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The Killers Want To Knock Led Zep Off Their Pedistool


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"It doesn’t matter how many great songs we write or how many great shows we play. But we’re slowly chipping away at it. With this last album ['Day And Age'], there’s been a noticeable shift but we’re still nowhere near where we are in Europe."

Yes Flowers.......it does metter how many great songs you write! And if you want to knock anybody off a pedestal, or even off a pebble, you better start chipping away at a faster pace. I haven't heard too much of the Killers stuff, but what I have heard did not impress me at all. I do like the name though.

Edited by Dancin'Days
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I agree with everything he said. It wasnt a dig at Zeppelin. It wasnt some macho brag about the Killers ebing on a par with Zeppelin. It wasnt some arrogant declaration of the Killers being the best bad out there. He was simply voicing his frustrations about people sticking their heads in the sand and not listening to any new music. Granted, most of it is garbage but then, thats always been the case. I always think of the 70's a s a golden age but take a look at the top 40 (singles and albums) from any random week in the 70's and you'll see plenty of crud in there.

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Every era/generation or even race usually has a type of music that they are in to. It's like, some people are in to country and some in to rock and so on. But it all comes down to taste and the quality of the music. Why would they think that all the young people (that should be their fans) are not because they can't accept new music? Hey Flowers have a bite of reality....you must suck.

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Every era/generation or even race usually has a type of music that they are in to. It's like, some people are in to country and some in to rock and so on. But it all comes down to taste and the quality of the music. Why would they think that all the young people (that should be their fans) are not because they can't accept new music? Hey Flowers have a bite of reality....you must suck.

Exactly, there are plenty of people open to new music. I don't think that blaming music fans is an intelligent thing to do.

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The great difference between The Killers and Led Zeppelin is easily explained.

When Zep reformed for one gig 20.000 people came.

Might the Killers ever break up and reform for a one off gig they can play in a phone booth together with all their fans.

The Killers are a massively popular band and great live.

And what's a "pedistool"? :blink:

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The Killers are a massively popular band and great live.

And what's a "pedistool"? :blink:

Massively popular, hmm, how many massively popular bands have come and gone and yet remain forgotten in the mists of time.

Would anyone care about the reunion of the massively popular band A-ha, or the equally massively popular New Kids on the block, not to forget the legendary Milli Vanilli and of course the multi talented.....etc etc

It takes more than massive popularity to become a legend.


Oh, and THIS is a pedistool,



Edited by reswati
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Massively popular, hmm, how many massively popular bands have come and gone and yet remain forgotten in the mists of time.

Would anyone care about the reunion of the massively popular band A-ha, or the equally massively popular New Kids on the block, not to forget the legendary Milli Vanilli and of course the multi talented.....etc etc

It takes more than massive popularity to become a legend.


Oh, and THIS is a pedistool,



And it takes more than NOT being Led Zeppelin to NOT become a legend. You and I don't know what will happen with The Killers, yet you seem to already be sure.

FWIW I've had two fantastic nights at their shows (and two not-so-good) - they're a brilliant band - but not in the same league as Zeppelin for me at this stage.

But then again, I agree with what everyone else says about Flower's intent. I read the article in the mag on wednesday and though I found some of the sweeping generalisations depressing ( as always), I got his point. We all know lines are picked out of interviews ( and context) and bigged up for all sorts of journalistic reasons anyway.

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Yeah, those dumbass Americans don't know shit. I'm American and I know one thing for sure, I don't like the Killers, and it has nothing to do with Led Zeppelin or Nirvana.

In fact, I like them even less after reading his crybaby bullshit. My instincts never fail me.

Edited by snapper
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He has a point, but doesnt seem to get it.

Since discovering Zeppelin I've discovered what really good music is, especially live. And since then I've collected more music that I had in all years before, Ive discovered so much good music and I know there is so much more out there. Though much of this music is modern bands, most of it is from the same era as Zeppelin. So many people, myself included like and prefer the way music sounded from that era, especially the guitar. When and why music changed during the 80's, I dont know. But if someone made music similar sounding to what I ike from back then I would notice it right away. And if I made music today it would most sound like that. So why more bands are not doing that, I dont know.

And on that note I recommend the Allman Brothers (who are amazing live today with Derek Trucks and Warren Haynes on dual leads) and Gov't Mule.

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He's not sayin' that they're better or greater, or comparing themselves with Jimmy Page as a person, or Led Zeppelin as Gods, or whatever they are. He just said what he said and it was wrong, or it was taken wrong. And now it's all this...

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I totally get what the guy is saying and in a way, he's right. Honestly though, it sounds like he's used to the Killers getting their asses kissed in the U.K. and is pissed that they don't get the same treatment in the USA. Too bad ego boy.

I like the Killers but they are nothing special IMO. <_<

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Well, I just got done watching 3 of their videos on YouTube....

You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!!

"Human" is just some non-distinct rehashed 80's pop tune. "Mr Brightside" sounds like the American band We Are the Fury except WATF has a better vocalist. "Read My Mind" - more 80's pop hash.

Sorry, but if you want to make it big (not even Zeppelin big) you have to be unique. You need songs with a melody or tone that captures the listener. You need to produce songs that are timeless.

The Killers have none of that in my opinion......

Granted, just judging them from three videos might not be fair, but if these are their BIG hits, what does that say for the rest of their songs? As it stands, I wouldn't pay to see these guys in a bar......

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Well, I just got done watching 3 of their videos on YouTube....

You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!!

"Human" is just some non-distinct rehashed 80's pop tune. "Mr Brightside" sounds like the American band We Are the Fury except WATF has a better vocalist. "Read My Mind" - more 80's pop hash.

Sorry, but if you want to make it big (not even Zeppelin big) you have to be unique. You need songs with a melody or tone that captures the listener. You need to produce songs that are timeless.

The Killers have none of that in my opinion......

Granted, just judging them from three videos might not be fair, but if these are their BIG hits, what does that say for the rest of their songs? As it stands, I wouldn't pay to see these guys in a bar......

No shit! I think Oasis (I like 2 of their songs) is a much better band than the Killers and despite the Gallagher bros. having the biggest drunken mouths in the business,

they never said anything as stupid as this.

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Thank goodness more than a few of us seem to get the point of the article. I guess the rest are too caught up in their Zeppelin fandom to actually get it.

When and why music changed during the 80's, I dont know.

Would you like for music to never change, grow or progress? If it hadn't grown since it's beginnings we'd all still be listening to a caveman pound on a rock. I know a lot of folks here would prefer to be stuck in the 70s and have all music still sound like that but not I. Am I a fan of music from that time period? Most certainly but I also love music from the present day. I'm not just a fan of rock n' roll but I'm also into country, folk, bluegrsss, ska, zydeco, reggae, etc.

But if someone made music similar sounding to what I ike from back then I would notice it right away. And if I made music today it would most sound like that. So why more bands are not doing that, I dont know.

Thank goodness they don't. Like I've said, it's a little thing called growth and progression.

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I agree with you Jahfin that music should evolve, music is emotion and one can't have the same emotion forever.

This is for instance a new band without a big ego problem, even though that David Bowie more or less discovered them.


This Flowers guy is actually known for his big mouth:

(Quotes from Wikipedia)

"Brandon Flowers said that Sam's Town would be "one of the best albums of the past twenty years"

"Since going platinum, the band (and principally Flowers) have incited a few rivalries—most notably with The Bravery and Fall Out Boy, who are both labelmates (Island Records). Flowers has said that these bands, especially The Bravery, are riding on the coattails of the success of The Killers. Additionally, in an article of NME, Flowers claimed Fall Out Boy was hogging the A&R man both bands share, setting off Fall Out Boy's bassist Pete Wentz. However, after Wentz made a couple of rants on his blog in September 2005, he offered a virtual cease-fire. Flowers has since apologized to The Bravery, Fall Out Boy, and Panic at the Disco, saying "I'd like to take it all back - these people are just doing what they want to do, just like I am," and said that he was "not proud of" his actions"

If your music is good enough IMO then you don't need to kick anyone of any pedestal, you get one yourself once you have earned it.

Until the Killers have reached that point they are nothing more than

Only the Village People made their gay image look a bit cooler.

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It also mentions Nirvana. What in the hell does Led Zeppelin have in common with Nirvana and the Killers? They may as well not even be on the same planet.

Did you read the article or any of the posts in this thread prior to replying? If not, it might help if you did that. Then of course, some people that did read the article apparently still don't get it.

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I think the problem is, most kids today just want someting to SOUND good. Yeh everybody else likes that as well but the thing is, there arnt any guitar/drum/bass solos now, or signature thing (page-violin box bonham-hands etc).

There was more talent back then, and i think muscisions are, sort of afraid to do what musicions done back then.


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Maybe we are just too stupid to read an article that states an artists unhappiness with the situation he is in.

I can imagine his feelings, I can totally understand his vibe of mind but still his remarks remind me too much of that punk guy's remarks about throwing up at Zeppelin album covers way back in the seventies.

There are many bands/acts who have sold more albums ( Metallica, Iron Maiden, Abba, Britney Spears.....and lots more) that don't whine bout them not beeing well received and going to be the next big thing.

More or less at least this band has now gotten our attention, I guess that was all they wanted, and sorry.....even though I own about 1200 vinyl records and the same amount of CD's, I still think their music is quite lame, cliche, overproduced and soon to be forgotten.

We can conclude this discussion in 10 years, just see how well they fare in beeing top of the world entertainers.

I wish them nothing but luck and a bit more talent.

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Maybe we are just too stupid to read an article that states an artists unhappiness with the situation he is in.

I can imagine his feelings, I can totally understand his vibe of mind but still his remarks remind me too much of that punk guy's remarks about throwing up at Zeppelin album covers way back in the seventies.

There are many bands/acts who have sold more albums ( Metallica, Iron Maiden, Abba, Britney Spears.....and lots more) that don't whine bout them not beeing well received and going to be the next big thing.

More or less at least this band has now gotten our attention, I guess that was all they wanted, and sorry.....even though I own about 1200 vinyl records and the same amount of CD's, I still think their music is quite lame, cliche, overproduced and soon to be forgotten.

We can conclude this discussion in 10 years, just see how well they fare in beeing top of the world entertainers.

I wish them nothing but luck and a bit more talent.

"I gotta be a macho". You must be a dumb American. God bless ya'.

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Ledzep45 is right; there aren't too many groups who are willing to take musical chances and create anything new these days; if they weren't so narrow minded, if they weren't so caught up with this narcissistic attitude of "look at me everybody" maybe we would see better and more interesting bands out there. Not bad for a 13 year old!

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