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Eagles new album


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I think it's kind of strange that a band so outspoken about corporate greed has signed a deal with Wal-Mart for distribution of their new album.

As for the Eagles themselves, I like some of their stuff but over the last decade or so they have really started to rub me the wrong way (particularly Henley), especially in the area of ticket pricing. Before they mounted their Hell Freezes Over Tour no artists were charging the outrageous amount of money they were for tickets. Ever since then most every band under the sun has reunited and charged that much (and more) for tickets. It also has not gone unnoticed that this Eagles reunion tour was supposed to be a one shot deal, thus Henley justifying the high ticket costs. Well, last I checked the Hell Freezes Over Tour has lasted over 10 years. In all fairness they should now lower ticket costs, especially since it appears they are back together. Think that's really gonna happen? Not really but it just goes to show how greedy they actually are. In all honesty I'd much rather see Walsh solo or with the reformed version of The James Gang.

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I love what the band did when Bernie Leadon was still a member, from the minute he left it's been musically downhill though their fame continues to grow. Honestly I'm not all that into their new stuff and I think their attempt at recreating the classic Eagles sound fell short with the new album. I'm surprised Joe is still there, every time I see a photo or clip of them he looks like he's gonna cry. All in all I think it's a stinker regardless of what they charge for tix.

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I think it's kind of strange that a band so outspoken about corporate greed has signed a deal with Wal-Mart for distribution of their new album.

It is called Limousine Liberalism just as revolting as Compassionate Conservatism

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The Eagles have a couple of concerts scheduled this Spring. Las Vegas on 4/21 at the MGM Grand and 5/04 at the Verizon Amphtheater in Atlanta. Tickets on sale now. I'd love to see them at either of those shows.

After hearing this clip from their 2005 "Farewell Tour" (ironic title!) I was surprised at how tight and together the band still plays. I'm definitely picking this one up on dvd. Close as I'll likely get to seeing their shows this year. :)


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Man, I hate that song. And I couldn't believe how rubbish The Long Run was when it came out.

Today, I just blasted One Of These Nights, Too Many Hands, Lyin Eyes, Take It To The Limit & Hotel California in the car, wailing along to all of 'em. My wife thought I was insane cos she's only ever heard me play rock or metal before. 'Meeeeck, why a you leesten thees? Thees a not your style music'. Oh yes it is.

Major, how could you not like "I Can't Tell You Why?" Wait, is it because it's a Love song, a chick song so to speak? I'm joking with you. To each his own, although so you know this was a big hit over here peaking @ # 8 in March 1980 for a chart run of 12 weeks.

It's surprising to me to see The Eagles did not chart that often over in England. Their songs and records charted less than half as often in England as here according to the Wiki discography. Here's a couple songs for you they will probably include on this concert run that you may find more to your liking. The second one, "Life in the Fast Lane" (if my sources are correct) didn't chart at all there....wow. But I imagine if you are a fan you know it well.**

"One of These Nights," From a show in New Zealand, 1995.

"Life in the Fast Lane", Show and date not available.


** I almost posted "Hotel California" live, but like you with "I Can't Tell You Why" it is my least favorite Eagles song due to it being played to death in the day. Touche. :) .......missy

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Saw them when they reunited back in '94 and it was a good show. Saw them again a couple of years ago on ...Eden tour and will never see them again. There were more non-Eagles musicians on stage then actual members, plus they keep Joe Walsh down in the mix too far. Glenn Frey (who I used to really like) was an egomaniac when speaking for the band in between songs. A few months later I read Don Felder's book and that really sealed it for me with them.....

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I must agree with what Jahfin said all those years ago... :) I was quite excited to see the Hell Freezes Over tour, until I saw the tickets prices and nearly had a heart attack. While I still enjoy the music, there's no way I'll ever consider seeing them live...unless I win tickets. Wouldn't even want to go if someone else is paying...

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I don't care for a lot of the Eagles material but out of all of it, it's some of the earlier material that I actually care for (or at least used to). As for "Hotel California", it may be a great song to somebody but I can say without a doubt that I would be just fine without ever having to hear it again for the rest of my life. Perhaps it isn't a bad song, it's just that I've heard it far too many times already and I'm quite alright with never having to hear it again. When it comes to Walsh vs. Felder, that may well be so but I'm still a much bigger fan of the James Gang than I am of the Eagles.

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I'll always sing along to Take It To The Limit, much to the dismay of anyone who hears me - and Wasted Time. And Lyin Eyes. I think it's a problem I have with Timothy B Schmidt too. As if the poncey middle initial wasn't bad enough, I always saw him as a usurper - I was a big fan of Randy Meisner (Take It To The Limit - did I mention I like that song, lol). I see it's on their recent set-list. I wonder who it is that murders it live nowadays?

As for Hotel California, how can you not like that song? That's almost as wrong-headed as someone saying they hate Stairway. Almost. HC is a Mount Rushmore of a song, and I spent ages learning how to play the solo too. Oh, and for all you Joe Walsh fans: Felder's the way better axe man. IMO.

I am definitely getting educated on The Eagles today. I was not aware of the back and forth nature of Don Felder's place in the band and the various lawsuits and countersuits that took place in the last decade between him and the others (Henley and Frey, etc). I couldn't tell from the Wiki article or their website if Don Felder is on this tour or not. I read he reconciled his differences with the others so I'm guessing he is included?

Major, as far as Timothy B. Schmit goes, he is the main reason I like that one clip, "I Can't Tell You Why." I like his bass playing, his clear vocals and upper range, and frankly his strikingly good looks. I was curious and checked out Randy Mesiner's bio online. I don't think it's fair to say Timothy B. Schmit usurped Randy because apparently he was complaining frequently about wanting to leave the band anyway* and The Eagles let him have what he asked for.

What an interesting footnote that Randy Meisner also left his earlier group Poco and Timothy B. Schmit was waiting in the wings to take over bass duties. I wonder if they are friends with that kind of history? Well, it gave me a chance to listen to your favorite Take It To The Limit which Randy Mesiner co-wrote, sings lead and plays bass. Here's the clip for you and have to admit he does a nice job! (But I'm still a big Timothy B. Schmit fan.) :) missy


PS. Hotel California was just played over and over it seemed for years(!) and I got tired of it. Still recognize it's a good Eagles song, but my least favorite.

*source: Wiki

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Interesting thread :-) I have my tickets to see them May 4th at Verizon Wireless..and I am sure I will enjoy the music. I am not expecting the same Eagles I saw back in the day, but I am sure it will be a great show.

^^Jahfin, you are so right about the cost of tickets. Outrageous to say the least!!! I had to bite the bullet on this, but I wanted to see them again. IMHO, they have some great music. :peace:

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Hi Deb, how great that you are attending the concert in May. I believe there are only 2 shows (Atlanta and Las Vegas) they are doing in the US this tour. The ticket prices won't sting so much once you are front and center listening to that smooth Eagles music Live! :cheer:

Imagine all the songs you may hear that evening......Take it Easy, Witchy Woman, Peaceful Easy Feeling, Desperado, Lyin' Eyes, Tequila Sunrise, The Best of My Love, Already Gone, One of These Nights, Take it to the Limit, New Kid in Town, Hotel California, the beautiful I Can't Tell You Why and probably many more.

I hope you will take lots of pics and post back here about the concert experience too! :) Missy


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Oh no...not the fucking Eagles again! :rolleyes:

I keep ignoring this thread but it keeps getting bumped up to haunt me, haha. And it appears several people I like here like the Eagles. Well, on that we'll just have to agree to disagree...for I am not budging one inch on my loathing of the Eagles. I never will.

For a succint view of my feelings about the Eagles, just refer to Jeff Bridges' classic taxicab scene in "The Big Lebowski".

Oh, and I hated the Eagles long before they, along with Fleeteood Mac and Barbra Streisand, started the trend of multi-hundred dollar tickets for a pop concert.

I'll take the Byrds and Gram Parsons and the Flying Burrito Brothers over the Eagles anyday. The Eagles, to me, were the epitome of that mellow, placid, laidback LA soft country-rock sound. All the grit and edges were smoothed away. They were everywhere...they poisoned FM radio with their schlock. Ugh!

Their concerts were just as bad...they were like a 70s version of a DMB concert.

The Long Run was the last Eagles album I bought and the last tour I saw them in concert. Never again did I spend money on the Eagles.


I'm with Jahfin...Hey Joe! Fuck the Eagles and give us a James Gang reunion! The James Gang concert was hella better than any of the Eagles shows I saw.

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Let's see...you totally loathe the Eagles, yet you bought their albums up to The Long Run and saw them live several times. What happened to change things then? Apart from The Long Run being possibly the most dreadful follow-up ever to a string of classic albums other than ITTOD?

IMO, One Of These Nights and Hotel California are the epitome of that coked-out, neurotic LA lifestyle we all aspired to in our teens. They fucking LIVED it man, and what's more, they onomatopoesized it. If nothing else, surely you have some admiration for their tireless struggles to get those albums recorded in the face of adversity, when they bravely and selflessly sent their collective noses into battle to snort their way through the walls of cocaine that some evil barbarian built around the studio every night? Respect.

Ok Major Major, since you asked so nicely, I'll illuminate the situation for you.

My Eagles history goes like this.

Heard their songs on the radio around 1972 or so and thought "ok" but nothing that made me wanna buy the record..."Take It Easy" was all right, but "Peaceful Easy Feeling" left me snoozing for the most part. I was into Zeppelin, the Stones, David Bowie, the Stooges, Sabbath in 72-73 and the Eagles sounded too limp, too much of that LA session-man vibe, if you catch my drift.

My first Eagles album was "Desperado"...something about that song touched a nerve in me, and that, along with hearing "Tequila Sunrise", convinced me to get the album and give it a shot. I found the album uneven at best, but as a Zeppelin fan, I did recognize the producer's name Glyn Johns.

During these years, I did see the Eagles in concert but it was usually because they were bill fodder...they were always opening for somebody or used to fill out those summer rock festivals. For instance, I saw them at the first Cal Jam in 1974...and I think I even saw them open for Yes(?!?) one year. So I never actually bought a ticket to purposely see the Eagles until 1976.

Why 1976? Well, that is when Joe Walsh joined the band for Hotel California. The Eagles had put out 2 or 3 albums since "Desperado" but I pretty much ignored them, as when I heard "Lyin' Eyes" and "One of these nights", I had the same reaction as one of the above posters had: it reminded me of the BeeGees; and not in a good way.

But I loved the James Gang, so when Joe Walsh joined I thought that might improve the Eagles and shake them out of their mellow rut. When I heard "Life in the Fast Lane" and "Hotel California" on the radio, they were rocking enough to convince me to spend a penny on the album.

So I did...I spent a penny, plus $4 or so in shipping and handling. Allow me to explain. Back then, every so often in the magazines you would find inserts advertising these record clubs...Columbia, MCA, Polydor and others...where you could choose 8 or even 12 albums for 1¢ + shipping and handling costs. Then every month they would send you a catalogue and you could choose to get the monthly selection or some other release...but the catch was you had to pay the list price of $5.98 or $6.98...more if it was a double or triple album.

So in early 1977 I decided to join the Columbia Record club, and among my 8 free picks were the Eagles "Hotel California" and "Greatest Hits 71-75". Aerosmith, Ted Nugent, E.L.O. and Bruce Sprinsteen were some of my other picks.

The Hotel California tour was also the first time where I purposely went to see them in concert as a headliner.

Then there was a long lull until 1979 with "The Long Run" release...even though the first song I heard from it on the radio was horrible ("Heartache Tonight"), I went ahead and bought the album anyway. Blech!

Within a month I got rid of it and used the money to get the Clash's "London Calling instead.

Only Joe Walsh's "In the City" was halfway listenable...the rest was mellow dreck ("The Long Run", "Heartache Tonight") or outright embarrassments like "The Greeks don't want no Freeks". It was clear this band sucked and not even Joe Walsh could make them worth my time or money. It was coked-out yuppie-rock for coked-out yuppies...something I wasn't interested in nor could I relate. I HATED cocaine.

And so, as 1979 turned into 1980, I said "Sayonara!" to the Eagles...much as I bid adieu to many 70s bands that started to suck or that I had grown tired of: Aerosmith, ELO, Ted Nugent, Black Sabbath, Jackson Browne, Fleetwood Mac, Todd Rundgren, the Kinks, J. Geils Band, Heart, and more.

I don't think I even bothered to see the Eagles on the "Long Run" tour, so disgusted was I with the album.

I quickly put the Eagles and their coke-fueled personal soap opera in my rear-view mirror.

Fast forward to 1994 and the Hell Freezes Over hoopla...I thought their MTV special was moderately ok; it wasn't as good as Page & Plant's, that's for sure. And the Eagles acoustic "Hotel California" was as dreary as Eric Clapton's acoustic reworking of "Layla".

I did not buy the album. But since a lot of my friends were thinking of going to the concert, I briefly engaged the idea of checking out the reunion tour myself...UNTIL I saw how much tickets were!!! :faints:

Money-grubbing assholes...NO WAY was I paying THAT for a bunch of coked-out has-beens!

In 1994 I saw the Rolling Stones and Red Hot Chili Peppers at the Rose Bowl for $35. Lollapalooza 94(Beastie Boys, Smashing Pumpkins, George Clinton P-Funk, Nick Cave, Stereolab, Flaming Lips) was also around $30-35.

The Eagles were asking for more than $100!!!

I said "Go to HELL!"

Take it from here, Jeff Bridges:


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