there are no angels in this series and Claude Jullian can play Mr. Honorable all he wants...he ain't foolin' me or anyone else for that matter. Having said that, it was a good win for you guy's last night and fully deserved. Hopefully the Canucks bring there pressure game on Wed. and we leave Boston up 3 -1

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It was always going to be a long, tough, hard hitting series KB. There's no doubt about it, the hit on Horton was a bad one but Everley's slash on Bieksa's leg in game 2 was as bad as anything I've seen in the playoffs this year and it wasn't even called.

Yeah?Horton got blindsided to the head,strapped to a gurney and is in the hospital. <_<

Steve Moore ring a bell? :blink:

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Yeah?Horton got blindsided to the head,strapped to a gurney and is in the hospital. dry.gif

Steve Moore ring a bell? :blink:

It was a bad hit bro.I'm not defending it. What does Steve Moore have to do with this ? If you're suggesting that the Canucks as an organization promote this type of thing then I need only remind you of McSorley / Brashier. It's never been suggested that the Bruins ordered that to happen and it never even crossed my mind that they might have. It's a fast hard hitting game and players lose the plot once in a while. Rome lost the plot . The league is trying to eliminate those types of hits so you can bet that he'll sit at least two games. He may even be suspended for the remainder of the series.

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Luongo was asked but he wanted to stay in.

We sure had our asses handed to us tonight ! Rome will no doubt be suspended for at least two games for the hit on Horton. Hope the big guy's doing alright. Didn't really think the Thomas hit on Henrik was dirty . He lost sight of the puck and took the man . That's hockey ! I'll be looking for a more spirited performance from the Canucks on Wed. ;)

Thats hockey? Thats hockey? No its not. Its the Philadelphia Flyers and the world wrestling federation in disguise. I am starting to wonder if you have some philly blood in you Ally. ha. Your boys better bounce back. I expect them to. Boston will pay for this.

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We already did. <_<

The NHL has announced that Canucks defenseman Aaron Rome will be suspended four games for his first-period hit on Bruins [team stats] winger Nathan Horton last night in Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Rome will miss the rest of the playoffs.
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I thought it was a pretty good hit. Too bad the guy got hurt but it was a split second late and the bruin guy was admiring his pass. If the shoe was on the other foot Boston fans wouldn't be whining..... Keep your heads up . It's a mans game....


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I thought it was a pretty good hit. Too bad the guy got hurt but it was a split second late and the bruin guy was admiring his pass. If the shoe was on the other foot Boston fans wouldn't be whining..... Keep your heads up . It's a mans game....


Babs, the Canucks do not have a reputation like Philly for doing this type of thing. I must confess I missed that part of the game given the score I had to turn it off and listen. I did not like their chances last night as I knew Boston would be desperate. I still say Vancouver wins it. I hope they win the next game and then they can hoist the Cup at home. They will wake up. But I do not like Vignault and some of his choices. He should have pulled Luongo when it was 5-1 and especially after the second period. After his bone headed decision I say the smart thing to do is start cory Schneider tomorrow. Give Luongo a rest. Wake up Vignault!!!!!!! You are not a top coach. You have the horses. Do not blow this damn it!!! Get to fucking work!!!!! Go Canucks.

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Babs, the Canucks do not have a reputation like Philly for doing this type of thing. I must confess I missed that part of the game given the score I had to turn it off and listen. I did not like their chances last night as I knew Boston would be desperate. I still say Vancouver wins it. I hope they win the next game and then they can hoist the Cup at home. They will wake up. But I do not like Vignault and some of his choices. He should have pulled Luongo when it was 5-1 and especially after the second period. After his bone headed decision I say the smart thing to do is start cory Schneider tomorrow. Give Luongo a rest. Wake up Vignault!!!!!!! You are not a top coach. You have the horses. Do not blow this damn it!!! Get to fucking work!!!!! Go Canucks.

I like Coach . About pulling Luongo, tough call SM. The whole team played like shit. I don't think leaving him in did too much damage...lol

Thomas is playing really well and could very well steal this series. But I think we will pull it off in the end. I've always liked the Bruins. Bobby Orr is the greatest player of all time Phil, Stan Jonathon... Good boys. Sanderson was good with the ladies. B) But some of their fans can be a bit much. Whiney. :D

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Thats hockey? Thats hockey? No its not. Its the Philadelphia Flyers and the world wrestling federation in disguise. I am starting to wonder if you have some philly blood in you Ally. ha. Your boys better bounce back. I expect them to. Boston will pay for this.

Henrik did have the puck and was in the crease. IMHO, that made him fair game. I actually laughed when I saw it. The look on Sedin's face was priceless :lol:

As for the Rome suspension...I don't think the league really had a choice. Mind you, if you remember the unpunished hit from behind McGinn from San Jose laid out on Rome in game 3 of the western conference final. I can see where Rome may have thought he could get away with one.

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I like Coach . About pulling Luongo, tough call SM. The whole team played like shit. I don't think leaving him in did too much damage...lol

Thomas is playing really well and could very well steal this series. But I think we will pull it off in the end. I've always liked the Bruins. Bobby Orr is the greatest player of all time Phil, Stan Jonathon... Good boys. Sanderson was good with the ladies. B) But some of their fans can be a bit much. Whiney. :D

Derek Sanderson? Ha. He played for St Louis too as I recall? He was known for going into the stands and fighting the fans. Sure Orr was great. That was then. This is now. I dont like them I dont like Julien. Vancouver must win this. This is the year. You never know when you will get another kick at the can. Go Canucks.

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Sorry to hear that. I did not know you were still in. You did not answer when I asked the other night. Anyway, they just mentioned "Battleship Kelly" on the game. My late step father bought a 442 auto from him in the 70's.

Sorry about that silver...I'm behind on all my pm's...writing those Zeppelin posts took more out of me than I expected.

I think the Canucks can bounce back...I expected this series to go 6 or 7 games anyway.

I missed game 3 but I saw replays of the hit...I don't know...it happened so split-second quick...but there certainly little incidents happening on both sides that could escalate into something serious if the refs don't get a handle on things.

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