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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I'm sure that you wish that I had been aborted many years ago. LOL

I don't know you except from your sad viewpoint on the state of our country and your obvious McCain like obssession with a woman who, if you read the articles i posted, easily qualifies as a loon.

I do however, despise humans who feel animals have no rights, feel no pain, are not living, thinking beings. This is not about abortion vs. animal rights. It's about the senseless (not for food or animal control, just for sport) killing of innocent "life". Your disregard for wildlife/nature/life makes me fear you as a person.

Hitler had a great fear of cats...

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McCain is stupid you say because he picked Palin? I’m not sure what the point of an election is, is it to have the best ticket or to win the fucking election.

My hope is that someone who wants to be our Commander in Chief actually cares about us. What a stupid desire. His pick shows he is "desperate" to win, because he obviously feels he won't. So if he croaks in office (quite possible) he leaves us with a "loon". I said this a while back, but it makes me question his "patriotism". If he wanted to add a woman to the ticket, he could have picked someone that is already respected and "known". That would have been a "winning ticket" (minus him, lol) and maybe even win him the f*in election.

McCain, no brain.

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Yes, as a woman I am so jealous of her. I am so jealous that she is anti-abortion even in cases of rape and incest while I am pro-choice. I am so jealous of her wanting Intelligent Design to be part of a public school's curriculum while I believe that science fact should be the only thing taught in science class. I am jealous because she supports drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge while I do not. (And, funny enough, neither does McCain.) I am jealous because she opposes same sex marriages while I do not. And I am jealous over her lack of foreign policy experience.

You are so right. I am just so jealous. :rolleyes:

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You all are too much. Now you hate Sarah because of the number of children she has.

nobody hates her for the number of children she has...heck, i'm intrigued... she even puts the needs of the country ahead of the needs of her own children...new family values platform???

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On the "cell phone only" people throwing off the polls.

The only actual data on the subject I could find seems to suggest it's not a big factor.

The Impact of "Cell-Onlys" on Public Opinion Polls

The proportion of Americans who rely solely on a cell phone for their telephone service continues to grow, as does the share who still have a landline phone but do most of their calling on their cell phone. With these changes, there is an increased concern that polls conducted only on landline telephones may not accurately measure public opinion. A new Pew Research Center study finds that, while different demographically, Americans who mostly or exclusively rely on cell phones are not substantially different from the landline population in their basic political attitudes and preferences.

On key political measures such as presidential approval, Iraq policy, presidential primary voter preference, and party affiliation, respondents reached on cell phones hold attitudes that are very similar to those reached on landline telephones. Analysis of two separate nationwide studies shows that including interviews conducted by cell phone does not substantially change any key survey findings.

But, as usual, you can find people who will disagree.

I don't know who is right. I think this issue along with the Bradley Effect make any polls suspect.

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Im sorry for the Hermit "cut and paste politics" routine. Since he had no thought that didn't come from HufPo of Moveon.org

Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama

By Gerard Baker

Democrats, between sniggers of derision and snorts of disgust, contend that Sarah Palin, John McCain's vice-presidential pick is ridiculously unqualified to be president.

It's a reasonable objection on its face except for this small objection: it surely needs to be weighed against the Democrats' claim that their own candidate for president is self-evidently ready to assume the role of most powerful person on the planet.

At first blush, here's what we know about the relative experience of the two candidates. Both are in their mid-forties and have held statewide elective office for less than four years. Both have admitted to taking illegal drugs in their youth.

So much for the similarities. How about the differences?

Political experience

Obama: Worked his way to the top by cultivating, pandering to and stroking the most powerful interest groups in the all-pervasive Chicago political machine, ensuring his views were aligned with the power brokers there.

Palin: Worked her way to the top by challenging, attacking and actively undermining the Republican party establishment in her native Alaska. She ran against incumbent Republicans as a candidate willing and able to clean the Augean Stables of her state's government.

Political Biography

Obama: A classic, if unusually talented, greasy-pole climber. Held a succession of jobs that constitute the standard route to the top in his party's internal politics: "community organizer", law professor, state senator.

Palin:A woman with a wide range of interests in a well-variegated life. Held a succession of jobs - sports journalist, commercial fisherwoman, state oil and gas commissioner, before entering local politics. A resume that suggests something other than burning political ambition from the cradle but rather the sort of experience that enables her to understand the concerns of most Americans..

Political history

Obama: Elected to statewide office only after a disastrous first run for a congressional seat and after his Republican opponent was exposed in a sexual scandal. Won seat eventually in contest against a candidate who didn't even live in the state.

Palin: Elected to statewide office by challenging a long-serving Republican incumbent governor despite intense opposition from the party.


Obama: A very attractive speaker whose celebrity has been compared to that of Britney Spears and who sends thrills up Chris Matthews' leg

Palin: A very attractive woman, much better-looking than Britney Spears who speaks rather well too. She sends thrills up the leg of Rush Limbaugh (and me).

Executive experience

Obama: Makes executive decisions every day that affect the lives of his campaign staff and a vast crowd of traveling journalists

Palin:Makes executive decisions every day that affect the lives of 500,000 people in her state, and that impact crucial issues of national economic interest such as the supply and cost of energy to the United States.

Religious influences

Obama: Regards people who "cling" to religion and guns as "bitter" . Spent 20 years being mentored and led spiritually by a man who proclaimed "God damn America" from his pulpit. Mysteriously, this mentor completely disappeared from public sight about four months ago.

Palin: Head of her high school Fellowship of Christian Athletes and for many years a member of the Assemblies of God congregation whose preachers have never been known to accuse the United States of deliberately spreading the AIDS virus. They remain in full public sight and can be seen every Sunday in churches across Alaska. A proud gun owner who has been known to cling only to the carcasses of dead caribou felled by her own aim.

Record of bipartisan achievement

Obama: Speaks movingly of the bipartisanship needed to end the destructive politics of "Red America" and "Blue America", but votes in the Senate as a down-the-line Democrat, with one of the most liberal voting records in congress.

Palin: Ridiculed by liberals such as John Kerry as a crazed, barely human, Dick Cheney-type conservative but worked wit Democrats in the state legislature to secure landmark anti-corruption legislation.

Former state Rep. Ethan Berkowitz - a Democrat - said. "Gov. Palin has made her name fighting corruption within her own party, and I was honored when she stepped across party lines and asked me to co-author her ethics white paper."

On Human Life

Obama: Devoutly pro-choice. Voted against a bill in the Illinois state senate that would have required doctors to save the lives of babies who survived abortion procedures. The implication of this position is that babies born prematurely during abortions would be left alone, unnourished and unmedicated, until they died.

Palin: Devoutly pro-life. Exercised the choice proclaimed by liberals to bring to full term a baby that had been diagnosed in utero with Down Syndrome.

Now it's true there are other crucial differences. Sen Obama has appeared on Meet The Press every other week for the last four years. He has been the subject of hundreds of adoring articles in papers and newsweeklies and TV shows and has written two Emmy-award winning books.

Gov Palin has never appeared on Meet the Press, never been on the cover of Newsweek. She presumably feels that, as a mother of five children married to a snowmobile champion, who also happens to be the first woman and the youngest person ever to be elected governor of her state, she has not really done enough yet to merit an autobiography.

Then again, I'm willing to bet that if she had authored The Grapes of Wrath, sung like Edith Piaf and composed La Traviata , she still wouldn't have won an Emmy.

Fortunately, it will be up to the American people and not their self-appointed leaders in Hollywood and New York to determine who really has the better experience to be president.

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Great pick McCain, Sarah will tear Biden appart in the debates because she has not grown up in Washington being brain washed by a single party like "Old Biden". She is a real, Qualified person.



high school basketball star........check

beauty pageant contestant.......check

m-16 qualified expert...............check



airline pilot(more executive power than mayor of a small town)........check

yep...i'll be looking for your vote in 2012!!!!!! :cheer:

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No depth; no substance; no wit,.. no evidence of intelligent thought.

Once again you admit that Palin's VP nomination is merely a political gimmick.

So much for McCain's "Country First" campaign slogan, eh? :rolleyes:

McCain to campaign manager, Rick Davis:

"I'm selecting the next-in-line to be Commander-in-Chief in case I become incapacitated; I better give this selection the seriousness, thoughtfulness, and gravitas that it deserves. Then again, I'm in a desperate situation here; the consrvative base isn't backing me with any enthusiasm. The heck with seriousness, thoughtfulness, and gravitas, I better go with a base-pleasing gimmick! I'm gonna select that woman I met once awhile back. That gal from Alaska, former beauty queen or something. She's anti-choice and pro-drilling. And I think she's ben governor for several months, hasn't she? Social conservatives will swoon over her! Besides, we don't have to worry about her becoming Commander-in-Chief because I'm never gonna die. Can I tell you a story about when I was a POW, my friend? For five and a half years.."

Rick Davis:

"No, sir, you can't do that. Sir.. sir.. Mr McCain.. sir.. STOP! I've heard your five-and-a-half-years-blah-blah-blah stories enough, alright?! Keep telling your POW stories in public, sir, but not when you're talking to me, okay? Frankly I'm sick to fucking death of your POW stories. Anyway,.. yes, you're right. I think you should go with the gimmick VP choice. As much as you've pandered to them in the past two years, conservatives still don't trust you. Heck, they don't really even like you; they're just plugging their noses and trying their best to stomach you just enough to vote for you. But they sure as shit will swoon over that beauty queen anti-choice, pro-drilling woman governor from Alaska. What's her name? We'll have to look it up. Anyway, whatever her name is, she'll make an excellent gimmick VP choice, sir! And if you die or become incapacitated, sir, and she become Commander-in-Chief,.. well, let's just say we'll cross that bridge (the "bridge to nowhere".. LOL! Get it, sir?) when the time comes."

Country First. Yyyeah. :rolleyes:

Women aren't so stupid to want a female Pat Buchanan running our country when the ole geezer can't. Especially no woman who cares about her country and the future for her children. What really shocks me is all the men who think this was a great pick ( i know most are chringing in silence). I can't believe any man wants this type of person to be their Commander in Chief or even "runner up". It just shows their blind following of the Republican party.

Four more years of Bush? Really, there's still someone out there who hasn't had enough? You must be a Billionaire.


Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away

Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air

You better watch out

There may be dogs about

I've looked over Jordan and I have seen

Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real

Meek and obedient you follow the leader

Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel

What a surprise!

A look of terminal shock in your eyes

Now things are really what they seem

No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He makes me down to lie

Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by

With bright knives he releaseth my soul

He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places

He converteth me to lamb cutlets

For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger

When cometh the day we lowly ones

Through quiet reflection and great dedication

Master the art of karate

Lo, we shall rise up

And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.

Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream

Wave upon wave of demented avengers

March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?

The dogs are dead!

You better stay home

And do as you're told

Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

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And Pb, the most crucial test has been proven by how the Libs around here can't stand her. When will you libs learn, Sarah was not picked for you. She was picked to shore up the conservative base of the Republican party. And not only has she done that, but she has energized it to boot.

Pb, oh how the libs around here will run from the facts. Great post, it's so true.

McCain / Palin 08................................Not a good day for the libs

Obama / Ayres / Rezko / Wright / Biden........ Now that's a ticket we can all trust LOL :hysterical:

LOL, i have to post this one more time. Ironic, you hate animals, but you're one of the many... :) This is "my" slogan: McCain/no brain / Pat Buchanan in a skirt Campaign

and this is the perfect song for the Rep followers... (special thanks to Roger Waters, lol)


Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away

Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air

You better watch out

There may be dogs about

I've looked over Jordan and I have seen

Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real

Meek and obedient you follow the leader

Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel

What a surprise!

A look of terminal shock in your eyes

Now things are really what they seem

No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He makes me down to lie

Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by

With bright knives he releaseth my soul

He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places

He converteth me to lamb cutlets

For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger

When cometh the day we lowly ones

Through quiet reflection and great dedication

Master the art of karate

Lo, we shall rise up

And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.

Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream

Wave upon wave of demented avengers

March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?

The dogs are dead!

You better stay home

And do as you're told

Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

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I don't follow this as much as I should be, but the issue with McCain going after Obama for wanting to keep using foreign oil has always kept my interest. The reason being that bush wanted to get his hands on the oil fields in Alaska that are currently being protected by the sign of wildlife preserve. Then I saw that McCain appoints a woman from Alaska to run with him. I thought immediately that this was to get in good with the people, so that he could open up those fields for drilling. Why choose someone who isn't really qualified to run?

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Its kinda odd that somebody who openly supports biden for VP, uses other people words to prove a point, something Biden, who can never shut up, did back into 1988 which lead to his first failed attempt for president.

If i could write songs, i wouldn't be wasting my time talking to Republicans who enjoy watching the demise of my beautiful country. I would be out performing! So all due credit to Roger Waters and Pink Floyd for saying it so well back in 1977. As for Joe Biden, he is one of the most well educated and intelligent men in our government.

Don't tell me everyone doesn't "paraphrase". I wrote plenty of papers in college, everyone does it.

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high school basketball star........check

beauty pageant contestant.......check

m-16 qualified expert...............check



airline pilot(more executive power than mayor of a small town)........check

yep...i'll be looking for your vote in 2012!!!!!! :cheer:









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RCP Average





Obama +3.4

Generic Congressional Vote

RCP Average





Democrats +8.4

President Bush Job Approval

RCP Average





Spread -36.2

Congressional Job Approval

RCP Average





Spread -57.2

It appears to me that Obama isn't under performing the "generic ballot", but rather McCain is over performing it.

It's also interesting to note that 3 of the 4 candidates come from congress which has an approval rating around half of Bush's.

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FactChecking Obama's speech

He stuck to the facts, except when he stretched them.

We checked the accuracy of Obama's speech accepting the Democratic nomination, and noted the following:

* Obama said he could “pay for every dime” of his spending and tax cut proposals “by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens.” That’s wrong – his proposed tax increases on upper-income individuals are key components of paying for his program, as well. And his plan, like McCain’s, would leave the U.S. facing big budget deficits, according to independent experts.

* He twisted McCain’s words about Afghanistan, saying, “When John McCain said we could just 'muddle through' in Afghanistan, I argued for more resources.” Actually, McCain said in 2003 we “may” muddle through, and he recently also called for more troops there.

* He said McCain would fail to lower taxes for 100 million Americans while his own plan would cut taxes for 95 percent of “working” families. But an independent analysis puts the number who would see no benefit from McCain’s plan at 66 million and finds that Obama’s plan would benefit 81 percent of all households when retirees and those without children are figured in.

* Obama asked why McCain would "define middle-class as someone making under five million dollars a year"? Actually, McCain meant that comment as a joke, getting a laugh and following up by saying, "But seriously ..."

* Obama noted that McCain’s health care plan would "tax people’s benefits" but didn’t say that it also would provide up to a $5,000 tax credit for families.

* He said McCain, far from being a maverick who’s "broken with his party," has voted to support Bush policies 90 percent of the time. True enough, but by the same measure Obama has voted with fellow Democrats in the Senate 97 percent of the time.

* Obama said "average family income" went down $2,000 under Bush, which isn't correct. An aide said he was really talking only about "working" families and not retired couples. And – math teachers, please note – he meant median (or midpoint) and not really the mean or average. Median family income actually has inched up slightly under Bush.

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Thank you, I proudly take that as a compliment. And thak you President Bush for helping clean up the terroist scum bags of the earth after Bubba Clinton gave them free range for eight pathetic years. History will show what a great President you have been.

And Libs around here, get it through your thick skulls. Sarah Palin was not picked for you. She was picked for conservative Americans. And, it is working.

McCain / Palin .... 08

Accept It

I think the Texas heat is frying your brain :)

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I do understand why you and all the libs want that "drivel" to just go away. But guess what. As we get closer to Nov. Americans are wondering about these Obama "associations' more and more each day.

Obama, Comander in Chief? Ask yourself, can we take that chance??

As far as Palin, do you understand now that she was not picked for you libs around here?

McCain / Palin......08

Accept it

Boy, I've missed a lot over the last day. Sorry to say srplane, that as a person who wants to see the US move forward and not backward I will NOT ACCEPT it!! There's nothing to accept except that the Republican party is really counting on the turncoat Hilary supporters to get that female vote. I accept THAT, but I don't think it will be effective in the long run.

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LOL, i have to post this one more time. Ironic, you hate animals, but you're one of the many... :) This is "my" slogan: McCain/no brain / Pat Buchanan in a skirt Campaign

and this is the perfect song for the Rep followers... (special thanks to Roger Waters, lol)


Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away

Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air

You better watch out

There may be dogs about

I've looked over Jordan and I have seen

Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real

Meek and obedient you follow the leader

Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel

What a surprise!

A look of terminal shock in your eyes

Now things are really what they seem

No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want

He makes me down to lie

Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by

With bright knives he releaseth my soul

He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places

He converteth me to lamb cutlets

For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger

When cometh the day we lowly ones

Through quiet reflection and great dedication

Master the art of karate

Lo, we shall rise up

And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.

Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream

Wave upon wave of demented avengers

March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?

The dogs are dead!

You better stay home

And do as you're told

Get out of the road if you want to grow old.

I love that song. Animals is a fantastic album, too. :banana:

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So Sarah Palin, Mayor of a small town (pop. 6,000) for 6 years, then Governor of Alaska for 19 months...

And a lot of people around here are singing her praises like she's the greatest thing to ever happen in US Political History only because they're convinced McCain has produced some sort of trump card on Obama, singing her praises so loudly when everyone knows so little about her, and her major office-holding political experience has been so short is also a clear example that a lot of Republicans are not seriously assessing her achievements.

I do keep wondering where the 'change' comes into it, when she's pro-oil, anti-environment, pro-gun, anti-abortion, creationist, she reads like a Republican text book.

With the majority of her experience having been in small town and small state politics, it'll be interesting to see how much the McCain camp actually uses her on the campaign trail. Her inexperience of politics at the Presidential/Federal level could produce some interesting gaffs or slip-ups from her.

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In 1994 [during the Clinton administration], Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Mahmud Abouhalima and Ahmad Ajaj were each convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. They were sentenced to life imprisonment. [source].

In 1997 [during the Clinton administration], Ramsi Yousef, was convicted of organising the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. The jury also convicted Eyad Ishmoil, who the jury heard was Yusef's accomplice. "Ramsi Yousef and Eyad Ishmoil both face [and were sentenced to] a maximum sentence of life in prison. They're the last of six people accused of the bombing almost five years ago, which left six people dead and 1,000 injured. The other four have each already been sentenced to 240 years in jail." [source].

In the six years [during the Bush administration] since 9/11, there has been one 9/11-related (kinda-sorta) conviction: Salim Hamdan, Osama bin Laden's former driver, was convicted of providing material support to terrorism but was acquitted on charges of conspiring with al Qaeda. [source]. Hamdan was sentenced to time-served plus five months.

"thak you President Bush for helping clean up the terroist scum bags of the earth"

Yeah. Heckuva job, Bushie! Thak you.


Meanwhile....back at the ranch:

While Bush would try to divert our attention by pretending the war in Iraq is related to the war on terrorism, Bin Laden is roaming free and setting up his little terrrorist training camps in Africa....very effective war on terror we've waged. MmmmHmmmmm.....

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In 1994 [during the Clinton administration], Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Mahmud Abouhalima and Ahmad Ajaj were each convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. They were sentenced to life imprisonment. [source].

In 1997 [during the Clinton administration], Ramsi Yousef, was convicted of organising the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. The jury also convicted Eyad Ishmoil, who the jury heard was Yusef's accomplice. "Ramsi Yousef and Eyad Ishmoil both face [and were sentenced to] a maximum sentence of life in prison. They're the last of six people accused of the bombing almost five years ago, which left six people dead and 1,000 injured. The other four have each already been sentenced to 240 years in jail." [source].

In the six years [during the Bush administration] since 9/11, there has been one 9/11-related (kinda-sorta) conviction: Salim Hamdan, Osama bin Laden's former driver, was convicted of providing material support to terrorism but was acquitted on charges of conspiring with al Qaeda. [source]. Hamdan was sentenced to time-served plus five months.

"thak you President Bush for helping clean up the terroist scum bags of the earth"

Yeah. Heckuva job, Bushie! Thak you.


Due to President Clinton's eight years of failure to deal with terrorism. As he was too worried about having young women interns helping him with his other needs.

Had he acted on the important issues during his eight years, such as terrorist in the Middle East.

President Bush may have never walked into a hornets nests, with what happen on September 11, 2001...

And having to still dealing with Clinton's mess, which should have been taken care of during his watch!!!

Edited to add this quote from source:

Clinton's failure to grasp the opportunity to unravel increasingly organized extremists, coupled with Berger's assessments of their potential to directly threaten the U.S., represents one of the most serious foreign policy failures in American history.

http://www.infowars.com/saved pages/Prio...t_bin_laden.htm

Edited by XerSizNRite
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