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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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If you want to see some fucked up info. check this link out:


It is about 237 misleading facts by the Bush Admin. that got us into this mess. What is not in here is things that were verified by our CIA at the time and later found to be wrong.

Whats misleading is they used the same answer to debunk either the same question reworded or a entirely different question based on somthing different.

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Well I just watched the Obama interview with Charles Gibson. He choses his words carefully as do all poloticians but he failed to come out and say he would have left the church. He makes it sound like this "reverand" only said these nasty things a few times. I say bullshit to that. He is another lier. You call Hillary a liar? I call him a liar. And McCain-he doesnt know his ars from a hole in the ground.

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Well I just watched the Obama interview with Charles Gibson. He choses his words carefully as do all poloticians but he failed to come out and say he would have left the church. He makes it sound like this "reverand" only said these nasty things a few times. I say bullshit to that. He is another lier. You call Hillary a liar? I call him a liar. And McCain-he doesnt know his ars from a hole in the ground.

I think, they taped this guys sermons , just get BO's schedule and match em up, it doesn't sound that hard to me. I tend to agree with you, he probably said that stuff all the time.

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LZ4> what's your take on the "snipergate" thing?

I dont know all the facts. When I do, Ill weigh in. dont lose any sleep now waiting for my reply.lol Have to give the PC to teenagers for the night. But fear not. I shall return! I know that breaks some hearts.

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Hi all,

I'm referring to their objective against the US. Not the rest of the world. The 9/11 attacks were solely to achieve one objective: fear. If our government used fear as its weapon, it would use it to gain support for spending as much money as possible to get 'the bad guys.'

You stated in post #1660,that their #1 objective was the economy,now it's fear,which is it? :blink: then again why the bombings in Madrid and London? "People' who hijack airplanes,ram them into buildings and mass murder are bad guys,.....

You're right about Israel and the Middle East, but at the same time, Israel is also an aggressor itself. There are many sections along the border that actually belong to the Palestinians that the Israelis have occupied for years. It's been on the news before, but doesn't receive much international acclaim because we are shown the Palestinians as the bad guys. Suicide bombings are a cowardish and dispicable act, but the Israelis have a tendancy to be stubburn when it comes to actually wanting to change the way things are over there. Not to mention, you throw in the rift between the two rival religions and its not good.

Here we go with Israel again,the only true democracy in the middle east.Back in the day say 1947-48 the 'Palestinians' were offered a "homeland',they refused as did every other Arab country.Suicide bombings are dispicable acts=Israel is stubborn?It's the Israelis fault they don'tchange? :blink: The Arabs want democracy,freedom of religion,freedom of speech,the right to vote,equal rights for women? :lol:

Bin Laden is mainly upset with us because we turned our back on him when he started getting 'too radical' for our cause. Same thing happened with Saddam in the 1980s. Once the international community went nuts that he gased all those Kurds, we secretly cut ties with him. So what does he do? Invades Kuwait, our # 1 oil well in the Middle East at the time.

bin Laden is upset? Gee when I'm upset i have a few beers,not plan wholesale slauaghter.

Kuwait,is not now nore has never been out #1 oil wellMore than a third of our petroleum, about 37% of our total usage, is produced domestically by our own oil companies.Most of our petroleum imports come from non-OPEC countries; 56% of it, in fact. Of that 56%, the majority is from Canada and Mexico, who are about as far removed from the Middle East as can be.

Edit to Add: There was a special on NBC News the other night and it was also on the Daily Show in which it was discussed what US Soldiers have been forced to do. They hand out money to would-be insurgents just to stay on our side.

Little known fact: The Shiite's were originally our Allies in Iraq, up until about 2006. Then, when they wouldn't get their acts together, we abandoned them and started funding the Sunnis (who make up almost all of Al-Qaeda).

Fact: The Middle East hatred for us is our foreign policy, not our religion. Religion is used as an easy scapegoat for people trying to rally the herd to their cause. Its no wonder they're pissed off at us. We've been cutting ties, turning backs and making shady deals with every single type of cleric that roams the region since we first set foot in the sand back in the late 1960s.

The Daily show,this is where you get your facts from? :rolleyes:

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Hi all,

The Daily show,this is where you get your facts from? :rolleyes:

The Daily Show is political satire. Occassionally however, they do have guests who are real at what they do, such as writers and reporters in the field. What I was referring to was a reporter who spent the last year in Iraq following and talking to US troops on the ground. It wasn't Mo Rocca standing infront of green screen, claiming to be under fire in Basra. :rolleyes:

And what I said about the economy and fear is within itself, the same objective. They inserted fear into the nervous system of the American economy, because-they inserted fear into the minds of the American people. Add a half cup of government fear mongering and wide spread suicide attacks worldwide, plus the greed for oil revenues: You have the perfect recipe for economic chaos.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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LZ4> what's your take on the "snipergate" thing?

I think all three of them have been caught with their pants down. now what the hell do we do??? Maybe we should ask Blabs? You know that cartoon faced character from nomans land. Bigfoot country. He probably could give an unbiased opiinion.

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It's nice not to have to scroll through post after post of irrelevant cut and paste to get to the new on topic content. B)

LZ> I was just wondering if you would try to claim she wasn't lying. I think they all probably lie regularly but the Clinton's seem to think no one will notice.

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Mr. Ralph Nader will appear on CNN's "Lou Dobbs This Week," Sat. March 29 and Sunday March 30

at 7 pm Eastern, 4 pm Pacific.

Mr. Dobbs and Mr. Nader will be discussing corporate globalization, its dire affects on the American people and the Nader/Gonzalez recipe to fix the problem.

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Clinton Vows To Stay in Race To Convention

She Stresses Finding Solution On Michigan, Florida Votes

By Perry Bacon Jr. and Anne E. Kornblut

Washington Post Staff Writers

Sunday, March 30, 2008; A01

NEW ALBANY, Ind., March 29 -- In her most definitive comments to date on the subject, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton sought Saturday to put to rest any notion that she will drop out of the presidential race, pledging in an interview to not only compete in all the remaining primaries but also continue until there is a resolution of the disqualified results in Florida and Michigan.

A day after Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean urged the candidates to end the race by July 1, Clinton defied that call by declaring that she will take her campaign all the way to the Aug. 25-28 convention if necessary, potentially setting up the prolonged and divisive contest that party leaders are increasingly anxious to avoid.

"I know there are some people who want to shut this down and I think they are wrong," Clinton said in an interview during a campaign stop here Saturday. "I have no intention of stopping until we finish what we started and until we see what happens in the next 10 contests and until we resolve Florida and Michigan. And if we don't resolve it, we'll resolve it at the convention -- that's what credentials committees are for.

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Clinton Vows To Stay in Race To Convention

No surprise here, I think it's the right thing to do as well. She has a lot of supporters, they will feel robbed if she just quits when she has a legitimate claim, no matter how tenuous, on the nomination.

Sort of quiet around the old "The Next President of the USA will be?" thread these days. :duel::cheer::blahblah::hippy::whistling::wave::hysterical::ph34r:

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Clinton Vows To Stay in Race To Convention

She Stresses Finding Solution On Michigan, Florida Votes

By Perry Bacon Jr. and Anne E. Kornblut

Washington Post Staff Writers

Sunday, March 30, 2008; A01

NEW ALBANY, Ind., March 29 -- In her most definitive comments to date on the subject, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton sought Saturday to put to rest any notion that she will drop out of the presidential race, pledging in an interview to not only compete in all the remaining primaries but also continue until there is a resolution of the disqualified results in Florida and Michigan.

A day after Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean urged the candidates to end the race by July 1, Clinton defied that call by declaring that she will take her campaign all the way to the Aug. 25-28 convention if necessary, potentially setting up the prolonged and divisive contest that party leaders are increasingly anxious to avoid.

"I know there are some people who want to shut this down and I think they are wrong," Clinton said in an interview during a campaign stop here Saturday. "I have no intention of stopping until we finish what we started and until we see what happens in the next 10 contests and until we resolve Florida and Michigan. And if we don't resolve it, we'll resolve it at the convention -- that's what credentials committees are for.

She has every right to fight this out. She won Florida big and got robbed. She won NY and Cal. Everything in between is fucking Mayberry RFD. Obama and his pastor should step down. 29% of Cliinton supporters said they would not vote for Obama if he gets the nom. what does that say?

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Because of her ego, she alone could destroy the Democrats chances at winning the White House in November.

Has there been anybody this close before and dropped out! Usually this is a done deal by now or that the person in second, may still be in it, but the polls does show the candidate has no chance of actually pulling an upset. She may not able to win on delegates. but she can win states and still has a shot at the supers.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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Has there been anybody this close before and dropped out! Usually this is a done deal by now or that the person in second, may still be in it, but the polls does show the candidate has no chance of actually pulling an upset. She may not able to win on delegates. but she can win states and still has a shot at the supers.

She has Penn pretty much locked, but not by a large majority.

She has no chance at NC.

At this point, if she's not blowing him out with every win, it does little to help her bid.

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She has Penn pretty much locked, but not by a large majority.

She has no chance at NC.

At this point, if she's not blowing him out with every win, it does little to help her bid.

Thats true, but anybody saying she should drop out is wrong. She still may not win, but she can push for a "tie", which means a better job offer for her to go away. The only reason she's in the senate is to be president, so I'm not sure if shes willing to go back. Obama better win the presidency, because i don't think he's going to win the senate seat in Illinois when it comes around in a couple years. I still think Obama should've waited a couple more terms, if he did, he would've been a hard beat.

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Thats true, but anybody saying she should drop out is wrong. She still may not win, but she can push for a "tie", which means a better job offer for her to go away. The only reason she's in the senate is to be president, so I'm not sure if shes willing to go back. Obama better win the presidency, because i don't think he's going to win the senate seat in Illinois when it comes around in a couple years. I still think Obama should've waited a couple more terms, if he did, he would've been a hard beat.

Well if she doesnt make it the rumour already is that she will be the next governor of NY State. But dont count her out yet. Every day iis a new day. She will win Penn. and I dont thiink NC is impossible if any more trash comes out on Obama. And lets not forget Florida. Something can still happen there with the count. Hillary is the only logical choice. Ill stand by that.

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Well if she doesnt make it the rumour already is that she will be the next governor of NY State. But dont count her out yet. Every day iis a new day. She will win Penn. and I dont thiink NC is impossible if any more trash comes out on Obama. And lets not forget Florida. Something can still happen there with the count. Hillary is the only logical choice. Ill stand by that.

:lol: You sound like an old Saints fan "woulda coulda shoulda" :lol:

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