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I think Heath Ledger had the best smile EVER.


Smile and eyes are obviously the most important features on a guy, so here's my candidate for prettiest eyes... and pretty much prettiest everything else. :P


Edited to include links that actually work! haha

Edited by BonzoEqualsGoodStuff
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I like long hair (wavy) but straight is okay as well, I perfer darker hair as well. Long eye lashes, full lips but not big mouths. I like men with thin frames muscles are not my thing, guys who work out to get big gross me out. I like sensitive guys, pretty eyes, baby faces opposed to rugged he-man faces.

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Ralph Fiennes has a beautiful nose and forehead, making him look thoughtful and intelligent, imo:


I really dislike muscular, G-Qish types. I think animation, spiritual liveliness, and intelligence are the key things for me.

(just was looking through the Beautiful Women thread) I find it weird that men like women with dyed hair and big breasts, especially fake ones. I think the most beautiful women are understated, like Kate Moss, or unusual, like Giselle Bündchen.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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Ralph Fiennes has a beautiful nose and forehead, making him look thoughtful and intelligent, imo:


I really dislike muscular, G-Qish types. I think animation, liveliness, and intelligence are the key things for me.

(just was looking through the Beautiful Women thread) I find it weird that men like women with dyed hair and big breasts, especially fake ones. I think the most beautiful women are understated, like Kate Moss, or unusual, like Giselle Bündchen.

I don't get it either. If it works for them then it works for them, but I personally don't get it at all. I think it looks tacky and stupid.

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I remember that when I first started hanging out with the bf (in a "matey" way) I thought "he's funny, he looks nice - but thank god he's not my type" (I felt that I wasn't ready for a new relationship at the time). Well, what can I say - my "type" has changed considerably since then. B)

Just never say never.

I know, and when it happens you think "Thank God! I'm not just attracted to good-looking people...". It's a such a relief that you're not inadvertantly shoe-horning yourself into impossible attractions.

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I don't get it either. If it works for them then it works for them, but I personally don't get it at all. I think it looks tacky and stupid.

Agreed. I guess I always wonder why anyone would want anything so obviously fake, but perhaps I'm a silly hippy-ish purist or something!

And, sb, at least RF is aging well... B)

Edited by AllisonAdler
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I don't get it either. If it works for them then it works for them, but I personally don't get it at all. I think it looks tacky and stupid.

I think the same. I'm taking a women's studies class at university right now and one of the reasons women mutilate, paint and change themselves is they think men won't like them if they don't. I honestly don't care what men think of me because they have to like me for who I am. I'm not going to get my hair bleached white blonde just because a sizable proportion of the male population finds it attractive, same thing with rubber boobies. :rolleyes:

Btw, I like pen that guy has pictured above. I have a tortoise shell one kind of like it :lol:

Edited by LadyRaven
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Beautiful smile and Eyes :wub:


That's a very good example of how ideas of beauty differ, isn't it? I don't think she's all that great looking, but a lot of people think she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

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That's a very good example of how ideas of beauty differ, isn't it? I don't think she's all that great looking, but a lot of people think she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

No No, I just said smile and eyes I don't think she's the most beautiful woman.

But It's always good to be nice to your neighbors.

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Janis wasn't pretty normally, but when she smiled she became pretty. Her whole face would light up. :D

I thought she was. She was conventionally pretty, but I think she was pretty. I agree about the smile though. It really did light up her face.

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You know you're absolutely right.

A couple of my ex partners, if you had passed them in the street, you wouldn't look twice at them. But when I got to know their personalities, and it's their personalities you fall in love with, it completely changes how you view them physically and sexually to the point that they become the most beautiful people in the world to you, even though you're still aware that they're not classically 'beautiful'. And that changes everything because suddenly classical beauty means nothing, or just feels empty, whereas when you see their face, it looks so beautiful, in a non-beautiful way! lol

In the past, I've dated two people who were considered by everyone else to be very good-looking and sexy. They were hot property on the dating scene. And I've also dated people who were considered to be ugly or plain looking. And I realised that it has nothing to do with how attractive-looking a person is. It is all about their personality, because being in a relationship with someone just because they're attractive is so empty or meaningless. When you're kissing someone your eyes are closed, you can't see how good looking they are so it could be anybody

It's true.

Although I would never say that looks have nothing to do with forming relationships. Or that they're not important or don't matter or whatever one of these sayings you wanna pick from!

I mean, this is all in a "what if I was single?" sense, but being physically attracted to someone is quite often a starting point. Of course things may well start differently, because if you fancy someone and talk to them because of that fact, sex is gonna be at the front of your mind from the offset. I suppose it's the faster way to do it, and there's no reason why relationships that start for this reason rather than relationships that have started from being attracted to a personality can't have the longevity and well...all the good things about a relationship.

I suppose whatever way 'round it happens, things can go right or they can go wrong.

I've just read this post back and it's not worded very well, but I was finding it very tricky to explain! D'oh. :lol:

But basically, I suppose, looks are important because they can be what first makes you notice a person. Not all the time, but probably most of the time.

There we go.


Edited by Chicken
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It's true.

Although I would never say that looks have nothing to do with forming relationships. Or that they're not important or don't matter or whatever one of these sayings you wanna pick from!

I mean, this is all in a "what if I was single?" sense, but being physically attracted to someone is quite often a starting point. Of course things may well start differently, because if you fancy someone and talk to them because of that fact, sex is gonna be at the front of your mind from the offset. I suppose it's the faster way to do it, and there's no reason why relationships that start for this reason rather than relationships that have started from being attracted to a personality can't have the longevity and well...all the good things about a relationship.

I suppose whatever way 'round it happens, things can go right or they can go wrong.

I've just read this post back and it's not worded very well, but I was finding it very tricky to explain! D'oh. :lol:

But basically, I suppose, looks are important because they can be what first makes you notice a person. Not all the time, but probably most of the time.

There we go.


So basically you would never say that looks are not important when it comes to things going right or wrong probably parttime in either direction for a start?

Gotcha! B):P;)

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