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"Ignore User" function


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I don't use the ignore feature for a few reasons:

It's easier to just scroll past the post.

Most ignore features just replace the place where the post would be with a post-like message that basically says "You have chosen to ignore this poster",which in a fucked up,reverse psychology kind of way defeats the purpose...

It ruins the flow of conversation.There have been times when I've used it,and a thread goes in a completely different direction,all in one post.

If I don't use it;I can still ignore a specific post,but if it gets referenced in someone elses' reply,I can always go back and read it.

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I have to say I have never felt paranoid before on this forum , but now its like who hates you (hate is to strong a word), who is blocking you...WTF..some people can be so up themselves. Maybe we could start another meaningless thread about who has blocked who etc :) .

I think the best thing for me to do is block the lot of you and then reply to my own posts and agree with myself !! that way I know I am right, actually maybe I would loose an argument with myself :D in fact f*ck it I will block myself !!! :P

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I think it's stupid. I'm perfectly capable of ignoring posts/people on my own. I don't like quite a few people on the forums, but as has been said it's nice to get their opinions on things...sometimes.

Don't know how you do it, but I tend to read posts in a thread without looking at the posters first. So ignoring posts by a specific poster would in fact be more complicated if done "manually". With the ignore function I can still see that somebody has posted and also click to "reveal" their post if I choose to do so - it's just more practicable for me to use it than to sort posters/posts "by hand".

I think it should be fair, so people should be told when they're being ignored and who by B). That way they don't have to waste their time responding to something their ignorer posted and could "retaliate" if they so chose to. It only makes sense. I doubt that is the situation, but I'm not sure I would know.

Hahahaha...I like that idea!

Frankly I don't think a lot of people really care whether I ignore them or not. The best reaction I can imagine is a big fat "so what" - and rightly so. Anyway if any of the people on my ignore list post in a thread I started, I'll read their posts. If they post somewhere else, I don't. I guess that's "fair". After all, if you invite people to a party it'd be rude not to talk to them. Finally: Ignoring people is not an act of agression that'd need "retaliation". If you don't like a person's posts in general - ignore them. If you're interested in their posts - read them. Would you really ignore somebody's posts simply because they ignore yours?

That's what I'd call stupid. ;)

I would never block someone who has a different opinion than me and I also wouldn't block people who were in my opinion rude or offensive because I think it wouldn't be worth it and I could as well skip their posts, so I'd rather stick with that.

That's what the ignore function is for: Skipping people's posts. It's strange how most people state that they "ignore" and "skip" posts, but still insist that they consider the "ignore function" a bad idea. Beats me.

I'm wonderin' who everyone's blocking now. :lol:

That was the whole point of this thread. Got me there. ^_^

Fuzzy--if I know that replying to a post that is really "getting to me" is useless, I just don't do it.

I admire your self-restraint. You see for me the ignore function is like a nicotine patch. It helps me abstain from doing things I really don't want to do. :D

There are a few posters on this board (and a lot on the old board) that do get on my nerves sometimes, (more than not), but every once in a while, every once in a teeny, weeny while, they have things that I am interested in reading. That's why I am not using the ignore feature.

Fair enough. :)

people have ignored me for years without benefit of an ignore function so why should I care?


I don't use the ignore feature for a few reasons:

It's easier to just scroll past the post.

Most ignore features just replace the place where the post would be with a post-like message that basically says "You have chosen to ignore this poster",which in a fucked up,reverse psychology kind of way defeats the purpose...

It ruins the flow of conversation.There have been times when I've used it,and a thread goes in a completely different direction,all in one post.

If I don't use it;I can still ignore a specific post,but if it gets referenced in someone elses' reply,I can always go back and read it.

It's like I said above - I tend to read posts as they come, without checking who wrote them. It's easier for me to recognize the "you have chosen to ignore this poster" message and scroll on than to read part of a post, stop in my track, check for the poster, go "ah, right, it's that ***** again" and go on to the next post. Not a big deal really - but actually it's not that big a deal either way...

And Del, you can stop the baiting. You're not on the list. :lol:

Wonder how many quotes you can fit into a single post... :rolleyes:

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That's what the ignore function is for: Skipping people's posts. It's strange how most people state that they "ignore" and "skip" posts, but still insist that they consider the "ignore function" a bad idea. Beats me.

But if you ignore someone you cannot read any of their posts, and as some people here already pointed out, while someone could usually annoy you he/she might post something you're interested in at times which you wouldn't notice if you ignored him/her.

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If you don't get an answer... You may be one of them! :lol:


yeah. ..and apparently I am "1 of 5". :D

Come to think of it. This is actually a great function because then people can talk behind other people's backs without them knowing what is being said.

Like right now --


Peter Grant, Led Zeppelin Manager


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Would you really ignore somebody's posts simply because they ignore yours?

Absolutely. Personally, anyways. I already don't like the people here who might ignore me (though I don't really know why they would), so for them to go out of their way to ignore me with my neutral postings would be all the reason I need to no longer view their posts as well. Besides, if they can't see my posts--what good would seeing theirs do me?

For what it's worth, I do pay attention to avatars and all that and if it's someone I suspect would say something I wouldn't like and/or something of no value, I probably won't read their post. Of course, that only applies to certain threads--I don't read every post everywhere :blink:. Heck, I don't read much of anything here :lol:

Come to think - being ignored must be a poster's worst fear. It makes you a tree falling in an empty forest....no sound whatsoever. :)

For me it wouldn't really matter if it were only a few people, but I would "retaliate" if I knew--for the reasons I've already stated. If everyone here ignored me, I probably would leave. I've done it several times before, if only somewhat briefly. It just doesn't make sense to post if you're ignored when you do.

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But if you ignore someone you cannot read any of their posts, and as some people here already pointed out, while someone could usually annoy you he/she might post something you're interested in at times which you wouldn't notice if you ignored him/her.

I don't see the difference: If you ignore somebody "manually" you skip or ignore their posts just the same - so you won't find out if they got something interesting to say either. Unless you read their posts and decide to ignore them afterwards...which isn't exactly what I'd call "ignoring them". If you think they might have something valuable to say you can still read their posts despite the ignore function: The ignore function still shows THAT they posted and gives you the option to read their posts (individually). Nothing's lost at all...you still got all the choices.

Anyway, as I said before, it's not WHAT people say that makes me want to ignore them but HOW they say it. If people can't help themselves being asses about what they got to say I can do without their posts - no matter how interesting the contents. I wouldn't hang out with overbearing or rude people at a party either. Only here I can ignore them without hurting anybody's feelings. :)

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For me it wouldn't really matter if it were only a few people, but I would "retaliate" if I knew--for the reasons I've already stated. If everyone here ignored me, I probably would leave. I've done it several times before, if only somewhat briefly. It just doesn't make sense to post if you're ignored when you do.

Most people are constantly ignored. Shy newbs.... Spatdrastic... It's sad. :(

Ignoring established posters is what I call poetic justice! :D

And Hermit - that'd be telling...wouldn't it? B)

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Ignoring established posters is what I call poetic justice! :D

?? I've been part of the forums for two years now, posting all the while. It doesn't really bother me when my posts are ignored--I just don't see the point in sticking around when they consistently are.

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ahh,.. so you don't ignore and tell, eh?

I wonder though..

why publicly proclaim "I'm already ignoring 5 people"

and then not have the courage to say who they are?

..just curious.. :whistling:

Wouldn't it be cruel to say "I'm ignoring X because their posts bore me to tears"? They might be nice people, just not my cup of mead. Why be mean?... You see the whole point of ignoring people is to not be mean to those people, but to simply...ignore them. ;)

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I don't see the difference: If you ignore somebody "manually" you skip or ignore their posts just the same - so you won't find out if they got something interesting to say either. Unless you read their posts and decide to ignore them afterwards...which isn't exactly what I'd call "ignoring them". If you think they might have something valuable to say you can still read their posts despite the ignore function: The ignore function still shows THAT they posted and gives you the option to read their posts (individually). Nothing's lost at all...you still got all the choices.

I meant, if you start to read something and it annoys you, you can still skip. But if you had ignored that person in the first place, you wouldn't even have the chance to read the beginning. But however, I can understand why people here block others here, I just don't feel like doing it.

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