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Earth Hour 2008

The Pagemeister

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About This Video

Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

This simple act has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world. As a result, at 8pm on the 29 March, 2008 millions of people in some of the world's major capital cities, including Copenhagen, Toronto, Chicago, Melbourne, Brisbane, Tel Aviv and Manila will unite and switch off for Earth Hour.


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what a great idea. i haven't heard of this on the east coast of the us, but i'll do it anyway. we should all do it once a week, even it's just for an hour.(AT THE SAME TIME), and really send a message. and maybe expand it a bit, and everyone not drive, once a month. like the first monday night, of every month, from 7pm to 8 pm. energy prices are outrages. and the effect on the enviroment is getting to the point, where it's getting close to "the point of no return". soon it will be too late to stop, and nature will fix our big mistakes. it will be a new world, and people might not be a part of it.

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I hope alot of people do this, becasue there is a good chance the lights may not come back on! The electric sytem is very fragile and stuff like this makes it go apeshit.

That's another urban myth....

We did this in Sydney 6 months ago, it was very successful. Unfortunately, most of the buildings in the CBD remain lit up all night every night since. But it's a good idea as it serves to educate people to realise that every one of us can make a difference.

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Count me in!! I remember a few years ago when every one took a flash light at 10pm or somewhere there bouts and shined it towards the sky. They said you could see the lights from the spaceshuttle. Anyone remember that? Just think how much energy we will be saving and how little pollution for one hour and save this planet for years.

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That's another urban myth....

We did this in Sydney 6 months ago, it was very successful. Unfortunately, most of the buildings in the CBD remain lit up all night every night since. But it's a good idea as it serves to educate people to realize that every one of us can make a difference.

It not an urban myth, granted something like that happening on large scale is slim, but when the power company puts too much out, the power goes from 60HZ and up. Almost everthing in the US runs on 60hz and even if goes up by 5hz, all that excess energy transforms into amp and blows fuses. The big blackout that new York had was caused by excessive hz.

But they constantly watch over it. One TV show i saw, the controllers were watching the super bowl because at half time, they new they were going to need extra power, supposedly due to bathroom lights turning on. Im sure they keep an eye on this.

Im not sure about the electric sytem in AUS. but there is what 275million more people in the U.S and our population is more spread out compared to AUS. With 275 million people, shit can happen.

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I saw an ad with Richard Branson promoting this Earth Hour..It bothers me that such rich people are telling us commoners what to do...

I'm concerned that if alot of lights go out what will happen when they are turned back on? Will there be a power surge that may cause more problems? And if you're stuck in a small town, you are screwed if things go wrong on the weekend. I witnesssed that earlier this month when there was a terrible snow storm....alot had to wait two days to get ploughed out...We also had a power failure at another time...Once again you have to wait until they can find the problem and get it fixed....it was not nice...not nice at all...I think I will leave town this weekend and go to the city...I don't want to have that helpless feeling ever again...for a long..long time...

I would rather conserve consistently on a daily basis...and I hope Richard Branson and the like are doing the same thing...and not just for a photo "op"


Edited by Juliet
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It not an urban myth, granted something like that happening on large scale is slim, but when the power company puts too much out, the power goes from 60HZ and up. Almost everthing in the US runs on 60hz and even if goes up by 5hz, all that excess energy transforms into amp and blows fuses. The big blackout that new York had was caused by excessive hz.

But they constantly watch over it. One TV show i saw, the controllers were watching the super bowl because at half time, they new they were going to need extra power, supposedly due to bathroom lights turning on. Im sure they keep an eye on this.

Im not sure about the electric sytem in AUS. but there is what 275million more people in the U.S and our population is more spread out compared to AUS. With 275 million people, shit can happen.

We are talking about turning off the lights for an hour not shutting down the entire power grid.

Don't you guys turn your lights off when you go to bed?

Apparently there are some "smart" marketing people who plan to keep the lights on in their premises to promote the brand.

Simple solution, don't buy or trade with them.


We'll know who they are, won't we?

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Well I can certainly turn the lights off for an hour....don't know about the other stuff, I don't think I'd be able to survive an hour with no music (Sad I know)

EDIT: Also, about the fuse thing...correct me if I'm wrong, but are most systems not run with breakers now? Instead of fuses? Isn't just as simple as resetting all of the breakers?

Edited by Jarlaxle 56
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Well I can certainly turn the lights off for an hour....don't know about the other stuff, I don't think I'd be able to survive an hour with no music (Sad I know)

EDIT: Also, about the fuse thing...correct me if I'm wrong, but are most systems not run with breakers now? Instead of fuses? Isn't just as simple as resetting all of the breakers?

There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of older homes still with fuses,

this is the dumbest idea i've ever heard of. If you think about it why not take the initiative to do it every day. I've replaced ever incandescent bulb in my house with the new flourescent curly bulbs. I leave a room, I hit the light switch. When I leave home for an extended period I'll hit the surge protector switch to my electrical items to avoid the leakage. There are many simple things we can do every day to cut the resource usage down. Take a 2liter bottle and fill it with water and set it in your toilet tank to reduce the amount of water you use when you flush.


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The big blackout that new York had was caused by excessive hz.

But they constantly watch over it. One TV show i saw, the controllers were watching the super bowl because at half time, they new they were going to need extra power, supposedly due to bathroom lights turning on. Im sure they keep an eye on this.

Im not sure about the electric sytem in AUS. but there is what 275million more people in the U.S and our population is more spread out compared to AUS. With 275 million people, shit can happen.

No.....from the official report on the 2003 blackout: "the main cause of the blackout on FirstEnergy Corporation's failure to trim trees in part of its Ohio service area. The report said that a generating plant in Eastlake, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, went off-line ... when they came in contact with "overgrown trees." The cascading effect that resulted ultimately forced the shutdown of more than 100 power plants.

The point is, yes, the power grid is sensitive to fluctuations. However it is only going to be effected by being strained by excess power consumption, not by turning the lights off.....

Yes the US population is roughly 10x that of Australia, but I would guess that your power system is also 10x as big, with 10x the number of employees. It's all about scale.

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No.....from the official report on the 2003 blackout: "the main cause of the blackout on FirstEnergy Corporation's failure to trim trees in part of its Ohio service area. The report said that a generating plant in Eastlake, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, went off-line ... when they came in contact with "overgrown trees." The cascading effect that resulted ultimately forced the shutdown of more than 100 power plants.

The point is, yes, the power grid is sensitive to fluctuations. However it is only going to be effected by being strained by excess power consumption, not by turning the lights off.....

Yes the US population is roughly 10x that of Australia, but I would guess that your power system is also 10x as big, with 10x the number of employees. It's all about scale.

What do you think that cascading effect was. If you didn't have enough power to keep the Hz up, it puts tremendous strain on the system. If you have more power then the system calls for, the system goes ape shit. As i said, they plan for these things. If your doing 100kmph on the highway and somebody secretly pushes the transmission in to neutral, your engine is going to rev up and could possible blow. So think of Hz as rpm, most engines have a rev limiter, but there is still a chance of a piston going through the side of an engine block, the rev limiter in a power company is a fuse, which kills the power. As i said before, they plan for these things. When there is news of one of those oil boycotts, most refineries slow down, because if there isn't a demand, where are you going to store the oil.

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There seems to be more going on then just turning out lights..People in London Ontario area are being urged to reduce using electricity in general..


PS In my earlier post I should have written I would hate to see anyone's health or safety comprimised this eve. Not everyone can turn out their lights or cut back on power use ...People who are ill, elderly or disabled may have to have things as usual for health and/or safety reasons..

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Goggle uses over 500,000 servers to run their network and they add about 25,000 every 4 months. Thats alot of power. If they wanted to save power, they should shut down there servers not just put a black screen on their page.

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