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Cosmetic surgery thread: Who's had it, who wants it


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I had sex with about 300 women in my life, without needing another face than just mine.

If you want to project your insecurity on me, go ahead....you might possibly also need brain surgery too.

Aging is a natural thing, nothing to be frightened of.

300??? :o:o

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Maybe that will change and one day I won't give a fuck, but that will be a sad day for sure.

That will be the day when you change your name to SOBER08,

a sad day for the alcohol industry indeed.

ah Spats...also here...

Have fun with this guy, this is what Stephen King would call Ka,

welcome to the Ka-Tet.

Edited by reswati
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If i could afford it i would have it. I would like to get my nose fixed. I broke it when i was a teenager and i don't like it the way it is. I would get my smiled fixed as well. And if it were possible i would get a more all american boy look. Women seem to love that look. from what i see out and about anyways. There were these guys that had that look at harbourfront last year and they had women all over them and going up to them. They had blond floppy hair and were tanned, They were attracting women like flies.

I have dark hair and darker features.Sort of a keanu Reeves type look minus the good looks.

Edited by spats
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That will be the day when you change your name to SOBER08,

a sad day for the alcohol industry indeed.

That was extremely witty. You should be a writer for The Tonight Show. :rolleyes:

I guess my dismissal of your overexaggerated and absurd sexual conquest claim was a little too blunt for you.

By the way, I am sober.

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If i could afford it i would have it. I would like to get my nose fixed. I broke it when i was a teenager and i don't like it the way it is. I would get my smiled fixed as well. And if it were possible i would get a more all american boy look. Women seem to love that look. from what i see out and about anyways. There were these guys that had that look at harbourfront last year and they had women all over them and going up to them. They had blond floppy hair and were tanned, They were attracting women like flies.

I have dark hair and darker features.Sort of a keanu Reeves type look minus the good looks.

See look. Here's a guy that is showing some honesty. What a relief.

The denied stigma influence on the others' opposition to cosmetic surgery is so blatant, yet will never be admitted. So easy to see through, yet even when confronted, honesty is avoided at all costs. Hopefully this changes some day.

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That was extremely witty. You should be a writer for The Tonight Show. :rolleyes:

Thanks I feel flattered

I guess my dismissal of your overexaggerated and absurd sexual conquest claim was a little too blunt for you.

Oh no, no offense....I am already used to your bluntness, that's your psyche. As long as you aren't James Blunt you're okay with me....but if you want surgery to look like him, go ahead. Please call me when you get a sex change, I might come visit you haha.

By the way, I am sober.

Have a drink on me!

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I wouldn't have plastic surgery because I'm fine with the way I look. I'm not the prettiest person in the world, but I'm surely not unattractive. To me, plastic surgery is more for impressing everyone else than it is for "you", if you know what I mean. That's why I dislike it, because I figure if you don't like me for me, than to hell with you. You know?

Now, if I had some sort of disfigurement, I might possibly consider it. Like, say if I got into an accident and lost my nose or something. Then yeah, I would want it so that I could fit into society and people wouldn't look at me like I was a freak.

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To me, plastic surgery is more for impressing everyone else than it is for "you", if you know what I mean.

That's why I dislike it, because I figure if you don't like me for me, than to hell with you. You know?

Do you think people get cosmetic surgery to impress other people or do you think they do it because it makes themselves feel more youthful, which results in a new energy that improves all areas of their life?

What about the woman who has children and now her stomach is buldging out, and no exercise or diet can help. She looks fat, she has sagging skin, stretch marks etc. Maybe she wants to feel good about herself. Do you think she would get a tummy tuck to impress others?

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I don't understand why you started the topic obviously interested in people's opinions, but if they don't match to yours, you challenge them and tell them they aren't being open minded. What's the point of discussing it then? I think it's great Reswati is happy with who he is and how he looks and that he knows humans age and there's nothing to be ashamed of. But even if he felt differently and wanted plastic surgery, so what? It's his body, his choice.

Because that's what DRUNK did, and still does. :rolleyes:

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Do you think people get cosmetic surgery to impress other people or do you think they do it because it makes themselves feel more youthful, which results in a new energy that improves all areas of their life?

What about the woman who has children and now her stomach is buldging out, and no exercise or diet can help. She looks fat, she has sagging skin, stretch marks etc. Maybe she wants to feel good about herself. Do you think she would get a tummy tuck to impress others?

No, she should get a new face, and artificial virginity as well, especially when she's sixty-seven years old.

I love 67 year old Britneys!

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I'm not trying to convince anyone that having cosmetic surgery is a sign of wisdom. I think that you thinking that is a sign of stupidity.

DRUNK, apparently you've never spoken to Kat. That or you have decided to conveniently forget anything you know about her.

Over the years, Kat's proven to many people, especially me, that she is far from stupid.


However, once again, plastic surgery is NOT for me, but I don't care what others do to their own bodies. As long as they don't end up looking like Joan Rivers or Phyllis Diller, who gives a shit? (and it they DO end up looking totally plastic, it's a sad story that I may giggle about)

I've said several times that someday, I would like to have it, but I don't think I ever will. I'd love to have a breast reduction after I decide whether I am going to have kids. It's not something I would go into frivolously, and I doubt I'd ever do it.

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I'm not trying to convince anyone that having cosmetic surgery is a sign of wisdom. I think that you thinking that is a sign of stupidity.

Whatever. :rolleyes:

I have a problem with people making permanent declarations about something when they are in no sort of situation to give such declarations. In this case, a young person with no signs of aging cannot possibly within any reason make the sort of declaration I have criticized. It is just completely silly.

And I say that you are in no position to judge whether they are or not. And you're in no position to criticize it either. A young person with no signs of aging still can be dissatisfied with his or her looks, and vice versa. This is not really about not having the problem yet, but rather about being able to cope with it.

It's not silly, nor dishonest, nor a sign of the person being ignorant. Your constant attacks on the people who disagree with you are completely uncalled-for. It looks like you started the thread just to stir shit, as you obviously expected or were even looking forward to such reactions.

How will you know that you won't care about your appearance in the future? It's impossible to tell what you'll be feeling in the future.

Simply because I don't care about it now. I like myself now, with all my imperfections, and I doubt that I will lose self-respect in future.

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I don't understand why you started the topic obviously interested in people's opinions, but if they don't match to yours, you challenge them and tell them they aren't being open minded.

I missed this.

The initial questions in this thread were "who's had it or who wants it". I wasn't asking how "people feel about it". The answer to those question were the only thing required. My opinion wasn't included. This wasn't supposed to be a discussion about people's personal beliefs regarding plastic surgery. However, once people decided to introduce their opinions, then the discussion allowed me introduce my opinion.

As far as openmindedness goes, I think if you carefully read what was written, you'd have to agree with what I said.

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I missed this.

The initial questions in this thread were "who's had it or who wants it". I wasn't asking how "people feel about it". The answer to those question were the only thing required. My opinion wasn't included. This wasn't supposed to be a discussion about people's personal beliefs regarding plastic surgery. However, once people decided to introduce their opinions, then the discussion allowed me introduce my opinion.

As far as openmindedness goes, I think if you carefully read what was written, you'd have to agree with what I said.

Really? Reswati answered your question and then you...oh well, do what thou wilt.

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DRUNK, apparently you've never spoken to Kat. That or you have decided to conveniently forget anything you know about her.

Over the years, Kat's proven to many people, especially me, that she is far from stupid.


I don't think she is stupid, however I think the sentence I called stupid is stupid, and I only said it in response to her calling me stupid over something that wasn't true.


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If i could afford it i would have it. I would like to get my nose fixed. I broke it when i was a teenager and i don't like it the way it is. I would get my smiled fixed as well. And if it were possible i would get a more all american boy look. Women seem to love that look. from what i see out and about anyways. There were these guys that had that look at harbourfront last year and they had women all over them and going up to them. They had blond floppy hair and were tanned, They were attracting women like flies.

I have dark hair and darker features.Sort of a keanu Reeves type look minus the good looks.

I think that Keanu Reeves is gorgeous! And Jimmy Page isn´t blonde either and millions of women wanted him!

I think that it isn´t about tanned face and blonde hair, it is all about personality, charme and charisma! :)

And I must say- those harbourfront photomodels don´t do it to me at all- I find them stupid, they are for women without phantasy...

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I think that poeple are using the skill of plastic surgery to their advantage. You do not need plastic surgery unless you medically need it.

They want to look prettier, they want to look more attractive towards men, they want to look like the hottest celebrity.

I PERSONALLY think that poeple who don't medically need the surgery go through it to cope with their vanity.

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I think that poeple are using the skill of plastic surgery to their advantage. You do not need plastic surgery unless you medically need it.

They want to look prettier, they want to look more attractive towards men, they want to look like the hottest celebrity.

I PERSONALLY think that poeple who don't medically need the surgery go through it to cope with their vanity.

Yes, you are right!

I think that it is useful when you have your face damaged after a car crash or so... the sad thing is, that we are not able to age with nonchalance. This is also because in TV they tell us every day that you must be young, beautiful, rich, sucessful, perfect- and we sometimes have the feeling that when we don´t fit into this image, we can right go and shoot ourselves down!

This is what makes me sad and pissed off!

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God, DRUNK08 isn't any different from any previous DRUNK, is he? Totally incapable of recognizing the difference between a discussion and a fight.

And guess what? I HAVE had cosmetic surgery!! On my face!! I was even on TV discussing it!!

I preferred to call it reconstructive surgery, following brain surgery which left large dents (described by one person as "divots") in my face, and I still not only didn't look any better but looked marginally worse than before I had the original surgery. But better than with large holes in my face. So OK, I guess you can say it was vanity, but it's not like I came out of it looking like a supermodel. One of my eyebrows still doesn't work, for instance. I did it because I wanted to put the whole medical trauma behind me and get back to being as normal as possible, and I don't care what anybody thinks about that.

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I missed this.

The initial questions in this thread were "who's had it or who wants it". I wasn't asking how "people feel about it". The answer to those question were the only thing required. My opinion wasn't included. This wasn't supposed to be a discussion about people's personal beliefs regarding plastic surgery. However, once people decided to introduce their opinions, then the discussion allowed me introduce my opinion.

As far as openmindedness goes, I think if you carefully read what was written, you'd have to agree with what I said.

Well I don't see the harm in people expressing their feelings on the topic to explain why they would or wouldn't have plastic surgery. I have read carefully what you've written and I still don't agree with you. You are argumentative and insistent on people not having a differing opinion. That's not my way of discussing things, nor do I feel the need for everyone to agree with me.

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^I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with that, Aqua. I would think that most people WOULD have plastic surgery in those circumstances.

I used to work with a guy who got into a HUGE car wreck. A semi jackknifed in front of his car on the Interstate, and the trailer took the roof of his car off. He was in ICU for about two months. He ended up having plastic surgery because the windshield shattered in his face and he had big scars all over his face. He also didn't end up looking "better" than before, but I honestly couldn't see a difference from the before and after.

I also know a kid who I grew up with who was in a giant natural gas explosion. There was a capped gas line that blew up that was under his house. He was in ICU for about a month because of the severity of his burns. He had plastic surgery many different times, and now he looks like he was never burned to the point where his skin was falling off.

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Aquamarine, obviously I am not talking about your case. You clearly needed cosmetic surgery because of the results of a serious medical problem.

But, most people who have cosmetic procedures have to come with excuses to tell others. A lot of people try to use real medical problems as an excuse, when those problems don't actually exist. I don't think there is anything wrong with that either because it is a very sensitive topic and is really nobody else's business.

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Aquamarine, obviously I am not talking about your case. You clearly needed cosmetic surgery because of the results of a serious medical problem.

But, most people who have cosmetic procedures have to come with excuses to tell others. A lot of people try to use real medical problems as an excuse, when those problems don't actually exist. I don't think there is anything wrong with that either because it is a very sensitive topic and is really nobody else's business.

If it's no ones business, then why did you make a thread for people to discuss it in? And I really don't understand your post. People use real medical problems that don't exist?

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