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Led Zeppelin Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


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We're nearing the 100 mark for petition signatures, surprisingly low for the number of hits on various Led Zeppelin forums I have posted on (over 1800 hits total). But on the up side, some of the comments on the petition have been heart-felt and inspirational. Thanks to all of you who have signed and support the effort.


LedZeppelinStar.com :banana:

You might get more sigs now.It has made it to the newswire/alerts.


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No, probably Cadillac commercials.

Seriously, I don't think anything we, the fans, can do if at all possible is bad. If our intentions are well-meaning, that's all that really matters. But that could just be how I feel (and others considering the response).

There are some truly talented and respected artists who have stars on the walk, and I don't feel they or their fans feel its demeaning in any way. I could list some of them that are in the same echelon as Zeppelin, but don't feel that's necessary.

As I have said before, I respect your opinion, just don't agree with it.

As far as California is concerned, I agree with you, at least anything south or west of Sacramento.


LOL! Can we revise that to south of San Luis Obispo? 'Cause then I'd agree with you.

(Proud Northern & Eastern Californian here...)

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Everyone does have an opinion.........................

May I....

Hollywood is exactly everything that Led Zeppelin wasn't.

I pass....

Your good intentions are not missed though. However, in my view, this is the band that set the tone of rock history. Bigger than a slab of cement in Hollywood - a way of life which they never courted nor invited in.

What else befits these rock gods than an honor from their own home. Whatdyathink of a street, a boulevard, a landmark named Zeppelin in UK for instance....? There's a place called Strawberry Fields somewhere in UK. I'm sure the British fans can come up with one for their well-deserved icons....

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I respect your declination, but obviously do not agree. L.A. was by most counts Zeppelin's favorite tour destination, and this effort is one that to a great degree, the fan's can start and get more involved in, more so than some corporate award bestowed upon them, not that is wrong either. Thank you for your comment.

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Hi everyone-

I did a telephone interview this morning with a Dublin Ireland radio station at www.phantom.ie that will be broadcast twice tomorrow morning at 10:30 am and again at 12:30 pm, Irish time.

I also was contacted and did a short TV interview that will be broadcast here locally in Chico CA tonight. It should be available to view online at their site at www.knvn.com later tonight or tomorrow.

I was nervous as hell, but did it anyway. Hope they don't edit me into saying something stupider than I probably did anyway!!

Now if Zep would contact me (And approve of course!).


Let's get Led Zeppelin a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! Sign the online petition.


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lmfao, Yeah i mean a) you wouldnt see that door is a million years even if it exsisted lol

And B) I have just shared the link towards my facebook page, Some more of us doing the same might help the numbers alot just a thought.

But all in all it is something needed i mean cmon why isnt it there already? a masterpeice like Led Zeppelin should be show cased... not hidden like a book of the occult, or should it?

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Once we get to 1000 signatures, I am sending the petition to Zeppelin and their management as an indication of our desire to see this happen. As to whether or not this happens is totally in Zeppelin's hands. They must approve in writing of this effort then we can move on to the actual nomination process and fund raising efforts. The nomination application can only be submitted once a year in May, which is why I started this so early. I've already sent out letters on 3 separate occasions asking for Zeppelin's support, but haven't heard anything yet. But then again, they HAVE been busy as of late! I will keep all posted on any changes or progress that happens. Thanks for the support!



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We seem to have reached a stagnant point in the signature gathering process for the Led Zeppelin Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame campaign. I'd like to ask all of you to sign, if you haven't already done so, and let your Zeppelin friends know about the site and ask them to sign too, and pass the info on to their friends also. Thanks to you all so much for your continued support!


LedZeppelinStar.com :rolleyes:

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I hope you all had a great weekend, I did. I saw Robert Plant with Alison Krauss this past Saturday 10/04/08 at Konocti Harbor here in California. I put some photos I took on the website if you want to take a look. Sign the petition while you're there if you haven't already, we're at 651 right now. Thanks for your support!



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