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The Only Way To Fly

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Everything posted by The Only Way To Fly

  1. Destroyer was the first bootleg I bought - I received Blue Berry Hill as a gift first, then once I found out where to get these records (Rolling Stones Records on Irving Park in Chicago) I proceeded to spend just about every penny I made at my $2.90 per hour washing dishes at Ponderosa Restaurant there. I've been hooked ever since!
  2. My son said something pretty cool the other day - He said, kind of in passing conversation... that the key to happiness was/is sad memories. I thought 1) that's pretty insightful for a 13 year old & 2) upon us all a little rain must fall. Have a GREAT 2014 everybody & thanks for the support!!
  3. My lady friend of the past 5 years moved out this past weekend ....& just like that its over..... Looking forward to hearing about a possible new job shortly so thats something. Peace
  4. I got turned on to these guys a few years ago & really like them. I think they were just on Austin City Limits last month.
  5. I liked BOC & they were in my wheel house when I was in Jr. High 1980 - 1982. Don't fear the reaper, Godzilla, but the one track that I think of when some one mentions BOC is Joan Crawford has risen from the grave! I think I got that & UFO's Live LP on cassette for my birthday in the early 1980's...
  6. Who ever took the $ - it took a set of balls that's for sure. To go & steal from PG & co would be VERY risky. Look at what they did to that guy in Oakland 1977. I mean they are VERY lucky that guy that guy didn't die. He was beat to what an inch of his life as they say...
  7. Very few things about the 1980's were good - The Scorpions were one of them!
  8. I'm a sucker for the entire touring year of 1970!
  9. ^^ That is just awesome! Led Zeppelin in 1970 - The Only Way To Fly!
  10. I've always thought of The Who as getting their start as a pop band - My Generation, I can see for miles, Substitute, Can't Explain - compared to LZ I & II with tracks like Dazed & Confused, How Many More Times, Whole Lotta Love, Moby Dick, & Ramble On... Zeppelin were heavier while The Who (PT) after initial pop success began crafting dark/taboo conceptual pieces i.e. mini operas & full blown operas such as A Quick One While He's Away & Quadrophenia & Tommy. I'll call it a tie as I believe The Who had used Showco as well & were equally LOUD - Moon drove a Lincoln into the hotel pool, & Bonzo dropped TV's out of hotel room windows & drove motorcycles down the hallways of the Riot House - I think he also threw George Harrison into the pool at the after show birthday party held in his honor! One question that came to mind as I wrote this was - who would be best a trashing a hotel room? The Who or Zeppelin?
  11. Baker just played here in Chicago last night - Anybody go to the gig or see the Doc Beware Mr. Baker?
  12. That is very cool indeed - wonder where Mr. Reid & the guitar are today.
  13. I think its quite obvious that the only Gods Jim Morrison worshiped were alcohol & the blues
  14. ^^ I remember that Plantation from the Destroyer set I first got in like 1985.... You could tell Bonzo & RP were real mates the way he spoke of/about him before Moby Dick or Over The Top. Still miss you Bonzo : (
  15. I love shots like this - the stage looks to be no more than three feet off the ground - and so small..... if only someone up close had a super 8MM!
  16. OTHAFA - Bonzo's Birthday Party (via You Tube). Never heard this entire gig - Sounds like the band is having a great time.
  17. The Replacements just came into rotation on my iTunes library - & that's one of the good things to come from the 1980's - Not sure if there are a lot of Joy Division fan's here but we also lost Ian Curits in 1980 (& Bon Scott)... Wonder what their thoughts on a band like JD were.... at least its TGIF!
  18. Looking back the Fall/Winter of 1980 was pretty rough..... I was in 8th grade (Chicago suburbs) at the time & school had just started. I remember hearing about his passing the next day at school. Being only in 8th grade I did not know much about Led Zeppelin - but that all changed after the 25th of September that year. How sad that only a few months later we'd lose John Lennon too. I'd be interested in hearing from folks from that generation. With the loss of Bonzo & Lennon.... what were your thoughts - did you think the whole world had gone to hell, did you hold on to any hope for the future of music in the 1980's?? Thanks! RIP Bonzo bless you
  19. Anybody dig the new LP by The National - Trouble Will Find Me. I'm digging it more & more....
  20. how do i upload an image? its asking me for "image properties" and a url??? any suggs??? thanks!
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