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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Me 2 Medhb...lol!!!


  2. Cool! Hells yeah I'd let that man pick me up!!!! I had a '66 Ford Custom Cab I miss so much. I love trucks!
  3. Beautiful pics all! RD, your little man is adorable! Inga! WoWz!!! Al, nice family!
  4. Cool thread. Robert is not a collector I take it. Last I heard he still has an old Audi and a Benz??
  5. ^ That first one is incredibly sexy, never seen that one!
  6. Yup, and we're here to remind him.
  7. Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing..for whatever reason.. Luiza! Wow!
  8. Way to go Zeppy!! Nice to know he's a good ol country boy out and about in HIS neck of the woods. Lucky!! mmmm, yeah what a cherry!
  9. Various Positions by Ira B. Nadel: A life of Leonard Cohen ~ good read.
  10. Radical dude rad!!!! Hey if it feels good DO IT! Or wear it...
  11. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    I agree about Hermit. WTF did he do!?! Is there some kind of favoritism going on here.... ....directed in the wrong ways!! If it is polictical, I say lets wipe out a few radical right wing mofos...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Current pet peeve: teenage douchebags who think they are soooo smart.
  12. Scary stuff huh? I had to leave just as the news story broke on CNN. I was worried for all our Cali friends here on the board and people I know there. Buckle up kids....it could be a bumpy night! I was at a Dr. appointment and my docs hubby called her and asked if her mom was ok. She was all calm like and just said," oh, a 5.4, I'm sure she's fine." She grew up there and was in the big one in Frisco. I just thought it was kind of funny...the California attitude on earthquakes. But, seriously I pray the big one does not happen. EL...you crack me up.
  13. LAKEY making a spats thread!!!!!!!!! SINCERE cheers m'lady!!!
  14. Well, The RP has spoken, and I suppose SS is just a fond memory now. Glad I saw them. Just roll with the flow now. I just hope Alison isn't corrupting Robert with Baptist bible thumping.
  15. Thanks! The Wailers would have been cool. Yeah, I know, sadly it has changed. I left just two years ago. They were turning it into a NYC trust fund babies Disney world. The cool old buildings turned into 500,000 dollar "condos" . WineHaus has great beers for sale huh? I miss my old pharmacist, at Asheville ** SPAM ** downtown, they are a lovely couple! I took a pic of them before I left. They were always so nice to the customers. I still have pics of before they shut and redid a lot of the buildings. I'll try to find some of those to post in random pics.
  16. I was actually wondering this one day myself, for zodiac reasons.... So, I guess the band is a LEO!! sweet.
  17. No kidding! ps: Makeup IS part of the "act." DUH!
  18. GLAD you got to see dear lovely Robert!!!



  19. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Love the black & whites, chell.
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