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Homeless to be "Hid" during Denver DNC Convention

The Rover

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The DNC is probably behind paying for Denver to hide their homeless during the Convention....

Officials, of curse, cite the "humanitarian" resaons for "getting the homeless off the streets" during the convention....



politwriter writes:

In 1968, Boss Richard J. Daley, the Democratic Party strongman of Chicago, erected large plywood fences along the routes from the airport to the convention center so that the Democrats wouldn't have to see the black squalor in his Democrat-run city.

If this isn't history repeating itself, I don't know what is.

So the Democrats in Denver, rather than build Potemkin Villages to hide the failure of their social programs, just shuttle the unsightly homeless off to museums or movies or some other -- out of sight -- out of mind -- place.

How benevolent these liberal Democrats.

Why not just shuttle them off to concentration camps for the interim? Stalin would have done as much without blinking an eye.

How evil and dissembling these liberals are.

bluecollarbytes writes:

Great minds think alike. Democrats are absorbing the lessons of the Communist Chinese who are doing much the same thing during the Olympics. Even if the motives schuck, I suppose it'll be a nice little vacate for those who normally exist in the shadows of Liberal enlightenment.

Malbus writes:

Ah yes, let's hide the homeless so the politicians won't see them. How typically Liberal of you.

The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless probably got paid off by those wonderful "caring" Liberals in the DNC to hide the homeless. That way, nobody at the convention would have to see reality and face up to the fact that the Liberal "war on poverty" accomplished absolutely nothing except wasting money on an ineffective government bureaucracy.

ImDaMailinator writes:

politwriter has it right. The real democrat party agenda is to have two classes of people - the democrat party leaders and everyone else. The democrat followers, sympathizers, and accomplices in the main stream media are too blind to figure this out and will only do so when it is too late to do anything about it.

If the democrat party really had any interest in the "little people," they would be trying to help the street people with jobs instead of hiding them. I am sure that there will be plenty of need for cleanup and porter services before, during, and after the convention. The street people could be offered this work (which I suspect they would not take because it is too easy to be lazy in a democrat gimme-gimme society).

PS: Democrats have a history of being cheap with their own money so street people will not benefit from handouts by the attendees to the democrat convention.

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The DNC is probably behind paying for Denver to hide their homeless during the Convention....

Officials, of curse, cite the "humanitarian" resaons for "getting the homeless off the streets" during the convention....



politwriter writes:

In 1968, Boss Richard J. Daley, the Democratic Party strongman of Chicago, erected large plywood fences along the routes from the airport to the convention center so that the Democrats wouldn't have to see the black squalor in his Democrat-run city.

If this isn't history repeating itself, I don't know what is.

So the Democrats in Denver, rather than build Potemkin Villages to hide the failure of their social programs, just shuttle the unsightly homeless off to museums or movies or some other -- out of sight -- out of mind -- place.

How benevolent these liberal Democrats.

Why not just shuttle them off to concentration camps for the interim? Stalin would have done as much without blinking an eye.

How evil and dissembling these liberals are.

bluecollarbytes writes:

Great minds think alike. Democrats are absorbing the lessons of the Communist Chinese who are doing much the same thing during the Olympics. Even if the motives schuck, I suppose it'll be a nice little vacate for those who normally exist in the shadows of Liberal enlightenment.

Malbus writes:

Ah yes, let's hide the homeless so the politicians won't see them. How typically Liberal of you.

The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless probably got paid off by those wonderful "caring" Liberals in the DNC to hide the homeless. That way, nobody at the convention would have to see reality and face up to the fact that the Liberal "war on poverty" accomplished absolutely nothing except wasting money on an ineffective government bureaucracy.

ImDaMailinator writes:

politwriter has it right. The real democrat party agenda is to have two classes of people - the democrat party leaders and everyone else. The democrat followers, sympathizers, and accomplices in the main stream media are too blind to figure this out and will only do so when it is too late to do anything about it.

If the democrat party really had any interest in the "little people," they would be trying to help the street people with jobs instead of hiding them. I am sure that there will be plenty of need for cleanup and porter services before, during, and after the convention. The street people could be offered this work (which I suspect they would not take because it is too easy to be lazy in a democrat gimme-gimme society).

PS: Democrats have a history of being cheap with their own money so street people will not benefit from handouts by the attendees to the democrat convention.

Interesting....what do the Republicans do with them?

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The DNC is probably behind paying for Denver to hide their homeless during the Convention....

Officials, of curse, cite the "humanitarian" resaons for "getting the homeless off the streets" during the convention....

Pfft, that's exactly the same as in Sydney...

Pope Benedict is here in Australia for World Youth Day, and they turfed out 300 homeless people at the venue...

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I would hide them in New Orleans. They could blend in with the other federal welfare recipients.

Well-fair enough sept there's no room at the Inn Del, everyone was a recipient of this one.

The Poor the Working class the Upper Middle class even the Wealthy. Got 12mins take an up close and personal tour of the Hoods Brother.

http://www.ou812videos.com/media/katrina.wmv :rolleyes: Have a little heart bro!


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I live near Denver too, and I hardly ever see any homeless people. What few there are probably live in the Denver Public Library anyway.

Everybody who lives and works in downtown Denver really wants to get out of Dodge. :unsure: They're afraid of the protesters and others who don't work for a living descending and wrecking havoc. Me, I'll be at the Obama Headquarters, no where near the Democratic convention.

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Well-fair enough sept there's no room at the Inn Del, everyone was a recipient of this one.

The Poor the Working class the Upper Middle class even the Wealthy. Got 12mins take an up close and personal tour of the Hoods Brother.

http://www.ou812videos.com/media/katrina.wmv :rolleyes: Have a little heart bro!


My prayers are with you all Dzldoc....

You know what's almost as sad? Look on YouTube for vid of Detroit....and no 'natural' disasters happened there...same effect but without the storm, slow degradation...

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My prayers are with you all Dzldoc....

You know what's almost as sad? Look on YouTube for vid of Detroit....and no 'natural' disasters happened there...same effect but without the storm, slow degradation...

Yes, I went to Dearborn once for training and wow that place was so bleak! :(

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Yes, I went to Dearborn once for training and wow that place was so bleak! :(

And Dearborn is a wealthy suburb...it's really hard to even imagine what the inner city is like...you'd have to see it...it's like a horror film.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More Bullshit from the Govt. in this Land of "Freedom" (That's "corporate" Freedom for the mrorns that haven't figured this out yet !!!)

Mayor says no to Tent State overnight

By Daniel J. Chacon, Rocky Mountain News

Monday, July 28, 2008


A college-age protest group that wants to camp overnight in City Park during the Democratic National Convention next month is going to have to find another place to sleep.

Mayor John Hickenlooper told radio host Mike Rosen, who writes a column for the Rocky, that Tent State University's plans for a sleepover for as many as 50,000 protesters are out of the question.

The mayor also told Rosen that the city might turn on the sprinklers if the protesters don't abide by Denver's 11 p.m. curfew.

Councilwoman Carla Madison, whose district includes City Park, said overnight camping is not an option.

"We want them to have a good, successful event, and we're working with them to try to see what kind of possibilities can happen," Madison said. "But I don't see camping in the park as being one of those."

Adam Jung, an organizer and spokesman for Tent State, could not be reached for comment.

Jung has said allowing camping in the park is the best way to "retain control over the entire event."

The group, which received a conditional-use permit from the city, is expected to submit by Aug. 8 a detailed plan that covers everything from security to portable toilets, said Kevin Scott, event and film liaison for the Office of Cultural Affairs.

"I think they're still sorting things out," he said. "It's a lot of work to do in a short amount of time."

Madison, who lives across the street from the park, said one of her concerns is that an influx of people will descend on Denver to participate in a big sleepover.

"We could just get a lot of people just showing up to camp," she said. "People from out of state, if they found out that we were going to open up free camping in the park, would say, 'Hey, we can actually go to the DNC and stay for free. We don't have to pay $500 a night.' "

Madison said other protest groups could make similar requests if Tent State were given permission.

"My concern is all the Re-create '68 folks who've been wanting to sleep in Civic Center Park," she said, referring to the group that promised to make the bloody 1968 Democratic convention "look like a small get-together."

"If we say yes in City Park, I'm not sure how we could say no in Civic Center Park," she said.

Madison also is worried about the precedent it could set.

"Right now, we don't even let the Boy Scouts sleep in the parks. It isn't political. It doesn't have anything to do with any message or anybody. It's just that we don't do that," she said.

"Once you let one group do it, even though (the DNC) is an extraordinary circumstance and all that, I think that it opens up the door to a lot of people just thinking that they should be able to do it, and then if we say no, they can sue us for it," Madison added.

The downside, she said, is that no one knows where the protesters will go at 11 p.m.

"Everybody is batting around ideas and trying to confirm and calling around and things like that," she said. "But there is nothing that's even close enough to a possibility that I would feel comfortable to say."

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You know what's almost as sad? Look on YouTube for vid of Detroit....and no 'natural' disasters happened there...same effect but without the storm, slow degradation...

Detroits a manmade shithole. It doesn't need floods to make it worse.

Dearborn isn't that bad, even kinda cool....unless of course you're xenophobic.

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