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Led Zeppelin Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


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I've put a blog up that can be accessed from the main website at www.LedZeppelinStar.com

I will post any news or progress in the campaign here, in addition to emailing those of you who have sent me their email addresses.

Keep the signatures coming! Thanks.

Rocky LedZeppelinStar.com

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Kudos to you Rocky for all the effort & work you are putting into this fine endeavor! Have you thought about making a MySpace page for LedZeppelinStar? And what about other networking sites like Facebook? Another appropriate site would be www.eventful.com where you can create a "Demand" to have performers, events, etc, brought to your city. I tried to make one for you there but it wouldn't go through, I think it's because it needs to be in the city that you're listed under.

Just a suggestion, I'm not trying to give you any extra workload. :)

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Kudos to you Rocky for all the effort & work you are putting into this fine endeavor! Have you thought about making a MySpace page for LedZeppelinStar? And what about other networking sites like Facebook? Another appropriate site would be www.eventful.com where you can create a "Demand" to have performers, events, etc, brought to your city. I tried to make one for you there but it wouldn't go through, I think it's because it needs to be in the city that you're listed under.

Just a suggestion, I'm not trying to give you any extra workload. smile.gif

that a really good idea you might get a little more attention this way

i put a link on my page

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I really do appreciate your input and support.

As far as getting more people to sign, I would think it would be a no-brainer for true Zeppelin fans. I mean, after all, it's not an imposition or great sacrifice to click a link and show your support. I'm actually amazed so many have signed so far. I have found people, in most aspects of life, are willing to talk the talk, but.....The main hurdle I see is getting the word out to as many people as I can. In that effort, I have been contacting radio stations, newspapers and any other media I can to tell them what I am trying to do. Some have responded and helped, some I have never heard back from. My primary goal right now is to get the approval to proceed from the group themselves. If that doesn't happen, I'm beating my head against the wall. I'm getting ready to send another letter to Led Zeppelin and their management. I love this group and their music so much that I will NOT stop.



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Just help to get the word out and get more signatures. Or any help getting word to Zeppelin themselves. I'm getting ready to send another letter, and I have a few friends that either know Jimmy or Robert or know someone else who does, and they have sent word to them through those channels as well. Thanks for you comments and help.


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Kudos to Zepstar for trying to make this happen. Unfortunately it appears that the fans here and around the world are apathetic to this idea.

Compare ledzeppelinstar.com to savethecanadiangrandprix.com. The latter website was started LAST FRIDAY. It has OVER 6500 signatures in 5 days.

To those here who signed :thumbsup:

As far as the rest, agree or disagree with the concept or the "walk of fame" deal your lack of participation is obvious.

I wonder if the idea was started by one of the “cool kids” from the old board, or a “friend of the band” insider………How many would have signed??????????

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Yesterday October 15, 2008 I received a letter from the offices of Jimmy Page’s accountant, Joan Hudson & Co, and it reads as follows:

Dear Rocky,

Led Zeppelin Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

There are two letters relating to the above, addressed to Jimmy Page, which have been passed to me. I have now had the opportunity of discussing these with Jimmy, he has asked me to thank you for this interest but he does not feel that this is something that he can endorse.

Yours sincerely,

Joan Hudson

So there it is. I am going to keep this website up and the petition going, and will still continue to send information and letters to the band. I do especially want to thank all of you for your support and wonderful comments over the past two months. I am very discouraged by this news, but after a short break, will continue in my own way. I believe this would have been a great honor for the fans to bestow on Led Zeppelin and know many of you did too.

Rocky Dickerson

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Not sure why Jimmy would be against this at this time. Maybe he feels the recognition for The Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is no big deal and was just started by a zealous fan. Or perhaps he is far too busy with other current projects to devote time to this. I hope it's the latter. Anyway, keep pursuing. Maybe you need to pursue by way of other avenues to get more support (more signatures) on this venture. Considering that there are about 1,600 views on this topic, you'd think some of them would sign it. Somehow, I hope this works out for you. Don't give up just yet. Maybe you need to talk to other people with ties to the band, to hopefully convince Jimmy to change his mind.


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Not sure why Jimmy would be against this at this time. Maybe he feels the recognition for The Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is no big deal and was just started by a zealous fan. Or perhaps he is far too busy with other current projects to devote time to this. I hope it's the latter. Anyway, keep pursuing. Maybe you need to pursue by way of other avenues to get more support (more signatures) on this venture. Considering that there are about 1,700 views on this topic, you'd think some of them would sign it. Somehow, I hope this works out for you. Don't give up just yet. Maybe you need to talk to other people with ties to the band, to hopefully convince Jimmy to change his mind.


Was Led Zeppelin ever really a part of the whole Hollywood scene? I was really too young to keep up with them in the '70s when they were touring, but they don't strike me as the Hollywood types. Page may not feel any type of connection to Hollywood.

And by the way, does Page have unilateral decision-making power in these types of decisions? Or does he have to consult (at least manager-to-manager or by email) with the other two? Is the remainder of the Led Zeppelin business a democracy (all three collaborate on decisions) or an autocracy with Page making the decisons? Just wondering.

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Was Led Zeppelin ever really a part of the whole Hollywood scene?

They were definately central figures on The Sunset Strip scene when in town and LA was considered to be their spiritual home, if only on a superficial level. In the aftermath

of Robert's crash he and Jimmy resided in Malibu, working steadily on what became 'Presence'. The bond between the people of LA and Led Zeppelin is still quite deep.

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Not sure why Jimmy would be against this at this time. Maybe he feels the recognition for The Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is no big deal and was just started by a zealous fan. Or perhaps he is far too busy with other current projects to devote time to this. I hope it's the latter. Anyway, keep pursuing. Maybe you need to pursue by way of other avenues to get more support (more signatures) on this venture. Considering that there are about 1,700 views on this topic, you'd think some of them would sign it. Somehow, I hope this works out for you. Don't give up just yet. Maybe you need to talk to other people with ties to the band, to hopefully convince Jimmy to change his mind.


I think your partly right as those stars usually go to people that have finished their careers. I take it that Jimmy has other ideas :)

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They were definately central figures on The Sunset Strip scene when in town and LA was considered to be their spiritual home, if only on a superficial level. In the aftermath

of Robert's crash he and Jimmy resided in Malibu, working steadily on what became 'Presence'. The bond between the people of LA and Led Zeppelin is still quite deep.

And let's not forget where they stayed in L.A, the Continental Hyatt House and frequented the Rainbow Bar and Grill as well. They were definitely part of the scene here. Maybe not part of the elite Hollywood scene, but as you said certainly as being central figures in the scene on The Strip.

And also, perhaps Jimmy is thinking that this isn't exactly a priority for him and the others from Led Zeppelin at this time. He probably has more important things to deal with on his plate.

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I was there.

And let's not forget where they stayed in L.A, the Continental Hyatt House and frequented the Rainbow Bar and Grill as well. They were definitely part of the scene here. Maybe not part of the elite Hollywood scene, but as you said certainly as being central figures in the scene on The Strip.


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I am NOT giving up. I have another TV interview tomorrow to discuss this development. I will email you all the link. Thanks to ALL!. To those naysayers out there, get a life and move on. You are boring the shit out of me. I'm sure you have better things to do.


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