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U.S. Vice President 2008


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I do. Obviously it failed her. The fact that you don't see it as a problem is hilarious.

How is it a problem that her daughter got pregnant? It's a non-issue. It doesn't affect her ability to be VP.

Also, clearly you don't understand her policies on sex do you? She's not for teaching sex education in schools. However, she's entirely for women's access to birth control.

I've never liked teaching sex in school. Thats just one more way for parents to dump responsibility on the government, but I agree with her that women need access to birth control.

And what "failed her" may I ask? It may have failed her daughter, but it never failed Sarah. They are not the same person.

This was a fun conversation, hope you learned something :D

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How is it a problem that her daughter got pregnant? It's a non-issue. It doesn't affect her ability to be

And what "failed her" may I ask? It may have failed her daughter, but it never failed Sarah. They are

It wouldn't be an issue if she was just plain old Betty down the street

It's an issue because she is advocating government policy that restricst sex education to abstinence-only teaching. As I said in my last post in this thread (which most people missed or ignored, so sorry Wannabe, I have to repeat myself again) is she is offering abstinence education as the solution to teen pregnancy, now if she wants to go on a political platform and advocate it, she does have to explain why it didn't work on her daughter...

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It wouldn't be an issue if she was just plain old Betty down the street

It's an issue because she is advocating government policy that restricst sex education to abstinence-only teaching. As I said in my last post in this thread (which most people missed or ignored, so sorry Wannabe, I have to repeat myself again) is she is offering abstinence education as the solution to teen pregnancy, now if she wants to go on a political platform and advocate it, she does have to explain why it didn't work on her daughter...

This reminds me of the Catholic couple that were on the radio last week advocating "The Rythym Method". It took until the end of the interview for someone to finally ask what I was wondering all along... how many children they had.

The answer was 8 ! :blink:

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It wouldn't be an issue if she was just plain old Betty down the street

It's an issue because she is advocating government policy that restricst sex education to abstinence-only teaching. As I said in my last post in this thread (which most people missed or ignored, so sorry Wannabe, I have to repeat myself again) is she is offering abstinence education as the solution to teen pregnancy, now if she wants to go on a political platform and advocate it, she does have to explain why it didn't work on her daughter...

Didn't even see it your other post dude, my bad :P

Anywho, I still (like most people) don't see it as an issue. What her kid does is not an issue with me. I don't care what her policies are, to me it does not matter. What if Baracks kid joined a Black supremist group after he's advocating equality? I couldn't care less.

And again, she is all for access to birth control. So what she's doing is advocating abstinence, but still giving women ways to prevent a pregnancy. So i don't really see the big deal.

Her daughter fucked up, thats none of our business

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This reminds me of the Catholic couple that were on the radio last week advocating "The Rythym Method". It took until the end of the interview for someone to finally ask what I was wondering all along... how many children they had.

The answer was 8 ! :blink:

Many religious couples have lots of children because they don't use birth control, but they have sex.

edited because i used the wrong word

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Didn't even see it your other post dude, my bad :P

Anywho, I still (like most people) don't see it as an issue. What her kid does is not an issue with me. I don't care what her policies are, to me it does not matter. What if Baracks kid joined a Black supremist group after he's advocating equality? I couldn't care less.

And again, she is all for access to birth control. So what she's doing is advocating abstinence, but still giving women ways to prevent a pregnancy. So i don't really see the big deal.

Well you know if there was a politician saying all teenagers need to do compulsory military service to prevent them from getting involved in crime or drugs, and then that politician's child came out of the military smacked up to their eye balls on coke, it would be incredibly embarrassing would it not? And the public would start to question whether this politician had any reason to be advocating that policy, no?

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Well you know if there was a politician saying all teenagers need to do compulsory military service to prevent them from getting involved in crime or drugs, and then that politician's child came out of the military smacked up to their eye balls on coke, it would be incredibly embarrassing would it not? And the public would start to question whether this politician had any reason to be advocating that policy, no?
It would be embarassing but what if the drug usage of teenagers was goind down? Just because their kid is one of the few whom the policy did not work for, doesn't mean it doesn't work for everybody else.

And again, what does this have to do with Palins ability to be VP? Thats my main point.

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It would be embarassing but what if the drug usage of teenagers was goind down? Just because their kid is one of the few whom the policy did not work for, doesn't mean it doesn't work for everybody else.

And again, what does this have to do with Palins ability to be VP? Thats my main point.

It just doesn't look well that a policy you firmly support and would legislate is shown to be uneffective in your own backyard.....yet you advocate that everyone's backyard should be like yours...

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It just doesn't look well that a policy you firmly support and would legislate is shown to be uneffective in your own backyard.....yet you advocate that everyone's backyard should be like yours...

She's not saying people have to be exactly like her. She just advocates that abstinence be taught in school, if at all. It may look bad, but so what? This does not affect her inability to lead does it?

Anybody want to answer that question, I've had to post it multiple times and no one has said anything (starting to repeat myself :o:lol: )

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She's not saying people have to be exactly like her. She just advocates that abstinence be taught in school, if at all. It may look bad, but so what? This does not affect her inability to lead does it?

Anybody want to answer that question, I've had to post it multiple times and no one has said anything (starting to repeat myself :o:lol: )

Oh! I don't think it affects her inability at all! :)

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Looks like the repubs have their very own celebrity now, eh? :P


[Not one that could sell out Mile High Stadium though, mind you. ;) ]

She surely energized the party. I don't know if it will be enough to get the Hilary fanbase though, and that was the intent behind her nomination. I don't see any Dems jumping ship for her B)

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