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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Cool. I don't have to buy Xmas presents. They showed the Swiss scientist on the news tonight with the atom smasher, and showed a visual of what a "god" looked like. And we Still can't cure a cold!
  2. My Russian neighbors singing in the rain..a Russian song I suppose.
  3. That f'n ROBERT again! It has to be HIS fault! No, really I think Gilmour is outstanding on his own. No need to drag up the past. *plus I did see THEM in their prime too.*
  4. This venue allows open drinking, bring your own in a cooler and/or basket, and yeah, glasses. I was amazed actually that everyone waiting in line for HOURS..(general admission) were getting plastered. When their coolers ran out of beer or wine, they'd haul ass back to the car and pick up a few more six packs or bottles. There was a small group next to where we were standing, during the show, and they were so drunk they were laying all over each other and you could smell the wine from them. The "rule" was probably made for the richer folk up in the mountains that watch the symphony play there in the summer.
  5. Clouds and rain. From inside. The 70's are great. Come to think of it, so were THE 70's.
  6. So, is Robert a homeless loser? He did win a best beard in the UK.... IMHO...either grow it and trim it or shave. The guys with the scruffy macho stubs look make me cringe. Kissing a guy like that is like kissing a metal brush. Ouch! No fun.
  7. Was the guy drunk, I wonder. Some jerk threw a wine glass at Dylan last weekend, no one did anything. There was little if any security. Shows can be dangerous these days.
  8. Very cool. I always loved Donavan back in the day. And wow, so many music related films coming out. Nice
  9. At 2:39 into Q&A #1 Jimmy grabs his crotch... *sorry, I just notice things like that * Love Jimmy's hair. edited to wonder.....Will this get a Park City Film Festival showing too????
  10. Can we rename this plain old random? Ok, well I've been "absent" due to the hurricane we had here in Deer Valley at the Dylan concert. OMG! It rained SO hard the hill turned into a river of mud. Daughter bought us some raincoats and said we should be "Rainy Day Women" I thought that was cute so we got some window paint and painted # 12 & 35 on our raincoats. She was 12. We had them on while we were all lined up. Dylan came in one of three busses. We sat in the rain wondering if they would cancel, nope, they came on and started with " Rainy Day Woman # 12 & 35 . It SUCKED!! He never once left the keyboards and the songs all favs were barely recognizable . The drummer was amazing, but Dylan sucked. I was so disappointed. Then, we decided to leave early and JUST as we were leaving another storm cloud opened up to buckets and rivers and I fell and fucked up my back and shoulder. Right in the glorious mud. Everyone was leaving and falling. We then hydroplaned at least four times on the way home. Soooo...I've been on muscle relaxers and am going in for an "adjustment." The best part of the show was watching his boots.
  11. Hotplant


    Thank Gawd everyone is ok. It's been one heck of a season. Luckily no cat 5's ...yet. Wonder how Rorer and ZD are doing. (hope y'all held on to yer hat's and had no damage)
  12. Congratulations Sam!!!! Now....when do we get to see your pic?
  13. Awww that is so sweet! And she looks fabulous!! That island Es Verda, has a very interesting history, magnetic force. Heehee, Robert is getting his batteries recharged. I got along with my ex great after we were divorced. We still did stuff with the kids, and he knew my boyfriend/s. I'm happy for her.
  14. Hotplant


    Just have a sec here, but had to check on you all in the path. Oh, and sorry Aqua, and beat-bo, You just slipped my mind. We have a bunch of ledheads down there and Houston too, so please, please, get out of the path you guys. I would never leave my pets either, they are family. On those buses they were allowing pets. Texas I-10 is clogged. I hope they hurry up and open the whole highway to get everyone out. I'm heading to our mountains for a thunderous Dylan concert. BE Careful!!!!!!
  15. Like...a...the photographers couldn't MOVE..hahahaha!!!! Robert needs his R&R. , looks like with a hot lil redhead, eh???
  16. OBAMA/BIDEN !!! We can not afford FOUR more years. I'd rather have four more of Bush than insane McCain. At least Bush tells jokes that are actually funny. And he knows how to walk. McCain looks like a lost dog every time he appears anywhere. We can't put our country in jeopardy either by having a pres kick the bucket and having this newbie at the helm. No Way, No How, No McCain!!!!!!!
  17. McCain/insane. He's blown. Hahahahahahaha..................... Can I say..OLD.douchebag... Hurray for Obama/Biden!!!!!!! Few will be focused on the RC because of Gustav...and OMG....What A Talking Point!!!!! cue: Instant Karma.....
  18. The Wizards 21st Century Led Page and his band.
  19. Hotplant


    My thoughts and prayers go out to our friends in Louisiana. Dlzdoc, Alwizard, RO, and others, be safe. It is mind blowing, on the three year anniversary of Katrina. From what I've seen, people are not taking chances today, getting out of dodge. Now we will see if the Army Engineers "improvement" on the levee's will hold. This is scary/spooky.
  20. Hotplant


    Dang, that thing sure holds up well!
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