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Do's and Dont's


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Too many to list here, that's for sure. However a brief smattering of them would be:


-talk with your mouth full

-chew with your mouth open

-put your elbows on the table

-wear clothes that don't fit/shoes you can't walk in

-discuss politics and/or religion at the dinner table

-clink your fork on your teeth

-be drunk in public; there is nothing more unattractive than a sloppy, loud drunk


-wipe your feet when you come in from outside

-open doors for the elderly, women with small children or people whose arms are loaded with bags/packages

-eat soup with the spoon sideways rather than forward-facing to keep the soup from landing on your clothes

-keep saltine and ginger ale in your pantry in case you get a stomach ache

-always carry Advil/Tylenol in your purse (ladies only) along with other feminine products

-write thank you cards to people who send you flowers or gifts

Edited by Electrophile
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- ...allow yourself a lie-in when you deserve it.

- ...eat whatever the hell you want within reason.

- ...use correct grammar.


- ...preach to others

- ...allow petty anxieties to get the better of you.

Edited by Little Miss
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Pick nice words, that way if you have to eat them they taste good.

Help someone who looks down

Smile a lot, you never know who will see it and appreciete it

Appreciete the each day for it holds it's own little gifts and treasures


Say things about others you couldn't say to their face

Do something to someone you wouldn't want done to yourself

Take anyone for granted

Chew with your mouth open, that noise is so unpleasant

Degrade anyone, it's called karma and it will get to you

forget your turn signal!

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One of my fondest memories is when I caught a certain woman who was always on my case for eating with my elbows on the table with her elbows on the table. Oh yes, I did. I POINTED at her and cired in victory, HA HA!!!!

What the stuck up british bitch did not realize, that that my habit was formed from my using my arms as a shield to not have to watch someone who was a war victim eat which was hard to handle. However, we had some fine burping contests, my dad and I.

It didnèt matter how many times, things were explained to her... it was her way, or no way..... You had to be polite at the table while you played Roast the Preacher after going to church. You sit there politely in church and rip the guys face off after sitting at the table stuffing your face, playing religious person.

Sometimes that thing they call etiquette completely lacks sensibility

And that is the type of person you point your finger at when you catch them and you always do it in jest.

Rank and respect are not the same thing though. You can act superior in a situation while still being respectful. And sometimes you just need to be a shit disturber

Well, I certainly hope you don't think she was a bitch because of nationality...

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That's two people upset about elbows on the table so-far. That one puzzles me. Can't see the problem in it myself - guess it depends on what 'manners' your folks focused on. I can't think of any of my family or social circle who obey this rule, yet we're all well-manered., polite and well-educated folk. Maybe its cultural.

Oh and Ness - as for your "stuck up British Bitch " comment - the ONLY folk I have ever personally met who have made a deal about the elbows-on-the-table thing have been American. Nationality don't mean a THING in this instance and its a pity you had to make it so.

Edited by Knebby
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That's two people upset about elbows on the table so-far. That one puzzles me. Can't see the problem in it myself - guess it depends on what 'manners' your folks focused on. I can't think of any of my family or social circle who obey this rule, yet we're all well-manered., polite and well-educated folk. Maybe its cultural.

Oh and Ness - as for your "stuck up British Bitch " comment - the ONLY folk I have ever personally met who have made a deal about the elbows-on-the-table thing have been American. Nationality don't mean a THING in this instance and its a pity you had to make it so.

I don't know why, but I was always told by my mum not to wait at a table with your elbows resting on it. I admit it's a rather obscure one, but it's one I was raised with.

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Some of these silly little trivial Do's and Dont's are clung to SO adamantly by those who dismiss such more pertinent issues as Presidential Protocol I can't help but be overwhelmed by the stench of hypocrisy.

What a laughfest. :lol:

Of course it's all over the board. One only has to read.

Don't forget to extend the pinky when sipping tea!! :lol:

You're beginning to sound strangely familiar. :shifty:

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