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"On-Line Dating"


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My third year anniversary with my wife will be next Sept. As I have said, I met her on an online dating site and our first date was two weeks before Xmas! I showed up at the restaurant I took her out to with a guitar Xmas ornament that you can hang on the tree, a bit of a heavy one. She loved it and was very impressed that I brought a gift on the first date. Some good advice. Are you listening Spats? Woman like thoughtfull gifts. They dont have to be expensive. We are still together and happily married.

That's great! they say 1 in 8 marriages last year were the result of people that had met on line.

I have found that a lot of women are skitish about talking to men that are separated though. Seems they are reluctant to take a chance I guess? :rolleyes:

One of my co-workers is going through a divorce right now as well and has met a couple

women and one even wants him to move in with her :unsure: .

Only difference is his kids are all grown and his divorce will be completed in 6 months where as I have to wait a fuckin' year :slapface: .

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Ok, so I tried to read this thread, hoping that there would be some discussion about on-line dating in here. No! It's just another "who's-supposed-to-pay" rubbish.


Yes, there are a lot of women who date rich men because they enjoy their money. There are also a lot of men who perceive the opposite sex only as fuckable pieces of meat with no "filling". And somewhere in between all this are normal couples where both sides care about other one's whole being.


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Ok, so I tried to read this thread, hoping that there would be some discussion about on-line dating in here. No! It's just another "who's-supposed-to-pay" rubbish.


Yes, there are a lot of women who date rich men because they enjoy their money. There are also a lot of men who perceive the opposite sex only as fuckable pieces of meat with no "filling". And somewhere in between all this are normal couples where both sides care about other one's whole being.


Did she say Jesus and fuckable meat with no filling in the same paragraph?

Awwww.....love and relationships come and go, come and go, come and go. Ho ho ho. I say we all be thankful for love and relationships. Merry Xmas.

BTW what's a fuck without the filling?

Dysfucktional :D

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My third year anniversary with my wife will be next Sept. As I have said, I met her on an online dating site and our first date was two weeks before Xmas! I showed up at the restaurant I took her out to with a guitar Xmas ornament that you can hang on the tree, a bit of a heavy one. She loved it and was very impressed that I brought a gift on the first date. Some good advice. Are you listening Spats? Woman like thoughtfull gifts. They dont have to be expensive. We are still together and happily married.

Did she bring you a gift on the first date???? :blink::blink::blink: What if things had not worked outand you never became a couple??? :blink::blink:

I am not bringing any woman a gift on our first date and before i get knocked for that attitude i should point out that women rarely if EVER bring the guy a gift on their first date.

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Did she bring you a gift on the first date???? :blink::blink::blink: What if things had not worked outand you never became a couple??? :blink::blink:

I am not bringing any woman a gift on our first date and before i get knocked for that attitude i should point out that women rarely if EVER bring the guy a gift on their first date.


One blow up Online for Spats 5 million USD.

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Did she bring you a gift on the first date???? :blink::blink::blink: What if things had not worked outand you never became a couple??? :blink::blink:

I am not bringing any woman a gift on our first date and before i get knocked for that attitude i should point out that women rarely if EVER bring the guy a gift on their first date.

You may have missed my question.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Are you asking me? If so, no she didn't bring one on the first date. The first meeting was a brief encounter that we planned at Tim Hortons and had a coffee. She said she was going Xmas shopping with her sister but I still kid with her to this day and tell her "do you think I was born yesterday? I knew damn well you had another date lined up and you were going to compare me with him!" It turns out I was right and the other guy had the date with her first. After our first meeting at the coffee shop, and she knew what I looked like becuase I posted a pic of myself on my profile, and I had no clue what she looked like. I was of course impressed and we wound up with our first real date the following Friday after a bit of confusiion. I accused her wrongly of being another woman that my friends friend was seeing. The coincidences were beyond belief. same name, same color of a sports car and an email address user name that was almost the same. Strange. But it was the devil working against my being happy sometimes I think. anyway, at the first date at a restaurant called Applebees (dont know if you have any in your area) I brought her the little guitar Xmas ornament wrapped and she was very impressed. Had our dinner and went out for a couple of drinks at a nightclub rigtht across the street at a mall. We did kiss and then went our seperate ways. I would wind up seeing her every day for the next 10 days in a row. We didnt get "intimate", if you know what I mean until after a couple of weeks. So its not like we jumped into the sack on the first date. She never thought to bring me a gift. I did it mainly because Xmas was only two weeks away. It only cost me about $7. Got it at Hallmark, a chain that has very nice cards and gifts. I highly recommend it. If you converse with the woman online or on the phone for a few times before you actually hookk up and meet in the flesh, it gives you an idea whether you can actually hit it off. Of course the physical attraction is also a necessity in my opinion. If you arent turned on then there is going to be no chemistry and it just isnt going to work.

10 days in a row?? :o I don't think i ever saw any girlfriend i have ever had... 10 days in row. Other than the girl i tried living with. Seriously, i would have to think about that. With most girlfriends i dated or women i started dating there would be days i wouldn't see them.

It didn't bother you that you got her a gift and she didn't get you anything? It would have bothered the hell out of me. That' why i don't do that. I would figure that the woman isn't likely going to do that so why should i. I have never had a woman i was getting to know or in the early stages of dating ever bring me a gift. So why should i?

I say the same thing about physical attraction that you do and get knocked for it.

Glad you found someone.

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10 days in a row?? :o I don't think i ever saw any girlfriend i have ever had... 10 days in row. Other than the girl i tried living with. Seriously, i would have to think about that. With most girlfriends i dated or women i started dating there would be days i wouldn't see them.

It didn't bother you that you got her a gift and she didn't get you anything? It would have bothered the hell out of me. That' why i don't do that. I would figure that the woman isn't likely going to do that so why should i. I have never had a woman i was getting to know or in the early stages of dating ever bring me a gift. So why should i?

I say the same thing about physical attraction that you do and get knocked for it.

Glad you found someone.

Man you may as well get on the shortwave and broadcast world wide, it might improve your chances of getting a date "NOT!" :rolleyes:


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Thanks. I got lucky I guess. For every ten swings at the ball you might get one hit. It might take twenty swings or more to hit a home run. Maybe its not a good example of a comparison, baseball to dating, but you get the genera idea. You may get lucky very quickly and then again, you may have many many dates that area nightmares before finding the right person. And when do you actually know you are right for each other? Real life isnt always like "Its a Wonderful life" where its love at first site and happily ever after. Many times things are going great and all of a sudden you get sideswiped by a mack truck. You cant figure out what went wrong in the relationship and you want to blame the other person even though deep down inside you realize you have made mistakes also. Fixing things arent always easy. It is very complicated. I suppose since you have youth on your side, something I do not, Id say enjoy the thrill of the hunt if you can and can do it without getting your heart ripped out along the way.

20 swings to hit a home run? boy i can relate to this. Lousy batting average. I would never get accepted to any baseball team.

I don't "hunt" anymore. I prefer to be hunted.

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The numbers are in your favor. There are far more women available than men. Its a fact. And there are plenty that would be willing to date you during the process of your legal issues. It happens all the time. They arent going to reject you for that when many of them are in the same boat for Gods sake. If you have a few that dont go well, dont give up! Eventually you will meet the right woman! Just be patient and dont just "settle" or you will wind up with a rebound that will fail.

The margin is not that great, somewhere around 52%-%48 world wide.

The top ten largest US agender-tbl4.gif

Cities of 100,000+ pop or more with a larger ratio of women.


Cities of 100,000+ pop where you don't want to live if you're a single dude.


Edited by Dzldoc
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You may be right about the weather, but I dont know about the odds. The dating services here get you results. If I were still looking Ill bet I could have 5 dates lined up by Friday night. Now the quality of those dates is another thing. Hmmm. Those blind dates really could get the blood flowing. But after a couple of disaster dates, you would come crashing back to Earth and say to yourself "what in the hell am I doing?"

<_< Exactly! The ones that come a runnin' are those baby momma types :rolleyes: that and the the fact most of the women my age, their kids are all grown and out of the house.

I have a ten yo.

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My wife and I visited New York City in September. I could not believe how many beautiful women I saw. It was unreal. Good thing I had sunglasses. B)

Don't worry,my wife was checking out the guys. Doesn't bother me none. Who knows Yukon, maybe she was checking your ass out.:o Big Daddy :lol:

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