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Mick Wall Interview


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The contingent on this board who give Plant his due can't even handle it when someone does nothing more than give Jimmy Page his propers... :(

Don't think that was the point at all. It's not a matter of not giving Page his proper due- I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who doesn't have the utmost respect for his talent and contributions to music. What people have issue with is the Robert versus Jimmy deal which Kentucky Girl pointed out is not how she feels at all nor is it how most people here feel (that I can tell). Or the Jimmy was the real bulk of Zep's success which simply isn't true. Jimmy may have been producing the records but he'd have nothing to produce without the other three and you can't deny the band's success was all four of them together regardless.

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Only if it was genius. :)

I would buy any work performed/produced by Page, be it rock, bluegrass or children's music. I am very serious about that. He has already proven that he is a genius. And so has Plant and JPJ. That is my point exactly, I support all three of them.

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The contingent on this board who give Plant his due can't even handle it when someone does nothing more than give Jimmy Page his propers... :(

I've noticed that, too. But, really, I don't get the big deal. We all have our favorites and everyone is entitled to. It was Jimmy's guitar that drew me to Zeppelin and via them, the Yardbirds. I didn't really even notice or listen to the lyrics much at first....I was too busy focusing on those killer riffs. He'll always be my favorite.


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Don't think that was the point at all. It's not a matter of not giving Page his proper due- I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who doesn't have the utmost respect for his talent and contributions to music. What people have issue with is the Robert versus Jimmy deal which Kentucky Girl pointed out is not how she feels at all nor is it how most people here feel (that I can tell). Or the Jimmy was the real bulk of Zep's success which simply isn't true. Jimmy may have been producing the records but he'd have nothing to produce without the other three and you can't deny the band's success was all four of them together regardless.

Please show where I denied the band's success being due to all four of them? What I said was, it took a great producer and band leader to keep that together and moving onward for so long.

Producing the records is a job all its own, and can indeed make or break a band (speaking of the Yardbirds). That's just a fact.

You seem to disagree; perhaps you'd care to actually discuss it? That is, Jimmy's part in the band's success, then and now?

As an aside, do you and Kentucky Girl want to know why the Plant vs. Page thing will never die? It's Plant's fans' inability to be reasonable on this topic, and simply give Page his due. His.

I haven't written about Plant in several posts now, and here you are discussing him again.

I am writing about Page's accomplishments in music, responding to Mick Wall and other people implying that he has something to prove about his artistry. Hell, Wall thinks his lack of recent output is "tragic"... is that really your idea of utmost respect? Because I think it's the opposite. (I also think it's Wall trying to mind fuck the master - well, good luck, buddy! B) )

Me, I'm deeply grateful for his playing in "Dazed and Confused" alone. There's more than one span of guitar playing here and there throughout that catalog and on bootlegs that have healed my very soul. Is that ok to say outloud, or must I also add, well of course Robert is FANTASTIC, every time?

Lack of discussion of Robert Plant for two pages is not perpetuating some kind of bashing party, honest.

I've noticed that, too. But, really, I don't get the big deal. We all have our favorites and everyone is entitled to. It was Jimmy's guitar that drew me to Zeppelin and via them, the Yardbirds. I didn't really even notice or listen to the lyrics much at first....I was too busy focusing on those killer riffs. He'll always be my favorite.


What a lovely post! Cheers! :D

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Since this has gone off topic...Every topic turns the same way. It is an absolute given that if anyone says one cross word about Robert, hiBob hysteria takes over. It has become a joke, and not really worth commenting on.

Btw I do not like Raising Sand, and as a Led Zeppelin fan I am disappointed in what has been taking place in the last year, but I completely respect Robert's decision, as it is the right one for him.

Where is the MEMEMEME song when you need it?

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Since this has gone off topic...Every topic turns the same way. It is an absolute given that if anyone says one cross word about Robert, hiBob hysteria takes over. It has become a joke, and not really worth commenting on.

Well, the important thing is which one would win in a smackdown! I'm thinking Robert UNLESS Jimmy brings his wand! :o Then it's full on Voldemort vs. Gilderoy Lockhart, and guess which is which...... :wizard:

Btw I do not like Raising Sand, and as a Led Zeppelin fan I am disappointed in what has been taking place in the last year, but I completely respect Robert's decision, as it is the right one for him.

Where is the MEMEMEME song when you need it?

Well, you MUST LOVE RAISING SAND! Didn't you get the memo? If you do not, you are not a true Zep fan. :rolleyes:

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Please show where I denied the band's success being due to all four of them? What I said was, it took a great producer and band leader to keep that together and moving onward for so long.

Producing the records is a job all its own, and can indeed make or break a band (speaking of the Yardbirds). That's just a fact.

You seem to disagree; perhaps you'd care to actually discuss it? That is, Jimmy's part in the band's success, then and now?

As an aside, do you and Kentucky Girl want to know why the Plant vs. Page thing will never die? It's Plant's fans' inability to be reasonable on this topic, and simply give Page his due. His.

I haven't written about Plant in several posts now, and here you are discussing him again.

I am writing about Page's accomplishments in music, responding to Mick Wall and other people implying that he has something to prove about his artistry. Hell, Wall thinks his lack of recent output is "tragic"... is that really your idea of utmost respect? Because I think it's the opposite. (I also think it's Wall trying to mind fuck the master - well, good luck, buddy! B) )

Me, I'm deeply grateful for his playing in "Dazed and Confused" alone. There's more than one span of guitar playing here and there throughout that catalog and on bootlegs that have healed my very soul. Is that ok to say outloud, or must I also add, well of course Robert is FANTASTIC, every time?

Lack of discussion of Robert Plant for two pages is not perpetuating some kind of bashing party, honest.

What a lovely post! Cheers! :D

I'm not arguing your talking about Jimmy's accomplishments. Nowhere ever on this board or anywhere have I ever belittled what he's done. I could go on and on about what an amazing musician he is and I'm just as supportive and proud of his contributions to Zep as I am the others. I took what you were saying (and if I misunderstood, I accept that - I'm not trying to argue here) that the bulk of Zep's success went to Jimmy and all I was saying is I feel that's not accurate. I think they all came together with different strengths and it just worked fantastically. Yes Jimmy produced the band and again, I'm not taking that from him or lessening the importance of it, but I'm looking at it from the finished product - the songs.

Again I will say I'm not saying that Robert is better than Jimmy or vice versa. I like them both for different reasons and 100% admire and respect what they've contributed to music. Please don't tell me I don't have the ability to admit to Jimmy's talents because that's simply not true. No one is telling you not to gush either. He's worth gushing over. They both are. And no, neither are fantastic all the time but overall, they're pretty fantastic musicians.

As for Wall's comments, no I don't support what he said. It's his opinion and certainly he's entitled to it but I think he came to it with some axe to grind for whatever reason and it wasn't a fair statement at all.

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Robert Plant is a vital artist for what he has made for himself, on his own.

That's true. It's not regrettable that Jimmy Page is "just" remastering these dvd's and cd's, it's actually good. But wouldn't you want to see him sell new projects as well?

Robert Plant is 4 years younger. Anyone at 12 typically lives with mom.

I think the guy meant that Jimmy Page still has it and can still show so much as an artist.

I wouldnt compare these two, for whatever the avenues they've chosen pre and post-Zep. They made such a magical pair, you can just see the chemistry, so natural and at home beside each other - now and then. If Robert doesn't want to reunite with Zep just to please people it's not his problem. They the four of them complemented each other, and would not have been as successful as they became regardless of who found who or who worked 4 times more. As Robert Plant once said, 4 people who blended so well in like one in a millionth chance, it was pure luck they found each other. If they find each other again (in a project), well bless them and if they don't well bless them just the same. You know Mr Wall was just saying that Robert Plant kept going after the demise of John Bonham, while Jimmy Page lived it all up already. He still has so much potential, just need to tap on the right project. Not to say that Robert Plant was hitting the jackpot at every note, but he kept searchin for his niche, and may have found it in Raising Sand -he deserves so much recognition for the work he has building for himself since 1980. He has no need to apologize to people who just wants to see him a Zeppelin forever. Just to let you know that although I belong in we love Robert Plant club, I don't belong in let's hate Jimmy Page club. I admire these 2 musicians alike for their natural gigantic talents.

Jimmy has done some brilliant work since Led Zeppelin IMO. Some of the songs he has written along with his guitar playing have brought tears to my eyes. (Some not in a good way lol)

Robert has done the same. Am I disappointed Jimmy has not been more active of recent? Sure..We always want to see our favorite musicians produce new and exciting things. I have a lifetime of works to indulge in when needed. I certainly do not need him to collaborate with a different genre to make/proclaim him relevant, as Mick Wall, (David Coverversion to some extent also), and others attest in comparing with Robert. Absolutely silly.

Edited by MrZoSo
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Well, the important thing is which one would win in a smackdown! I'm thinking Robert UNLESS Jimmy brings his wand! :o Then it's full on Voldemort vs. Gilderoy Lockhart, and guess which is which...... :wizard:

Well, you MUST LOVE RAISING SAND! Didn't you get the memo? If you do not, you are not a true Zep fan. :rolleyes:

I forgot to mention, I especially detest the rewritten Led Zeppelin songs done live. Lets hope they drop that horrific version of black dog from the next tour. I must admit Battle Of Evermore wasn't bad...Just not the same without Jimmy. I'd feel the same way if Jimmy did the song without Robert singing BTW.

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The comparisons are silly . What we have here are two very gifted musicians who are brilliant at their craft , have similar tastes yet are unique from one another. Both are more than capable of entering most fields of music and have done so together and as solo artists producing some fabulous music for years. As for the future, who know's. I hope the music is still there but what I don't want is an album for the sake of it.

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Just read about two pages back.

Any Led Zeppelin fan loves the band as a whole. Because that is what they were. A whole. Without ONE it would not have been that. That's why even all these years later, we still love that "whole."

I suppose I may be guilty of not gushing enough for Page. Does not mean for one minute I don't adore and thank the Universe for giving us such an extraordinary musician. Never in my life had I seen a guitarist as Mind-blowing as he. I love Jimmy.

Any..he versus he, is pointless.

That said....I guess Plantlovers, like me...are just a kinder lot. :)



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well everyone's had their say. everyone happy? ^_^

can i have my final say? ^_^

mr zoso: I certainly do not need him to collaborate with a different genre to make/proclaim him relevant

but that is what everyone's been doing these past 30 years isnt it. it doesnt make them less fantastic nor more relevant. just varied (versatile?).

whoever said robert plant is nicheless - i agree that's true. he doesnt really have a staple kind of music, just whatever it is the road that takes him takes him there. raising sand have to say though brought unprecedented success/recognition to robert plant (richly deserved - 30 years of solo work! away from the clout that was zeppelin). and that what i was referring to in wishing the same for jimmy page. and maybe in some miniscule way is what that guy mick wall was trying to get across in his book who knows? but book will not sell if there is not an inch of sensationalism these days eh? as someone said here sorry forgot who, neither of these young men have anymore to prove. honestly with that kind of money i will be holding the remote too all day long lol. (well maybe not lol again). jimmy page whether he continues on with new projects or no will always be the greatest riff of all. no one ever comes close. point is the hotly contested mr. robert plant and his raising sand you know im sure he did not set out to do the project and say this is my grammy. even him seemed surprised at all the kudos theyve earned. well i wish he stays in the limelight till 100 more years. im a robert plant fan first of all so as you can understand he is my maiiiin squeeeze. it doesnt make jimmy page lesser an artist in my mind or eyes.

sunchild: of course i will not dispute anything you say of how great a musician jimmy page is cuz he is (refer to previous para). but only two points. point one: i don't think rock history will have been written the same had it not been robert plant that fronted zep, bonham snared their drums or jpj arranging the backdoor bass and what not not forgetting their manager. i refuse to give credit to one man.

point two: whatever dagger it is you have vs robert plant you can say. it's a free world hey. just the more you post your dislike of him brings out more people that like him out to his defense - rightfully so. it does make the forums lively in case no one notices. or this forum will just another be a mutual admiration club ho hum. i still contend though your criticism of him unobjective, insane and baseless sometimes even pointless. sometimes im beginning to wonder if im hearing sour grapes of a jilted suitor lol. inspite of this must credit you for sticking to your guns when the robert plant army is all up in swing on you. you go girl! anyway, we'll just carry on disagreeing about robert plant. say what you say though his longevity in this business is due to largely to respect of so many inspite those who dont appreciate him. long may you be around mr. plant to entertain us with your talent and charisma!

ok, disagree with you later, im off to the hot pics of robert thread, wanna come sunchild? kiddin.


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well everyone's had their say. everyone happy? ^_^

can i have my final say? ^_^

mr zoso: I certainly do not need him to collaborate with a different genre to make/proclaim him relevant

but that is what everyone's been doing these past 30 years isnt it. it doesnt make them less fantastic nor more relevant. just varied (versatile?).

Don't get me wrong...It took a lot of guts for Robert to do his thing with Alison. As well as it has turned out for him, it could have as easily gone in the other direction. I am very happy for his success, even though I do not care for the partnership in the sense of what it has produced. I am content in his decision with not wanting to make new music with Jimmy and CO. It is what's best for him at this time.

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well everyone's had their say. everyone happy? ^_^

can i have my final say? ^_^

mr zoso: I certainly do not need him to collaborate with a different genre to make/proclaim him relevant

but that is what everyone's been doing these past 30 years isnt it. it doesnt make them less fantastic nor more relevant. just varied (versatile?).

whoever said robert plant is nicheless - i agree that's true. he doesnt really have a staple kind of music, just whatever it is the road that takes him takes him there. raising sand have to say though brought unprecedented success/recognition to robert plant (richly deserved - 30 years of solo work! away from the clout that was zeppelin). and that what i was referring to in wishing the same for jimmy page. and maybe in some miniscule way is what that guy mick wall was trying to get across in his book who knows? but book will not sell if there is not an inch of sensationalism these days eh? as someone said here sorry forgot who, neither of these young men have anymore to prove. honestly with that kind of money i will be holding the remote too all day long lol. (well maybe not lol again). jimmy page whether he continues on with new projects or no will always be the greatest riff of all. no one ever comes close. point is the hotly contested mr. robert plant and his raising sand you know im sure he did not set out to do the project and say this is my grammy. even him seemed surprised at all the kudos theyve earned. well i wish he stays in the limelight till 100 more years. im a robert plant fan first of all so as you can understand he is my maiiiin squeeeze. it doesnt make jimmy page lesser an artist in my mind or eyes.

sunchild: of course i will not dispute anything you say of how great a musician jimmy page is cuz he is (refer to previous para). but only two points. point one: i don't think rock history will have been written the same had it not been robert plant that fronted zep, bonham snared their drums or jpj arranging the backdoor bass and what not not forgetting their manager. i refuse to give credit to one man.

point two: whatever dagger it is you have vs robert plant you can say. it's a free world hey. just the more you post your dislike of him brings out more people that like him out to his defense - rightfully so. it does make the forums lively in case no one notices. or this forum will just another be a mutual admiration club ho hum. i still contend though your criticism of him unobjective, insane and baseless sometimes even pointless. sometimes im beginning to wonder if im hearing sour grapes of a jilted suitor lol. inspite of this must credit you for sticking to your guns when the robert plant army is all up in swing on you. you go girl! anyway, we'll just carry on disagreeing about robert plant. say what you say though his longevity in this business is due to largely to respect of so many inspite those who dont appreciate him. long may you be around mr. plant to entertain us with your talent and charisma!

ok, disagree with you later, im off to the hot pics of robert thread, wanna come sunchild? kiddin.


Where in this thread have I expressed dislike or criticism of Robert Plant? Quotes, please.

You know what's a shame? I used to love Robert Plant. I got back into Zeppelin because I was impressed how vital "Might Rearranger" is, and it led me back where I belong.

Then, I experienced "hiBob Mania" (good one!) Before a year was out, my ardor for Plant was done.

You want unobjective, baseless, insane, even pointless? Read some of his followers; they give sycophancy new meaning. Their inability to think critically (and by that I do not mean just negatively) is no recommendation for Plant, no matter what they think.

Yet somehow, there's something wrong with me (I'm a jilted lover in my fantasies now, huh? - yeah, Hot Plant, the kindness is overwhelming) because I don't think "Fortune Teller" is the musical equivalent of any single given guitar solo in "No Quarter?" (Wait, am I on the Led Zeppelin board? :unsure: )

So, have I talked enough about Robert now? Can we go back to under-discussed topics like Page's technical and business savvy (and innovations), his visual artistry, the fact that as a guitarist he's much more than a riff master?

Seriously, folks, acknowledging Page's singular contributions to Zeppelin is not a put down of Robert Plant, or anyone else.

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and I lay there like a wounded animal while the vile ones poured their poison, asking God, please, watch over me and protect my soul through the long night against the demons who have taken the kind and wonderful one away into the depths of Mordor. Then I woke up feeling better, at least for a while until the next onslaught.

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and I lay there like a wounded animal while the vile ones poured their poison, asking God, please, watch over me and protect my soul through the long night against the demons who have taken the kind and wonderful one away into the depths of Mordor. Then I woke up feeling better, at least for a while until the next onslaught.

I wish that kind and wonderful one will return to cleanse your soul and defeat your demons before your next onslaught.

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I wish that kind and wonderful one will return to cleanse your soul and defeat your demons before your next onslaught.

I must somehow distinguish them from merry elves and reindeer. This Christmas is getting off to a good start, happy!

More eggnog, please. :angel:

“Anybody who has seen those wonderful shows Robert’s done with Alison Krauss knows he is so happy, so enjoying what he’s doing on the stage,” he argues.
Edited by eternal light
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Where in this thread have I expressed dislike or criticism of Robert Plant? Quotes, please.

You know what's a shame? I used to love Robert Plant. I got back into Zeppelin because I was impressed how vital "Might Rearranger" is, and it led me back where I belong.

Then, I experienced "hiBob Mania" (good one!) Before a year was out, my ardor for Plant was done.

You want unobjective, baseless, insane, even pointless? Read some of his followers; they give sycophancy new meaning. Their inability to think critically (and by that I do not mean just negatively) is no recommendation for Plant, no matter what they think.

Yet somehow, there's something wrong with me (I'm a jilted lover in my fantasies now, huh? - yeah, Hot Plant, the kindness is overwhelming) because I don't think "Fortune Teller" is the musical equivalent of any single given guitar solo in "No Quarter?" (Wait, am I on the Led Zeppelin board? :unsure: )

So, have I talked enough about Robert now? Can we go back to under-discussed topics like Page's technical and business savvy (and innovations), his visual artistry, the fact that as a guitarist he's much more than a riff master?

Seriously, folks, acknowledging Page's singular contributions to Zeppelin is not a put down of Robert Plant, or anyone else.

I'm not sure what you mean by hiBob Mania, but it sounds like you have let the opinion of overzealous fans sway you into active dislike of the man. So you loved the guy, but since other loved him even more without taking into consideration any of his weaknesses and faults you now despise him? That's some bizarre logic.

If you want to to talk about Page's accomplishments (technical, business, artistry etc,) please start some threads. There are a lot of experts on board that could weigh in - not me - and with any luck there will be some interesting discussion.

A lot of fans get very defensive when anyone points out that Jimmy has not been as productive as Robert in terms of non-Zeppelin related activity post-Zeppelin. It's not a jab, or a personal attack against Jimmy, it's just a fact. Some fans seem to take it very personally that their favorite artist has been having a relatively dry spell for an extended period of time. I'm grateful for everything JP has given to me in terms of Led Zeppelin (sold actually - that would be the business savvy you speak of :D ), but I am honest enough to admit that I would love to hear anything at all new from him - including nursery rhymes!

I'm not holding my breath though.

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