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How's it going "Evster" my buddy? :hysterical::hysterical: My best friends Tod, Scott and I sure loved hanging out with the Dead heads in the parking lot, they sure knew how to party and have a good time! Another crowd of people that knows how to party and have a good time are those damn Hawaiians! We all snuck in the back exit and saw THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME during a midnight show and we all got caught. The Hawaiians even snuck in an ounce of this skunk weed that was so powerful that it floored Tod, Scott and I on our asses. The Manager and some staff members even joined in and participated in the festivities. I could barely even walk to the lobby in order to buy some popcorn and some other munchies. I was looking for the Manager in order to thank him for being cool and not kicking all of us out. I found the Manager but he was too busy banging one of his young female employees in his office. I had a great time that night! :hysterical::hysterical: ROCK ON my friend!

Big DOH! on behalf of the theater owners in those days (much to our advantage). They usually put some youngster manager in charge of those late night screenings. Zero security, and the kid usually ended up with his tie askew! We just walked right over the poor bastard! We usually hit the snack bar when Grant was tearing security a new one, as we always reserved the fatty for Dazed and Confused, and we needed to be prepared! :lol:

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I've only seen it in theaters once, and that was when they screened it like 2 years ago. My dad took it me and we stood up and yelled and clapped when Bonzo came out of the bathroom because when my dad would see it in theaters he said that what they did.

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Big DOH! on behalf of the theater owners in those days (much to our advantage). They usually put some youngster manager in charge of those late night screenings. Zero security, and the kid usually ended up with his tie askew! We just walked right over the poor bastard! We usually hit the snack bar when Grant was tearing security a new one, as we always reserved the fatty for Dazed and Confused, and we needed to be prepared! :lol:

How's it going "Evster?" No wonder the theater Management and staff were so unorganized and under staffed. We all got away with murder during those 1970's midnight movie years. Its a wonder that no one ever robbed the place. In my opinion, theater management and staff were so scared and nervous in the beginning that they must have always felt that they were volunteering community service by babysitting all of us party animals during the midnight movies. We sure made their life a living hell didn't we? Ha Ha! ROCK ON my friend!

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I've only seen it in theaters once, and that was when they screened it like 2 years ago. My dad took it me and we stood up and yelled and clapped when Bonzo came out of the bathroom because when my dad would see it in theaters he said that what they did.

Why hello "lzfan715!" And how's my number one JANIS JOPLIN fan doing? I hope all is well with you. I remembered that scene, I also remembered when everyone in the audience were yelling obscenities to the young man on the bicycle that was delivering the mail to Robert Plant. I swear, the whole stoned audience erupted with loud shouts of foul language. It was a great moment for audience participation. Ha Ha! ROCK ON my friend!

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Why would they yell obscenities at him? He's just doing his job.

Why hello "lzfan715!" How's it going? I hope all is well with you and your family. I never could figure that one out "lzfan715." Everytime I saw THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME at the midnight movies, obscenities were shouted at the young lad. It just seemed to become a natural habit to do as time moved on. Maybe "Evster" might know, I'll have to ask him sometime. Thanks for your comment and ROCK ON my friend!

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I also remembered when everyone in the audience were yelling obscenities to the young man on the bicycle that was delivering the mail to Robert Plant. I swear, the whole stoned audience erupted with loud shouts of foul language. It was a great moment for audience participation. Ha Ha! ROCK ON my friend!

Hey they did that too here on Long Island ha ha! But I must say that the audiences here were not as wild & crazy like the ones that you & Evster were in (well at least not the TSRTS midnight shows that I went to, can't speak for all of LI).

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i first saw the film on my 11th birthday in '76 and i saw it many time later from when i was 14 or so at midnight showings from about '79-'83. mostly getting there on the bus after sneaking out, and walking home - about 7 miles, when i was supposed to be in bed.

at my first seeing, which was in the afternoon, i remember being transfixed by what i saw on screen and around me; my first time out among music people and afterwards asking my older brother what the strange smell in the cinema had been besides the patchouli oil. i went straight to the record shop on my way home and bought LZ2 and was hooked thereafter. two weeks later i bought the soundtrack as well and was gone.

in my teens i started attending the late showings and remember once watching a screening where the volume was really low and the crowd were shouting and jeering and getting really rowdy about it. about 1/2 way through, the film stopped and the manager came onto the platform in front of the screen and was heckled mercilessly. he shouted that there was a problem with the sound and he was going to switch the screening to the other room and would we care to make our way there in an orderly fashion please.

i was on my own and fairly near the exit and rushed my way to the stairs where it was minor chaos already; folk were dropping down the inside of the stairwell, others were trying to run down past everyone else and getting punched for their troubles. i got down by way of being young and skinny and not drunk, which everybody else seemed to be.

when we got into the other room and it eventually calmed down the manager apologised from the front and before the re-screening gave out some ice creams, cans of coke, chocolate, and apples (!?) to placate us and said he'd put it on loud. that immediately made him a good guy

it was a smaller room so everyone was packed in close together, but everyone was cheery about it. it was the first time a stranger ever passed me a joint. i was young and that was one of the first times i ever got high. it was a fairly crazy night and for an encore the last half of the film was repeated, so we'd seen the film twice through. everyone was really happy and clapping and cheering along in a complete turnaround from the angry scene earlier. i remember at the end of the film when they turfed us out there were cheers of ''for he's a jolly good fellow'" for the manager

it was after 4am when it finished, the latest i'd ever stopped out on the sly. luckily on my way out some fellas offered me a lift home and they were really great, playing zeppelin 2 on tape really loud. i was home soon after and had to sneak back in. i was really really tired but elated.

How's it going "jsj?" I hope all is well with you. I amost forgot to answer your comment. Ha Ha! Hmmmmm..., it looks like you were having a good time that night too. Ha Ha! C-O-O-L!!!!!!! ROCK ON!

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Hey they did that too here on Long Island ha ha! But I must say that the audiences here were not as wild & crazy like the ones that you & Evster were in (well at least not the TSRTS midnight shows that I went to, can't speak for all of LI).

How's it going "Stargroves Tangie?" I hope all is well with you. I guess that you can blame it on California! I've heard people from other states (Texas included) stress how crazy those Californians are! I always reply "We're not crazy, its just that Californians have a warped way of expressing themselves!" Believe me when I tell you that the Hawaiians are worse than the Californians. This subject may be the beginning of a new thread, what do you think? Ha Ha! ROCK ON!

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Why hello "lzfan715!" And how's my number one JANIS JOPLIN fan doing? I hope all is well with you. I remembered that scene, I also remembered when everyone in the audience were yelling obscenities to the young man on the bicycle that was delivering the mail to Robert Plant. I swear, the whole stoned audience erupted with loud shouts of foul language. It was a great moment for audience participation. Ha Ha! ROCK ON my friend!

I always wondered why Plant didn't give the poor lad a tip! :lol:

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Back in '76 at one of many midnight shows drunk and stoned, yahooing and so on.

When the flick was over my mate and I got on his motorcycle, rode about 50 metres at about 60kph (40mph) and cummagutsa (crashed) at a set of traffic lights.

Some arsehole let down the front tyre and I spent the rest of the night in the casualty (ER) ward at the local hospital.

My mate was uninjured.

No major damage, just lost a bit of bark but it fucked up what was a terrific night.

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In my opinion, theater management and staff were so scared and nervous in the beginning that they must have always felt that they were volunteering community service by babysitting all of us party animals during the midnight movies.

Yes, I believe this to be the main reason nothing was done by Johnny Law. And there were several occassions when Chicago's Finest were parked outside eyeing us characters in line, as well as a few of the lads stationed inside the theater. They mainly took in the Freak Show with amusement (bemusement?).

And remember, these were the same cops who less than 10 years before were busting hippies' heads at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.

So, that was huge that they now were at peace with Da Stoners.

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I always wondered why Plant didn't give the poor lad a tip! :lol:

How's it going "Evster" my buddy? I hope all is well with you. I just got home from the KNEBWORTH celebration day from one of my many favorite bars. As usual, I'm f*c*ed up! Come to think of it "Evster," I always wondered why Plant didn't tip the lad either. Maybe that's the reason why ZEPPELIN fanatics hate the maillad, because Plant didn't tip him or commend him for doing a great job. Maybe the lad was late delivering the mail and Plant was nodding his head with disappointment when he read the letter which broke the news that the band had to depart for the U.S. the next day. As Jonesy said in the movie, "THIS IS TOMORROW!" ROCK ON my friend!

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Back in '76 at one of many midnight shows drunk and stoned, yahooing and so on.

When the flick was over my mate and I got on his motorcycle, rode about 50 metres at about 60kph (40mph) and cummagutsa (crashed) at a set of traffic lights.

Some arsehole let down the front tyre and I spent the rest of the night in the casualty (ER) ward at the local hospital.

My mate was uninjured.

No major damage, just lost a bit of bark but it fucked up what was a terrific night.

How's it going "Reggie29?" I hope all is well with you. O-U-C-H!!!!!!! You had a great night gone wrong! I hate that when it happens. In California, we had the midnight movies on Friday and Saturday nights. I went to one midnight movie at a different theater (New theater just opened) on the other side of town for the first time with my best friends and we all had a great time by getting drunk and stoned, throwing milk duds and ice at the screen and doing our well known popular trademark by lighting bottle rockets in the auditorium in hopes of concimating the new theater. When the movie was over, we walked outside of the theater only to be greeted and arrested by the police. My friends and I would be banned from that theater for life! ROCK ON!

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Yes, I believe this to be the main reason nothing was done by Johnny Law. And there were several occassions when Chicago's Finest were parked outside eyeing us characters in line, as well as a few of the lads stationed inside the theater. They mainly took in the Freak Show with amusement (bemusement?).

And remember, these were the same cops who less than 10 years before were busting hippies' heads at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.

So, that was huge that they now were at peace with Da Stoners.

How's it going "dpat?" I hope all is well with you. I bet that Chicago's finest really got a crash course on craziness at a LED ZEPPELIN midnight movie, I would have loved to have seen the look on their faces when the rude awakening kicked in. Ha Ha! What's the section for craziness or disorderly conduct called in police terms, 5150? In Sacramento, cops in the parking lot didn't discourage the ZEPPELIN fanatics from having a good time. There is a saying in Sacramento, if cops ever needed to make quick desperate arrests in order to meet their monthly quotas, all they had to do was hang out outside in the parking lot at the midnight movies and they would make enough arrest quotas for six months. Thanks for your comment and ROCK ON!

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How's it going "Reggie29?" I hope all is well with you. O-U-C-H!!!!!!! You had a great night gone wrong! I hate that when it happens. In California, we had the midnight movies on Friday and Saturday nights. I went to one midnight movie at a different theater (New theater just opened) on the other side of town for the first time with my best friends and we all had a great time by getting drunk and stoned, throwing milk duds and ice at the screen and doing our well known popular trademark by lighting bottle rockets in the auditorium in hopes of concimating the new theater. When the movie was over, we walked outside of the theater only to be greeted and arrested by the police. My friends and I would be banned from that theater for life! ROCK ON!

All good here ZFF, I hope all's well with you!

Bled (for) Zeppelin! :rolleyes:

Another prank we got up to was rolling Jaffas (orange coated chocolate candy orbs), down the aisle.

In those days they didn't have carpet on the floor and they made a hell of a racket especially from way back in the cinema.

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Bled (for) Zeppelin! :rolleyes:

Another prank we got up to was rolling Jaffas (orange coated chocolate candy orbs), down the aisle.

In those days they didn't have carpet on the floor and they made a hell of a racket especially from way back in the cinema.

How's it going "Reggie29?" :lol: Ha Ha! ROCK ON my friend!

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First of all I just have to say thanks ZepFanForever for making such an enjoyable and excellent thread and thanks to all those who have contributed, so :goodpost: to all of you ;)

Second, why cant i have been a teenager in the 70's/80's :lol: . No real experiences for me, errrr. I remember watching it for the first time and having an un-planned Zep marathon (watched the official DVD, then watched TSRTS again).

So, yeh :D

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At a Midngight Movie showing of TSRTS in the 1980's .... as a Joke, when the scene with Robert's kids playing in the brook naked came on... I said "Wow !! Look at that !!!! ......."

And the guy with his date sitting behind me reaction was to say ---- "Pervert" !

I still have a Laugh about that even today ! !

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First of all I just have to say thanks ZepFanForever for making such an enjoyable and excellent thread and thanks to all those who have contributed, so :goodpost: to all of you ;)

Second, why cant i have been a teenager in the 70's/80's :lol: . No real experiences for me, errrr. I remember watching it for the first time and having an un-planned Zep marathon (watched the official DVD, then watched TSRTS again).

So, yeh :D

How's it going "ledzep45?" I hope all is well with you. Thank you for your kind words, it really makes me feel good that I can contribute enjoyable threads like many of our fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics do here on the forum. Believe it or not, I have learned a lot from the young men and women here on the forum. Your kind words has even moved as well as inspired me deep within myself, to continue writing more enjoyable threads for everyone to read with hopes that everyone will either gain more knowledge or have a good laugh. I just hope that all of the younger teenage men and women that are reading here on the forum, don't pick up and learn some of my bad habits when I was a teenager. Ha Ha! JUST KIDDING! I know that many of you young men and women here on the forum are a lot more smarter and maturer than I was when I was a young teenager thinking that I was an adult. As the saying goes, "LIVE AND LEARN!" ROCK ON!

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At a Midngight Movie showing of TSRTS in the 1980's .... as a Joke, when the scene with Robert's kids playing in the brook naked came on... I said "Wow !! Look at that !!!! ......."

And the guy with his date sitting behind me reaction was to say ---- "Pervert" !

I still have a Laugh about that even today ! !

How's it going "The Rover?" I hope all is well with you. The guy with his date were probably seeing TSRTS for the first time. I've heard a lot of disappointed first timers in the theater say that they now hate LED ZEPPELIN because they are strange and weird. Unfortunately, some of the few first timers that I heard in the theater, learned a hard valuable lesson not to say that they hate LED ZEPPELIN around ZEPPELIN fanatics watching TSRTS at the midnight movies. BAD MISTAKE! Thanks for your comment and ROCK ON my friend!

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How's it going "ledzep45?" I hope all is well with you. Thank you for your kind words, it really makes me feel good that I can contribute enjoyable threads like many of our fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics do here on the forum. Believe it or not, I have learned a lot from the young men and women here on the forum. Your kind words has even moved as well as inspired me deep within myself, to continue writing more enjoyable threads for everyone to read with hopes that everyone will either gain more knowledge or have a good laugh. I just hope that all of the younger teenage men and women that are reading here on the forum, don't pick up and learn some of my bad habits when I was a teenager. Ha Ha! JUST KIDDING! I know that many of you young men and women here on the forum are a lot more smarter and maturer than I was when I was a young teenager thinking that I was an adult. As the saying goes, "LIVE AND LEARN!" ROCK ON!

Your welcome ZFF ;)

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How's it going "The Rover?" I hope all is well with you. The guy with his date were probably seeing TSRTS for the first time. I've heard a lot of disappointed first timers in the theater say that they now hate LED ZEPPELIN because they are strange and weird. Unfortunately, some of the few first timers that I heard in the theater, learned a hard valuable lesson not to say that they hate LED ZEPPELIN around ZEPPELIN fanatics watching TSRTS at the midnight movies. BAD MISTAKE! Thanks for your comment and ROCK ON my friend!

hey zeppfanforever how's it going?

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Second, why cant i have been a teenager in the 70's/80's

It wasn't always so great! The Cold War. Nixon. Viet Nam. Inflation. Gas "crisis". Very long prison terms for possession. Reagan. Lots of crime in the cities, which were much dirtier than now (okay, maybe that hasn't changed in some impoverished areas - end the drug prohibition !!). Air pollution. Disco EVERYWHERE. New Wave music. No internet. No websites. No hi-def TV. No Zeppelin bulletin board, just news about the band once a year or so.

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