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Everything posted by Strider

  1. It's possible joeboy was just having a giggle for April Fools' Day.
  2. Freaking comical...same old Angels. It's gonna be a long season, oy vey! But that one game last night pretty much encapsulates the Angels. http://touch.latimes.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-79784268/
  3. +1 You seem like a good chap to go to a concert with...and one who understands the unspoken social contract that most people abide when attending rowdy rock shows.
  4. It's gotta be rough...like being an Angel fan. But still not as dire as being a Cubbie.
  5. Miso soup, seaweed salad, Godzilla Rolls and Pinot Grigio wine while watching the Angels Home Opener vs. Seattle tonight.
  6. Dames. That was a fun read and thanks to the Non Sequitur comic strip, I was familiar with most of the words on the list. Except for "basement" used to refer to a restroom...that was a new one to me.
  7. Have you heard the news Rick? Sabres remove interim tag and sign Nolan for three year deal. http://www.cbc.ca/m/touch/sports/nhl/story/1.2592507
  8. Thoughts? Hmmm, that maybe you've been drinking or hanging around joeboy too much? For the record, Led Zeppelin II begins with Robert Plant's cough, so the whole theory of Page not wanting Plant to be heard first is kind of null and void from the getgo. Now, one attribute of Led Zeppelin IV is that the album is a masterpiece of the art of sequencing. The whole album flows beautifully, taking the listener on a journey of many, varying peaks and valleys and emotions. If I were to suggest any sort of forethought on Jimmy Page's part about the start of Led Zeppelin IV, it would be to say that I'm sure the bizarre criticisms of "Led Zeppelin going soft" that came after the release of Led Zeppelin III might have still been on Jimmy's mind when putting together the fourth album. The final sounds on Led Zeppelin III were acoustic guitars. By beginning Led Zeppelin IV with the unmistakable sound of an electric guitar and amp sputtering to life, it might have been Jimmy's way of saying to the doubters that Led Zeppelin could still bring the Hammer of the Gods. Soft? Here's a double dose of Black Dog and Rock and Roll scorching rock for your head, you nitwits! Like I said...pure conjecture on my part. I would never claim to know the inner workings of the Wizard's mind.
  9. Perhaps joeboy is a cartoon, too?
  10. If it's any help I printed out everyone's picks. There are nine of us entered so far...Rick, Paul, Walter, zepscoda, ebk, jabe, jb126, Bong-Man, and yours truly. Good luck everyone.
  11. The calendar says March 31 but looking at the weather map, I swear it appears as if most of the U.S. north of the California-Texas-Florida belt is still in the grips of Father Winter. Snow? Still? Here's hoping you get released from winter's grasp soon and get some warm, sunny weather for a change...especially those of you going to Opening Day baseball games!
  12. If only the soundboards were better and more complete, like the 1975 ones. I tend to prefer the 1973 audience to soundboards on shows like 5.31.73 and 7.17.73.
  13. Yesterday was French Toast Friday. Brioche bread rolled in corn flakes, topped with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. Heavenly. Mmmmm.
  14. One of my favourite pieces in our current show, Peter Adamyan's "Dark Side of the S.S."
  15. Strider

    March Madness

    I wouldn't expect any less from a beautiful Hokie. Congratulations on a helluva season. Walter, 5 of the Elite 8, and 3 of the Final 4 still alive for me. Anyone besides Ashley Judd have Kentucky beating Louisville? Haha, at least with Kentucky's victory we'll be treated to more of the lovely Ms. Judd. Can Dayton shock the world and beat Florida today? Even though I have Florida in my brackets, I now kind of want Arizona to win it all...or Michigan St.
  16. ^^^ Nice to see you back, Sue. You've been missed. SAJ, I have to concur somewhat with KB's sentiments. As much as San Francisco is a photogenic city offering a wealth of iconic targets of destruction...and a sizable Japanese and Asian population...when I think Godzilla, I still think Tokyo. Oh no! There goes Tokyo! Go Go Godzilla!
  17. ^^^ 10 freaking years and the guy is 31 already. Baseball owners are so stupid...they never learn from their own mistakes. Kevin Brown...A Roid...Pujols...etc., etc.
  18. Happy Birthday henrybonzo! Let the Guinness and rock and roll flow! May you have a glorious birthday with plenty of cool presents and a healthy side order of John Henry Bonham. And remember to be thankful...for you have now lived longer than Bonzo himself. Cheers!
  19. Welcome to the Forum. Do you work in radio? Just curious...where do you rank "Achilles Last Stand"? "Dazed and Confused"? "Ten Years Gone"? "In the Light"?
  20. Why so puzzled? Ok, jb126 has her picks in. Is everybody in? Is EVERYBODY in? The ceremony is about to begin...
  21. Yes indeed. I'm dead chuffed by this news. But when will he get recognized for his contributions to biomedical research?
  22. That sounds like an excellent educated guess. Good detective work and good memory. He looks a little like Sterling Morrison.
  23. Best Zeppelin album? The one you happen to be listening to at any given moment.
  24. I liked that top, too...and the white scarf tied around the hips. But I liked the black dragon pants he broke out for the show tonight 39 years ago even better. Hope you got some cool presents, aen. Belated Happy Birthday to Sems Fir as well!
  25. Good band, although they wear their influences (Television, VU, etc.) a little too much on their sleeve. They weren't the most dynamic band in concert...Julian could spend too much time slouching on the mic stand...and their later albums are a bit uneven. But their debut "Is This It" is a cracking good rock album...one of the best debuts ever. I've grown weary of "Last Nite" but I never tire of hearing this song:
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