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In through the Outdoor cover mystery...


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Hi this is my first post here....been a HUGE Zeppelin fan for 21 years now...


Here's the mystery I am trying to unravel;

I am collecting all the In through the outdoor covers on vinyl and I have 1 cover (or back cover) that is driving me crazy. I saw it recently in the black bound cd set where they show all the cover and back cover imagery but don't really give any liner notes to which matches with which/ I did a wikipedia search and saw all the covers and this piece was NOT one of them....

In through the outdoor wikipedia

I can't seem to figure out if this is actually a cover or back cover...or if it even exists on a vinyl edition??

The piece is specifically the one below with NO color swatch on it. The "characters" are all doing something slightly different than in the color swatched piece and it is cropped slightly different. I posted both because they are so similar and I didn't want any confusion if I just verbally explained it.

Is this image (the one on the left), a cover or a back cover (and if it is a back cover what is the front cover image on the vinyl). And does anyone have it here?

This cover was HUGE influence on me as well as the Houses of the Holy cover (I am an artist working for Warner Brothers for the last 13 years) and I would love to solve this mystery and get this version into my collection asap/

any help would be greatly appreciated!

(my apologies if this isn't the correct spot for this post...I wasn't sure if this would be considered trivia)

thanks very much in advance.



Edited by Blasterkid
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Blaster, I could be wrong but that swatch could be correlated to the flame on the lit match. The frame on the left does not have a lit match, so I believe we are to think it was just before the match was struck.

Thorgerson's Web site is fantastic, Aspensound. It'd been quite a while since I looked at it, thanks for the refresher. I missed him speaking in Chicago a few years ago and was very disappointed.

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Hi this is my

I am collecting all the In through the outdoor covers on vinyl and I have 1 cover (or back cover) that is driving me crazy. I saw it recently in the black bound cd set where they show all the cover and back cover imagery but don't really give any liner notes to which matches with which/ I did a wikipedia search and saw all the covers and this piece was NOT one of them....

any help would be greatly appreciated!

(my apologies if this isn't the correct spot for this post...I wasn't sure if this would be considered trivia)


I think it's a joke or you didn't check it carefully.

This is the back cover of the japanese / european CD (vinyl-like reissue) 7567 92443 5.


(and please, forget about wikipedia ...)


once again the 6 covers

Edited by LukeTheDuke
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Maybe you should ask it directly from man who did the cover (or was one of the artists)

Storm Thorgerson. Maybe he could help you (and us?)


I'd feel funny dropping him a note about the actual packaging of the records....I know obviously he did all the art/photography....it's a thought though so thanks a lot. I have gotten some very good leads.


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thanks Luke...no the post isn't a joke./

I think I've gotten the correct info.....the piece I am looking for is the back cover of your top row (middle) cover. (technically the "a' cover)


It looks to me like all the front covers have the color swatch and the back covers don't. (basing this on the three I have at home)

These covers have evolved for me in a very interesting way....when I was 16 and well...on LSD (hangs head in shame....well, slight shame) I was just blown away by all the compositional brilliance Storm put into these.....The layouts and positioning of everything would make Stanley Kubrick proud....it's really an unbelievable feat and must have taken days to design and organize...I feel like very little in the photo of the messy bar was "left to chance" instead most items and even all the papers and down to glasses and just littlest detail was carefully placed, lit, and then shot.

now as a working artist for some 15 years I appreciate these covers even more today...

I have 3 of them and I am just going to get them all...I think this and Houses of Holy are the two greatest album covers of all time (the inner sleeve/spread on Houses is also just an incredible image)

thanks for all the posts!


I think it's a joke or you didn't check it carefully.

This is the back cover of the japanese / european CD (vinyl-like reissue) 7567 92443 5.


(and please, forget about wikipedia ...)


once again the 6 covers

Edited by Blasterkid
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thanks Luke...no the post isn't a joke./

I think I've gotten the correct info.....the piece I am looking for is the back cover of your top row (middle) cover. (technically the "a' cover)


It looks to me like all the front covers have the color swatch and the back covers don't. (basing this on the three I have at home)

These covers have evolved for me in a very interesting way....when I was 16 and well...on LSD (hangs head in shame....well, slight shame) I was just blown away by all the compositional brilliance Storm put into these.....The layouts and positioning of everything would make Stanley Kubrick proud....it's really an unbelievable feat and must have taken days to design and organize...I feel like very little in the photo of the messy bar was "left to chance" instead most items and even all the papers and down to glasses and just littlest detail was carefully placed, lit, and then shot.

now as a working artist for some 15 years I appreciate these covers even more today...

I have 3 of them and I am just going to get them all...I think this and Houses of Holy are the two greatest album covers of all time (the inner sleeve/spread on Houses is also just an incredible image)

thanks for all the posts!


In addition to the flame burning out I think the color swatch represents the original inner sleeve of the album which appears to be black and white but turns to water colors if you moisten it with saliva or water.

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I'd feel funny dropping him a note about the actual packaging of the records....I know obviously he did all the art/photography....it's a thought though so thanks a lot. I have gotten some very good leads.


No, send e-mail to him , it´s not a big thing.

I´m sure someone answer from there to you. :thumbsup:

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  • 11 years later...
On 10/15/2008 at 10:58 PM, Blasterkid said:

I have 3 of them and I am just going to get them all...I think this and Houses of Holy are the two greatest album covers of all time (the inner sleeve/spread on Houses is also just an incredible image)

thanks for all the posts!


Greetings Rich,

If you are still pursuing collecting all 6 of the ITTOD album covers, here's a clue to make it easy for you. If you look on the spline about 1 inch down from the top they are lettered A - F.  I noticed this years ago early '80s before cd's took over. I used to go into the store and with thumb nail peel down through the plastic wrap to reveal the letter, some if you shook the album you could get it to shift enough to reveal the letter whereas the paper bag cover did not go all the way to the top. This is how I got all 6. Discovered this all on my own, no internet back then, noticed a friends version had a different cover and that's when I started investigating. Started checking all my friends and relatives record collections, noticed 3 different covers, then closely examining found they were lettered on the spline. Now a days going to used record stores or record conventions it should be easy, they are already opened, just check your collection see what letters you have and look for the remaining ones you don't have. 

Good luck searching!



Edited by Isilduir
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  • 1 year later...

Hi all

I just won a bid for ITTOD on ebay, and the vinyl (which btw was graded EX by the seller but wasn't ever GOOD) came without cover, just the inner sleeve and the brown paper bag. I complained and the seller replied that it's one of the first pressings which came without cover. I didn't believe that and also couldn't find any confirmation of the seller's claim. Can anybody please comment on this.



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6 hours ago, DannyTheSchmuck said:

Hi all

I just won a bid for ITTOD on ebay, and the vinyl (which btw was graded EX by the seller but wasn't ever GOOD) came without cover, just the inner sleeve and the brown paper bag. I complained and the seller replied that it's one of the first pressings which came without cover. I didn't believe that and also couldn't find any confirmation of the seller's claim. Can anybody please comment on this.



Sounds like bullspit to me. You got taken for a ride. I'd file a complaint with eBay to see if you can get your money back. Also, that seller should have their account suspended. 

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11 hours ago, DannyTheSchmuck said:

Hi all

I just won a bid for ITTOD on ebay, and the vinyl (which btw was graded EX by the seller but wasn't ever GOOD) came without cover, just the inner sleeve and the brown paper bag. I complained and the seller replied that it's one of the first pressings which came without cover. I didn't believe that and also couldn't find any confirmation of the seller's claim. Can anybody please comment on this.



You got screwed. File a complaint.

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On 11/20/2021 at 11:00 AM, DannyTheSchmuck said:

Hi all

I just won a bid for ITTOD on ebay, and the vinyl (which btw was graded EX by the seller but wasn't ever GOOD) came without cover, just the inner sleeve and the brown paper bag. I complained and the seller replied that it's one of the first pressings which came without cover. I didn't believe that and also couldn't find any confirmation of the seller's claim. Can anybody please comment on this.



Oh mate, you have been royally ripped off, taken for a "Schmuck". As it's eBay make a complaint you will get your money back, probably get to keep the LP too.

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