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"On-Line Dating"


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As I said before, typically it's the man who insists the man pays, not the woman. Just because you have met women of that type before, does not mean all women are like that, nor does it mean that most women are like that. Perhaps you just run with an incredibly shallow crowd? I tend to believe this because you yourself are incredibly shallow.

But insisting doesn't mean anything Bonnie. They are just words. All one has to say is "It's okay, i will pay for myself." I have done this. It's not a big deal. I am amazed that people think this is so impossible.

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Then you can probably expect a casual friend. Nothing more.

Then i guess it wasn't meant to be. If a woman won't look at him seriously because they are splitting the bill then she cares more about him paying for her than getting to know him better.

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Then i guess it wasn't meant to be. If a woman won't look at him seriously because they are splitting the bill then she cares more about him paying for her than getting to know him better.

I think online dating would be the "Perfect!" venue for you spats.

You could pre-screen all of your dates without ever having to meet them :slapface:

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I think online dating would be the "Perfect!" venue for you spats.

You could pre-screen all of your dates without ever having to meet them :slapface:

When it comes to looks i can see how that online dating could be great. Because then you can see if they have the looks that turn you on before you even talk to them and if you don't like their looks you never have to say two words to them. But i would have to go find a a killer pic of myself. And that would be tough.

And be pay more attention to the people that post full length photos of themselves. A buddy has done the online thing and a woman put a pic of just her upper half and everything seemed fine but her bottom half did not appeal him when he met her in person. People can mislead you with their pictures they put online.

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Another thread with great potential flushed right down the shitter. From now on, no one start any threads dealing with dating, sex, relationships, marriage or anything else connected to those topics. Too much good conversation gets lost in one person's pathetic whines for attention.

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If a woman believes a man should pay then i would say that it says his mom is right on the money. (no pun intended). I have known and met women who care what kind of car the guy drives,etc. I had a buddy who went through a period of time where he did not have car because of financial reasons. (I have gone through that problem too.) And his dating life went into the crapper because of it. And other friends said.."women don't want to have be picking up their date all the time and driving him around." Maybe it's an age thing i don't know.

At every age, yes, there may be some shallow women, but there are also plenty of kind and considerate women. What exactly are you suggesting anyway by "Maybe it's an age thing"?

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At every age, yes, there may be some shallow women, but there are also plenty of kind and considerate women. What exactly are you suggesting anyway by "Maybe it's an age thing"?

Well i think the older a woman is the deeper she will be. I am sure there are plenty of acceptions though.A woman in her thirties and up may not care as much about whether the dude is going to pay for her or not than a woman in her twenties or late teens. You would hope anyways. A buddy of mine says a lot of older women don't care about the "dating rules" as opposed to younger women.

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Well i think the older a woman is the deeper she will be. I am sure there are plenty of acceptions though.A woman in her thirties and up may not care as much about whether the dude is going to pay for her or not than a woman in her twenties or late teens. You would hope anyways. A buddy of mine says a lot of older woemn don't care about the "dating rules" as opposed to younger women.

HaHaHaHaHaaaa! :hysterical:

How old are you? You better start looking for a second job! :lol:

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Another thread with great potential flushed right down the shitter. From now on, no one start any threads dealing with dating, sex, relationships, marriage or anything else connected to those topics. Too much good conversation gets lost in one person's pathetic whines for attention.

hmmm... a 26 year old with balls as big as britain

people here have forgotten more than you actually know

what possessed you to join a led zeppelin forum?

get a grip kid - you are a wannabe intellectual

now i have to ignore you - no offence

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The more digits in the age the more zeros they want to see in your paycheck! :lol:

As an independent, hard working, single mom (who receives zero child support), i say that is untrue. Some women are looking for men with money. Others are looking for someone they have life in common with. I had a chance at a rich dude when i was 20 and turned it down because of a silly fight that i let the relationship end over. Point is, i never went for a guy because of money and i pay my own way most of the time. Even when it's very tough to do...like this past year has been.

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As an independent, hard working, single mom (who receives zero child support), i say that is untrue. Some women are looking for men with money. Others are looking for someone they have life in common with. I had a chance at a rich dude when i was 20 and turned it down because of a silly fight that i let the relationship end over. Point is, i never went for a guy because of money and i pay my own way most of the time. Even when it's very tough to do...like this past year has been.

I was getting a rise out of spats :D and I like your way of thinking...about this anyway B)

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Really? <_< That's scary considering how it can be with younger women.

Maybe that's true of women in the area where doc lives (and i would venture to say, maybe Southern girls feel that way more than Northern ones, which i am). None of my friends or many coworkers are looking for men just because of money. If they were, the many young, pretty girls i work with would be dating doctors.

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As an independent, hard working, single mom (who receives zero child support), i say that is untrue. Some women are looking for men with money. Others are looking for someone they have life in common with. I had a chance at a rich dude when i was 20 and turned it down because of a silly fight that i let the relationship end over. Point is, i never went for a guy because of money and i pay my own way most of the time. Even when it's very tough to do...like this past year has been.

Good for you Tangerine. Good to see women like that. :D

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Maybe that's true of women in the area where doc lives (and i would venture to say, maybe Southern girls feel that way more than Northern ones, which i am). None of my friends or many coworkers are looking for men just because of money. If they were, the many young, pretty girls i work with would be dating doctors.

That's good to know. :D You can tell pretty early what women are like up here if they have the attitude that you should be paying for them,etc.

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Maybe that's true of women in the area where doc lives (and i would venture to say, maybe Southern girls feel that way more than Northern ones, which i am). None of my friends or many coworkers are looking for men just because of money. If they were, the many young, pretty girls i work with would be dating doctors.

:rolleyes: Well send them on down :D

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hmmm... a 26 year old with balls as big as britain

Britain? Try the former Soviet Union.

people here have forgotten more than you actually know

And this matters to me because............?

what possessed you to join a led zeppelin forum?

...............because I like Led Zeppelin. I wouldn't join a cheese-loving forum if I didn't like cheese.

get a grip kid - you are a wannabe intellectual

Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.

now i have to ignore you - no offence

I'm sorry, you think I give a shit? Here's a quarter, go tell someone who cares. :)

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