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Are cracks beginning to show

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That's a very good point. Since touring and recording with ZEP is such an albatros around his neck and since his latest solo projects were going down the tubes, I bet Percy sure is glad that Allison allowed him to join her. He seems to have a hard time with success on his "own" these days.

Would you be just as outraged if it were Jimmy busy touring, say, with The Crowes??

You really should have tried harder and spent a ton of dough to go to The 02.

So, you had your chance. Now shut the F&*% up! <_<

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Would you be just as outraged if it were Jimmy busy touring, say, with The Crowes??

Good luck with that one. I've posed a similar question regarding Page, Jones and Jason as many times as this asswipe (that's right I insulted scs and cursed so fuckin' sue me) has uttered his "Plant Apologist" mantra but got nowhere. I guess there are only Plant apologists, not Page, Jones or Bonham ones.

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That's a very good point. Since touring and recording with ZEP is such an albatros around his neck and since his latest solo projects were going down the tubes, I bet Percy sure is glad that Allison allowed him to join her. He seems to have a hard time with success on his "own" these days.


I think I could tolerate your posts better if you would state something as just being your opinion, followed by some reason or article you read that caused you to draw the conclusions you post. Instead, you make broad generalizations and present them as fact.

Why do you think RP considers LZ to be an "albatross around his neck"?

What causes you to think his solo projects were going down the tubes?

Why do you think that the RS collaboration happened because AK allowed him to join her?

Opinions are fine and can initiate good discussions on a forum, but far out statements like the one above just seem like trolling IMO.

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I think I could tolerate your posts better if you would state something as just being your opinion, followed by some reason or article you read that caused you to draw the conclusions you post. Instead, you make broad generalizations and present them as fact.

Why do you think RP considers LZ to be an "albatross around his neck"?

What causes you to think his solo projects were going down the tubes?

Why do you think that the RS collaboration happened because AK allowed him to join her?

Opinions are fine and can initiate good discussions on a forum, but far out statements like the one above just seem like trolling IMO.

yeah, rick-

what's up? you get to decide what is a success for one of the greatest singers in modern music?

wow, did i miss you winning american idol, where you got all of your ideas and information from actually doing it?

post a YOU-TUBE clip so we will all know for sure how great you sound! (in concert, that is)

maybe zeppelin doen't even need robert back-they can get you!

you know all about what it takes to please all the hardcore fans...do it!

mccain in 1967!

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Good luck with that one. I've posed a similar question regarding Page, Jones and Jason as many times as this asswipe (that's right I insulted scs and cursed so fuckin' sue me) has uttered his "Plant Apologist" mantra but got nowhere. I guess there are only Plant apologists, not Page, Jones or Bonham ones.

Save your keystrokes. SCS, JAWS and a couple of others floating around are Joel and Rick. They all joined the forum around the same time and notice how they are NOT reacting to the various references to their real names.

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Are you a New Yorker? Do you attend shows here all the time? I am certain the answer is no so I don't understand why you keep on this point of New York audiences are hard to please when it's a generalization and completely inaccurate. I've seen shows in LA where the audience wasn't exactly supportive but I wouldn't say that LA audiences are hard to please as a result of a couple of experiences :rolleyes: The audience at BOTH RP/AK shows were very enthusiastic about the concert. I'm sure there were people that didn't like it but overall they got a very great response from the crowds.

Not true for me. I've known about both T Bone Burnett and Alison Krauss long before this project was even discussed. Not every Zep fan just listens to straight rock.

Well said L. One of the benefits of being an RP fan, is his introduction to so many other kinds of music and bands. I'm in my late 40's and was NOT a n LZ fan in my youth (before anyone throws a fit--I am now). I was into so many other kinds of music. RP has steered me in so many wonderful musical directions.

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Save your keystrokes. SCS, JAWS and a couple of others floating around are Joel and Rick. They all joined the forum around the same time and notice how they are NOT reacting to the various references to their real names.

Jaws did react to being called Rick but he's not fooling anyone. As to Joel, I don't remember him being especially anti-Robert Plant so I'm not so sure he's one of them.

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Jaws did react to being called Rick but he's not fooling anyone. As to Joel, I don't remember him being especially anti-Robert Plant so I'm not so sure he's one of them.

i know who they are...

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I never have understood why folks on forums think that it is fine to talk trash and curse on them. Is that how they act around people in every day life?? Maybe so.....................

Probably because of "folks" like you.

...and yes,we're not as angelic as you,how old are you anyway? 12?

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I never have understood why folks on forums think that it is fine to talk trash and curse on them. Is that how they act around people in every day life?? Maybe so.....................

rick, are you saying you don't talk trash?

like, everyday?

like, every thread?

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beatbo, you crack me up............like many around here. :D:D You take all of this way to serious. I have said "IMHO" many, many times. What part of that do you not get??

you're funny, too.

but boring to read.


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Posted by Susan Whitall of The Detroit News on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 4:24 PM

Fans at Plant-Krauss show a little hard to bear

I didn't review the Robert Plant-Alison Krauss show at the Fox Theatre, but some readers have emailed reactions to it that are interesting.

One reader, Joe of Farmington Hills, thought the music was "fabulous," including the "promising" newcomer Sharon Little. But Joe was a bit annoyed at some of the fans. As he puts it: "The problem is that a segment of the Fox audience was apparently expecting a mini Led Zep concert and insisted on shouting out "ROBERT!' at regular intervals. Apparently they thought he needed to be reminded of his name. Just in case he might have forgotten. Those same people, as you might expect, were fairly rude to Alison Krauss during her solo spot."

Some of the concert-goers complained to management about the carrying on, but as Joe puts it, "other patrons in the target area of the obnoxiouscenti either left in disgust or complained to the management, but the behavior persisted. There were shouts and pushing and shoving but they had their way and succeeded in pretty much ruining the evening for many of us."

It strikes me that maybe Plant should just forego doing any Led Zeppelin material, no matter how reworked, because you're going to get this kind of reaction from people who seem to think Jimmy Page will magically appear and the gig will turn into Led Zep XVIII.


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Posted by Susan Whitall of The Detroit News on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 4:24 PM

Fans at Plant-Krauss show a little hard to bear

I didn't review the Robert Plant-Alison Krauss show at the Fox Theatre, but some readers have emailed reactions to it that are interesting.

One reader, Joe of Farmington Hills, thought the music was "fabulous," including the "promising" newcomer Sharon Little. But Joe was a bit annoyed at some of the fans. As he puts it: "The problem is that a segment of the Fox audience was apparently expecting a mini Led Zep concert and insisted on shouting out "ROBERT!' at regular intervals. Apparently they thought he needed to be reminded of his name. Just in case he might have forgotten. Those same people, as you might expect, were fairly rude to Alison Krauss during her solo spot."

Some of the concert-goers complained to management about the carrying on, but as Joe puts it, "other patrons in the target area of the obnoxiouscenti either left in disgust or complained to the management, but the behavior persisted. There were shouts and pushing and shoving but they had their way and succeeded in pretty much ruining the evening for many of us."

It strikes me that maybe Plant should just forego doing any Led Zeppelin material, no matter how reworked, because you're going to get this kind of reaction from people who seem to think Jimmy Page will magically appear and the gig will turn into Led Zep XVIII.


So, scs finally attended a show?

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So, scs finally attended a show?

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Good one Jahfin...thanks for making my morning!

By the way, for those interested, Susan Whitall used to write for Creem back in

the glory days of the 70's, and she wrote one of the better Zeppelin articles in

the...I think it was the January 1979 issue...it was called "A Psycho-Sexual

History of Led Zeppelin", and it was the cover story...the cover photo was from

a show from the 77 tour, most likely Detroit judging from the gigantic video

camera lurking in the background, and from Robert and Jimmy's poses it looks

like they are playing "Achilles Last Stand".

Anyway, it is a GREAT article...one woman's emotional tour thru the history of

Zeppelin up to that time(this was during the long haitus between the death of

Karac and the release of ITTOD). Susan is a great writer and one of the few

writers back in the 70's who "GOT" what Zeppelin was about...Cameron Crow

being another one.

Too bad Creem.com doesn't archive it...and I don't have either the capability of

cut + pasting the article from my copy, nor the time to type it out by hand.

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By the way, for those interested, Susan Whitall used to write for Creem back in

the glory days of the 70's, and she wrote one of the better Zeppelin articles in

the...I think it was the January 1979 issue...it was called "A Psycho-Sexual

History of Led Zeppelin", and it was the cover story...the cover photo was from

a show from the 77 tour, most likely Detroit judging from the gigantic video

camera lurking in the background, and from Robert and Jimmy's poses it looks

like they are playing "Achilles Last Stand".

Anyway, it is a GREAT article...one woman's emotional tour thru the history of

Zeppelin up to that time(this was during the long haitus between the death of

Karac and the release of ITTOD). Susan is a great writer and one of the few

writers back in the 70's who "GOT" what Zeppelin was about...Cameron Crow

being another one.

Yeah, I was thrilled to see her byline on this. BTW, she was also editor-in-chief at Creem in the early 80's - a very rare feat for a woman back in the bad old days...

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I think that many people are going to the show and are just dissapointed. That is no reason to be rude though.

Where and who are these dissapointed people?

Because at both the LA Greek Theatre shows I saw thrilled and satisfied fans of

both Alison and Robert giving standing ovation after standing ovation during and

at the conclusion of the concerts.

Oh, and to touch on the "are cracks beginning to show" query, Robert ended

both nights by saying "Come see us again soon".

That would lead one to presume things are working out swell and another album

and tour in the offing.

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After just discussing this with someone, was wondering how long after the shelving of the -honeydrippers project did the plant/krauss/burnett project happen? I dont know how serious another honeydrippers album was, but after ahmet ertegun passed, apparently the plans for that record were stopped by plant.

Since seeing the show at the wamu theater in nyc, dont see this project going on and on, maybe another record after the tour...or maybe another project in a few yrs?

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