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Everything posted by Strider

  1. You're favourite, really? Since there's no OTHAFA in the setlist, and that was one of the high points of the concerts for me, I'm skeptical of calling any '77 show lacking OTHAFA the best. What's the sound quality like on your audience tape?
  2. Because the Redskins are barely over .500! If Tony OhNo and Dallas wasn't a complete choke artist Washington wouldn't even be in the playoffs. RGIII looked rather ordinary against the Cowboys. How Jason Garrett still has a job is a mystery. Seattle finished 11-5. Their defense is better and they are due to play well on the road. I have a friend who is a major Seahawk fan, so I'm going a little with my heart on this one, too. Oh, and Rick? Enough with the what's a tater questions...it's not that hard to figure out.
  3. I'm so tempted to change my picks...particularly having second thoughts about my Colts pick. But I'll keep 'em as they are.
  4. Exactly the question I have! For the Godfather box is the version I have.
  5. Hi Sue! Your post reminded me of something I said about the 1975 Dazed and Confused...I had to search thru the wayback machine to find it...it's an extract from a review I posted on the 3.17.75 Seattle Soundboard.
  6. I would never have guessed that about you, Jules, for you seem so personable and nice. You have that easy Aussie laidback charm that is a trademark of your country. I hope you and your long-lost friend have fun reconnecting. I'm happy about many things today. The Oregon Ducks kicking K State's ass in the Fiesta Bowl, for one. Better yet, I sent out 20 packages thru the mail for Christmas and today I had confirmation of all of the packages arrived safely to their intended destination...some were late but at least they got there.
  7. That list was good, even if it left off The Lemon Song and Carouselambra among others. Cool to see Royal Orleans get a mention. Here's some other fave Jones performances of mine: A hidden gem. Check out the bass lines he lays down in the chorus and instrumental parts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj_iWsLwF-U&feature=youtube_gdata_player One of the best Crunge/funky bits from the 75 tour:
  8. I'd love to...but until I see the video or hear a tape from the show, I'm not qualified to say anything.
  9. That's very nice, Percys_Plant...but where's the one of Clinton and the boys sharing a spliff?
  10. As Barbra Streisand would say: Hello gorgeous! LZG, I know sometimes you have bad days but I hope you realize how truly beautiful you are. Every time you look in the mirror should reaffirm to yourself that you are a good person. I know women who would kill for your skin and lips. What shade of lipstick is that, btw?
  11. Record swap meet is this weekend so I'll keep my eyes open to see if these new Landover soundboards are available.
  12. Number one: I'm not bald. Number two: Even if I was, so what? What does that have to do with sexual equality? Are you so insecure that you measure your masculinity by your hair? Number three: It's 'you're' not 'your'. Why is that so hard for some people? Frankly, I think you're overreacting. If you don't want to cut your hair or wear a tie or a suit, there are plenty of jobs available where you don't have to...ditch-digger, roofer, construction, fireman, plumber, gardener, lifeguard, drug dealer, musician. Have you been to a tech company in the last 30 years? I don't think Steve Jobs ever wore a tie at Apple. Most Silicon Valley workplaces resemble college dorms. In fact, most of the complaints I hear from women is that men don't even dress up for dates...the women get all dressed up and the guy shows up in a football jersey or ratty sweatshirt. As for people not taking 'men's equal rights' seriously, please tell me your joking. Men have had the upper hand on women since time began. Yes, there are a few laws and statutes on the books in some Western countries, but by and large, women get the shaft in most of the world...in more ways than one. Your whining reminds me of those Iron John sissy boys who were going to run off into the woods and beat their drums just because women started to assert their rights. A bunch of self-entitled crybabies boo-hoo-hooing into the forest.
  13. ^^^ I was wondering when you would get back to your Bond-a-thon, Ady. "Moonraker" is the last of the good Roger Moore-Bonds. It's a large dry spell from here to Daniel Craig's "Casino Royale". Good luck.
  14. I have to say Bong-Man, that looks beautiful.
  15. Stop whining like a little girl. UK edition: Stop whinging like a wee lass.
  16. With his frequent partner-in-crime, Sara Watkins...Part 1: Part 2:
  17. Happy birthday to Mr. John Baldwin...John Paul Jones! Multi-talented, multi-faceted. The phrase "still waters run deep" was invented for men like Jonesey. As far as I'm concerned, JPJ was MVP of the entire promotional press they all did in 2012 for "Celebration Day". His droll, deadly wit was the highlight of many a press conference or tv appearance. Here's to you, Mr. Jones. Unlike Dylan's Mr. Jones, you always know where it's at. Some of my favourite JPJ moments. Rocking the Fretless bass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6RnMCl5WZU&feature=youtube_gdata_player Getting freaky with Diamanda Galas: The monster bass with Them Crooked Vultures: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGEaMtS4KsA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  18. ^^^ So people in the East never fail to remind me, hehe.
  19. Jiminy Cricket, chill out. I wasn't calling you a Robert-hater or attacking you as such. Your post I found amusing because you call them pompous and go on about gods and it's the fans fault, blah blah blah. Then ended it with "I love them". I got whiplash from your mood swings, hence my little bi-polar joke. And before some bleeding hearts try to lecture me about bi-polarism not being a joke, my father and a few friends suffered from it so I know already. The rest of my post was not directed towards you. Once you've been here long enough, you'll learn how to spot the Robert-haters. No, disliking the bow solo does not make you a Jimmy-hater. Don't be absurd. As for the rest of your post, I don't understand the 5,000 posts remark. Is that supposed to be me...do I have 5,000? I don't keep count and I don't see that it matters. Whether I have 5,000 or 500 or 0, it isn't going to change how I post.
  20. ^^^ Well, I learn something new every day. Thanks Shep, old boy...I'd never heard of that before.
  21. There's a nice cheerful movie. Still, it's a good one, sad though it may be. Slogged my way through "Les Misérables" earlier tonight. Started dozing halfway through...was an effort to stay awake to the end. A typical Cameron Mackintosh elephantine musical that fetishizes the poor...especially poor little blonde children. "Master of the House" is the only memorable, hummable song. The other well-known song...the one that shall not be named...has long been ruined for me through overuse. Anne Hathaway makes a game attempt but in the end succumbs to histrionics. Very disappointing...especially if you love the Victor Hugo book. So...I've knocked off 6 new movies this past week and in order of preference, I rank them thus: 1. Django Unchained 2. Zero Dark Thirty 3. Silver Linings Playbook 4. The Hobbit 5. The Guilt Trip 6. Les Misérables
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