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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Gallup poll from June:

...When given a choice about how government should address the numerous economic difficulties facing today's consumer, Americans overwhelmingly—by 84% to 13%—prefer that the government focus on improving overall economic conditions and the jobs situation in the United States as opposed to taking steps to distribute wealth more evenly among Americans....


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I just talked to another guy involved heavily into the union im in.

"I asked him, how many Union Plumbers do you know that make 250,000 a year".

He replied to me that over 210 union pipe fitters in Chicago make over 250,000 a year"

Over 175 union plumbers make over 250,000 a year"

and 90% of the business we have contracts with, make over 250,000 a year.

I told him he should tell obama that.

Tim the Pipefitter, spreading the wealth, one weld at a time, for myself.

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Yeah, keep thinking ACORN is going to be responsible for McCain losing, if that should happen. Keep forgetting that ACORN are the ones pointing out the faulty registrations in the first place. Also keep forgetting that unless all these fake people show up and vote, there is no voter fraud. If Daisy Duck is registered to vote, but Daisy Duck never actually votes (because she's an anthropomorphic duck), then no fraudulent vote has been cast. Didn't I explain this yesterday?

I swear, the tin foil hats are strong with you guys.


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JFK doubled our troop presence in Vietnam? O RLY?

Seeing as Jack was dead in 1963, I'd like to know how he escalated our involvement in Southeast Asia.

Sounds like the high influx of American troops into Vietnam came at the hands of the Johnson administration. No one is debating that Kennedy sent troops there, hell Eisenhower sent troops there during his administration. However the role of those troops, the number of those troops and the purpose of our involvement radically changed and did so under LBJ, not Kennedy.

And there were secret bombings (ie, further escalation) under Nixon.

Note he didn't address the thousands of Asian people who died or were injured as a result, or even the thousands of Americans who died or were paralyzed or otherwise disabled.

Violence is never the answer. But try to put this stuff into historical context for some folks and they just can't grasp it.

Opposing the Viet Nam war in the 60s and 70s was the moral stand. It's that simple.

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McCain: Comeback Kid?

Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 2:26 PM MST

Gallup: Obama 49 percent, McCain 47

A new Gallup Poll of likely voters has Democrat Barack Obama with a 49 percent to 47 percent lead over Arizona Sen. John McCain.


The article was flawed from the title, lol. McCain a kid, haha, he's an old man! A crazy old man!

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RealClearPolitics, which takes an average of all polls out there, has Obama leading by almost 7%. Furthermore, there's two different Gallup polls being used now; one deals with likely voters, the other with registered voters. The next three days will show results from the last debate trickling in, and since every news organization and snap poll gave the debate to Obama, again I expect to see him get a 1-2 point bounce from that.

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I just talked to another guy involved heavily into the union im in.

"I asked him, how many Union Plumbers do you know that make 250,000 a year".

He replied to me that over 210 union pipe fitters in Chicago make over 250,000 a year"

Over 175 union plumbers make over 250,000 a year"

and 90% of the business we have contracts with, make over 250,000 a year.

I told him he should tell obama that.

Tim the Pipefitter, spreading the wealth, one weld at a time, for myself.

What a bunch of bullshit.What are they Plumbers to the Stars.

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Remember, the elections of 2000 and 2004 were decided by very small margins, and this year's election will be no different. And this time, liberal special interests are spending over $1 billion to make sure their Democrat allies emerge victorious.

Help defeat the Obama-Bin Laden Democrats and their leftist allies -- and prevent a complete left-wing takeover of American government.

I think you need to have your nurse lighten up the thorizine a bit. Those elections were decided by small margins alright. But I've a good feeling this election nobody gives a flying shit if McCain tickles everyones gay or abortion issues just before the votes. I've already voted. After all I really don't think taxpayers want to accept what all McCains and Bush's spindoctors say as factual.

We know better.

Left Wing takeover? Look here wingnut.

>>>>This is right>>>>>>>

<<<<This is left<<<<<<<<

They still must coexist.

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Both Barack Obama and John McCain appeared at the Alfred E. Smith Foundation dinner last night, and both of them were utterly hilarious. I'll post the links to their comments below, however I will say this. Even though the campaigning has gotten very nasty and very negative the last few weeks, it was great to see the both of them seemingly having a good time poking fun at each other. I thought McCain was funnier than Obama, really. Too bad he hasn't been like this the whole time, maybe the race would be closer.

Obama (whole bit)

McCain pt 1

McCain pt 2

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What a bunch of bullshit.What are they Plumbers to the Stars.

It very simple.

You have to be a union plumber to own a union workshop in chicago. So thats part of it.

Even still,

Plumber get paid 40hr. min. with foreman making 42 and site supervisor making 44.

Most sites require overtime. some 6 10hr days or even 7 12 hour days. So if you do a shit ton of overtime, 250,000 is a possibility.

Im a pipefitter, i make a buck more than plumbers, but if i work 7 12 hour days, my gross is well over 4,000 a week.

There are some who are just that good that they get paid more, those are the ones racking in the the 250,000 and they are the ones retiring at 40.

Non union guys get paid more, but they don't get health insurance. and if they own their own company, like Joe the plumber would like to do one day, 250,000 becomes a reality.

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no prob.

You are right, he did not double the troops.

There was 800 boots on the ground when he got in

When he got shot, there was 16,000.

He did have a order for a withdrawl of 1,000 which LBJ was against and withdrew that order when he was POTUS.

So double would be 1,600. he brought in 16,000. What would that be 20x the amount.

Still, you're missing the point, Somebody claimed that the G.O.P. didn't care about the thousands of people Nixon was killing, so when Barry Obamas friend Billy ayers tried to blow up buildings, was not a big thing.

Even still, JFK signed orders that allowed military action indirectly against north Vietnam, which became direct attacks later in LBJ era. Both are Dems.

Even more still,

The war started in 1959, even you claimed Eisenhower sent troops, so that would mean even by 1963, JFK was involved in Vietnam enough to 15,000 more troops there.

Yes, you are right, JFK did died in 1963.

A question - you opposed the Democrats' actions in Viet Nam, but supported Nixon's? Because you still haven't said anything about the thousands of people Nixon killed, and lied about, vs. a handful of homemade bombs that killed only their makers.

A quote from Bill Ayers: "The reason we weren't terrorists is because we did not commit random acts of terror against people. Terrorism was what was being practiced in the countryside of Vietnam by the United States."

Ayers has apologized to those who were injured by the group, and he and his wife turned themselves in, in 1980. Kinda like G. Gordon Liddy, he's paid his debt and is a contributing member of society. Why does it bother you so much that he and Obama know each other, but you're fine with McCain's connections to that other Plumber, Liddy?

Edited by SunChild
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Trickle - Up Poverty:

The "New Economics" of Barack Hussein Obama

The liberal media talking heads are already proclaiming that a Barack Obama victory will be revolutionary. Revolutionary is right. The last great revolution took place in Russia. Within a year of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the communist leader Lenin brought the Russians change they could believe in. He created an economic system in which:

All industry was nationalized and strict centralized management was introduced.

Obligatory labor duty was imposed onto "non-working classes" or people who had money. Food was rationed and centrally distributed.

Military-like control of railroads was introduced.

Private enterprise became illegal.

After Stalin took over the Soviet Union, he:

Imposed a state-run system of socialized medicine

Formed a strict, centralized cultural administration and ideological control system – in other words, reeducation.

There is every reason to believe that some kind of socialist revolution will occur under B.O. Bush has already imposed socialism on the banks, and Obama promises to do more of the same. The Soviets put people with money to work in factories.

Under Obama, the business owners in this country who drive the economy will be put to work by being forced to pay crushing taxes that will fund gold-plated healthcare for illegal aliens and welfare cases. Private enterprise may not actually be made illegal, but so many businesses will die under an Obama administration that the same goal will be accomplished. Instead of trickle-down economics, we'll have trickle-up poverty.

We already know Obama will impose socialized medicine – that is a given. And reeducation will come in the form of the Fairness Doctrine, which Nancy Pelosi will push through the Congress by stressing the need to foster unity and avoid destabilizing the markets with hurtful and unbalanced commentary.This is what the future holds under B.O. (Or BHO, is you prefer....)


I'm sorry - what can one say, in the face of the same "red scare" propaganda the Repubs have been trying to peddle since the 1950s? Booga booga booga.

When Obama's been president for 8 years and you look around and see he actually wasn't Lenin, will you admit you were wrong?

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