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Another horrible list...

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I know we do this all the time (especially with Rolling Stone, muahaha), but my god what a horrible list:


(Top 50 Classic Rock Bands)

1. Greatest hits albums should NOT be listed under essentials. If a band is truly one of the 50 greatest classic rock bands, then they should have more good songs than you can fit onto a lame-o greatest hits collection. If he was having trouble deciding on just one essential album (which he should have had, since these are the best bands in the world, after all), why couldn't he have listed a couple of their best albums? That would be WAY more helpful for burgeoning music fans than just picking the first greatest hits album that came up on Amazon. Any idiot can go into Target and pick up a hits collection...throw us a frickin' bone here, Mr. Music Expert!

2. Why in the name of hell's hot hallways is Black Sabbath last on that list? They should at LEAST be ahead of Def Leppard (since when is DL a classic rock band, anyway? or Blondie, for that matter). That's just insulting.

3. Skynyrd should be higher than ZZ Top. I like ZZ Top and all, but that's just the way it is. And stop with the damn greatest hits already. Skynyrd's Innyrds my ass.

4. Styx. Really? Really? There are a couple of others on here that I was going to make fun of, but seeing Styx on there pretty much made me forget about the rest of the missteps. Styx...:snort:...BWAHAHAHA! :hysterical:

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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I refuse to read that list... but please, for the god damn love of christ.. please tell me Grand Funk Railroad is on there somewhere.

I swear to god if fuckin Blondie is on there and Grand Funk is not, I will have lost all faith in mankind.

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Well, what can I say, I broke down and read this list.. to my fucking biggest suprise, someone finally recognized Grand Funk Railroad, albeit at the very end of the list with one of my least-favorite albums of theirs...

Also suprising - Cream's Wheels of Fire beat Cream's Disraeli Gears... NO F-ING WAY.

Why in the ever-living FUCK are half of the albums greatest hits? This list, as someone said before, really looks like someone searched Amazon looking for best sellers. Horrible IMO.

I guess the fact that a singular Zeppelin album still beat out 40-some other band's greatest hits albums has to count for something? Right?

Lists like these always piss me off... probably written by some un-informed 17 year old who is pissed that Blink 182 or some gay shit like this wasn't in the running.

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Actually, it's some old fart who should know better (his bio is on there somewhere). Hehe, I doubt too many Blink-loving 17-year-olds listen to Styx or Foreigner, anyway. At least they put a real album for the Rolling Stones...I was fully expecting something idiotic like Forty Licks to be listed, since it seems like people tend to overlook their albums and just think of stuff like Satisfaction or Start Me Up instead. Agree with you about Wheels of Fire...it's a good album, but come on!

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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I know we do this all the time (especially with Rolling Stone, muahaha), but my god what a horrible list:


(Top 50 Classic Rock Bands)

1. Greatest hits albums should NOT be listed under essentials. If a band is truly one of the 50 greatest classic rock bands, then they should have more good songs than you can fit onto a lame-o greatest hits collection. If he was having trouble deciding on just one essential album (which he should have had, since these are the best bands in the world, after all), why couldn't he have listed a couple of their best albums? That would be WAY more helpful for burgeoning music fans than just picking the first greatest hits album that came up on Amazon. Any idiot can go into Target and pick up a hits collection...throw us a frickin' bone here, Mr. Music Expert!

2. Why in the name of hell's hot hallways is Black Sabbath last on that list? They should at LEAST be ahead of Def Leppard (since when is DL a classic rock band, anyway? or Blondie, for that matter). That's just insulting.

3. Skynyrd should be higher than ZZ Top. I like ZZ Top and all, but that's just the way it is. And stop with the damn greatest hits already. Skynyrd's Innyrds my ass.

4. Styx. Really? Really? There are a couple of others on here that I was going to make fun of, but seeing Styx on there pretty much made me forget about the rest of the missteps. Styx...:snort:...BWAHAHAHA! :hysterical:

Thanks for the heads up. As soon as i saw Blondie, Styx and Def Leppard mentioned i knew that there was absolutely no reason to open that link.

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Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd should switch places.

Queen 31st? Deep Purple 35th? Black Sabbath 50th?

Where are The Yardbirds? Beach Boys? Thin Lizzy?

And I think some of those bands shouldn't be on that list, but I won't name 'em. I don't wanna upset anyone.

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How on earth do you put bands with a short life span on that list, The Sex Pistols and Buffalo Springfield are two that stand out.

Where are The Beach Boys?

I'm not a big beach boys fan, but have been hearing songs off the newly reissued -dennis wilson album, pacific ocean blue, think its called. The songs i've heard are really good, steps away from what the beach boys sound was, yet some good implementaion of beach boys elements. They say its regarded as one of the best solo projects from anyone from this band, if not the best. Being reissued with material that was to be a second album as well. One track reminded me of something the later -grateful dead would do.

Actually its good to hear that led zeppelin was 5 on the list. After all the fm radio lists, with -stairway at no. 1, will be burned out on lists forever.

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So I made my own list, if anyone's interested. I'm not as happy with it as I'd like to be, but it was really hard to choose! I have to say, I have a little more sympathy for that guy because it's not easy trying to pick between two awesome bands (though some of his rankings are just bloody unforgivable). Especially toward the bottom of the list...it got really hard to rank them because I don't have such strong feelings about them like I do Zep and Floyd. Anyway, suggestions are welcome! This is by no means set in stone.

A couple notes:

There's no prog except for Rush solely because I have absolutely no clue about the genre. There's no punk (even though I like it) because it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the bands (except for maybe MC5). I tried to leave out as much '80s as possible. I'm not as familiar as I'd like to be with some of the bands (CSNY, Grand Funk, Steppenwolf...), but I tried to be as fair as I could. If something seems like it's in the wrong place, you're probably right, heh!

1. The Beatles

2. Led Zeppelin

3. The Rolling Stones

4. Pink Floyd

5. The Who

6. The Jimi Hendrix Experience

7. The Doors

8. Cream

9. Simon & Garfunkel (do they count as a band?)

10. Eagles

11. Black Sabbath

12. Queen

13. Lynyrd Skynyrd

14. AC/DC

15. Santana

16. The Beach Boys

17. Creedence Clearwater Revival

18. Jefferson Airplane

19. The Kinks

20. Fleetwood Mac

21. The Byrds

22. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

23. The Allman Brothers

24. Van Halen

25. Rush

26. Grateful Dead

27. ZZ Top

28. Aerosmith

29. Deep Purple

30. Boston

31. Jethro Tull

32. The Doobie Brothers

33. Steppenwolf

34. The Animals

35. Grand Funk Railroad

36. Bad Company

37. Steve Miller Band

38. The Velvet Underground

39. Thin Lizzy

40. MC5

41. The Yardbirds

42. Fairport Convention

Oh - I know Chicago should be on there somewhere, but, well, I hate them. I tried to look past that and give them a fair rating, but I have absolutely no idea where to put them. You guys can figure that one out. And if you think Aerosmith is too high, I would agree. They're not one of my favorite bands, but I did try to give them their due.

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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I detest the term "classic rock" but why would one even attempt to leave out as much of the 80s as possible when trying to compile a list of some of the greatest rock n' roll bands of all time? Afterall, there was much, much more to that era than what was popular on MTV.

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I detest the term "classic rock" but why would one even attempt to leave out as much of the 80s as possible when trying to compile a list of some of the greatest rock n' roll bands of all time? After all, there was much, much more to that era than what was popular on MTV.

Yeah, you're right, this is exactly what the problem is with the term "classic rock." I was taking it to mean music from the '60s and '70s - British Invasion up to the dawn of the synth era. There were definitely a lot of great bands in the '80s, as well as the '90s and now, and let's not forget the '50s. However, I decided to leave out '80s bands for pretty much the same reason I left out punk; in my opinion, music from the '80s just doesn't fit in with the music from the '60s and '70s. It kind of took this huge left turn from the direction it had been going in before. Same with the '90s. I wouldn't put the '80s and '90s together because the music of these two decades are operating on entire different principles, whereas the '70s (on the whole) are a sort of continuation of the things started in the '60s.

The whole thing is totally subjective, though...I wouldn't raise a fuss if I saw The Cure or Nirvana on a classic rock list because who am I to say that they're not classic? I just needed to limit myself to a more "traditional" understanding of the term so I didn't end up doing an all-time greatest list - choosing from 2 decades was hard enough!

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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When will these stupid arrogant rock journalists stop the make those bloody lists?!?! Have I make them to? :rant:

Great bands don't need polls, everybody knows the Beatles and (insert your favourite here) are the greatest!

I like your list better, footsteps, but where is Genesis? Selling England and Lamb lies down...

Don't say Genesis are the Invisible touch guys!

And Emerson Lake & Palmer?

You see the reason, why I don't like things like that: Everybody has his own taste. I think: let them have it! But don't try to make your taste the non plus ultra, me dear Rock Journalists!

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When will these stupid arrogant rock journalists stop the make those bloody lists?!?! Have I make them to? :rant:

Lists like this come out everyday. I don't think anyone is having their collective arms twisted to read them. I'm sure if everyone here came up with their own lists they would all be markedly different, as they should be. If we all had the same exact tastes that would be a lot worse than yet another list no one could agree on.

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I like your list better, footsteps, but where is Genesis? Selling England and Lamb lies down...

Don't say Genesis are the Invisible touch guys!

And Emerson Lake & Palmer?

I already said I left off prog rock because I don't have a clue about the genre (for example, I have no idea what you mean about "the Invisible Touch guys"). Rush is on there because they're the only band I halfway know anything about. So yeah, they should probably be on there if this was a real list, but due to me being an ignoramus, they're not.

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