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The next President will indeed bring change, not Congress. As of right now, the power of the Presidency is near an all-time high and his decisions have much more of an effect on the country than Congress does. His impact determines the fate of the country, not Congress (at this point in history anyways)

I'M not sure if i agree with you or not. but i will say i do not want a unbalance in power as you claim there may be. but i also believe any power that is there now, will be used by any future president, no matter who it is. The won't repeal it either.

But I will claim that Congress power and the court powers are at an all time high too. The courts decison in Cali to reverse the vote by the people on gay marriage is absolutley wrong. Im not talking about how i disagree with gay marriage, but to overturn the will of the people is wrong.

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I'M not sure if i agree with you or not. but i will say i do not want a unbalance in power as you claim there may be. but i also believe any power that is there now, will be used by any future president, no matter who it is. The won't repeal it either.

But I will claim that Congress power and the court powers are at an all time high too. The courts decison in Cali to reverse the vote by the people on gay marriage is absolutley wrong. Im not talking about how i disagree with gay marriage, but to overturn the will of the people is wrong.

Compared to politics back in the 19th century, the presidents power now is much greater than it ever has been. Back in the day, Congress was front-page news. It was Congress that people were concerned about. It was Congress that held all the cards. But nowadays, the President is the only one ever really in the publics eye. The President, since Nixon or so, has enormous power compared to what they could do 100 years ago.

Thats simple fact, not really an opinion

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Hi all,

What's gone down the crapper is our checks and balances between the 3 branches of goverment.Washington DC, has become a toliet.And as I said before,the 'change' is not going to happen until heads are removered from ur-anus.(plural) :D

So OB and JC are the 'best' we have to offer? :blink:

'Welcome to the Jungle.'


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Hi all,

What's gone down the crapper is our checks and balances between the 3 branches of goverment.Washington DC, has become a toliet.And as I said before,the 'change' is not going to happen until heads are removered from ur-anus.(plural) :D

So OB and JC are the 'best' we have to offer? :blink:

'Welcome to the Jungle.'


The world sucks.

We need new parties

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The more I read the harder it is figure out what he actually did and what work of others he took credit for.

In the Il state senate;

"The white, race-baiting, hard-right Republican Illinois Senate Majority Leader James "Pate" Philip was replaced by Emil Jones Jr., a gravel-voiced, dark-skinned African-American known for chain-smoking cigarettes on the Senate floor.

Jones had served in the Illinois Legislature for three decades. He represented a district on the Chicago South Side not far from Obama's. He became Obama's ­kingmaker.

Several months before Obama announced his U.S. Senate bid, Jones called his old friend Cliff Kelley, a former Chicago alderman who now hosts the city's most popular black call-in radio ­program.

I called Kelley last week and he recollected the private conversation as follows:

"He said, 'Cliff, I'm gonna make me a U.S. Senator.'"

"Oh, you are? Who might that be?"

"Barack Obama."

Jones appointed Obama sponsor of virtually every high-profile piece of legislation, angering many rank-and-file state legislators who had more seniority than Obama and had spent years championing the bills.

"I took all the beatings and insults and endured all the racist comments over the years from nasty Republican committee chairmen," State Senator Rickey Hendon, the original sponsor of landmark racial profiling and videotaped confession legislation yanked away by Jones and given to Obama, complained to me at the time. "Barack didn't have to endure any of it, yet, in the end, he got all the credit.

"I don't consider it bill jacking," Hendon told me. "But no one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit and the stats in the record book." "


In the US senate:

"Both Obama And Clinton Embellish Their Roles"

As the half-dozen senators -- including John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) -- headed to announce their plan, they met Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), who made a request common when Capitol Hill news conferences are in the offing: "Hey, guys, can I come along?" And when Obama went before the microphones, he was generous with his list of senators to congratulate -- a list that included himself.

"I want to cite Lindsey Graham, Sam Brownback, Mel Martinez, Ken Salazar, myself, Dick Durbin, Joe Lieberman . . . who've actually had to wake up early to try to hammer this stuff out," he said.

To Senate staff members, who had been arriving for 7 a.m. negotiating sessions for weeks, it was a galling moment. Those morning sessions had attracted just three to four senators a side, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) recalled, each deeply involved in the issue. Obama was not one of them. But in a presidential contest involving three sitting senators, embellishment of legislative records may be an inevitability, Specter said with a shrug."


"Immigration is a case in point for Obama, but not the only one. In 2007, after the first comprehensive immigration bill had died, the senators were back at it, and again, Obama was notably absent, staffers and senators said. At one meeting, three key negotiators recalled, he entered late and raised a number of questions about the bill's employment verification system. Kennedy and Specter both rebuked him, saying that the issue had already been resolved and that he was coming late to the discussion. Kennedy dressed him down, according to witnesses, and Obama left shortly thereafter.

"Senator Obama came in late, brought up issues that had been hashed and rehashed," Specter recalled. "He didn't stay long." "


good work finding a smear article to post. And that's fine if you want to believe it. :) I tend to believe the Library of Congress though. B)

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good work finding a smear article to post. And that's fine if you want to believe it. :) I tend to believe the Library of Congress though. B)

I checked that link you provided, there doesn't seem to any info on what nobmama actually did. Please link me if I missed it. Obviously just having your name on a bill or claiming you worked on it isn't enough as his fellow democrats pointed out. If you think it's a smear you have to ask yourself, why would a fellow democrat from back home smear him? Why do you think Teddy would smear him? I thought he endorsed him.

"I tend to believe the Library of Congress though."

In my opinion you tend to believe anything that supports nobama and disbelieve anything that doesn't. You showed that clearly with the Michelle tape. This appears to be another case of that.

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In my opinion you tend to believe anything that supports nobama and disbelieve anything that doesn't. You showed that clearly with the Michelle tape. This appears to be another case of that.

.....The rumored Michelle tape that nobody has seen? :rolleyes:

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I checked that link you provided, there doesn't seem to any info on what nobmama actually did. Please link me if I missed it. Obviously just having your name on a bill or claiming you worked on it isn't enough as his fellow democrats pointed out. If you think it's a smear you have to ask yourself, why would a fellow democrat from back home smear him? Why do you think Teddy would smear him? I thought he endorsed him.

"I tend to believe the Library of Congress though."

In my opinion you tend to believe anything that supports nobama and disbelieve anything that doesn't. You showed that clearly with the Michelle tape. This appears to be another case of that.

Oh Uncle Bill, as you tend to believe everything negative you can possibly read or hear about Barack Obama, go on with yourself... I know Barack has some faults, find me someone who doesn't. I'm not saying he's perfect or is his wife... but he is the better candidate imho. And I think Michelle will be a better first lady than McCain's Sugar Mama. :P

and as for the Library of Congress, you can do a search for representatives or senators. It's not that hard, I promise.


Browse Bills by Sponsor

click on the drop down menu of select a Senator

pick a senator and click Go

Edited by allthekingshorses
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Browse Bills by Sponsor

click on the drop down menu of select a Senator

pick a senator and click Go

Like I said earlier, there is no objective info there, just a list of what legislation each worked on. Nothing about what each did. As I've shown, what he actually did is in doubt when you look closer. His fellow democrats are the ones calling it into question, not me.

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Like I said earlier, there is no objective info there, just a list of what legislation each worked on. Nothing about what each did. As I've shown, what he actually did is in doubt when you look closer. His fellow democrats are the ones calling it into question, not me.

well then I don't know what your objective is. If you can't find some of the facts you are looking for on the library of congress website you might just want to log back onto Faux News.

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The Republicans and Democrats have allowed our country to go NINE TRILLION DOLLARS into debt.

They are one and the same.

They all raise taxes. They all provide crappy services. The oil industry was allowed to run rampant during Nixon, Clinton and Dubya presidencies.

Most (NOT ALL) politicians ARE BOUGHT AND SOLD. They DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE MIDDLE CLASS OR LOWER CLASS. They just want your money.

The media is neither liberal or conservative (other than shows on FOX and MSNBC, etc.). They rather keep their ratings with informing you about the latest diet and what celebrity is getting married. Remember how much time was wasted on Anna Nicole Smith?

PATRIOT ACT MY ASS. Don't take my freedom away just so you can use it as an excuse to go after terrorists. I am more likely to get killed by a car. Should we make cars illegal?

Now the Feds can get their rocks off LISTENING TO YOUR PHONE CONVERSATIONS without a warrant. Better watch that sexy talk with your significant other...

We're in a war with a country that wasn't remotely involved in 9/11. Most of the hijackers came from SAUDI ARABIA! We should have concentrated on that country, Afghanistan (which we are, somewhat) and Iran. NOT IRAQ in which we are involved in a three-way civil war!


Do you know what a chickenhawk is? It is someone who was of draft age during the Vietnam War (Clinton, Dubya, Cheney) who did all they could to avoid the war BUT when they got older have no problem sending others' children to war.

We're worried about illegal immigrants coming in as terrorists. Doesn't anyone remember it was the CANADIAN BORDER where most terrorists enter from?

We have indirectly created MORE terrorists in the world.

Seek out the HONEST politicians, and then vote for them.




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The media is neither liberal or conservative (other than shows on FOX and MSNBC, etc.). They rather keep their ratings with informing you about the latest diet and what celebrity is getting married. Remember how much time was wasted on Anna Nicole Smith?

Why is reality television so popular in a time of war? Its packaged and sold to the fools who have no idea what reality actually is anymore. They're told one thing, shown another and believe a third when reality is actually right in front of them. But hey, that's American pop culture.

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Hi all,

Good post dpat.since I could vote,in 1975,I have been sick of the BS in American politics,...if I may respond to some of your post,...

The Republicans and Democrats have allowed our country to go NINE TRILLION DOLLARS into debt.

True,because no solutions have been worked out.Social Security,as one of many examples,since nobody has 'fixed' what do you tell some who lives on that check?Screw,we ran out of money?


They are one and the same.

Correct,one is not right-wing enough,another is not left-wing enough,how doing what's best for the people who have elected you?Or is public service dead?


They all raise taxes. They all provide crappy services. The oil industry was allowed to run rampant during Nixon, Clinton and Dubya presidencies.

It takes OPEC $2 to produce a barrel of oil,.........it was sold for what $138,the other day?


The media is neither liberal or conservative (other than shows on FOX and MSNBC, etc.).

So Fox is conservative and MSNBC is liberal?What about,mmm,... I don't now the 1 million other news outlets around the world? :blink:


They rather keep their ratings with informing you about the latest diet and what celebrity is getting married. Remember how much time was wasted on Anna Nicole Smith?

Who? :D Egad,

I don't read the s***!


PATRIOT ACT MY ASS. Don't take my freedom away just so you can use it as an excuse to go after terrorists.

Personally,what freedoms have been taken away form you?



I am more likely to get killed by a car. Should we make cars illegal?

Yes,everyone buy a motorclycle,good gas milage,you can't yank on your :rant: cell phone and we will all be better drivers.


Now the Feds can get their rocks off LISTENING TO YOUR PHONE CONVERSATIONS without a warrant. Better watch that sexy talk with your significant other...

They are?Proof please.


We're in a war with a country that wasn't remotely involved in 9/11. Most of the hijackers came from SAUDI ARABIA! We should have concentrated on that country, Afghanistan (which we are, somewhat) and Iran. NOT IRAQ in which we are involved in a three-way civil war!


They were Suadia citizens,training elsewehere.

Well,let pull out of Iraq,ASAP and now after all is said and done see what happens,...

That civil war was going on along time ago.


Do you know what a chickenhawk is? It is someone who was of draft age during the Vietnam War (Clinton, Dubya, Cheney) who did all they could to avoid the war BUT when they got older have no problem sending others' children to war.

You volanteer for the service,you don't like,don't sign the bottom line.


We're worried about illegal immigrants coming in as terrorists. Doesn't anyone remember it was the CANADIAN BORDER where most terrorists enter from?

Ask Obaba/McCain what they want to do about the problem.Give them a drivers license?Guess what you can get with one of those?

I don't think we blame the Canadian/US border,we can the blame the 'loophole' that no one came up withe the scenrio that they would come throught there,.....correct?

A failure of IQ's all around.


We have indirectly created MORE terrorists in the world.

Who is we?



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Hi all,

Good post dpat.

Thank you!


PATRIOT ACT MY ASS. Don't take my freedom away just so you can use it as an excuse to go after terrorists.

Personally,what freedoms have been taken away form you?


Well, I wouldn't know unless I am brought in for questioning. Right now, the Patriot Act allows the U.S. federal government to:

-- Hold me indefinitely without use of a lawyer nor tell any family/friends who may be concerned why all of a sudden I've disappeared, and may then release me without any reason, recourse or compensation. This is a violation of the Fifth (trial by jury) and Sixth (public trial and use of a lawyer) Amendments of the Constitution of the United States. Guantanamo Bay has inmates held for five or more years and have yet to be charged with a crime. I'm not saying they are innocent, it's just that our government wasn't set up to run Nazi Gestapo-type POW camps. But this is hardly the first time: Ask those of Japanese descent on the West Coast who were held with no proof of guilt during World War II.

-- Break into my home, wiretap my phones, thus negating parts of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...)

-- Look into my financial records with businesses and banks

-- Look at my internet searches


Now the Feds can get their rocks off LISTENING TO YOUR PHONE CONVERSATIONS without a warrant. Better watch that sexy talk with your significant other...

They are?Proof please.

They are allowed to under the powers of the Patriot Act.


We have indirectly created MORE terrorists in the world.

Who is we?

The U.S. government, whose leaders are elected by its citizens who voted, including me.


I'm sorry if I come off as some sort of a--hole, and I applaud you for responding to my post in an intelligent manner (thank you!), but I strongly feel the U.S. government is chipping away at American rights little by little (sorry) so unnoticeably that one day it will be too late.

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Hi all,

Thank you!

Your welcome! :)


-- Hold me indefinitely without use of a lawyer nor tell any family/friends who may be concerned why all of a sudden I've disappeared, and may then release me without any reason, recourse or compensation. This is a violation of the Fifth (trial by jury) and Sixth (public trial and use of a lawyer) Amendments of the Constitution of the United States. Guantanamo Bay has inmates held for five or more years and have yet to be charged with a crime. I'm not saying they are innocent, it's just that our government wasn't set up to run Nazi Gestapo-type POW camps. But this is hardly the first time: Ask those of Japanese descent on the West Coast who were held with no proof of guilt during World War II.

A former member of the Guantanamo Bay prosecution team says the prison is not the concentration camp that the mainstream media portrays.

Major Kyndra Rotunda writes in her new book "Honor Bound" that Guantanamo detainees get more privileges than many Americans in U.S. prisons. She says one detainee was offered his freedom but responded by saying, "No thanks. The weather will be nicer in my country next spring. I'll wait until then." And, Australian Taliban member David Hicks demanded -- and got -- an $800 Brooks Brothers suit to wear in court, paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

Rotunda writes that detainees live in open bays, eat meals together on picnic tables and serve themselves food from large pots. She adds some have a choice of soccer fields and basketball courts and are offered a selection of basketball shoes upon request.


-- Break into my home, wiretap my phones, thus negating parts of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not

be violated...)

I believe they need a warrant for that,...


We have indirectly created MORE terrorists in the world.

Who is we?

The U.S. government, whose leaders are elected by its citizens who voted, including me.

Aren't the the Islamic nations guilty too?


I'm sorry if I come off as some sort of a--hole, and I applaud you for responding to my post in an intelligent manner (thank you!), but I strongly feel the U.S. government is chipping away at American rights little by little (sorry) so unnoticeably that one day it will be too late.

Not at all! :beer:


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Well, I wouldn't know unless I am brought in for questioning. Right now, the Patriot Act allows the U.S. federal government to:

-- Hold me indefinitely without use of a lawyer nor tell any family/friends who may be concerned why all of a sudden I've disappeared, and may then release me without any reason, recourse or compensation. This is a violation of the Fifth (trial by jury) and Sixth (public trial and use of a lawyer) Amendments of the Constitution of the United States. Guantanamo Bay has inmates held for five or more years and have yet to be charged with a crime. I'm not saying they are innocent, it's just that our government wasn't set up to run Nazi Gestapo-type POW camps. But this is hardly the first time: Ask those of Japanese descent on the West Coast who were held with no proof of guilt during World War II.

-- Break into my home, wiretap my phones, thus negating parts of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...)

-- Look into my financial records with businesses and banks

-- Look at my internet searches

So what? How many innocent people have been brought in under the Patriot Act? Have you? Has it ever affected you?

I doubt it, unless you're making some calls to Hezbollah

The U.S. government, whose leaders are elected by its citizens who voted, including me.
We're the ones to blame? Methinks that their leaders are much more to blame than us, seeing as how they are the ones who made the Middle East a shithole, not the U.S. and by doing so, with propoganda, they've created more terrorists, not us
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