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Jimmy Page Arrives In Toronto


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I can understand your point of view. I may have emphasized somewhat.

I only hope that the celebrities are comfortable when being enclosed or real close to seeking fans.

Obviously if a person wasn't , they would do something about it and make it so.

Hence, the 20 armed guards around some famous folks.

As long as JP is unbothered , I chill and relax.

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Two months...DAMN IT, I CAN'T WAIT TWO MONTHS!!! What am I suppose to do in the meantime?

Well , you could always try and watch every shrapnel of amazing LZ footage available.

Include some solo Page efforts and it will take you years to really absorb it all.

I've been listening to and watching all audio and video Zeppelin live performances for 30 plus years now and still have a ton of shows on file that need listening for the first time.

My advise is to enjoy ...............

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If I honestly was to access the JP security , I would grade it poor.

We need improvements to ensure safety is my honest opinion.

Maybe it's a reflection of the TIFF measures, but I still think JP should consider a tighter ship.

"We need improvements"? Who do you think you are? Isn't security about how the individual in question feels, not about how their fans feel? Or are you worried that you might do something to hurt Jimmy?

Not everyone is out to get you - the western world statistically is a very calm and safe place. The threat you feel is obviously a perceived threat, not an actual threat. Why should Page create an artificial barrier between himself and his fans, if he is comfortable with the current arrangement?

If Page survived the 70s, why would he be under threat now?

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"We need improvements"? Who do you think you are? Isn't security about how the individual in question feels, not about how their fans feel? Or are you worried that you might do something to hurt Jimmy?

Not everyone is out to get you - the western world statistically is a very calm and safe place. The threat you feel is obviously a perceived threat, not an actual threat. Why should Page create an artificial barrier between himself and his fans, if he is comfortable with the current arrangement?

If Page survived the 70s, why would he be under threat now?

I realized earlier that I embellished my words and did try to undertone them when responding to the first anti response.

It's all good man . And even thinking of a negative is all wrong so let it go .

I was wrong to make too much of it.

It just irks me that a simple guy like me , with no restrictions was that close to someone so important to many.

I'm too observant of 911 and other awful atrocities.

It's not a bad thing to worry about the welfare of others.


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Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they are more important, and just because you're normal doesn't mean you should be shielded from celebrities.

In the 40+ year since Jimmy has been in the public eye, what has been the biggest threat to his personage? Crazy fans? Political freaks? No. A train door, a chain link fence and a rock in his back garden. If anything, Jimmy needs protection from himself, not from others.

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A person's spirit and soul ultimately is the last form of safety.

Your aura will prevail.

JP's has been nothing short of miraculous , so in that regard , OK , let all the crazies and who know's as close as possible.

Like the idiots throwing firecrackers in NY back in 77 -- just a small point that's all.

In my world we protect at all costs. Perhaps a little P Grant in me .

Guard the treasure .

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I realized earlier that I embellished my words and did try to undertone them when responding to the first anti response.

It's all good man . And even thinking of a negative is all wrong so let it go .

I was wrong to make too much of it.

It just irks me that a simple guy like me , with no restrictions was that close to someone so important to many.I'm too observant of 911 and other awful atrocities.

It's not a bad thing to worry about the welfare of others.


You and everyone else is just as important as Jimmy Page or any other member of Led Zeppelin. I am a firm believer in not idolizing people or worshiping them. This is what makes people crazy, especially with the media whipping them into a frenzy. I love the music and enjoy reading anecdotes about them but it is all based in the reality that they are human just like me. I could write a book on this subject. lol So, I'll get off my soapbox now. :)

I enjoyed reading Halfin's diary entry about Jimmy freely walking the streets in Beijing. Thats the way it should be. B)

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Well , you could always try and watch every shrapnel of amazing LZ footage available.

Include some solo Page efforts and it will take you years to really absorb it all.

I've been listening to and watching all audio and video Zeppelin live performances for 30 plus years now and still have a ton of shows on file that need listening for the first time.

My advise is to enjoy ...............

Have plenty of audio and video of my own. Have always enjoyed it and always will. That's a guarantee.

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I enjoyed reading Halfin's diary entry about Jimmy freely walking the streets in Beijing. Thats the way it should be. B)

Yeah, no kidding, yet...from what I read, it seems that Peter Grant created that air of mystique surrounding him, making him rather non accessable back in their hay days, plus he seems to love it. If I got to meet him, I think my first words would be... what the *uck took you so long? :rolleyes:

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You and everyone else is just as important as Jimmy Page or any other member of Led Zeppelin. I am a firm believer in not idolizing people or worshiping them. This is what makes people crazy, especially with the media whipping them into a frenzy. I love the music and enjoy reading anecdotes about them but it is all based in the reality that they are human just like me. I could write a book on this subject. lol So, I'll get off my soapbox now. :)

Good post, it hits the nail on the top! :D

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If you go outside of the box and think ---- then .........

we are all just little specs on a little ball in a cesspool of more tiny balls and on and on.

So, on that frontier , of course we are all just humans , equal and no different then one another.

I wish you could hear some of my song lyrics regarding this subject.

Seems like I opened up a good can of worms here ----- lol

There's nothing wrong with a good old debate with opinions.

The only trouble is that sometimes the typed words can come out sounding different then intentioned.

I'm not one to ever shy away from a decent conversation.


And on the ever continuing story line here ----

We're just preparing here now for the second public screening of It Might Get Loud.

We are hoping for an appearance by you know who. Dream , dream dream .

The updates will arrive later upon our return.

Have a wonderous day !!!!


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I'm guessing Jimmy's security team over the years has done a pretty good job. He looks happy and healthy, and there's been nothing reported about any crazy fan episodes thank god. Obviously we don't know everything, but I'm sure something would have made the news over the years. Maybe it's Jimmy who doesn't want to be surrounded by bodyguards everytime he leaves his house like the pictures you see of Britney or the Olsen Twins. I'm sure he (and Robert and JPJ) want to stay as "normal" as possible.

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(hats off to) zepp-4-life. these have all been excellent posts, and i personally appreciate the time you have taken to share. i would expect nothing less from a true jimmy page fan. can't wait to see this film and i'm betting we'll get new music from page one way or another soon.

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(hats off to) zepp-4-life. these have all been excellent posts, and i personally appreciate the time you have taken to share. i would expect nothing less from a true jimmy page fan. can't wait to see this film and i'm betting we'll get new music from page one way or another soon.


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We just arrived at home after the second screening of IMGL.

The theater was a nice spacious room at the AMC third floor.

Sadly , I must report that any of the cast or crew did not attend.

The MC , introducer of the film was the same gentleman who handled the same duties for the premiere showing on Friday.

He began by informing us that JP had left town , and that the others where also on their travels.

So , if true, that pretty much sums it up for this episode in Page-arazzi 2008.

And I hope that stirs a chuckle or two .

We will still keep our ears and eyes firmly to the rumor-mill for any other developments.


From a much better seat ( compared to the neck breakers on Friday night ) the film had a much nicer look and feel.

Contrary to some , I really find this movie to have character and feel.

The individuals are very nicely probed and offer up some real personality.

Just seeing JP so alive and smiling , for me , was enough to make anyone think happy thoughts.


A personal thank you to the great people here for the endorsement's and cool vibes.

It's a happy world if we try !!!!


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Well you did well Z4L... great videos from the past few days!

We all had such a good time and it really was nice to meet you and your friend .

Sorry , can't remember her name , wouldn't say it online anyway -- lol.

Funny thing was when you told me that you were expecting to meet a teenager.

Now that's a kicker in the laugh gut. At this point in life we start taking the age jokes as compliments ----- hahaha !!!

For the few of us that were lucky enough to experience this all , I just would like to say that it's nice when others take a happy approach and enjoy what we have to say.

Toronto thanks all the cheers. I hope we did you all proud.

And I also hope that JP enjoyed his stay so he will come back soon and take me up on my offer of BBQ ribs and acoustic jam in the backyard -------- ( wish ) .

Back to you folks .............

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I think i've seen all the videos, but my English is not that good :( Can anyone tell me in which video Jimmy says those things about another zepp reunion? "It’s nothing as monumental as what people are speculating and projecting." etc..

thanks in advance :)

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I think i've seen all the videos, but my English is not that good :( Can anyone tell me in which video Jimmy says those things about another zepp reunion? "It’s nothing as monumental as what people are speculating and projecting." etc..

thanks in advance :)

So far I am only aware of this information being in print.

No video has been sourced . That I know to date so far.


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