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The Only Way To Fly

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Everything posted by The Only Way To Fly

  1. It's a shame there's to be no more live material released - some of those gigs in 77 are out of this world! I'm hoping Presence really delivers but fear it will be much like the other releases - i.e. a track without vocals, a working title, and an alt mix or two - sigh...
  2. Boston 1970 - Sounds like a killer show - just finished Thank You (wow!) - whats the best release of this show?
  3. WLL from LA Sept 4, 1970. Neighbor just came by to say it was too loud. GREAT day here in Chicago!
  4. Its funny - classic rock radio (at least here in Chicago) is dominated by AC/DC; Zeppelin, Stones, etc but you never really hear UFO & that's a shame because they freaking rock! Lights Out - Lights Out Chicago.....!
  5. Sloppy v Neat - whatever - From track one, side one of The Song Remains The Same to the closing with Whole Lotta Love - It's like a freight train that just keeps moving & I like it sloppy and all! If people call Jimmy sloppy, how do they refer to Keith or Ronnie on the Stones forum?
  6. Crazy! JP, California, 1967, Peter & Mickey - how things would change several years later!
  7. Ya but that was really cool. I wish I heard other artist cover this song - i know there's a few but none come close to this! Nicely done
  8. https://www.leica-fotopark.com/de/images/list Hope this works - can't seem to figure out how to post photo's...
  9. Any Creed fans here? Looks like Scott's fallen on some hard times. https://www.yahoo.com/music/s/creed-frontman-says-broke-living-holiday-inn-200402659.html
  10. There's no way this things gonna sell for that much (good luck if it does). But I'm seeing the seller being able to make a second chance offer.
  11. The last few months of 1980 were really bad - Bon Scott died early in the year (February) but losing Bonzo in September and then Lennon in December must have been a crushing blow. Does anyone know if Lennon ever made any comments (private or public) about Bonzo & his passing?
  12. Uncle George - He saw them first at 13, in 1973 at the Chicago Stadium and then again in 77 at the Jimmy get's ill show. Sadly he passed in 1990. Miss him dearly.
  13. I've never heard about the Veggie Tales story - but I think its fantastic!
  14. Albert Goldman may be the author your thinking of. He'd written books on Lennon & Elvis. He's name checked in I believe God Part II from U2's rattle and hum. "Don't believe in Goldman, his type like a curse, Instant Karma's gonna get him if I don't get him first" - or something similar..... I seem to remember Goldman taking a lot of heat for writing unflattering or untrue stories about Lennon & Elvis hence the Bono lyric.... The following is taken from Wiki.... "Goldman died of heart failure on March 28, 1994 while flying from Miami to London. He left unfinished a biography of Doors singer Jim Morrison".
  15. I do love this gig - This is the evening show right? The one where Plant comments on Hendrix's passing before That's The Way I think.
  16. I'd love to see what Bonzo shot on his Super 8MM! I think PG's holding one too! Come on Jason & Warren - Upload that stuff!
  17. Being from Chicago I'd like to think its a sound check from the Chicago Stadium - I know there's much debate about where & when its from. : )
  18. Whatever it is, where ever its from I really like it. Its a peak in the box & you can just hear how much fun they are having. Imagine how many times they've done this over their 12 year career. I'm thankful for the tapes we have. & hope there are more gems like this included in the box sets.
  19. April 6, 1968 - Chicago - I was 9 when Zeppelin had their run at The Chicago Stadium - My uncle was at the show where Page got sick. I'll be 46 Sunday!
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