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Jane Fonda Uses Vulgar Slang on 'Today'

Angel With A Broken Wing

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Old ladies should swear on TV more often. It's entertainment at its finest. Imagine if the Burger King lady had added some sort of expletive to her beef anger.

"Where's the f***ing beef?!"

Maybe I'm the only one who would be entertained by that. :P

That was Wendy's btw ! :P

Step aside....Step aside !!!! :lol:

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Jane's aging very weel I'd say! I shudder to think how the "starlettes" out there like J-Lo or Diaz will look like in THEIR old age :) :) :) :) :)

Very well ? hmmmm....

She doesn't hold a candle to her earlier days....;)


There ya go !!! :)

Edited by Joelmon
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I still can't believe that anybody is offended by so-called "vulgarity" in this day and age. The puritanical/prudish set needs to understand that words are meaningless without emphasis.

George Carlin needs to address the world and reiterate the 7 bad words you can never say...

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Hi all,

I still can't believe that anybody is offended by so-called "vulgarity" in this day and age. The puritanical/prudish set needs to understand that words are meaningless without emphasis.

George Carlin needs to address the world and reiterate the 7 bad words you can never say...

Agreed.It seems to me that anything of a sexual nature in the 21st century seems to shock people.Yet carnage,violence,etc, and a collective yawn is heard,........as I have said before some of this behavior is human nature,some learned behavior.

Hanoi Jane, should have her picture to describe the c word,IMVHO!

Remember the old joke? :huh:


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I think the power needs to be taken out of all the swear words. It's really silly i think when people get into an uproar over the word f**k or other swear words. They are just words. A lot more important things to worry about.

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I think the power needs to be taken out of all the swear words. It's really silly i think when people get into an uproar over the word f**k or other swear words. They are just words. A lot more important things to worry about.

:angry: Put the blame on bigot religion!! :) :)

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Oh my!! This is a big deal when they want to always show people covered in blood?? I don't get it. BTW, I have always liked Jane, I think she is cool. B)

The thing with her is people don't know or have forgotten her past. I don't mean her protesting a bullshit war she was young and mis guided. It's the fact that when she went over there and met with prisoners of war, she was slipped a piece of paper by one of them with his ss# on it merely to let his family know he was still alive. Well this C#%T! turned it over to the viet cong and that soldier was beat within an inch of his life. That was cool :angry: It's less about her cursing and more about her arogance!

Edited by Dzldoc
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The thing with her is people don't know or have forgotten her past. I don't mean her protesting a bullshit war she was young and mis guided. It's the fact that when she went over there and met with prisoners of war, she was slipped a piece of paper by one of them with his ss# on it merely to let his family know he was still alive. Well this C#%T! turned it over to the viet cong and that soldier was beat within an inch of his life. That was cool :angry: It's less about her cursing and more about her arogance!

I see your point and apart from war or no war, being a scum in any situation is UNcool! :blink:

But then again, I guess it was....IS....a VERY ARROGANT world out there and you have to fight arrogance with arrogance....and Jane had GUTS, that's without any shadow of a doubt....MUCH MORE than many men out there! :)

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I don't know. I highly doubt she'd just 'turn over' a note unless forced by the Vietcong. Surely she didn't just go up to some Ho Chi Ming wannabe and say....

"whoa....look at what that asshole American soldier just gave me ! It's some kind of note !!"

I just don't see it. If you can find me documentation of her 'offering' of a note out of the blue...OK, I'll retract.

Edited by Joelmon
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I don't know. I highly doubt she'd just 'turn over' a note unless forced by the Vietcong. Surely she didn't just go up to some Ho Chi Ming wannabe and say....

"whoa....look at what that asshole American soldier just gave me ! It's some kind of note !!"

I just don't see it. If you can find me documentation of her 'offering' of a note out of the blue...OK, I'll retract.

The gist of this thread is not treason, nor is it about Jane and her politics. This is about "vulgarity". Somehow the slang "cock" os less offensive than "cunt". F** is substituted for fuck. Sh^&* is for shit...etc.

Tell me one and all...who is offended by any words in this post and more importantly, why?

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The gist of this thread is not treason, nor is it about Jane and her politics. This is about "vulgarity". Somehow the slang "cock" os less offensive than "cunt". F** is substituted for fuck. Sh^&* is for shit...etc.

Tell me one and all...who is offended by any words in this post and more importantly, why?

the word gist is horribly offensive to me

why?..I'm mentally unstable


the words themselves never offend me...I guess at times the intent with which they are used can be deemed offensive tho

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The gist of this thread is not treason, nor is it about Jane and her politics. This is about "vulgarity". Somehow the slang "cock" os less offensive than "cunt". F** is substituted for fuck. Sh^&* is for shit...etc.

Tell me one and all...who is offended by any words in this post and more importantly, why?

You weren't even the thread starter...for you to be suggesting what the thread is about. As with nearly all threads on this forum...they take various paths....others had brought in the treason card..and I just commented on that. So it was relevant to other posts that had ventured off the apparent 'gist' the thread starter started.....

I find nothing offensive about it..to answer your question.....but there is definately a few ways this thread has gone....Threads have been morphing the whole time here....this is no different.

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I don't know. I highly doubt she'd just 'turn over' a note unless forced by the Vietcong. Surely she didn't just go up to some Ho Chi Ming wannabe and say....

"whoa....look at what that asshole American soldier just gave me ! It's some kind of note !!"

I just don't see it. If you can find me documentation of her 'offering' of a note out of the blue...OK, I'll retract.

Ok joel I did a little research and the "Note" thing seems to be some mis-information

I stand corrected on that. Although my dis-like for her remains the same.

Over and Out of this thread for me, going for happy talk cheers :beer:

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You weren't even the thread starter...for you to be suggesting what the thread is about. As with nearly all threads on this forum...they take various paths....others had brought in the treason card..and I just commented on that. So it was relevant to other posts that had ventured off the apparent 'gist' the thread starter started.....

I find nothing offensive about it..to answer your question.....but there is definately a few ways this thread has gone....Threads have been morphing the whole time here....this is no different.

Fair enough. I'm not trying to hijack the agenda here. Perhaps we should just define "offensive" and go from there.

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Fair enough. I'm not trying to hijack the agenda here. Perhaps we should just define "offensive" and go from there.

Hey....there's no hijacking here....it's all about Jane...just a bit varied from the main point i guess...it's all good....

Oh and dzldoc....I understand the sentiments against Jane...I know only a little about her activities in North Vietnam...but I really don't think she was as bad as some of the reports made her out to be. I think if it was really THAT bad, her treasonous accusations, she wouldn't even have been allowed back in the US..would she have ?

I dunno...

But hey...she was quite the looker ! B)

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I love words, I thank you for hearing my words, I wanna tell you something about words that I, uh, I think is important. I love, or I say they're my, uh, work, they're my play, they're my passion. Words are all we have, really.

Uh, we have thoughts, but thoughts are fluid, you know, woo, yoo-wah-no-wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-woo, yuh-wuh-woo-woo-woo, wuh-woo-woo-woo-woo. Then we assign a word to a thought--*thock*. And we're stuck with that word for that thought. So be careful with words. I like to think to think that yeah, the same words that, you know, hurt, can heal. It's a, it's a matter of how you pick them. There are some people that aren't into all the words. There are some people who would have you not use certain words.

Yeah, there are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are seven of 'em you can't say on television. What a ratio that is! Three hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-three--to seven. They must reeally be ba-aad. They have to be outrageous to be separated from a group that large!

"All of you over here, you seven...BAAAD WORRRRDS!"

That's what they told us they were, remember?

"That's a bad word!"


No bad words...bad thoughts...bad intentions...and worrrds. You know the seven, don'tcha, that you can't say on television? Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits, huh?

Those are The Heavy Seven. Those are the ones that'll infect your soulll...curve your spiiine...and keep the country from winning the warrr. Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits, wow! And...tits doesn't even belong on the list, you know? Yeah! It's such a friendly sounding word...sounds like a nickname, right?

"Hey, Tits, come here, man! Hey, Tits! Hey...hey Tits, meet Toots. Toots, Tits, Tits, Toots, man."

Sounds like a snack, doesn't it, huh, yeah? Yes, I know, it is, right, a snack. And I don't mean your sexist snack...I mean new Nabisco Tits! And new Cheese Tits! And Corn Tits and Pizza Tits, and Sesame Tits, Onion Tits...Tater Tits. Yeah....Betcha can't eat just one, ah? That's true, I usually switch off. But I mean, that word does not belong on the list! Actually, none of the words belong on the list, but you can understand why some of them are there...nnn..I'm not completely insensitive to people's feelings, you know, I can dig why some of those words got on the list, like cocksucker and motherfucker, those are...those are heavyweight words, you know? You know, there's a lot goin' on there, man! Besides the literal translation and the emotional feeling, I mean, they're just busy worrrds! There's a lot of syllables to contend with, and, and those "k"s, those are aggressive sounds, they jump out at you, man, cocksuckermotherfuckercocksuckermotherfucker! Oh, it's...it's like an assault on you, you know? So I can dig that.

Now we mentioned shit earlier, of course, and, uh, two of the other four-letter Anglo-Saxon words are piss and cunt, which go together of course, but forget that. Little accidental humor I threw there. Piss and cunt, the reason that piss and cunt are on the list is that a long time ago, certain ladies said, "those are the two I'm not going to say! I don't mind fuck and shit, but P and C are out. P and C are out!" Which led to such stupid sentences as, "Okay you fuckers, I'm going to tinkle now!"

And of course, the word fuck, yeahhh. The word fuck, I don't really, well, here's some more accidental humor, I don't really wanna get into that now, haaahhhhh...because I think it takes too long, ha-haaahhhhh. But I do mean that, I mean I think the word fuck is a very important word. It's the beginning of life, and yet, it's a word we use to hurt one another quite often, and uh, people much wiser than I have said, "I'd rather have my son watch a film with two people making love than two people trying to kill one another," and I of course, can agree it's a great sentiment, I wish I knew who said it first, and I, I agree with that, but I'd like to take it a step further. I'd like to, substitute the word fuck for the word kill in all those movie cliches we grew up with, right?

"Okay, Sheriff, we're gonna fuck ya now! But we're gonna fuck you slowww!"

So maybe next year I'll have a whole fuckin' rap on the N-word, I hope so. Uh, there are two-way words, those are the seven you can never say on television under any circumstances, you just cannot say them ever, ever, ever, not even clinically, you cannot weave them in on the panel with Doc and Ed and Johnny, I mean, it's just impossible. Forget those seven, they're out. But there are some two-way words, those double-meaning words, remember the ones you giggled at in sixth grade...

"And the cock crowed three times--

"Hey! The cock crowed three times! A-a-aaay! Hey, it's in the Bible! A-a-a-a-aaay!"

There are some two-way words, like it's okay for Curt Gowdy to say, "Roberto Clemente has two balls on him!" Eh-h-h! But he can't say, "I think he hurt his balls on that play, don't you, Tony? He's holding them, he must have hurt them, by golly!" Hey, man! And the other two way word that goes with that one is prick. It's okay if it happens to your finger. Yes, you can prick your finger, but don't finger your prick, no, no! Ah.

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