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best 3 songs from each of Led Zep's albums :)

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LZ1 : How Many More Times, Dazed And Confused, Babe I'm Gonna Leave You

LZ2 : Bring It On Home, Heartbreaker, What Is And Should Never Be

LZ3 : That's The Way, Tangerine, Friends

LZ4 : When The Levee Breaks, Rock And Roll, Black Dog

HOTH : Dancing Days, The Rain Song, The Song Remains The Same

PG : Ten Years Gone, Kashmir, In The Light

Presence: Nobody's Fault But Mine, Achilles Last Stand, Royal Orleans

ITTOD : Carouselambra, In The Evening, I'm Gonna Crawl

Coda : Bonzo's Montreaux, Ozone Baby, I Can't Quit You Baby

TSRTS : Stairway To Heaven, Since I've Been Loving You, The Ocean

BBC : Thank You, Travelling Riverside Blues, Whole Lotta Love/Boogie Chillun'/Fixin' To Die/That's Alright Mama/Mess Of Blues Medley

HTWWW : Immigrant Song, Over The Hills And Far Away, Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

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LZ1: Good times, Bad times,How many more times, You shook me

LZ2: Whole lotta love, Heartbreaker, Lemon Song

LZ3: Immigrant Song, Friends, Out on the tiles

LZ4: Levee, Black Dog, Stairway

Houses: The Ocean, No Quarter, Song remains the same

Physical Graffiti: Kashmir,Trampled underfoot, Wanton Song

Presence: Nobody's Fault, Achilles, Candy Store rock

TSRTS (1976): No Quarter, Whole lotta love, Stairway

ITTOD; In the evening, I'm gonna crawl, Fool in the rain

Coda; We're gonna groove, I can't quit you, Poor Tom

BBC sessions: Whole lotta Love (disc1), Traveling riverside Blues, The Girl I love

HTWWW: Immigrant Song, Heartbreaker, the Ocean

DVD; Whole Lotta Love (RAH) In my time of dying, Kashmir,

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Led Zeppelin:

1) Dazed and Confused

2) How Many More Times

3) Good Times Bad Times

Led Zeppelin II:

1) What Is and What Should Never Be

2) Ramble On

3) Heartbreaker

Led Zeppelin III:

1) Immigrant Song

2) Since I've Been Loving You

3) Tangerine

Led Zeppelin IV:

1) Stairway to Heaven

2) Black Dog

3) Misty Mountain Hop

Houses of the Holy:

1) Over The Hills and Far Away

2) The Rain Song

3) The Ocean

Physical Graffiti:

1) Ten Years Gone

2) Kashmir

3) The Rover


1) Tea For One

2) Nobody's Fault But Mine

3) Achilles Last Stand

In Through the Out Door:

1) All My Love

2) In The Evening

3) Fool in The Rain


1) Hey Hey What Can I Do

2) Traveling Riverside Blues

3) White Summer Black Mountain

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Led Zeppelin:

1: How Many More Times

2: You Shook Me

3: Dazed and Confused

Led Zeppelin II:

1: Ramble on

2: Bring It On Home

3: Whole Lotta Love

Led Zeppelin III:

1: Since I've Been Loving You

2: That's The Way

3: Immigrant Song

Led Zeppelin IV:(Symbols, Untittled, Four Symbols...)

1: When the Levee Breaks

2: Black Dog

3: Rock And Roll

Houses Of The Holy:

1: The Ocean

2: Dancing Days

3: D'yer Mak'er (Did you make her)

Physical Graffiti:

(Side One)


2: In My Time Of Dying

3: Kashmir

(Side Two)

1: Ten Years Gone

2: The Wanton Song

3: Sick Again


1: Tea For One

2: Candy Store Rock

3: For Your Life

In Through The Out Door:

1: I'm Gonna Crawl

2: In The Evening

3: South Bound Saurez


1: Ozone Baby

2: Travelling Riverside Blues

3: Hey Hey What Can I Do

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Led Zeppelin:

1: How Many More Times

2: You Shook Me

3: Dazed and Confused

Led Zeppelin II:

1: Ramble on

2: Bring It On Home

3: Whole Lotta Love

Led Zeppelin III:

1: Since I've Been Loving You

2: That's The Way

3: Immigrant Song

Led Zeppelin IV:(Symbols, Untittled, Four Symbols...)

1: When the Levee Breaks

2: Black Dog

3: Rock And Roll

Houses Of The Holy:

1: The Ocean

2: Dancing Days

3: D'yer Mak'er (Did you make her)

Physical Graffiti:

(Side One)

1: The Rover

2: In My Time Of Dying

3: Kashmir

(Side Two)

1: Ten Years Gone

2: The Wanton Song

3: Sick Again


1: Tea For One

2: Nobody's Fault But Mine

3: For Your Life

In Through The Out Door:

1: Fool In The Rain

2: In The Evening

3: All Of My Love


1: Poor Tom

2: Bonzo's Montreux

3: Walter's Walk

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yea "Hey hey What Can I do" was on the special edition of Coda, it came with the "complete studio recordings" from Led Zep.....and so was Travelleing Riverside Blues...Travelling Riverside Blues was also on the BBC sessions CD(live)

"Hey hey What Can I Do" was on the B side of the "Immigrant Song" single

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Led Zeppelin I:

1. Dazed and Confused

2. Communication Breakdown

3. How Many More Times

Led Zeppelin II:

1. Whole Lotta Love

2. Heartbreaker

3. Ramble On

Led Zeppelin III:

1. Since I've Been Loving You

2. Immigrant Song

3. Gallows Pole

Led Zeppelin IV:

1. Stairway to Heaven

2. Black Dog

3. Going to California

Houses of the Holy:

1. No Quarter

2. The Ocean

3. The Crunge

Physical Graffiti:

1. Kashmir

2. In My Time of Dying

3. Trampled Under Foot


1. Achilles Last Stand

2. Nobody's Fault But Mine

3. Tea for One

In Through the Out Door:

1. In the Evening

2. I'm Gonna Crawl

3. Carouselambra


1. We're Gonna Groove (Live)

2. I Can't Quit You Baby (Live)

3. Darlene


1. No Quarter

2. Stairway to Heaven

3. Dazed and Confused


1. The Ocean

2. Dazed and Confused

3. Whole Lotta Love

BBC Sessions:

1. Thank You

2. Dazed and Confused (Disc 2)

3. Dazed and Confused (Disc 1)

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  • 1 month later...

LZ1: Babe I'm gonna leave you, communication breakdown, dazed and confused.

LZ2: That's difficult...heartbreaker, thank you, ramble on

LZ3: Since I've been loving you, immigrant song, tangerine

LZ4: Black Dog, Rock'n'roll, battle of evermore

HOTH:The song remains the same,the rain song, no quarter

Physical graffiti: since it's a double I call six songs, the rover, Kashmir, in the light, sick again, ten years gone, brom y ar

Presence: Achille's last stand, nobody's fault but mine, candy store rock

ITOTBD: I skipped that album

Coda: nothing memorable, sorry.

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Very hard to do but here it is.

Led Zeppelin: Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You/Dazed And Confused/Your Time Is Gonna Come

Led Zeppelin II: Whole Lotta Love/Heartbreaker/Ramble On

Led Zeppelin III:Immigrant Song/Since I've Been Loving You/Gallow's Pole

:Black Dog/Rock And Roll/Stairway To Heaven

Houses Of The Holy:The Rain Song/Over the Hills And Far Away/No Quarter

Physical Graffiti:Trampled Underfoot/Kashmir/Ten Years Gone

(If I get six because of the double LP: Disc 1:The Rover/Trampled Underfoot/Kashmir Disc 2: In The Light/Down By The Seaside/Then Years Gone)

Presence:Achilles Last Stand/For Your Life/Nobody's Fault But Mine

In Through The Out Door:In The Evening/Fool In The Rain/All My Love

Coda:We're Gonna Groove/Ozone Baby/Darlene

3 Best Non-Studio Album Tracks:Hey Hey What Can I Do/The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair/Somethin' Else

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Led Zeppelin:

I Can't Quit You Baby

Communication Breakdown

How Many More Times

Led Zeppelin II:

Whole Lotta Love

What is and What Should Never Be


Led Zeppelin III:

Immigrant Song

Gallows Pole

That's the Way

Led Zeppelin IV:

Black Dog

Rock and Roll

Stairway to Heaven

Houses of the Holy:

Over the Hills and Far Away

D'yer Mak'er

No Quarter

Physical Graffiti:

In My Time of Dying

Down By The Sea

Night Flight


Achilles Last Stand

For Your Life

Nobody's Fault But Mine

In Through the Out Door:

In the Evening

Fool In the Rain

All My Love

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Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, How Many More Times, Your Time Is Gonna Come

What Is and What Should Never Be, Bring It On Home, Ramble On

Gallows Pole, Bron-Y-Aur Stomp, Tangerine

The Battle of Evermore, Misty Mountain Hop, Rock and Roll

No Quarter, Dancing Days, The Ocean

In My Time of Dying, Kashmir, Trampled Under Foot

Night Flight, Bron-Yr-Aur, Sick Again

Achilles Last Stand, Royal Orleans, Nobody's Fault but Mine

Carouselambra, Fool in the Rain, All My Love

Darlene, White Summer/Black Mountain Side, Bonzo's Montreux

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Led Zeppelin: Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Dazed and Confused, Black Mountain Side

Led Zeppelin II: Whole Lotta Love, Thank You, Ramble On

Led Zeppelin III: Immigrant Song, Since I've Been Loving You, That's the Way

Led Zeppelin IV: The Battle of Evermore, Stairway to Heaven, Going to California

Houses of the Holy: The Song Remains the Same, The Rain Song, No Quarter

Physical Graffiti: In My Time of Dying, Kashmir, Ten Years Gone

Presence: Achilles Last Stand, Nobody's Fault But Mine, Tea for One

In Through The Out Door: In the Evening, South Bound Saurez, Carouselambra

Coda: We're Gonna Groove, Poor Tom, Bonzo's Montreux

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Led Zeppelin I:

How Many More Times

Dazed and Confused

Communication Breakdown

Led Zeppelin II:

Whole Lotta Love

What Is and What Should Never Be


Led Zeppelin III:

Since I've Been Loving You

Immigrant Song

Gallows Pole

Led Zeppelin IV:

Black Dog

Going to California

Stairway to Heaven

Houses Of The Holy:

The Rain Song

Over The Hills And Far Away

No Quarter

Physical Graffiti:

In My Time Of Dying

Ten Years Gone

Sick Again


Achilles Last Stand

For Your Life

Nobody's Fault But Mine

In Through The Out Door:

Fool In The Rain


All My Love


Hey Hey What Can I Do

Travelling Riverside Blues

Ozone Baby

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led zeppelin

Good Times Bad Times

Dazed And Confused

Communication Breakdown

led zeppelin II

Whole Lotta Love

Living Loving Maid

Ramble On

led zeppelin III

Celebration Day

Gallows Pole

Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

led zeppelin lV

Stairway To Heaven

Misty Mountain Hop

When The Levee Breaks

houses of the holy

The Song Remains The Same

Over The Hills And Far Away

D'yer Mak'er

physical graffiti

In My Time Of Dying

Houses Of The Holy



Achilles Last Stand

For Your Life

Nobody's Fault But Mine

in through the out door

In The Evening


All My Love

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  • 1 month later...

Led Zeppelin I

Good Times Bad Times

Babe I'm Gonna Leave You

Your Time Is Gonna Come

Led Zeppelin II

Thank You

Ramble On

Bring It On Home

Led Zeppelin III

Since I've Been Loving You

Gallows Pole

That's The Way

Four Symbols

Rock And Roll

The Battle Of Evermore

Going To California

Houses Of The Holy

The Song Remains The Same

The Rain Song

No Quarter

Physical Graffiti

In My Time Of Dying

Ten Years Gone

Night Flight


Achilles Last Stand

Nobody's Fault But Mine

Hots On For Nowhere

In Through The Out Door

Fool In The Rain

Hot Dog


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Led Zeppelin

Babe I'm Gonna Leave You

Dazed And Confused

Communication Breakdown

Led Zeppelin II

Whole Lotta Love

What Is And What Should Never Be

Bring It On Home

Led Zeppelin III

Since I've Been Loving You

Immigrant Song



Stairway To Heaven

When The Levee Breaks

Going To California

Houses Of The Holy

The Ocean

D'yer Mak'er

The Song Remains The Same

Physical Graffiti


In The Light

Trampled Under Foot


Achilles Last Stand

Tea For One

Nobody's Fault But Mine

In Through The Out Door

Fool In The Rain

All My Love

I'm Gonna Crawl


Hey Hey What Can I Do

Poor Tom

Wearing And Tearing

Edited by cheesehead1204
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  • 5 months later...

Led Zeppelin:

Dazed And Confused

Your Time Is Gonna Come

Communication Breakdown

Led Zeppelin II:

The Lemon Song


Whole Lotta Love

Led Zeppelin III:


Immigrant Song

That's The Way

Led Zeppelin IV:

Black Dog

When The Levee Breaks

Stairway To Heaven

Houses Of The Holy:

Over The Hills And Far Away

The Rain Song

The Ocean

Physical Graffiti

In My Time Of Dying


Houses Of The Holy

The Rover

In The Light

Ten Years Gone


Achilles Last Stand (my favorite song ever)

Nobody's Fault But Mine

For Your Life

In Through The Out Door:

South Bound Suarez

Fool In The Rain



Wearing And Tearing

Hey Hey What Can I Do

Travelling Riverside Blues

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  • 2 years later...

Led Zeppelin I:

1. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You

2. Dazed and Confused

3. Communication Breakdown

Led Zeppelin II:

1. Ramble on

2. Heratbreaker

3. What is and what should never be

Led Zeppelin III:

1. Since I've been loving You

2. Tangerine

3. Bron-Y-aur stomp

Led Zeppelin IV:

1 Stairway to heaven

2. When the Levee breaks

3. Going to California

Houses of the Holy:

1. Over the hills and far away

2. The Rain song

3. No Quarter

Physical Graffiti:

1. Kashmir

2. Ten Years Gone

3. The Rover


1. Achilles Last Stand
2. Nobody's Fault But Mine
3. For Your Life

In Through the Out Door:

1. All of my love

2. Fool in the Rain

3. In the evening


1. Hey Hey What Can I Do

2. Travelling Riverside Blues

3. Bonzo's Montreux

The song remains the same:

1. Stairway to heaven

2. No quarter

3. Whole lotta love

Celebration Day:

1. Rock and roll

2. Black dog

3. In my time of dying

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Without order :

First Album:

Dazed and confused
You shook me
How many more times

Second Album:

Whole Lotta Love
Bring It On Home
Thank you

Third Album:

Immigrant Song
Since I've Been Loving You
Out on the tiles

Fourth Album:

Rock and roll
Stairway To Heaven
Going to california

Houses of the Holy:

The rain song

The song remain the same
No quarter

Physical Graffiti:(Disc 1)

The rover
In my time of dying
Trampled underfoot

Physical Graffiti:(Disc 2)

Ten years gone
Down by the seaside


Achilles Last Stand
Tea for one
Nobody's Fault but Mine

In Through The Out Door:


In The Evening
I'm gonna crawl


Wearing and Tearing
Baby come on home

Poor Tom

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Led Zeppelin

Communication Breakdown

Black Mountain side

Good Times Bad Times

Led Zeppelin II


Thank You

Whole Lotta Love

Led Zeppelin III

Since I've Been Loving You


Bron Yr Aur Stomp

Led Zeppelin IV

Stairway To Heaven

Black Dog

Going To California

Houses of the Holy

The Rain Song

Dancing Days

No Quarter

Physical Graffiti

Sick Again

The Rover

Ten Years Gone


Achilles Last Stand

Tea For One

Nobody's Fault But Mine

In Through The Out Door

In The Evening

I'm Gonna Crawl

All My Love


We're Gonna Groove

Wearing And Tearing

Poor Tom

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  • 2 weeks later...

Led Zeppelin

black mountain side

dazed & confused

how many more times

Led Zeppelin II


what is & what should never be

whole lotta love

Led Zeppelin III

since I've been loving you

out on the tiles

that's the way

Led Zeppelin IV

when the levee breaks

misty mountain hop

stairway to heaven

Houses Of The Holy

over the hills & far away

dancing days

no quarter

Physical Graffiti



in my time of dying

the rover


in the light

ten years gone



achilles last stand

for your life

nobody's fault but mine

In Through The Out Door

all my love

fool in the rain

in the evening

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That's a tough one, but I'll try! With questions like this, I never know if I should put the songs I like best from the albums themselves or considering the live performances as well. For example, my favorite song off III is SIBLY but I don't like the version on III nearly as much so I'm going to put my favorite album version song off The albums if that makes sense... Figured I would do every album including live, even the debut companion disc since its a live concert.

Led Zeppelin-

1) How Many More Times

2) Dazed And Confused

3) Your Time Is Gonna Come

Led Zeppelin II-

1) Whole Lotta Love

2) Thank You

3) The Lemon Song

Led Zeppelin III-

1) Gallows Pole (especially the rough take)

2) Since I've Been Loving You (especially the rough take lol)

3) That's The Way

Led Zeppelin IV-

1) When The Levee Breaks

2) Stairway To Heaven

3) Going To California (especially the instrumental take)

Houses Of The Holy-

1) Rain Song

2) Dancing Days (especially the rough take)

3) The Ocean

Physical Graffiti-

1) In The Light (Everybody Makes It Through. If I can count that!)

2) Trampled Under Foot (Brandy & Coke. If I can count that, freaking LOVE Plant's vocals on it!)

3) Down By The Seaside


1) Achilles Last Stand

2) Tea For One

3) For Your Life

In Through The Out Door-

1) Fool In The Rain

2) In The Evening

3) I'm Gonna Crawl

Coda- (if it wasn't for the 4 bonus tracks, then I would strongly HATE Coda! Can't wait to see and hear what Jimmy put on the companion discs tomorrow morning!)

1) Hey Hey What Can I Do

2) Baby Come On Home

3) Traveling Riverside Blues

The Song Remains The Same-

1) Since I've Been Loving You

2) Rain Song

3) Stairway To Heaven

How The West Was Won-

1) Whole Lotta Love

2) Dazed And Confused

3) That's The Way

BBC Sessions-

1) Thank You

2) How Many More Times

3) Whole Lotta Love (Disc 1)

Celebration Day-

1) Kashmir

2) For Your Life

3) Since I've Been Loving You

Led Zeppelin (Companion Disc- Paris 10/10/1969)-

1) How Many More Times

2) Communication Breakdown (Good Times Bad Times Intro)

3) Heartbreaker

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The songs are listed in no particular order.

I: Dazed and Confused, TIE (Just can't decide) Good Times Bad Times/Communication Breakdown, How Many More Times.

II: Whole Lotta Love, TIE (Damn this is harder than I thought) WIAWSNB/Thank You/Bring It On Home/Heartbreaker (wow I just cheated so bad), Ramble On.

III: Since I've Been Loving You, Tangerine, That's The Way.

IV: The Battle Of Evermore, Four Sticks, When The Levee Breaks.

Houses: TIE TSRTS/OTHAFA, The Rain Song, No Quarter.

Graffiti: TIE The Rover/Sick Again, In The Light, Ten Years Gone.

Presence: Achilles Last Stand, For Your Life, Tea For One.

ITTOD: TIE In The Evening/I'm Gonna Crawl, Fool In The Rain, Carouselambra.

Old Coda: We're Gonna Groove, I Can't Quit You Babe, Wearing And Tearing.

1993 Coda: Baby Come On Home, Travelling Riverside Blues, Hey Hey What Can I Do (of course I was gonna pick these).

New Coda: If It Keeps On Raining, St. Tristan's Sword, Bring It On Home.

Edited by Genghis Kon
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1. Dazed And Confused

2. How Many More Times

3. Your Time Is Gonna Come


1. Thank You

2. Living Loving Maid

3. Heartbreaker


1. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

2. That's The Way

3. Gallows Pole


1. When The Levee Breaks

2. Misty Mountain Hop

3. The Battle Of Evermore


1. Over The Hills

2. No Quarter

3. The Ocean

Physical Graffiti

1. In My Time Of Dying

2. Night Flight

3. Ten Years Gone


1. Achilles

2. Nobody's Fault

3. For Your Life


1. Carouselambra

2. Fool In The Rain

3. All My Love


1. Hey Hey What Can I Do

2. Ozone Baby

3. Bonzo's Montreux

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