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Obama freezes Guantanamo Bay for 120 days


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George kept the bar real high, didn't he ?

"I strongly disagree with the assessment that our moral standing has been damaged," he said. "It may be damaged amongst some of the elite. But people still understand America stands for freedom; that America is a country that provides such great hope."

Yes, being held for half a decade without a trial or legal representation on foreign soil while being tortured surely rings of freedom.

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Im sure there are plenty in there that belong in there. That would walk into your local grocery store with a bomb strapped to themselves. Cant let shit like that happen no matter what. These animals never quit. They are out to kill us and dont care if they go down doing it.

That's not the point. The Nuremburg Trials held after WW2 were held promptly on the world's stage for everyone to see. There isn't any reason that all of these people shouldn't have been prosecuted in the same timely manner. They were specifically held in Cuba so that wouldn't have to occur. If our evidence was that good, they'd just be swinging from a rope faster.

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That's not the point. The Nuremburg Trials held after WW2 were held promptly on the world's stage for everyone to see. There isn't any reason that all of these people shouldn't have been prosecuted in the same timely manner. They were specifically held in Cuba so that wouldn't have to occur. If our evidence was that good, they'd just be swinging from a rope faster.

Hi 'Bong-Man'

The point is the war on Terror is not over yet, it may never be, and as they are all "Prisoners of War" you can hold them untill the war is over, and then try them. They might have a long wait ah?

Still we can all sleep well at night knowing these crazy bastards are all locked up, and we are all safe and well. :unsure:

Regards, Danny

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Hi 'Bong-Man'

The point is the war on Terror is not over yet, it may never be, and as they are all "Prisoners of War" you can hold them untill the war is over, and then try them. They might have a long wait ah?

Still we can all sleep well at night knowing these crazy bastards are all locked up, and we are all safe and well. :unsure:

Regards, Danny

The problem is, many Guantanamo Bay "residents" are not all prisoners of war. Some, in fact, were US citizens labeled "Combatant". That's not right.

Also, The War On Terror isn't really a war. Period. It doesn't/won't have an "end" because you can't stop a belief. You can stop a country, but you cannot stop random people from deciding to blow up buildings in Israel

Edited by wanna be drummer
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This is a good move by Obama. I think we should move these guys to upper new york so their lawyers don't have to drive that far. Also the families of the victims of 9/11 can feel the comfort of knowing the masterminds from 9/11 is getting better treatment than any other prisoner in America. Im glad Obama is stopping waterboarding. We only used it three times and got information that stop terrorist attack all three times. Why take the chance of Spain hating us for using waterboarding. We should be attack like they are on a regular basis. Its unfair of us.

I also hope he goes after the poeple who imprisoned all those Japanese Americans during WWII. Yes i know it was FDR idea, but the fact he wants a New Deal, a act by FDR that has been proven to casue the Great Depression to last longer than it should, this shouldn't stop him.

But FDR was only doing what Pres. Hoover was doing, raising taxes and paying people to dig holes and fill them in. So you can't blame the Democrat for following a bad Republican idea. Obama doing it now, after 8 years of Pres. Bush spending, Obama is just going to spend more.

Heck lets start pulling the troops out now in Iraq. Why worring about the people Iraq. We didn't worry when the hippies forced us out of Vietnam and 2 million south Vietnamese died.

Good Job prez. You spent the last 4 years bashing Pres. Bush and yet you can't even recite the oath of office better than him.

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Thank you, Mr. President.

"Taking a step back, though, it shows that the Obama administration knows what virtually the rest of the world has known for quite a long time, which is that these military commissions are unfairly constituted, and beyond that are perceived as being show trials by most of the world."

Among the remaining detainees, it should be determined who should be prosecuted and who should be released, said Sarah Mendelson, director of the human rights and security initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank.

For some, FBI agents and prosecutors will need to build cases with untainted evidence -- not information gained from torture, according to a column Mendelson co-wrote with a former FBI special agent for The Washington Post about two months ago.


Edited by eternal light
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This is a good move by Obama. I think we should move these guys to upper new york so their lawyers don't have to drive that far. Also the families of the victims of 9/11 can feel the comfort of knowing the masterminds from 9/11 is getting better treatment than any other prisoner in America. Im glad Obama is stopping waterboarding. We only used it three times and got information that stop terrorist attack all three times. Why take the chance of Spain hating us for using waterboarding. We should be attack like they are on a regular basis. Its unfair of us.

PB, almost all of the prisoners in Guantanamo have no relation to 9/11 whatsoever...

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George kept the bar real high, didn't he ? Yes, being held for half a decade without a trial or legal representation on foreign soil while being tortured surely rings of freedom.

Our enemies in the Middle East have such a fine record of treating captured American, Brits, etc. so well.

Im sure there are plenty in there that belong in there.

Agreed, however, they need to get this shit over with. They need to process these people as quickly as possible. The ones that deserve to go home should go. The rest - tag em and bag em.

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Almost? Maybe you're right.

but what is that number, Almost half went back and shot Americans including one that killed 32 Iraqis and three marines.

Just remember people, when your captures paints a arrow on the floor so you can face mecca and pray, they may not be that bad.

96% of congress does not want the prisoners in their state or district, including every democrat. So what now. If i say Im for gay rights, but don't want them to be married in my state, am i really for gay rights?

Edited by Pb Derigable
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(1.)The problem is, many Guantanamo Bay "residents" are not all prisoners of war. Some, in fact, were US citizens labeled "Combatant". That's not right.

(2.) "The War On Terror isn't really a war. Period. It doesn't/won't have an "end" because you can't stop a belief. You can stop a country,

(3.)but you cannot stop random people from deciding to blow up buildings in Israel"

Hi Mr Drummer,

Hello again, a pleasure to cross swords with you.

(1.) Wether they are POWs or not, they were in a country that the USA were fighting in, they were there to opose the USA, or if indeed on holiday then they were very sturid and up to no good. If they were not soldiers, and they were armed when caught they should have been shot as colabarators of the enemy. But the USA needed information so they were taken prisoner. And as POWs they should never have released untill the war was over, and if that war is forever then you should never release them, Period.

(2.) Sorry you are wrong there. Mr Bush, Mr Blair and Bin Laden have all called it a "War" or "Jihad" so that will do for me, a war it is, you dont have to declare a war to be at war, as we all know, most wars are now conducted that way.

(3.) If Israel had not started this conflict with the Palestinians in 1947 by taking away their lands and giving the land to European Jews, not Israelies, then maybe the Palestinians would not be reacting the way they still do 50 years later, and you are right though, there will be no end to it.

Regards, Danny

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This is a good move by Obama. I think we should move these guys to upper new york so their lawyers don't have to drive that far. Also the families of the victims of 9/11 can feel the comfort of knowing the masterminds from 9/11 is getting better treatment than any other prisoner in America. Im glad Obama is stopping waterboarding. We only used it three times and got information that stop terrorist attack all three times. Why take the chance of Spain hating us for using waterboarding. We should be attack like they are on a regular basis. Its unfair of us.

I also hope he goes after the poeple who imprisoned all those Japanese Americans during WWII. Yes i know it was FDR idea, but the fact he wants a New Deal, a act by FDR that has been proven to casue the Great Depression to last longer than it should, this shouldn't stop him.

But FDR was only doing what Pres. Hoover was doing, raising taxes and paying people to dig holes and fill them in. So you can't blame the Democrat for following a bad Republican idea. Obama doing it now, after 8 years of Pres. Bush spending, Obama is just going to spend more.

Heck lets start pulling the troops out now in Iraq. Why worring about the people Iraq. We didn't worry when the hippies forced us out of Vietnam and 2 million south Vietnamese died.

Good Job prez. You spent the last 4 years bashing Pres. Bush and yet you can't even recite the oath of office better than him.

Actually, It was the Judge who screwed the whole thing.

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You know what, I got this Gitmo thing all wrong.

I can give a shit if it stays or goes. I don't care if they torture or not. I just don't care. All I know is we haven't been attacked since 9/11, but a few big countries has. So unless something proves to be as effective as Gitmo, Ill stick what works.

Charles Kruathammer had a good quote about this.

"These terrorist in Gitmo have an end plan, is to die for the cause, and if I was president, I would extend a hand of friendship to help them achieve their end."

This whole Gitmo thing is based on the same idea of letting all the drug dealers out of jail because there are so many of them.

"More bars, more guards."

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Our enemies in the Middle East have such a fine record of treating captured American, Brits, etc. so well.

Agreed, however, they need to get this shit over with. They need to process these people as quickly as possible. The ones that deserve to go home should go. The rest - tag em and bag em.

That's why we must ask better then them, lest we fall to their level no?

Hi Mr Drummer,

Hello again, a pleasure to cross swords with you.

(1.) Wether they are POWs or not, they were in a country that the USA were fighting in, they were there to opose the USA, or if indeed on holiday then they were very sturid and up to no good. If they were not soldiers, and they were armed when caught they should have been shot as colabarators of the enemy. But the USA needed information so they were taken prisoner. And as POWs they should never have released untill the war was over, and if that war is forever then you should never release them, Period.

Some were not in Iraq nor Afghanistan. Some were American citizens, which is illegal by all accounts. Second, not everyone there was fighting against the USA. There are quite of a few prisoners that have never had any history of violence against us or their people, but were rounded up by Marines and forced into Gunatanamo. That's horrendous

And let me ask you this: If it does turn out that a prisoner there is dicovered to be 100% innocent (as is the case for some inside), then are they POWs? By the Geneva Convention standards, they are civilians and we have no right to hold them for any point of time, especially not in an 8x8 prison cell. Can a civilian be a POW? By definition, the answer is no. So that person cannot be legally held for any period of time, especially not indefinitely, so you're wrong there.

(2.) Sorry you are wrong there. Mr Bush, Mr Blair and Bin Laden have all called it a "War" or "Jihad" so that will do for me, a war it is, you dont have to declare a war to be at war, as we all know, most wars are now conducted that way.
Is a turf war in LA really a war? If the KKK or Black Panthers called for a race war to start right now (as Charles Manson wanted) can it still be considered a war? It was called a war - is that enough for you? My answer is no. We are at war with specific terrorists and insurgents, but not against all that would ill to America. There's too many to fight in that case.

(3.) If Israel had not started this conflict with the Palestinians in 1947 by taking away their lands and giving the land to European Jews, not Israelies, then maybe the Palestinians would not be reacting the way they still do 50 years later, and you are right though, there will be no end to it.

Regards, Danny

If the Middle East would just accept that Israel is there to stay and lower their guns, then everything would probably go back to the way it originally was.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Did you read the comments on that first one Liz? Unfuckingbelievable. These people are ignorant as fuck

I don't care about reader comments. I care about the actual content of the news story being presented. If there's something wrong with the factual element of what I posted, please post a correction.

Otherwise, I don't give a rip and a half what a bunch of yahoos online have to say.

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Most people who read stories like that are just going to post reactionary crap anyway. I'm beyond overjoyed that he's doing this for a couple reasons; one, he said he would. Two, if we're supposedly better than the enemy, a good start would be to act like we're better. Stooping to the same gutter tactics aren't winning us any friends. Three, it shows that Obama is serious about cleaning up Bush's mess.

So far, I can't find anything for anyone to complain about.

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